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he Tép Fourier Series HEGRE INTRODUCTION In many engineering problems, especially in the study of periodic phenomenae* in conduction of heat, clectro-dynamics and acoustics, it is necessary to express a function in a series of sines and cosines. Most of the single-valued functions which occur in applied mathematics can be expressed in the form. + Jagt +a, cos +a, cos 2x +b, sinx + by sin Qe + within a desired range of values of the variable. Such a series is known as the Fourier series*. (EGQEH Eu ter’s FORMULAE The Fourier series for the function fix) in the interval « a, cosne+ 5) by sin me mt m= where Fe) con ns de A) 4 rr” f(x)sin nx de ‘These values of @,a,,, are known as Euler's formulae™*. *Periodic functions. If at equal intervals of abscisea x, the value of each ordinate (x) repeats itself, ie.,/ (x) = f(x +a), for all x, then y = f (2) is called a periodic function having period «, eg. sin x, cos x are periodic functions having a period 2x. +t To write a,/2 instead of ay is a conventional device to be able to get more symmetric formulae for the coefficients. {$ Named after the French mathematician and physicist Jacques Fourier (1768-1830) who was first to use Fourier series in his memorable work ‘Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur’ in which he developed the theory of heat, conduction. These series had a deep influence in the further development of mathematics and mathematical physics. +See footnote p. 205. 395 Hie Ene MATES ‘To establish these formulae, the following definite integrals will be required : (n#0) (n#0) m kf coumsenonnde 20 _y ptt 21% toctm sme corinne 1| sin(m+ndx , sin(m ~n)x [**?* fae men oro man) eo) se ste. state ; sintm=nbe_sin fn iment | vie x_sin 2nx ['*7* * a [0% wat nde] zm neo) Proof. Let f (x) be represented in the interval (cr, « + 2x) by the Fourier serie: f= 2 Y a, cosne+ 3 6, sin nx. = m= To find the coefficients a,, a,, b,, we assume that the series (i) can be integrated term by term from x = 0: a+ 2n. To find ay, integrate both sides of (i) from x = « to x = «+ 2n. Then [rea 1a (are rf (5, a; con) de + c* (s 8, cin vs} de (a+ 2n-a)+0+0=ayn [By integrals (1) and (2) above] 2 1 pete tL roa. To find a,,, multiply each side of (i) by cos nx and integrate from x = tox =« + 2x. Then LO pevcosnede= day [5 cosne acs (* (= «, ns] cos nx de Hence oom ( +f (5,6 nm] ened at =0+n, +0 [By integrals (1), (3), (4), (5) and (6)] 4 pete Hence a, if (2) cos nx dx- To find b,,, multiply each side of (i) by sin nx and integrate from x = oto x = a + 2x, Then a+ x c Pla) sin nx de = Lay cc sin na d+ [* (= o, en sn nde oe (5 & sn anne i nad =0+0+4nb, [By integrals (2), (5), (6), (7) and (8)] _ peste Hence b= f f(x) sin nx dz. Cor. 1, Making « = 0, the interval becomes 0 sin 3x +...}}. £1 (Lamers Lomas dom ar .) (Laine sZsinas + Snax] Solution. Let x-. 22S a, cos n+ 6, sin nx i cost sift aj? _ x ‘Then woe hf aed Sa worl, (x= x") cos nx det Finally, [U, @- 2) sin nad a-20{ 22) .ca()] =-2%n nw # a by = 2/1, by =— 2, by = 2/8, b, = - WA ete. Subetituting the values ofa's and Bain (), wo gt Note. In the above example, we have used the results sinnt'=0 and cos nx =(—1/ * Apply the general rule of integration by parts which states that if u, v be two functions of x and dashes denote differentia- tions and suffixes integrations w.r.t x, then for ot steyewtgeatienrys In other words : Integral of the product of two functions = Ist function x integral of 2nd ~ go on differentiating 1st, integrating 2nd signs alternately +ve and ~ve. “sin x cos nx dx = tf" (2 cos nx sin x) dx x 1p ‘ Bq J, x sin m+ Dx — sin (n— Del de ae (na? (n-1? 1 |, [eosin + 1)x |, cos (n~ 1) x sin(n+1)x | sin (n= 1) x = fe {Ee , oes} soeets 0 1 cos 2(n +1) mr , cos2(n-1) x) 2 a A [ef-seeepes cezecnal piney When n= 1,a,= 2 [* rein xeos x dx= Lf xsin 2x dx Ses*)4 2+ - ape ape Finally,d,= 2 eosin x [cos (n — Ix — cos (n + Dixldx -{mece ee sin (n+1) 41 cos (n— Dx , cos (n+ 1)2| " nel wma? leet Dr _cos2int+ De 1 Ot): ae a a” Sincecga ahaa “aft (Ee ‘Substituting the values of a’s and b's, in (i), we get xsinx=—1+msinz—4 cosx+ 2 con2r + 2 cos de +... 2 2 s-1 Solution. Wehave ftx)= (cos) = y2sin x2 Let fa)= geFacnn$e sinnx nf) 2 ‘Then ae} mma l con = = 1G sinS cosmeade= 2 [2 cos ne sin sae Eta} 2 of 28+2), Qs 2 v2 a Uy cos (2n + 1) = cos (2n ~1)n=- 1) n(4n? 1) [sin sinnede=¥2 [sin nesin v2de Feel [load Qn-1) 2 sin( 222)" 2 Ine 2 Fi, : ie 5 fea in @n— e051 tn n+ Dea ixaae = HS a Gears | 1, Obtain -a Fourier series to represent ¢* ftom x =—m to x =. Hence derive series for wsink 2 Bre bat 2 FAD) CA SEB, Cache (P.T.V., 2009 ; Bhopal, 2008 ; B.P-T.V., 2006) : 2 ; Hence show that @) So os <5 (Anna, 2009 ; PLL, £009 ; Osmania, 2009) ub oe ak wi dirt ! OD moe i) a ge (S.V.1U., 2008) S11 ; : ye ‘ OD ae | Bhopat, 2008), ; vimee St oe i, 2002 ! a pe ~( 2 Yin the ange Ow dn, show hat) = wee (Delhi, 2002’; Madras, 2000) 2 1 yy 4 Praha san cece obs = when SS 6. f4)ax42° for =x Sqpap’ When nis even. (n#1) Hence (ne) (i) Solution.Let Ff (t)= FD svemars D dyainnt a2 n . a,= {fc (Heosmtat + J (0 costa + J", cco nt ae} - oD er Hioven Enoneerina MarHewaTics Z ote, Br Hence substituting the values of a’s and 6's in (i), we get f(t) = 2(rin t—sin 24 sin ate Ga maeeres 1. Find the Fourier series to represent the function f(x) given by Fe) x for 0 b, sin” where! = 9/2. li) Then (2-6) cos 2nx - 2]=-—25 Saat ) cos: le bat f (ax - #)sin de = 2p? (2x - 24) sin 2d 2)= 608 Qn xx/3 sin 2nre8 |» cos 2nnx/ = 2h ear- fa = ap Si Sil, 71 te Soe ale See pen tem ec =| 2 3 2{- Sas os Bax - 27 o08 Bn — . < Substituting the values of ap, a,, 6, in (i), we get 3 cos nn + 5° 6, sin nme . el fas-aef = o(B)eafe-n-(2-B]} == a= ff recon nme + [° n(2~ x) cos nrc: Then y= ff mde f' xta-x0dx=r] se sr-(sFl-l nT n(- sy «(Se fy) (SES) pacsr-n = O when n is even ;~ 4 when nis odd, 1 2 b= J) mxsin nne de + J x2 - x) sin nme ds m= Ny h CSCS Il cos nite m2 — 0 Hence: f@= >D ® sin oi) ly 2¢=2-(-2)so thatc = 2) [ia- odes fF oat} = HpSfs +e {| {E tC wf, asnoetan 1-0 conta} Untegrate by parts] { iii ou?) 2 -co(om*t) [| Ties ou Hower Enon Manvewanics 1f_4_ jan = 3) Ap sin 2 |-| A ire t)-( Substituting the values of a’s and 6's in (i), we get PROBLEMS 10.4 1., Obtain the Fourier series for /(x) = nx in0- cosxis—ve when w2 b, sin nal ’ a 2 (° ee) sin 2 2 f° peosin de where Cosine series. If it be required to express f (x) as a cosine series in 0 Ze c0 on 2 2 where a= 3 ff fiadde= [xde=2 PR ae and 2 roveos ME ae= [x eo 2x gi nme, 4 04, nx ~ ay Fa sin A + cos ae DU ‘Thus a, =~ 8/n*, a, = 0, a, = — 8/3°n", a, 8/5*n? ete. Hence the desired Fourier series for f (x) over the half-range (0, 2) is, 8 [ cosme/2 | cos 3nx/2 | cos Sxx/2 Flo oF Important Obs. Iémust be clearly understood that we expand a function in 0 @, cos fx Deediice the sum of the series “ (Rohtak, 2006 ; UP.T.U., 2003) mm 2 ua nee nme «= 3{f dex cos de ff MU x) cos BE } 12 sinnxx/1 xxi flee nll )- 1 om att vale ose, [Gah fol FoF) Solution. Let f(x) represent an odd function in (~ 1, 1) so that (x)= )” dy sin nex a where b= 2 peosin nme ae 1 v2[-=)amae fed ome =2|-(1-x emai ee Fal-( (2) 1 an 1 sin nn/2 1 1 nn _sinnn/2 -2| dosed we ]e2[-agewme— heat mae | = Dy ayy 4 sin nel = pgl-cul a2 ‘Thus Hence 1, Show that & constant ¢ ¢an be expanded in an infinite series “© {sins x BB abe } fo therange 0-5 iG ‘cos ee +6, sin =) aif): Multiplying both sides of (1) by f (x) and integrating term by term from — J to ! {which is justified as the series (1) is uniformly convergent ~p. 389], we get } 2) fades Y fof, Flayeos "ax +b, f' fa) sin : ate [ver a=% Now [! fla)dx=loy, L F(x) cos PP ax=ta, and f F(2) sin de = Ib, by (A) ofp. 405 (2) takes the form ff [fei dx = + > (a “| (3) which is the desired Parseval's formula. (Mumbai, 2005 S) ‘Named after the French mathematician Mare Antoine Parseval (1755-1836). on tarre)= + (25 e002 +b, 2) in (0,20, then g Wear? dx=t |e ya | oA) a Cor. 2. If the half-range cosine series is (0, l) for fix) is =% > ane fe) $1 X onem( 7 . AB) (6) (2) Root mean square (rms) value. The root mean square value of the function f (x) over an interval (a, b) is defined as A) ‘The use of root mean square value of a periodic function is frequently made in the theory of mechanical vibrations and in electric circuit theory. The r.m.s. value is also known as the effective value of the function. Solution. Let y= $d a, cos n+ &, sinnx a We have ag=2 J (10%, = 0 forall n (See problem 2, p. 400) If y be the r.m.s. value of y in (— x, x), then or 5 [SF | [By (3) and (7) §10.9] a ee : 4(2) +td eee = t Also by definition, ot-2[ ra Equating the two values of (7), we get Ziayt 4 nt ae (FOURIER SEIGES ANiO HamMonic AnaLrsis fo eee 1. Hyung the bine seria for fa) #1 in Om chow that Hom 3 Sm z 1 At( game Sm 4 2. Prove that in 0 { “(a mt cyt Yo {een +e, emmy AQ) a where = days 6y =a, ~ ib, ey = Ha, + ib,) 1ff nee nme Now aff, roorttansf foxy sin } wl, mye 1 Hinmit a aii jer a f, a nnx_,jRRX) 4, 1 nnsit and ©. Af nolo ae isin [ree dx Combining these, we have c, = 35 af, Pere" de where n=0, 41,4 2, £3, .....+ 8) ‘Then the series (2) can be compactly written as : fe= >) geet which is the complex form of Fourier series and its coefficients are given by (3). ‘Obs. The complex form of a Fourier series is especially useful in problems on electrical cireuits having impressed periodic voltage. Solution. Wehave f(x)= > ¢, e”* toe gimme ge 1! teins gortee ff ven srhece: a Lerma =3 Le te=2|

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