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iN Tép Fourier Transforms INTRODUCTION In the previous chapter, the reader has already been acquainted with the use of Laplace transforms in the solution of ordinary differential equations. In this chapter, the well-known Fourier transforms will be introduced and their properties will be studied which will be used in the solution of partial differential equations. The choice of a particular transform to be employed for the solution of an equation depends on the boundary conditions of the problem and the ease with which the transform can be inverted. A Fourier transform when applied to a partial differential equation reduces the number of its independent variables by one. The theory of integral transforms afford mathematical devices through which solutions of numerous boundary value problems of engineering can be obtained e.g., conduction of heat, transverse vibrations of a string, transverse oscillations of an elastic beam, free and forced vibrations of a membrane, transmission lines ete. Some of these applications will be illustrated in the last section. DEFINITION The integral transform of a function fix) denoted by I(f(x), is defined by F=f PK G,2dx where K(s, x) is called the kernel of the transform and is a known function of s and x. The function f(x) is called the inverse transform of Fs). ‘Three simple examples of a kernel are as follows : (@ When K(s, x) = €-®, it leads to the Laplace transform of f(x), i.e., Fis)= [fade ax. (Chap. 21) (ii) When K(s, x) = e*, we have the Fourier transform of f(x), i.e., Fo= [fires ds. 766 (TROUT A ia (iii) When K(s, x) = gives the Mellin transform of fix) i.e., Mi)= ff fa-* de. Other special transforms arise when the kernel is a sine or a cosine function or a Bessel's function. These lead to Fourier sine or cosine transforms and the Hankel transform respectively. In order to introduce the Fourier transforms, we shall first derive the Fourier integral theorem. (1) FOURIER INTEGRAL THEOREM Consider a function f (x) which satisfies the Dirichlet’s conditions (Art. 10.3) in every interval (—c, ¢) so that, we have = 245 8, ain re=% Does = +b, sin =) wD) u 2 nt = at where age ff ata =2 f° fl0re0s™% dando, = f° fc sin ™ a, Substituting the values of ay, a, and b, gs ieieilee sin ro= df fared ZS. Feb cos EE=® ap 2) Itweassume that [~ | /(x)| de converges, the first term on the right side of (2) approaches 0 as ¢ +, since i 1 | [foaled Firorae ‘The second term on the right side of (2) tends to lt =H J £0 06 dt =D eS flt)cos nBh (¢ — x) dt, on writing we = 3% ‘This is of the form wD Find), ie, [° FO) aR ‘Thus as e+, (2) becomes fix)= 2 [ [fury eos nie 2) ded (3) which is known as the Fourier integral rot fis). (2) Fourier sine and cosine integrals. Expanding cos A (¢ — x), (3) may be written as - LP anax [7 fesi Fe)= 1 [> cos [7 flereos ie de dh 2 [sin dx J” PCO sin ede dr snl) Iff (x) is an odd function, f(¢) cos 4 is also an odd function while f(t) sin 2¢ is even. Then the first term on. the right side of (4) vanishes and, we get 16) = 2 [> sin ax f> sin at ae ar (5) x which is known as the Fourier sine integral. Similarly, iff (x) is an even function, (4) takes the form 2 fa)= & fp cmhe Jf F(@)c0s ie de da. which is known as the Fourier cosine integral. (6) (3) Complex form of Fourier integrals. Equation (3) can be written as ror= 2 fr J fe cos Me - aed because cos A(t ~ x) is an even function of 2. Also since sin (¢ —x) is an odd function of 4, we have = 2 Mrwsinne aan Now multiply (8) by é and add it to (7), so that aire - fd= Sf [nee anan which is the complex form of the Fourier integral. (4) Fourier integral representation of a function me fection ny mere ari ina = dif TAQ) cos Ax + BO) sin Rx] dd, where AG) = [7 floeos te de; BOA) =f" flo)sin de de If f (x) is an odd function, then rex) * [> Bap sindx da where BO) =2 [> fain ie de IF f(x) is an even function, then foy=2 Jf Aovveos ix di. where AQ) = 2 [> FC cos Mt dt 0) (8) (9) (10) [By (5) (1) (By (6)} Solution. The Fourier sine integral for /(x) = = [> sin (x) da Jf (sin On) ae = 2 fPsinaanda JF sin On) de (Sanna, =2¢ sin oan an] =" 20 1- sont) is forOSx1 Putting x = 0, we get [Atta Solution. Fif (x)! = [foes dx = F(s), say gy y i one es = [2@e* are [ase des ore a= |a-2) 2-92 on Solution. (a) Fle®#)= [7 et de = [ewe ite = fletenret ete ay a Ht En MA = fle ne pti [let a=8 et! dela (Putting a(x — is/2a*) = ¢, dx = dtla [: [Letae= va] a @ “ance: Fee?) ot eet @ ‘Taking a? = 1/2, we have p21 VR tn #2 - = Vine Renae Pr ie., Fourier transform of ¢“*/? is a constant times e*'/2 Also the functions ¢“*"/* and e*/? are the same. Hence it follows that ™**'*is self-reciprocal under the Fourier transform. (®) Since ¢°2** = ¢"2*"/2 = f(2x) where f(x) = &*/? hy change of scale property, F/(20] = 3 F/2) ie, Fe) = Fle“®"!2] = Ome t*/2" 12 = amet /8 By shifting property F f(x ~ 3) =e F(3) 2 Fte%* |= et Sine? = nee oa) Also by modulation theorem, FIf (2) cos 2x] = PUR + 0) + Asad) Fle cos 3x) = 5 VBrie F497"), Solution. We have F.(e")= er cos sx dx = I (say) Differentiating under the integral sign w.r.t. s, *xe™ sin ex de =} [" (gin gxX-2xe* fx dem [fein sxX-2ee* ide {[sin exe [-s [Feoser.e* as Solution. x being positive in the interval (0, «),e~!*! =e~ * « Fourier sine transform of f (x) = €-I*! is given by Ff = i ftx)sin sxde= [* e* sin sx de aa 8 sp criner-vomen| at ‘Using Inversion formula for Fourier sine transforms, we get a i “te fo)=2 |" Rywsinseds or e ssin ms 1+s? ® i xsin mx 0 1+ m? or changing x tom, enn2 ty xsin mx see eat Solution. Fourier cosine transform of f (x) i.e., F[f(x)] = fF floneos sede ff xeosex de f° (2x) cos sede + fs e sin sr _(_y) — cos ex € eh =) = s Solution. Let f (x) = e"/x, then its Fourier sine transform te PYG = f° fesinsxde= cS sin sx dx = Fls), say Differentiating both sides w.r.t. s, we get d = a ro= fr ; moe [—# Integrating w.r.t. s, we obtain F(s) = tz oz But Mie) =0, whens =0; % 60. Hence Fis) tan=! (s/a). Solution. Fifcol= I= dx=I, say oi) a _ponxsinse po isin sx yy a ash ae? * Os . --f {+ x*)-Isin se xe) dl__m, (> _sinse suldii) or ake ds 2° 4 xa+a?) G28 a © x1+x?) 2 or a =1=0 or (D*-1)l=0, where D -¢ Its solution is Tae tee" “ dllds = eye" —ee"* we) ei dx on and (iv) give ey +e, = ff as Also when s = 0, (iii) and (v) give c, W2, Solving these, c, = 0,c, = 1/2. ‘Thus from (i) and (iv), we have F_[f (x)] = I = (r/2)e"* xsin sx sent are -Z, Now PFieo= fy TNS from (ii) = (W2\e", Hanmer “enna rear cen 895) a Solution, We know that Fx") = I x! sin sx dx oli) and Foes fe cos sx dx Mii) . Roe) ike) = [eos set isin sex de (Where isx =~) : me tae Let (-2) fr ote dt r= = Tn = (eos® sisin® » — (con® «isin B® z “etsint} Tin/s' = (cos p tisin t=) mila Equating real and imaginary parts, we get Solution. (a) 4 IAs) -2 {fre cos xd} = [Presi selde — [fe F@) sin sxde =— Fe FO) li) Lin) -Z {resin sas} = Jf fee (2 08 seid = fj te Plat cos aude = F Lx fled} fii) () We have Blew) = [Fe sin ex de = Fy |-asin sx ~ 8 608 iit) ers and “5 |-aeessx+ssin sf eebiv) Now ae een bby @ d{_a_)__% " ~-alsteke +87 a Fae-*) = Leo Iby Gi) (a? +8?)-8(28)__a?-s® Bi | a we Iby (itt) Solution. We have f(x) = inverse finite Fourier sine transform of F,(n) 5 Solution. Wehave — [ f(@)c0s a8 d0 = F(a) (1-a,0sast rian Pott By the inversion formula, we have 100) = 2 [> dam? f(a) 08 a8 de Untegrating by parts} Now Adi) + Refer to Chapter 26. a L Bl 10. Hoven Enaneenna Marienancs .: From (i) and (ii), we have 2 po 1-c0s@ 1-a,0sast 2 ecm aa ae fh ees Now letting « — 0, we get 27 1nos@ gn (V.7.U., 2008) ™ oe = 2sin® 0/2 gg — = = f Senet (Put 0/2 = t, so that d@ = 2d¢) 2 : sin? t : sre ees Sere) 5 for |x] i apres the function) = {060 "1S aa Fourier ining Henco evaluate [~ Seno is dp, (Kottayam, 2005) |, Find the Fourier integral representation for 124, for x|s1 i, or x<0/0>0 r= (Mumbai, 2008) Gi f(x) = nr eee i » 10") et toe x804<0 Using the Fourier integral representation, show that a f @ fae ae e* (x20) (U.P.2.U,, 2008) res 3 rine, 0505 ‘iy FS W08 x0 ie y idea 12 iit Bae ae =F when Osx <1) Sie f eat Bind the Fourier transforms of fe) cued (W.B.T.U,, 2006 » Madras, 2008 ;P.7:U, 2008) Heence evaluate, [7 (Mumbai, 2009), opbya fRlzla Find the Fourier trdustor ot) 2/1214 © STlAISa (WU, 2007) 0 for |x| >a sine teost yy Hence deauco that f° Sint gy Anna, 2009) Given Fey") = Ue-*"I4, find the Fourier transform of we" Geer : we fosx<2 Find the Pourier sine and conigetransomms of) = {0953 z a =e x28 J ; a xtinkx 9. Bing 5 Using the Fourier sine tanisform ofe---(a >0),show that [AROS dex Bee Uh 0), Honce obtain the Fourier sine transform of sa? +3). Rohtak, 2006: Madras, 2003 8) Find the Fourier cosine transform of «=. J (Anno, 2009) = cos he Hence evaluate [9° as, a (WLU, 2003 5) I the Fourier sine transform of f (x) is e-*ls, find (x). Hence obtain the ihyerse Fourier sine frarisform of Y/s, (Bturbai, 2009)

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