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Our Country Bangladesh

Our country is Bangladesh, officially The People’s Republic of Bangladesh

(গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাাংলাদেশ).
Our nationality is Bangladeshi. Ethnically we’re almost Bengali.
We were liberated on 26th March 1971 from Pakistan and victored on 16th
December 1971.
Our capital is Dhaka, it’s the largest city in our country.
The national and official language of Bangladesh is Bengali, yet English is widely
spoken and used.
Our area is 147570 Sq. km and population are 166.5 million in 2019.
Our currency is Taka (BDT)
National Anthem of Bangladesh is the first ten lines of the song “Amar Sonar
Bangla” written by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
National Flag of Bangladesh (বাাংলাদেদশর জাতীয় পতাকা) is a deep green rectangle
with a deep red circle into it.

Kabadi / Ha-du-du is recognized as the national sport in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi is in South Asia of the Asian continent.

Bangladesh has 405 rivers, constituting a waterway of a total length of around 1500
miles with rivers and tributaries. Major rivers in Bangladesh are Padma, Meghna,
Jamuna, and Brahmaputra. The Brahmaputra is the longest river and the Padma is
the swiftest river and Meghna is the widest river.
Bangladesh lies in the biggest river delta of the world - the Ganges Delta system.
Himalaya Mountain is to the north and the Bay of Bengal is to the south of the
Bangladesh has the largest mangrove forest The Sunderban and the longest
unbroken sea beach Cox’s Bazar Beach.
Saka Haphong is unofficially but most authentically the highest mountain peak of
Bangladesh though Keokradong is officially still the highest mountain peak.
The Royal Bengal Tiger (বাঘ) is the national animal of Bangladesh.
The Mango Tree (আম গাছ) is the national tree of Bangladesh.

The Jackfruit (কাঠাল) is the national fruit of Bangladesh.

The Water lily / Shapla (শালুক বা শাপলা) is the national flower of

The Magpie Robin/ Doyel or Doel (দোদয়ল) is the national bird of Bangladesh.
The Ilish or Hilsha (ইললশ) is the national fish of Bangladesh.

National monuments and memorials of Bangladesh are,

The Shaheed Minar (শহীদ মিনার),

The National Martyrs’ Memorial (জাতীয় স্মৃমতস ৌধ),

The Martyred Intellectuals Memorial (বুদ্ধিজীবী স্মৃমতস ৌধ) and

Swadhinata Stambha (Bengali: স্বাধীনতা স্তম্ভ) or Independence Monuent

The national emblem of Bangladesh (বাাংলাসদসশর জাতীয় প্রতীক)

The Government Seal of Bangladesh (বাাংলাসদশ রকার ীলসিাহর)

Other national and official symbols

Title Symbol and notes

গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাাংলাদেশ Gônôprôjatôntri Bangladesh

Official name
People's Republic of Bangladesh

The state religion is Islam (90% of the population are

muslim majority),[32] but with the equal status and
State religion
equal right in the practice of the Hindu, Buddhist,
Christian and other religions.[33]
শশখ মুজজবুর রহমান (বঙ্গবন্ধু)
Father of the
Shekh Mujibur Rôhman (BônggôBôndhu, "Friend of

কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম

National poet
Kazi Nôzrul Islam

National বাাংলা
language Bangla

National বঙ্গমাতা
personification Bangamata

National বঙ্গাব্দ
calendar Bônggabdô

National game
Kabadi (Ha-Du-Du)

ভাওযাল জাতীয উেযান

National park
Bhawal National Park

National বাযতু ল মুকাররম

mosque Baitul Mukarrôm

National ঢাদকশ্বরী জাতীয মজির

temple Dhakeshôri Temple

National বাাংলাদেশ জাতীয যােুঘর

museum National Museum of Bangladesh

National বাাংলাদেশ জাতীয গ্রন্থাগার

library National Library of Bangladesh

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