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Page Recommendations v2.

1 Guidelines
Last updated Decembe r 2, 202 0

Task Overview
In this task, we will ask you to compare two web pages side by side. The left page will be the clicked
page, which we assume the user to have visited, and the right page will be a recommended page. Your
task is to determine if a user would be interested in visiting the second web page given they visited the
clicked page and additional search context.

Search Context

Each hit will provide a search query the user issued that led them to clicking on the clicked page. The
search query will help inform you on the likely intent of the user, which can in turn inform you on how
useful the recommended page may be to the user. Keep in mind the query should not become the focus
of the hit and the goal is not to determine whether the recommended page is useful for the query
alone. Consider the query and the clicked page together as clues to what the user may be interested in
recommended pages.

If you are not sure how to interpret the query and/or content of the clicked page, feel free to do side
searches or use other resources to get an idea before making your final judgment.


Each hit will also have a location of the user when they issued the search query and clicked on the
clicked page. This can be helpful since some search intents are only useful in certain locations, and as a
result, some recommendations are as well. Not all user intents involve location, so use your best
judgment to determine if a hypothetical user would be interested in the recommended page, or if the
location would make it useless.

Judging Guidelines
Not Useful
Recommended pages can be considered Not Useful if they fall into one of the following areas:

Situation Positive Example Negative Example

Unrelated to the A recommended page about the best For a query like {franklin county
clicked page waterparks in the state and a clicked auditor} where the clicked page is the
page about the income taxes are homepage for the Franklin Country
completely unrelated. auditor and the recommended page
is the homepage for the Franklin
County recorder would be considered
Somewhat Useful – Focus Mismatch.
While the auditor isn’t directly in the
office of the auditor, these two pages
are still related at a topical level
enough to be useful.
Has content that is A query like {apply for A query like {us embassy jobs} from
heavily dependent unemployment} with a location of the location of Washington D.C., USA
on location, and the Miami, Florida and a clicked page with the clicked page being a
location that is being the government website for government page for embassy jobs in
completely different submitting unemployment Thailand and a recommended page
from the one given applications for Florida could have for embassy jobs in Uganda does not
by the search context multiple outcomes. If the have location issues and is highly
recommended page is an article relevant. U.S. embassies are mostly
about step by step instructions on in other countries so someone
applying for unemployment in looking for a job in one is likely
Alabama, it has a location mismatch. looking for one in another country.
However, if the article is specific to
Florida, or applying on some national
level, it does not.
Please check the box that says
Location mismatch for any hit that
has this issue.
Is the same as the The two pages have the same URL, or The two pages have very similar
clicked page with very minor differences in the products but not exactly the same. A
URL. A recommendation with recommendation with
-Dimmable-Equivalent-Google- Choice-2-in-x-4-in-x-14-ft-Fir-Lumber-
Assistant/dp/B088G2B48D/ref=sr_1_ Common-1-5-in-x-3-5-in-x-14-ft-
17?m=ATXPNO3SPGCJ4 Actual/4082900 as the clicked URL
as the clicked URL and as the and Choice-2-in-x-4-in-x-16-ft-Fir-Lumber-
-Dimmable-Equivalent-Google- Common-1-5-in-x-3-5-in-x-16-ft-
Assistant/dp/B088G2B48D as the Actual/4082902 as the
recommended URL would be recommended URL are not
considered duplicates, even with duplicates, as these are different
some differences in the URL. items and may have different
purposes, although they look very
If the recommended page falls into one of these categories, please mark it as Not Useful.

Somewhat Useful - Repetitive

Recommended pages can be considered to be Somewhat Useful – Repetitive if they fall into one or
more of the following areas:

Situation Positive Example Negative Example

Has a high For the query {Benadryl side effects} A query {sugar cookies recipe} where
intent/content where the clicked page is a the clicked page is a recipe for baking
overlap with the page listing the side sugar cookies one way and the
clicked page effects, and the recommended page recommended page is a different
is a WebMD article listing the side recipe for baking sugar cookies would
effects, those may be marked be considered Highly Useful. Even
Somewhat Useful - Repetitive though the recipes may contain some
because the content will be very similar steps and ingredients, this is
similar between the two pages. It is true for almost all recipes. It is likely
unlikely someone would be this user is looking to explore
interested in reading both unless the different recipes before picking one,
recommended page contained some and the differences may be
other supplemental information. significant. See the last row in this
section for further explanation.
If the recommended page falls into one of these categories, please mark it as Somewhat Useful -

Somewhat Useful – Focus Mismatch

Recommended pages can be considered Somewhat Useful – Focus Mismatch if they fall into one of the
following areas:

Situation Positive Example Negative Example

Too broad: related to For a query like {Minecraft A query like {republic online bill pay}
the higher-level topic download} where the clicked page is where the clicked page is the home
of the clicked page the homepage for downloading page for Republic car parking bill
but does not Minecraft and the recommended payment and the recommended page
consider one or more page is the download page for is the bill payment page for Comcast
key intents League of Legends, we would internet would be considered Not
consider this Somewhat Useful – Useful. Although both sites are bill
Focus Mismatch. A Highly Useful pay sites, they are for totally
recommendation would ideally key different and unrelated services, and
into the Minecraft part of the search there is no reason to connect the two
intent, but in this case, the sites in any other way. In this case,
recommendation is not useless the connecting topic is too broad for
because it was still connected to the there to be a useful connection.
topicality of the clicked page
(recommending popular games).
Too specific: highly A query like {Burlington free press} A query like {cheap flights} for a user
useful for only some with a clicked page of the Burlington in a different location where the
search intents of Free Press newspaper homepage and clicked page is a travel portal for
users who issue this a recommended page for obituaries finding cheap flights and the
query and clicked from the Burlington Free Press would recommended page is a page listing
this page be Somewhat Useful – Focus cheap flights to Grand Rapids, this is
Mismatch. While the main intent can considered to be too specific of an
be inferred to be reading news in the intent to even be considered
Burlington area, some people may Somewhat Useful. The slice of people
find the relevant obituaries page who issue this query who are
useful, since it is usually published in
interested in flights to Grand Rapids
the area newspaper. is likely too small to be of general
use, so this would be Not Useful.
If the recommended page falls into one of these categories, please mark it as Somewhat Useful – Focus

In general, Somewhat Useful pages are pages that are almost Highly Useful but miss on a key aspect of
the search intent based on the search context and clicked page. They differ from Not Useful pages
because they are still acceptable to show a user without causing dissatisfaction, and some slice of users
may find them useful.

Highly Useful
Recommended pages are pages that are very relevant matches for the intent of the clicked page and the
query context and meet one or more of the following:

Situation Positive Example Negative Example

Provides a different A query {what does the color purple Pages where there is only one
perspective on the mean} where the clicked page is an generally accepted perspective or
user intent article discussing the meanings of the viewpoint would not qualify for this
color purple and the recommended category. For example, a query {how
page is a different article explaining far around is the earth} where the
some different meanings can be clicked page is an article from
Highly Useful, since it provides some on the measurements
additional perspective that might be and the recommended page is a
useful for the user. page on the flat earth theory saying
there is not circumference would not
be considered to give a different
perspective. The second page is
obviously wrong as there is not
much room for disagreement, so it
would be marked Not Useful.
Encourages the user For a query like {IRA taxes} where the For example, take a query like {tom
to continue their clicked page is the IRS page on IRA cruise starring movies} and a clicked
exploration of a topic taxes and the recommended page is page listing the movies featuring
in a coherent manner an article from a financial services Tom Cruise. A recommended page
company on how to minimize taxes detailing the life of Tom Cruise’s
on your IRA distributions is Highly cousin would be Not Useful because
Useful. Someone who is interested in although he is related to Tom Cruise,
learning more about IRA taxes is likely he has nothing to do with his movies
to be very interested in how to and does not expand on the intent in
minimize taxes for these kinds of a logical manner. It is too big a jump
investments as well. to suggest his extended relatives
when the intent is around the actor
and his movies.
Reasonable next step A query like {best floating water mats} For a query like {install lap pool}
in the most likely where the clicked page is an article where the clicked page is an article
task a user had in reviewing the top 10 best floating about the costs and requirements
mind following a click water mats to buy, and a for installing lap pool and the
on the clicked page recommended page that is a shopping recommended page is the best open
site page for buying floating water water swimming races in the area
mats would be Highly Useful. The user would get a label of Not Useful.
is likely interested in possibly While it is conceivable that someone
purchasing a floating water mat, and who swims might be interested in
the shopping site is the logical next both, it’s too far of a leap to assume
step for someone who is researching someone who is interested in
the best one to buy. installing a pool would also be
interested in nearby outdoor
swimming races.
Provides another For a query like {honey mustard A query {des moines area
option to complete recipes} where the clicked page is an community college} where the
the task the user has Allrecipes page for honey mustard, clicked page is the homepage for Des
in mind and the recommended page is a Moines Community College and the
honey mustard recipe from a cooking recommended page is for the
blog, the rating should be Highly University of Iowa. Both are higher
Useful because someone who is education in Iowa, but they are not a
interested in making honey mustard full match on intent because
will likely find another option on how community college is very different
to go about it useful. from the 4-year University of Iowa. It
also does not fall under Somewhat
Useful – Repetitive because one site
is not easily accessible from another,
and there isn’t a high content
overlap between the two pages. This
is a better match for Somewhat
Useful - too broad.
Highly Useful pages for location-sensitive search contexts always need to be have content that is
relevant to the location listed in the hit.

If the recommended page falls into one of these categories, please mark it as Highly Useful.

Can’t Judge
Some hits may be impossible to judge due to one of the following reasons:

Situation Positive Example Negative Example

Recommended or Page contains content that is illegal, Pages that are informational about
clicked page contains like drugs or piracy potentially illegal/inappropriate
inappropriate/illegal Page contains pornographic or adult information, like a legal help page on
content content the legality of growing marijuana or
Page contains malware or otherwise an interview with a former adult
malicious content actress
You cannot view the Pages with 404 or other loading Pages behind soft paywalls or logins
content, even after errors where you can exit the popup easily
opening it in a new Pages with content behind privacy
tab or incognito warnings from your browser
window Blockers due to being served from
another country
You can’t understand One or more of the pages are in a Pages where the understanding of
the content of one or foreign language the content might require some extra
both pages Spam or excessive advertisements thought but are still written in plain
make it so you cannot access the English
If you see a hit that falls into these categories, please mark it as Can’t Judge and report it to the HitApp
using the “Report a technical issue” button.
Using Tags
Once you select your answer to the core HitApp question from the above guidelines, you may also see
some tags appear that ask you to provide a more specific label for your choice:

If you see these appear, please select the tag that matches the reason you chose for your response. If no
tag appears or matches your decision, please leave a comment instead.

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