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Introducción: los meses que estuvimos en la pandemia como se redujo la contaminación

ambiental, como estaba antes la contaminación.

The coronavirus pandemic doesn’t leave too much for optimism, but one of the good news is
that Pollution had been reduced in many countries of the world during the quarentine. The
Wuhan region in China, where the virus first appeared, was also the first to impose a
quarantine to stop its spread. A photo from NASA showed the drop in air pollution and in the
level of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in the first month of year versus the months during the

The NO2 levels were also reduced in other parts of the country. In the middle of March, the
European Space Agency made public the satellite images of air contamination in the north of
Italy between January and March of this year, much of it coinciding with the quarantine
imposed by the Conte government.

In Spain, data from the Ministry for the Environment show also a drop in the levels of nitrogen
dioxide in Madrid and Barcelona of 68% and 65%, respectively, in comparison with January.
According to Ecologists in Action, the reduction of NO2 in Spain as a whole was around 64%.

Thesis: Namely, the reduction of contamination around the world has had remarkable drop
during the quarentine and this drop had 3 positive impacts in the earth, there are traffic
contamination decrease, ozone layer restored and also animals repopulated the cities.

1. Disminución de contaminación de carros

The carbon daioccide (CO2) emission is responsabol for the climate change. The
transportation sector, industries and electricity have a huge contribiution in carbon
dioxide emission. The experts are predicting this to be the biggest decline in
anthropogenic CO2 emissions after second World War. During the period of lockdown,
global air traffic reduced by 60% which have led to a temporary dip in CO2 emissions
from their pre-crisis levels. Due to COVID-19 lockdown, CO2 emissions in China have
minimized by around 200 million metric tons. Scientists estimated that this reduction
may have saved at least 77,000 lives (CAT 2020). Scientists in Europe have observed a
similar effect in northern Italy while a 5–10% reduction in CO2 emission.

The coronavirus has had some good impacts on climate change and global
warming—especially with a reduction in cars on the road and clearer air in many
the growing COVID-19 pandemic, had caused that regional carbon dioxide emissions
dropped by 25%, almost all of it due to a nearly 50% drop in road traffic, according to
new study from the University of California, Berkeley.

The most important record decrease of contamination was due to fewer car journey.
Researchers have shown how those changes have impacted our emissions of
CO2.They've calculated the fall off in carbon based on the lockdown policies
implemented in 69 countries that between them account for 97% of global emissions.
During the peak of the crisis in early April, daily emissions dropped by 17% compared
to the previous year, meaning around 17 million tonnes less CO2 were emitted every
day. The key to the fall has been cars. Surface transport emissions have declined by

2. Reconstrucción de la capa de ozono

A number of researcher from the university of colorado reports that the ozone layer,
which is above the Antarctic continent, is recovering. This condition occurs because of
the reduced use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) chemicals globally, especially the absence
of industrial activity during the corona pandemic. This is known based on data from
satellite observations and climate simulations, related to atmospheric temperature,

Also Researchers at NASA reported that ozone concentration above Arctic regions of
the globe decreased by around 240 Dobson units on March 12, 2020 as compared to
ozone concentration in March 12, 2019. Such low levels are very rare and happen
about once per decade.

3. Los animales repoblaron las ciudades

Human confinement during lockdown gives space to animals, to occupe streets, cities
and parks usually used for human activities. It was noticed that many animals around
coming into the spotlight during the coronavirus period globally. Animals like llamas,
deer, sheep, monkeys, elephants, birds, dolphins, bear are the best examples during
lockdown who came out in notice much more frequently and grider in number.

Migratory birds are returning to lakes in a more number, we could hear how birds
communicate. fishing activity has stopped so dolphins do come closer to the shore.
Also, deer, monkeys were seen in the city due to the decrease in indiscriminate


Around 95 million cases and more than two million deaths worldwide had been a caused of
coranivirus. The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of our way of life, the
economy fell, millions of people lost their jobs and society learned to coexist without interact
each other one. Experts mention that it will take years to get back to normal life.

Hovewer, despite the all bad things we can rescue a positive aspect of the coronavirus
pandemic which is the reduction of pollution, this reduction of the planet contamination was
not only good for us, because of the reduction of CO2 emissions and also the recovery of the
ozone layer, this reduction of contamination was good for the animals too, who could felt free
in their own environment. “The planet doesn´t need us, and if we dont take care about it, soon
we will dissapear”.

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