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Hometown Choice Awards -woewarennews BT \Wemnesoey nar9.2021 wv Theidewatrnewscom Ready, set, nominate ing Drinking Nove you ust ester in ance aget orf MPHleakhWaliness order to nominate Tia one Services The Hometown Choice efter W Shopping Awards cover Franklin, ‘tavorte IMSports& Southampton and Is of rest Finess Wight fant Subeats- The nomination phase that sgoriesin: —willelose May 31901 your fludeevery. pn Once the namin tity thing fom tetabulatad dtp in just thebestac- each category will advance fovese uinyg-— tothe voungtound eto Theat fimethe ——_surtiniuly. seria Feat en stall Winners willbe ng ‘lube Wseimplete——ninet hx spcial print are resounding yest nominate, js vs online scton one the vo —— ‘Nowisyourchanceto——ourwebsite wwatthaTde— inground has onsed-ind_ = shoieyourfaoritessome — waterNews.com,lickon —_thevotesbave been led “The 2021 Hometown choice Awards areopenfor loveahdnomnatedhem in te hue ab labeled Con- and veri, rominatons now. Ifyou own or manage abusiness, —TheTidewateeNews2021--—tstsandcickan Home Spreadthenews/and_— _— emallMitz.LuskThetidewaterNews.com fora FREE 5 2 mn Cholce 01. choose spread somtelove, tel your romotlonbit and tolearn more about promoting ‘haseare enc everall ee a calories chore from: nomination, ar fillin your _ nae their favorites, Council approves funding for Taser upgrades | Franklin Southampton A Gictewmarese seowtaerae- | Economic Development to Ploying Tasers which have 21 Operating Budge ater Tomalntainserdcesble 202% Franklin Southampton palgnsfor morethan 17 The Windsor Tn Com cal yoted unanimously May to adopt a eslation ac fnpingthe wand of adh tial 329 aw enforcement leseaban-tealepuions for Thereseluon adopted | Economie Development Searsand hashelped over Fig rom testa to Be furlawenfocementoffbytheTown Cound. | Ine-(FSEDI} wilt offering 100 sins ranging Implemented as partof these iserunlisre- _ propiaed the 4707 Bases ofSearch Engine remindependenly owned first installment Tse ‘pyr, malian rain” wa into thePolieeDe- | Optimization (SEO)" vinual companiesto oganizatens nisorPlleeChief partment Equipmeatline | workshop n partnership fom the Fertune 50 Ist eeabllese than lea s Rodney"Dan”Riddleex- hemofthetown’sGenerat | withthetlampton Roads The wotkeop will ox Sptionsforthe Windsor Po- Wilam Saunders Plaisedatthe May TundOpeating dgetfor | Smal Busines Develop. plain how teietvey ut He Departent Mmectingthartheespocted TY 204021 mmentCenterand VECTEC fzeand aalyzethe Tnamemotothemayor $1707ofaddtionalsoolaw servicelieofTasesisfour —Sedion Softhoresoly- | Solutions "Search Engine Optiniza and Town Councl Wind- enforcement finding. six year. lionstates “That thetowm | The recbusiessensich- don” Tneton of norma fortown Manager Wiliam “Saundersstaed thishes Apeopesl hasbeen re-managerand techicfol | mentclaswiltake place ton search platform sch Snundersnoted Gow Ralph resultedintheeceptof ceived rom Axon Enter. policearchercby atho- | Wednesday, une from as Google SEO has long Nonhamisrecentbudgetthatamount of fending, priselne. whereby the Tas. ruedand diected tod all | noon-t prmyacconlingto been the mt economic Incided addiions fund. inaddiionwthatanlcl erupgradescanbe aocom- thingsnecessarytolmple- | anFSEDInews tele meansof delivering highly Ingforloalpolie depart patedinthe seal year plished through mmentthisawardintheae- | “The classvilbe aught by qualified wae to websites ‘ments vith he Townol 3020-21 budge. fal nals quisition of upgrade Ts- | David Hoge Innit the doors of us: Windsorsalloiment being” "CarrelytbeWindsor ders noted, the ist ftsand accoutement” ‘esses but as search en ‘manager of online tines have boenme mote Infor Hamescom, over” complex, soto mus the setlog SEO ard nev con- approach evelve tent He has been actively "To rgister forthe work ‘maniging SEO andsearch shop contact FSEDIA 757 engine advertsingeam= 5021953. Southampton County summer school plan presented BYTMUSMOHLER ——_inake summer school ee STARE WRITER is year ifs been vein the pas ‘outhampton County forourelementary and PublieSchool splanninga middle she old Bosra simmer school that wil be members May 1, "bat Inperson,opentoal ree were also goingtodo the forall exceptthore aking Same thing fr ourhie nev dasses andicwillos School student thatthey ‘sion ereditrecovery, los wllnot have to pay a Ingthe achievement gap. ion, unless they are aking sdaceeleraton atthehigh anew course then wel School level Took athe avalabiiy of Southampton County tifihappens tobe ibieSchaalsCursculam — ehough Plato or Viral Vie Director ellie who gait” favethesummerschodl Inthe interview, sho not Plan presentation during rie state ‘Tha proposed expansion othe Windsor Pubic Lbraryof approximately 800 squarefeetwithastorageroomabore | May l0school board meet willbe an alton tothe northside ofthe existing buing ing also noted that tas etschool based on porationwilbe provided actual enrollment ombousetseiool ‘She also detailed the pro Windsor enters agreement aienadimane” paetumere School plan consis ofen- online learn program, Traoficestatandteachers and offers courses dt ad with county for library expansion witiae, Sins pyrmusmonisn ——havepushed anddones posed ex branch manaperoffice, | thatstudents fave’ ahetold_ lege readiness and higher STAPFWRITER™ ——Iotofhardwoiktoger iin pansion of meeting pace School board members education options. Vita Placeand get the county to Spprox Donald foberson, assis | Wwhlleoutining daepurpose Vigna isa Vinania De The prjecttosignif- allocate the budget for mately 1800 tanccounty administrator | ofthis yeas simmer rao eatin pro: ‘expand the Windsor that" Mayor Gym Wills Square et fortsleofWight sade | schoo "We want tofook serving students in Iubrarystructureon sald duringthe May 11 withastor projectisallon he front | closely atthe SOLsin the Vigna schools by provid Dukestrectrecehved he meeting. nye room Endotthedesign process, | Virginia carrcalum frame. ingexlble options or he approvalit ‘Windsor Town Manager above will fothecountydocsnot | workthatarenat mattered diverse eduestonal neds neededfom JPA WillismScundersnotedin heanaddi- Rebetsin —haveany projecteddatcs | Sothesestudentscan move of students and thei fami the windsor ‘memorandum ithe oie forconstuctonjustyer | foward tes ‘Town Council JASE mayor and Town sie oftheexisting —""Alotofthings have "We want tprovide op ete explained to onMay CCouncilthatatterre- building stuanged snd goten inthe | portunities forstadentsto. beard members May 10 ‘Council questsfortheimprove- "Tus because this project way this year onebeing | haverecoveryeredit bey that COVID-18 measures members Imentand/orenlargement issettotakeplaceon, thecastofeonstuction | didnot pass wellgive willbein place this sum ‘otnd nan fftheWindsorlibaryti.town-owned property that ightnowr, heather isthe, | thomanatherchance to mee Imonslyoen- lls ci Fah County roqalted the approval of avalaliy ofcontactors” | pass shecontinod. Aso," "Asalways, ustas we terinto un hasprogrummed funding he Town Counel,headd- he said Aegoingio provides” havebeen doing students agreement foranexpansion ofthell= ed “We'restllawaysoit | dentsopportuniesto ake willmaintinthreetosix Wath bof Wight County raryinoits fiscal year The Windsor Weekly pre- fromevendeling tot | new anddditona cases Yetof distance tragghout ‘were thetown autho viously reported thatthe fanhar butrightnowits | forereditatthehigh the da, doy have fe Fizethe county expand tapansion which il jistamatlerofgettingthe | school” ‘qvent handwashing they tho libeay structare a oughly double he sie of esi work done But Tt May 17 ema inte at breaks nde ase town-owned propery. and dest thebunlding wasslated to we'restlhopeful that we | view, Cillee stated hata room, we'lhave tempers “know sheen some- tae fon $00,000 andthe Cand the project as soon | combination of state and PR in og he er Soca usuee “SEESCHOOL, B3 WEES ‘wv TReTicenaterewscom ‘Second fom ight, FrankiaHigh School sophomore Myrone Rawlings rns inthe thiidheatof the boys 200-meter dash dung regional ned nFrankln, > BYERANKA.DAVIS University on une alley avo placed fourth Franklin High Schools inthe boys 200-meder dash teackandfeld program will regional to qual Berepresemted atthestate ste, improsing his per Imoetbysboys:tby- sonabearecord (24.03 Too-meterelayteamand seconds He placed sith in ByKaden Bale inthe boys the boys 100 meter das, 200.moterdash aller they improving his personal: {qualified ane inthe best eon to 11.36 {lass 1 Region Bast Out. ond door Trackand Fiekd ‘Nazja Turn, ofthe Chumpionsips. aly Brome improved thetirstime, Frank: — hoe persona best record nck coaches ho 24 et, aches in he gts seal © thot put track and fed athe m Fenner Compleat Franklin High knocked ofa undeedth of Shoot asccond inthe boys Speaklngon behalfofthe oo-meter intermediate teatk coaches, Mona Sum. ards improving is pr Hinwasplessed cis. sonal bestrecord t 413 ‘eesabletobethchostof seconds theeventand vole mich aylon Santi just wp tall of ita officials rom vaious ersthat_toehament inthe Boys herun- high mp. Sania anda sized competitor fom River sent had igh School both The Broncos 4-by Jumped 3 feet 6 inches, but loometerrelay eamof the Riverbeadscompetior DacMar Holden Myrone edged Sania out or Raw Darn Heyand fourth because he had ee Kaden Bailey wastherun- —erttempsat that hee herupinthcevent These Thishelgt vas aso per. Young men wil lo com: sonal best for Sania Peveinthe Vigna igh yin Halley also just Sefool League Class State_misced anopportnity 10 Junot Jalon Santiful of FrankinHgh School cearsthe FreshmanKadenBalley.ofFrankinMghSchoolfles Outdoor Trackand Feld. compet te sat ee, Bardurngtheboyshigh}ump lune S.Heacheveda person- tvoughthealintheoystongjomo June durgthe Championships which vil finshing ith athe bose atbestlimoof5teet.Ginchesduringthecompetivon. regional meat. Behl at lames Madison seus tow. Senior duo leads Rock Lions to undefeated season the Mack Church School a smile on theirface, and Sea- thas when you know they 0-1, lovethe game, Weare go ingto mis them bu ar ted about at Theywillboth move onto do gent ing Inthe last gimeot he seaton, the Hock vars Lions won widhclass, played Brunswick Acade- sportsmanship andl epee-—ay'and won 81 ented Gad never fach- "he two senirsted RCS io in scoring, a Jack Dillon Thetensn wasted byte fesse With four gals seniors lack illo ind and Fanjl added tes Christian Fajul whohave Theyalso sssstedeach heen plvingfortheRock thee Dat Dillon also ionstheirentite high Kicked intwo goasand schol earec They fi ished scihanoverallre- Schoolofials noted cont of77. 12-0 thatthe Rock ons have They trulyuvehada re. ecome's powerhouse and rmarkablesocoer experi wiley mis ack Di fnceat RCS school at. lon and fan add Caisstatedsaddingthat—alluhey ave donets at iy Jordan Mek Chistian anh, Jak llen Luke Blythe, Dlon, stn Temple, Purpose Coach Dilontae Caleb DoslagandHead Coach Dany Oto, Instiled ino ten tae and ye toa Schou ofias sid they honor Dillon and Fan s+ oe his eat game was emoto al bu was many tea funedthesklland seta ofjy tae highstandanl forfuture” perience stp for the Rock Hons sports program isthe bskeballteam traveling to ‘with. adson, ora, to com semrerplayerset Rock, eauldenrelessabontour petela the ACE ier Teotldn' bemorehap- record, but th excellence tonal Convention in ba pierformyson,hekand anddaseolwhich hese Ketball formy latino son, his- youngmen performed his “The Rock Lions soecer tian Fanjl Rock Lions Yearfeatetimony ofkow team looks to move for fed Coach Danny Dillon food God ‘ened wth seven retain Said,“Thesetwoaeexcep-"“lackweroferdcol- sophomores and continue Tionatyoungmen onan, legerocser scholarship Kewinningrwaysonandoff RogkChirch Schoo Lons Socce Head Coach anny Dil, center, shares amoment with ‘dthekdd'Ibey pla wh ‘beedonticcklistul che Reid. ‘eines lechiitllan, lade, tnd Clatetion Panbd at tha tastaneneet thai idehocheatcaonars. SU cH FRANKLIN UU Sea UL foul Our fate looks be terdhan he present” Southampton High Schoots Alvin Hicks aris the ballup themida agalnsthost Frank: Untgh Sehool onda, Nov.5, during the latest elton ofthe "Backyard Brawl” evan pany eerannnene Whee FranktinHigh School's Kaden Batley, at holds on toa pas forbig yardage agaist vs Ing Southampton igh Sehoolon day, Nov, Southampton igh choos Walton Zaqvan, No.7, tes tostopDerckPerry. of Franklin High School asherune wth thebal Fay. Nov.3.

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