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Examinations Board

Marking Scheme
SEC Computing

Main Session 2019

Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Marking schemes published by the MATSEC Examination Board are not intended to be
standalone documents. They are an essential resource for markers who are subsequently
monitored through a verification process to ensure consistent and accurate application of the
marking scheme.

In the case of marking schemes that include model solutions or answers, it should be noted that
these are not intended to be exhaustive. Variations and alternatives may also be acceptable.
Examiners must consider all answers on their merits, and will have consulted with the MATSEC
Examinations Board when in doubt.

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Paper 1

1 a 1110 00112 1
b 23410 1
c 20310 1
d A shorthand (encoded) form of binary Similar answers should be 1
Total 4
2 a Award 1 mark for each 4
correct gate

Award 1 mark for each 4

A B C W X Y Z correct column
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Total 8

3 a A continuous variable quantity Award 1 mark for a correct 1

b Benefits: Any 2 of: Award 1 mark for each 4
• Speeds up text input / faster than typing correct benefit
• Can be used by someone who is unable to type / not
a skilled typist / disabled
• May help to avoid RSI
• Allows user to simultaneously do some other task
• Takes up less room than a keyboard and mouse
(useful in mobile devices)
Problems: Any 2 of:
• Different words may sound the same (e.g. Award 1 mark for each
week/weak) correct problem
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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

• Command words may be taken as input words (or

vice versa) (eg "end sentence")
c To enter and store analog voice data; 2
The data is converted to a digital
representation using an A-D converter
The data is processed and stored
Total 7
4 a To store programs (and data) while they are being 1
b All the programs might fit in RAM 1
and not have to be read in and out to/from disk
c It has two processors / carry out two instructions at the Award 1 mark for meaning 2
same time
It means the computer could run programs faster Award 1 mark for benefit
d This is the clock speed of the processor 1
1.9 GHz means (1.9 billion or 1 900 000 000) cycles per
Total 5
5 a idNumber – number Award ½ mark for each 3
dateOfBirth – date/time correct field
name, surname- text
age- number
classID- text
b idnumber 1
c Age - age can be computed from the dateofbirth field. ½ mark for age 1
½ mark for explanation
d classID 1
e i Direct access – not need to go through the previous Award 1 mark for answer 2
records but immediately to the one required Award 1 mark for reason
ii Direct access 1
iii Serial access – it is a continuous process – one follows Award 1 mark for answer 2
the other Award 1 mark for reason
Total 11
6 a Web server 1
b HTML 1
c Web client 1
d URL 1
e attachment 1
f Bookmark 1
Total 6
7 a Program development and debugging Accept any realistic 1

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b Watching a movie, listening to music Accept any realistic 1

c Composing and editing music Accept any realistic 1
d Converting music on CD to audio files on a computer Accept any realistic 1
Total 4
8 a e.g. Touch Screen Any other 1
appropriate answer
should be accepted
b i e.g. Restaurant billing system Accept an application 1
where the device
mentioned in part a
is relevant
ii The required data is inputted by touching the screen Accept a description 1
through the GUI and software used how data is inputted
valid to device
mentioned in part a
iii The processing required is to calculate the bill for a Accept a valid 2
particular table such as addition and multiplication description of the
process involved in
the application
mentioned in b (i)
iv The relevant data is outputted on the screen (the total of 1
the bill) and a receipt is also printed.
Total 6
9 a A computer system which is designed to perform one 1
and only one application.
b Hard disk Any other valid 1
answers accepted
c Mostly used for the OS / system software and user 1
configuration data.
d IR Receiver / remote control/ mobile phone/ tablet 1
Total 4
10 a A device driver is software that helps the hardware 1
device communicate with the operating system.
b Shareable resources is a device or piece of information Award 1 mark for 2
on a computer that can be shared in a network while definition

non-shareable resources cannot be used by different

devices. Award ½ mark for
Sharable resources – printer each example
Non-shareable resources – RAM
c Networked: Communicate together and share resources Award 1 mark for an 2
e.g., printer advantage of a
networked system
Award 1 mark for an
Standalone: Any virus/attack cannot spread to other advantage of a

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

computers standalone sytem

d A distributed database is a database in which not all 1
storage devices are connected to a common processor. It
may be stored in multiple computers, located in the
same physical location; or may be dispersed over a
network of interconnected computers
Total 6
11 a Helps understand the auto dealer’s requirements and 1
design a system according to his needs.
b i Describes various functions of the software; Award 1 mark for 2
Helps users to install the software. each valid answer
ii Can be easily updated; Award 1 mark for 2
No paper waste. each valid advantage
c Technical documentation helps in the maintenance of 2
the software especially if the maintainer is not the
original software developer
Program documentation shows how the program is
written – variables, methods, algorithms.
d Simultaneous operation of the new and old system; 2
f As the old system is still running, the new system could Award 1 mark for 2
be evaluated/used; each valid reason
As a backup if the new system fails.
Total 11
12 a i if, if else, if else if, switch 1
ii for, while, do while 1
b i (10+2*5) 1
ii 20 1
iii ((10+2)*5) 1
iv 60 1
c i Switch cases are missing the break. 2
ii Logical error 1
iii Tracing allows the programmer to see how control 2
moves from one instruction to another. Such an error
would be easily tracked down using tracing
iv Syntax error is a compile time error. The program won’t For each error, 2
run until it is fixed (e.g., missing a semicolon at the end of Award ½ mark for
mentioning error
a statement
name and ½ mark
Runtime error is an error that causes the program to for description
crash (e.g. trying to read past an array’s size)
Total 13

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Paper 2A

1 a Binary numbers are numbers to base 2. It uses two 1

symbols, 0 and 1.
b i 18310 1
ii -7310 1
iii 110110002 1
iv Any 2 of the following: Award 1 mark for each 2
audio/video/text/images/characters/symbols valid item
c 2
A B Ā Ā.B A.B Ā.B + A.B B
Award ½ for good input
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 combination
Award ½ mark for Ā.B
0 1 1 1 0 1 1
Award ½ mark for A.B
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Award ½ mark for Ā.B + A.B
1 1 0 0 1 1 1

d i 310 1
ii Award 1 mark for correct 3
0 0 0 0 Award 1 mark for correct
0 0 1 0 output for input 101
0 1 0 0 Award 1 mark for correct
0 1 1 0 output for input 111
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
iii Z=W.X’.Y + W.X.Y Award 1 mark for each 2
or Z=W.Y (if simplified) term

iv Award 1 mark for WX’Y 3

Award 1 mark for WXY
Award 1 mark for the final

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Award 2 marks for inputs

Award 1 mark for correct
logic circuit


Total 17
2 a Chip reader/Magnetic strip scanner Any one is correct 1
b i Data integrity is the overall completeness, accuracy and 1
consistency of data.
ii Since data is becoming digitalised and moves online, large Award 1 mark for each 2
amounts and varied types of data is being collected. correct reason
This has made data more important, but without integrity,
data is not of much use
iii Data encryption, which locks data by cipher Award 1 mark for each 2
Data backup, which stores a copy of data in an alternate method
Access controls, including assignment of read/write
Input validation, to prevent incorrect data entry
Data validation, to certify uncorrupted transmission
c i Data security is the process of protecting data from 1
unauthorized access and data corruption.
ii Encryption, passwords, firewalls. Award 1 mark for any 1
correct method
d i Ensure the information is up-to-date and accurate Award 1 mark for each 2
Only use the information for lawful purposes correct responsibility
Information should not be kept for longer than necessary
Information should be processed in accordance with the
subject’s rights
Data shall not be passed outside the EU unless they have
similar data protection principles

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Keep data secure

Get customer permission before storing
ii Data Controller 1
e To ensure that unauthorised users cannot access/steal Award 1 mark for each 2
bank/ payment details correct reason
To ensure that data is not damaged by computer viruses or
network failure
Natural disaster
f Advantages: Award 1 mark for each 4
Shopping is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week correct advantage/
Increased product choice from worldwide market disadvantage
A very positive economic impact since more jobs are being
created to cope with the demand for online orders
Social isolation
May have an impact on traditional shops closing down.
Total 17
3 a i Memory management – allocation of memory Award 1 mark for 2
management role and 1
mark for explanation
ii Process management - arithmetic operations Award 1 mark for 2
management role and 1
mark for explanation
iii IO management – output on screen Award 1 mark for 2
management role and 1
mark for explanation
b i Software has to reflect what the users require or what the Award 1 mark for each 2
program is required to do; correct reason
If this is not done the design will not reflect what is required
and is likely to need to be modified at great cost in
time/money (in the future)
ii Testing is important to determine that the program Award 1 mark for each 2
functions under a range of different circumstances (without correct reason
Testing of the functions to determine that the requirements
are met is also important

iii Corrective/ removal of bugs; Award 1 mark for each type 2

Adaptive/ modify code due to other changes in system; of maintenance mentioned
Perfective/ modify code to further requirements and
features, etc.
c Batch Processing/ Mail Merge – the job of mailing Award 1 mark for stating 2
newsletter is fed to the system and done on its own without the computer processing
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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

intervention mode and 1 mark for

d i Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted in 1
a fixed amount of time
ii Either upload videos in lower definition, or use a better Award 1 mark for each 2
compression algorithm, or embed videos on a website with correct suggestion
a very good compression algorithm (e.g., YouTube), Larger

Total 17
4 a 1210 1
b 000110002 1
c 2410 1
d Doubled 1
e 6 1
f 18 3
g Multiplied by 3 1
h i rep 1
ii #255 1
iii num1 / num2 / counter / rep 1
iv JNZ 1
i num1 num2 counter Award 1 mark per 3
5 10 --------
15 10 11111111
25 10 11111110
35 10 11111100
45 10 11111000
55 10 11110000
65 10 11100000
75 10 11000000
85 10 10000000
Total 17
5 a Set MIN to first radio frequency Award 1 mark for each of 5
Set MAX to first radio frequeny the following
Set counter K to 1 One correct loop;
Correct comparison;
loop while K<=4 Correct exchange;
if Radio[K]<MIN then Compute the range;
Set MIN to Radio[K] Output/ Store the
else if Radio[K]>MAX then
Set MAX to Radio[K]

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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

Increment counter K


b i john not found! 1

john not found!

john not found!

ii - It is not case sensitive Award 1 mark for 3

each mistake
- Loop starts from 0
- Output is inside the loop
iii String[] namesArray = new String[] { 4
"John", "Peter", "Jane", "Maria" };
String nameToSearch = "john";
boolean found = false;

for (int i = 0; i < namesArray.length;

System.out.println(nameToSearch +
" found at position " + i);
found = true;
if (!found)
System.out.println(nameToSearch + "
not found!");
c 4GL – easier than 3GL/ close to human language/ used to Award 1 mark for 2
each generation
access databases – examples include SQL, GUI
3GL – involve English like statements/ easy to use –
examples include JAVA, Phyton
d Portability in high-level computer programming is the 2
usability of the same software in different environments,
e.g, operating systems.
Total 17

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Paper 2B

1 a Binary numbers are numbers to base 2. It uses two 1

symbols, 0 and 1.
b i 3716 1
ii 5510 1
iii Audio/video/text/images Award 1 mark for each valid 2
iv 0110 11102 Award 1 mark for shift and 2
Multiplying by 2 1 mark for explanation
c 0101 01112 1
d AND OR Award 1 mark for each 2
A B truth table
Gate Gate
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
e Award ½ for each column 2
A B Ā Ā.B A + (Ā.B) A+B
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1
f Award 1 mark for Ā.B 3
Ā.B + Award 1 mark for A.B
A.B Award 1 mark for Ā.B + A.B
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 1
Total 15

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2 a Award 1 mark for each 5

Application Software
Task correct application software
Creating a formal letter Word processor
Creating the monthly
expenditure for a small Spreadsheet
Keeping his customers
Promoting the company’s
products to a large Presentation
Creating a company logo Graphics Package
b HDD Award 2 marks for the 6
- fast transfer rate and a fairly fast access time, they characteristic
provide a good compromise between storage capacity, Award ½ mark for the use
performance and cost. Award ½ mark for the
- magnetic medium storage capacity
Use: Storing programs / OS / Server backup
Storage capacity: 500MB – 4 TB

Optical Drives
- Optical drives work by using lasers to store data
Use: Movies / Music / Back up
Storage: 650MB – 128GB
c i Data integrity is the overall completeness, accuracy and 1
consistency of data.
ii Since data is becoming digitalised and moves online, large Award 1 mark for each 2
amounts and varied types of data is being collected. This correct reason
has made data more important, but without integrity,
data is not of much use
d i Magnetic strip/chip/microprocessor 1
ii Encryption is used to protect data stored on a system 1
iii Data backup, which stores a copy of data in an alternate Award 1 mark for 2
location mentioning and 1 mark for
Access controls, including assignment of read/write explanation
Input validation, to prevent incorrect data entry
Data validation, to certify uncorrupted transmission
Total 18

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3 a Performs arithmetic and logic operations such as 1

additions, shifts, etc.
b It connects the CPU to the memory and I/O unit and 1
carries data between the various components, control
signals, and address information.
c Address bus - Used by the CPU to send addresses to the Award 1 mark for naming 6
memory and I/O units. and 1 mark for explanation
Data bus - Used by the CPU to send/receive data words
from/to memory and I/O units.
Control bus - Used by the CPU to control memory and I/O
units and to receive status information from memory and
I/O units.
d i Memory 1
ii Program counter 1
iii Instruction register 1
iv Fetch-execute cycle 1
v operand 1
e i False 1
ii False 1
iii False 1

iv True 1
Total 17
4 a i A video conference is a live, visual connection between 1
two or more people residing in separate locations for the
purpose of communication.
ii Email allows to send a message with attachments, while Award 1 mark for email and 2
video conferencing is used to do meeting in real-time 1 mark for video
without physically meeting. conferencing
b Determine the requirements of the new system i.e. 2
requirements definition,
what logically does the software need to do?;
c Software has to reflect what the users require; or what Award 1 mark for 2
each valid reason
the program is required to do;and this should be
determined before the design is made;
If this is not done the design will not reflect what is
required; and is likely to need to be
modified at great cost in time/money (in the future);
d i Interview allows the analyst to ask questions in response 1
to vague answers from interviewee which cannot be done
with questionnaires;

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ii Questionnaire is better because it is prepared in format 1

that allows easier/faster analysis of answers obtained
from many users;
e Requirements; Any 1 mark for each 2
valid piece of
Estimates of the time for developing the project;
Possible difficulties and alternative solutions;
Risk analysis (costs/technical/legal);
Review of previously proposed solutions;
f Testing is important to determine that the program 1
functions under a range of different circumstances
(without crashing);
Testing of the functions to determine that the
requirements are met is also important
g Source code is the code that the programmer writes in an Award 1 mark for 2
source code and 1
editor (more English), the object code is the source code
mark for object code
after compilation which results in machine code.
h An advantage is that the user cannot change any of the Award 1 mark for 2
advantage and 1
code or steal it to make money out of it.
mark for
A disadvantage is that maintenance costs can be disadvantage
increased because the user is relying on the supplier.
Total 16
5 a i Award 1 mark for Start and Stop and using correct symbols 7
Award ½ mark for setting the minimum and maximum temperature and ½ mark for
using correct symbol
Award ½ mark for checking whether switch is on or off and ½ mark for correct symbol
Award ½ mark for measuring temperature and ½ mark for using correct symbol
Award 1 mark for checking that temperature is less than minimum and switching heater
Award 1 mark for checking that temperature is greater than maximum and switching fan
Award 1 mark for switching fan and heater off if temperature is within range

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Set the minimum and


Is the No



Temper Yes
ature < Heate
min r on



Fan and
heater off


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Marking Scheme (Main Session 2019): SEC Computing

ii Process control system: input signals 2

(information about what is happening to a
particular process in the heating system) is
And fed back to the processor where they can
be used to make decisions whether to
change/modify the temperature.
iii Operating system is a set of programs for this 2
system which is able to set the max and min
Responsible for input;
Responsible for sending to the output;
And reacting to inputted data in periods of time
(to ensure the correct climate);
b i The code is writing output for each iteration of 2
the loop
ii The code is case sensitive 2
For loop starts from location 1 not 0
iii toUpperCase() has to be used in the 1
Counter in for loop set to 0
iv Iterator i is initialised to 1. Consequently 2
element 0 in the array is never processed
v Initialise counter in for loop to 0 1
Total 19

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