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Basil and Henry

Mr. Keller


HINT: Use these lab report notes:

Equation we used:
∑F=ma →Fp = m (ap + g)
2 2
𝑉 = 𝑉0 + 2𝑎(𝑦 − 𝑦0) → 2𝑔ℎ = 𝑉
Our objective was to find the popping force on the popper. One course domain we reached was
Using the Problem Solving Process. Our first few times, we realized that we weren’t popping the
popper right, because it wouldn't even go over a meter. We changed so that our hand was in a
different position, and so we were able to pop it better. Another course domain we reached was
analyzing data, when we were measuring to see how high we were able to pop the popper, and
entering it onto the spreadsheet.

The constants in our lab were the popper and the person popping the popper. The independent
variable was the technique used to pop the popper, mainly how it was being released. The
dependent variable was how high the popper went after being popped.

Our objective was to accurately find the popping force on the popper.

We used three pieces of tape- one to mark a meter and two to tape the meter stick above
A meter stick
Scissors to cut the tape
A popper (named Master Wu) which was .045 meters
We used a phone to record our data

We measured a meter and put a piece of tape on the wall, then put another meter on top of the
tape so that it would be 2 meters tall. When we took our video, we made sure that the numbers
on the meter stick were visible, so that we could see how tall it was. All of our pops went over a
meter, which is how we know how high it went.
Data and Analysis

We had an average height of 1.05 meters. Our force was typically 1.1 newtons. Our acceleration
stayed mostly constant during this whole experiment.

Error Analysis
We taped a meter stick to the wall which although shows the distance it isn’t completely
accurate. To get an accurate answer of how high the popper popped you’d have to slow the
video way down, and even then wasn’t 100% accurate. So the heights the poppers were able to
jump may not be accurate.

The popper lab was overall a success. We were able to find the general heights of the popper
with pretty high accuracy. We succeeded in working together to make the popper pop. We also
saw that different methods of letting go of the popper got different results, good and bad.

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