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ERECTION MAN UAL OrderNo.: PR-010736 / 2 Customer: NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA SRBNE PANCEVO YUGOSLAVIA Tank@ : 12,192m__ Tank No. : FB-1103 DeckNo. : 3491 __ Vacono Aluminium Cover Postfach 1165. 0-78601 Abeit Friedrichstrate 80, 0-79618 Rhei +49 (0) 762393547 © vacono® - > = VACONO ahead of technology VACONODECK HINWEIS / NOTICE Bitte Material unmittelbar nach Anlieferung auf Vollstandigkeit und / oder Beschadigung tiberpriifen! Kosten von spateren Anspriichen konnen nicht bernommen werden!! Please note materials should be checked for completeness and / or damage immediately upon receipt as any claim made at a ater date cannot be entertained ! Vacona Aluminium Covers Gmblt Postfach 1165 0-79601 Rheinfelden Friedrichstrae 80 0.79618 Rheinfeléen Tol: +49 (0) 7623 93-511 Fax: +49 (0) 7623 93-547 “~VACONO ahead of technology Vacono Aluminium Covers Gr -Additional Parts “Aluminium“- ele |é Description Typ er [Pel] s & | 8e| 8 z ES) § co} [Pes. | Pes. |Pes. — [1 | 1 [S-Channel Typ2 -_|_2 | 2 [Framing Spacer with bolts z oes eee pie! 2 |_2 | 2 |Framing Spacer without bolts Typ 5 1 | 14 | 4 [S-Butt Strap Sityp ae - | 2 | 2 |Q-Butt Strap ae Typ 11 5 | 5 | 8 |Butt Strap for PE-Seal i Typ 28 3_| 5 | 5 [Connection Butt Strap Typ 23 Channel Connection Typ 24 _ [Connection for PE-Element Typ25 1 | 1 | 1 [S-Leg Sleeve, Fixed ~ or 1 | 1 | 1 |S-Leg Sleeve, Adjustable, Upper Part 1 | 1 | 14 |S-Leg Sleeve, Adjustable, Lower Part _ “4 [1 | -1 |PE-Leg Sleeve, Adjustable, Upper Part 10 | 10 | 15 |Float Bracket _ _ Typ26(134 *) 4 1 |Sheet _ Typ 14 2 | 2 | 2 |Float Adapter _ Typ 22(133*) 2 |_4 | 4 [S-T-Connection — _ ae *FOR MIX-DECK AddionalistaL 15.10.0160 " —VACONO ee ahead of technology TOOL AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING LIST FOR VACONODECK - INSTALLATION 1.) 3.No. Power drill, 12,5mm chuck 2.) 15 No. 8,5mm drilling bits 3.) 15 No. 5,0mm drilling bits 4.) _ Extension cable to allow easy movement of power tools around tank area 5.) Adequate lighting for work inside tank 6) 7) 8.) 9.) Up to 60 meters of clear plastic hose 12mm dia., depent on tank diameter ! 2.No. Screw driver 8 No. 13mm and 1No. 10mm Combination Spanner .) 3.No. Tin snip or Scissor 10.) 3No. 5 meters Tape Measure 41.) 3.No, Hacksaw and 10 spare blades 12.) 5 No. Marker pens 13.) 3.No. Silicon pistol 14.) 2.No, Pop rivet gun to suit 4,8mm rivets 15.) 2No. Rubber and 2 metal hammer 46.) 1.No. Stanley marking knife 17.) 10 No. 3m Wooden scaffold boards 18.) 3No. Electric ratchet spanners with 13mm sockets PROTECTIVE CLOTHING : .) Overall .) Protective boots .) Gloves .) Dust mask PeNo TooL.poc, 22.15.98 wt —~VACONO mas AG Sl ahead of technology General Operating Instructions Recommendations for the Use of the VACONODECK 4. General The object of the VACONODECK is to minimise the loss through evaporation of the stored product. Though numerous settlings will not damage the VACONODECK, in order to minimise gas losses, this should be avoided as much as possible. A deck that is not floating on the liquid is effectively useless. 2. Particular Recommendations Overfilling of the Tank The most frequent causes of damage to the VACONODECK are found to have been caused through the overflling of a tank. It is therefore to be recommended that overfiling of a tank be prevented through the use of any one of the numerous overfilling protection devices available on the market. Inlet Rate When tanks are filled at a high rate of inlet there remains the possibility of damage to the VACONODECK due to the large amount of turbulence caused. Before installing the VACONODECK it should be confirmed by the tank operator that the inlet velocity does not exceed 1,0 m/sec. A diffuser should otherwise be installed to reduce the inlet rate to this figure. Important note: The diffuser is not suitable for or designed to allow purging of the feed line with (nitrogen) gas. Such an action could lead to damage of the floating deck. Should it subsequently be decided to increase the inlet rate in a tank where a VACONODECK is installed this should firstly be advised to ourselves that we may determine whether a diffuser is necessary and if so what size will be required. General operating_e_b.doc Page 1/4 03,08,06 —VACONO Se ahead of technology Tank Mixers (f installed) Ifa tank has a mixer installed this mixer should be coupled to a level switch. By the propeller type of mixer the minimum level whereby it should be switched on is when the liquid level is 2 mtrs over the maximum height of the propeller thereby assuring no possible contact, and thereby no damage, to the VACONODECK. By the use of the jet mixer type the liquid level in the tank should be at least 2,5 mtrs above the height of the jet mixer nozzle thereby avoiding the possibility of a jet stream hitting the floats or deck sheets of the VACONODECK ete. causing possible damage. Important note: We would advise that where a mixer unit exists or is to be installed in a tank with a VACONODECK VACONO should firstly be consulted in order to advise in each instance at what liquid height the mixer may be switched on safely! Floating Suction Unit (if installed) Floating Suctions of aluminium or steel design are designed bearing in mind the specific gravity of the product stored. Should the tank be filled with water (S.G. 1.0) or a heavier product than foreseen this would lead to an increase in the floatability of the floating suction unit thereby increasing the pressure to the underside of the VACONODECK unit (to which it is attached by means of guide rails) and thereby leading to the almost certain result of damage being caused. Therefore should it be decided to fil a tank with water for cleaning or testing purposes it is important that the floating suction unit's floats be removed. Further should it be decided to store another product in the tank we should firstly be consulted in order that we may determine whether the new product and it's specific gravity will affect the floatability of the floating suction unit to an extent whereby the deck may be damaged Tank Welds In order to avoid mechanical failure of the deck seal all tank wall welds should be clean and smooth without burrs and sharp edges. Water test If such is to be undertaken please refer to the attached instructions ,Procedure for Water Testing of VACONODECK Internal Aluminium Floating Covers (IFR)" thereto. General operating_¢_b doc Page 214 03,0804 —~VACONO ten ett rn nh ahead of technoloay 3. Regular Controls Antirotation System The antirotation cables should never be slack and always under tension. This should be checked from time to time and where necessary the cables should be retensioned Antistatic System The earthing cables are attached to the VACONODECK and the tank roof manhole and they should be checked from time to time to ensure that they are still safely connected. 4. Operating the VACONODECK During the tank inspection, cleaning etc. local safety regulations shall be observed In tank cleaning operations where water is used, spraying of water on the VACONODECK topside surface should be avoided as much as possible to avoid increased weight and stress to the deck sheets profiles and legs. Tank cleaning systems (such as Butterworth, Blabo, Prosser, Scanjet etc.) that are operated from the tank roof are not to be used in conjunction with a VACONODECK. By use of stream to clean tank direct spraying on the deck seals should be avoided When carrying out repairs in the tank ‘spark free’ tools should be used and dropping of tools onto the VACONODECK or scratching the zinc plated surfaces should be avoided. 5. Hanging Decks (if installed) Where ‘Hanging decks’ are to be installed the following points are to be noted: When the VACONODECK is in the hanging position it is only to be walked on by one person. In the hanging state (during tank modification, cleaning, etc.) no person should be (on top of the deck whilst work is being carried out by others on the underside. Working on top and below the deck is only permitted when the supplied leg supports have been installed. Generat operating eb doc Page 314 03.08.08 —VACONO sane eines ahead of technology 6. Live load according API 650 APP. H.4.2.2 The internal floating roof shall be designed to safely support at least two men ( 2,2KN = 500 Ibf over 0,1 sqm = 1 sqft ) walking anywhere on the roof while it is floating or resting on its supports without damaging the floating roof and without allowing product on the roof. If specified by the purchaser, the concentrated load design criteria may be modified for roofs less than 9 m ( 30ft. ) diameter ( where internal floating roofs may become unstable ), to account for access needs, and expected concentrated live loads. General operating e.b.doc Page 4/4 03.08.04 —~VACONO ets lnm on ah ahead of technology INSPECTION/ CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE | Customer: Project Description: Project Number: (ACONODECK Number. for the above project has been assembled and installed in accordance with the manufactures installation instructions and drawings. All workmanship has been checked by the customers representative and found to be acceptable. Have all customer comments and rectification work been addressed and accepted. Haye all areas been cleaned and excess material disposed of. Contractors Signature, Date: Customer acceptance: Client / Site Engineer: | Signature: Date: Name ( Print ) Position ( Print ) Copies to: Customer Contractor Manufacturer Contractor: Upon acceptance by the customer please return a copy of this report by fax to Aluminium Rheinfelden VACONO DEPT FAX NO. 07623 / 93 547 INSPECL.00C 15.0499 " —~VACONO snes linn me ahead of technology VACONODECK -CHECKLIST- Order No.: 7) m; Tank No.: 4. DECK BOTTOM SIDE Check Mark 1.1 Frame work, SGB-03061-4 Screw joints, complete and tight 1.2. Floats, SGB-03062-4 Blind rivets, upwards Brackets, complete and tight 1.3 Support legs, SGB-03062-4, SGB-03063-4 Vertically installed Screw joints tight Nylon plugs complete Support legs do not extend above the upper rim, of the fixed leg sleeve 1.4 Pipe,Ladder, Column negotiating devices SGB-03074-4, SGB-03096-4 Screw joints tight Rivet joints tight Sealing correct 1.5 Automatic gauging devices, SGB-03075-4, SGB-03076-4. SG Screw joints tight Rivet joints tight Sealing correct Distance between lowest edge and tank bottom min.50mm 1.6 Manhole valve combination ( Vacuum-valve ), SGB-03771-4, SGB-03772-4 Screw joints tight Rivet joints tight Sealing correct Nylon plug for opening rod inserted CHECK-E.D0C Page 116 01.0498 —VACONO ns ohn ri ahead of technology Check Mark 1.7 Gauging funnel, SGB-03072-4, SGB-03073-4 Screw joints tight Rivet joints tight 1.8 Antirotation cable quide, S Screw joints tight Rivet joints tight 1.9 Antirotation roller quide, SGB-03085-4 Screw joints tight Clearance between rolls and guide element ( pipe ) 5 mm each 1.10 Drain pipes, SGB-03093-4 Pipes well sealed Spring clips tight cHECK-€. DOC Page 26 01.0499 —~VACONO ns mn ov 24 2.2 ahead of technology TANK BOTTOM Check Mark Anti-rotation system, SGB- 03068-4 Bottom anchor completely filled welded Cable clamps tight Spring strained to approx. 90 mm Diffuser Diffuser is installed pointing to tank centre Diffuser horizontally installed ‘Support welded to diffusor No welding between support and tank bottom cHECK-€,D0c Pages 6 01.04.98 —VACONO ens Amin Co il 3.4 32 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 ahead of technology DECK TOP SIDE Check Mark Clamping channels, SGB-03061-4 Peripheral clamping channels tight Sealing blocks inserted Straight clamping channels tight Additional bolts inserted at the ends of the clamping channels Connection butt straps at channel joints installed Adjustable leas, SGB-03062-4 Screws ( 4 each ) are upper sleeves tight ‘Additional drilling to 80 mm under leg tip Legs easily movable in the leg sleeves Manhole-valve combination, SGB-03771-4 Hinge bolted tight Sealing at cover installed Well corners sealed Cover lifts to 150 mm at it's lowest deck position Vacuum-valve, SGB-03772-4 Cover plate lock nuts are tight Cover plate lifted for 150 mm in the lowest deck position Opening road easily movable in the sleeve Pipe, Ladder, Column negotiation devices, SGB-03074-4 Well flange sealed Rivet joints tight Sealing plate riveted ( Heads downward ) Antistatic cables installed Automatic gauging device, SGB-03075-4, SGB-03076-4, SGB-03077-4 Well flange sealed Cover secured with two rivets CHECK-£.00C Page a6 01.0499 ~VACONO see Henin Cre bt ahead of technology Check Mark 3.7 Gauging funnel, SGB-03072-4, SGB-03073- 4 Nylon diaphragm installed 3.8 Antistatic system, SGB-03070-4 Deck connection tight Tape or cable or automatic gauge is not impeded by antistatic cables 3.9 Lip seal, SGB-03064-4, SGB-70309-4 Lip fitted well into tank shell in up and downward position Lip seal is showing downwards Butt straps tight 3.10 Teflon seal, SGB-7031 Lip is fitting well to tank shell Seal joint is sewn and sealed Butt straps tight CHECK-€.006 Pagesi6 01.0499 —VACONO eee ahead of technology 4. TANK ROOF Check Mark 4.1. Antirotation-system, SGB-03088-4 Socket and reinforcing flange completely filled welded 4.2. Antistatic-system, SGB-03070-4 Cable clamping bolts.tight Resistance test executed ( reading: Zero Ohm ) CHECK-E DOC Page 616 01.0499 “™ VACONO er ahead of technology Procedure for - Water Testing - of Internal Aluminium / Stainless Steel Floating Covers (IFR) Type "VACONODECK* 1. General The relevant API 650 app. H. paragraphs H.7.3 and H.7.4 describe in general how the water test should be carried out and which risks regarding corrosion are to be seen. API 650 app. H Floating roofs in accordance with H.5.1 shall be given a flotation test on water. Floating roofs in accordance with H.5.2 and H.5.3 shall be given a flotation test on water or product at the option of the purchaser. During this test, the roof should be checked to confirm that it travels freely to its full height and that it is free from leaks. The appearance of a damp spot on the upper side of the part in contact with the product shall be considered evidence of leakage. The fit of the peripheral seal shall be checked to ensure that an acceptable contact with the shell is maintained throughout the entire travel of the roof. HZ. For aluminium / stainless steel covers, because of possible corrosive effects, consideration should be given to the quality of the water used and the duration of the testing. Potable water should be used whenever possible. In some cases a light oil may be applied to the underside of the cover or floated on the surface of the water to prevent contact between the aluminium / stainless steel and the water during testing. If IFR is tested on water the following should be arranged: 1. Water which is used for testing should be potable. If such water is not available or to expensive the test water must be analysed. The water analysis must be submitted to the deck supplier for approval and further instruction. 2. The water test must be carried out as quickly as possible. If the test is done in less than three days practically no corrosion will be seen on the aluminium / stainless steel components. The test time should not be longer than two weeks. 3. To reduce corrosion risk all metallic connections from the IFR to the tank must be disconnected. > Earthing wires to be disconnected and isolated. Antirotation cables out of stainless steel should be replaced with non conducting cables. We propose a stee! cable which is covered by plastic on the outside, diameter max. 8 mm. > Any other devices which are in contact with the tank and the IFR must be isolated. Procedure doc 16.02.00 12 —~VACONO eee ahead of technology 4. Additional possible protection against corrosion: > Floats can be sprayed with a special oil, e.g. a Tectyl-Product of the serial no. 506 (see enclosure) before water test. It is required that the complete floater surface is covered with oil and no area remains free of oil. The oil to be used is specified in the attached data sheet 5. If zero corrosion is required the only possible solution is to add an inhibitor medium to the water. The customer is requested to contact the deck supplier in this case so that type and amount of inhibitor can be selected 6. After the water test is completed and the tank is drained water free, the tank must be filled with product within 2 days. If the tank and the IFR stand without product for a longer period of the following conservation must be carried out on the IFR. ‘All Aluminium / Stainless Steel Floats must be brushed with a soft brush (no metal brush to be used) and dried from water drops. A thin layer of oil must be applied on them. This conservation stops possible ongoing pitting corrosion on the floats and on other parts treated. 7. The stainless stee! antirotation cables must be installed again and the non conductive cables are to be taken out. 8. Earthing wires are to be refixed on the tank, so that floating cover and steel tank are electrically connected. 9. The tank with the IFR cover is now ready to be filled with product, Enclosure 6 pages Tectyl data sheet Procedure. do 16.02.00 22 —~VACONO ves tise ne ail ahead of technology Tectyl PRODUCT INFORMATION PROTECTIVE COATINGS \Va.vouve INDUSTRIAL PRoDuCTS EUROPEAN Dawson WeLoreciTsewes 39, 2936 BG DORDRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS ‘Bron (31)78-18 00 11,Fax (31)78-18 18.59 fTectyl 506 EH| Description Tectyl 506 EH is a water-displacing, solvent cutback, wax base, general purpose, corrosion preventive compound suitable for the widest range of application requirements for vehicle rustproofing, protection of machinery and parts in storage. Tectyl 506 EH protects parts in indoor and outdoor storage as well as domestic and international shipments. Laboratory Data Flash, PMC, Minimum Specific gravity @ 15,7 °C: Recommended dry film thickness: 140°C 0,89 62,5 microns Theoretical coverage: Non volatile content W%:..... Approximate air dry time @ 25 Accelerated Corrosion Tests: 5 % salt spray (hours) DIN 50021 @ 62,5 microns (125 x 200 mm DIN 1623 panels): .. 100 % relative humidity (hours) DIN 50017SK @ 62,5 (125 x 200 mm DIN 1623 panels)..... 300 1500 Benefits Easy Application Tectyl 506 EH is suited for application by either airless or air mixing spray equipment. It possesses excellent “fogging” capability, readily developed by conventional fog spray kits and wands. It can also be applied by brush or dip techniques. One Coat — No Primer Required Fectyl 508 EH is a one-coat, no-prime application, affording low cost protection. Long-Term Protection Tectyl 506 EH combines the basic requirements of good atomisation, penetration and water displacement to insure that weld seams, joint and metal surfaces are protected, This pliable firm coating has a polar attraction to metal surfaces. The coating has a dielectric (insulating) strength of 2,000 to 3.000 volts and therefore protects electrical connections and prevents galvanic corrosion. It provides outstanding protection in corrosive environments. “The information contained herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. The recommendations or suggestions contained inthis bulletin ae reese hreut guarantee of representation as to resus, We suggest thal you evaluate these recommendations and suggestions in your Own raestaany pir to use, Our responsibil for Calms arising rom breach of warranty, negigence or otherwise is lrited tothe purchase pice of rheatetal Freedom to use ary patent owned by Ashland or others isnot tobe inferrad from any statement contained herein “Teety| Product Information. doc 16.02.00 48 —VACONO nae lin Cv ahead of technology Surface Preparation The maximum performance of Tecty! 506 EH can only be achieved when the metal surfaces to be protected are clean and dry. Remove dirt, rust, scaling paint and other contaminants bevor applying Teetyl 506 EH Recommended Application Ensure uniform consistency prior to use. Continuous stirring or thinning is generally not required. If product thickens due to cold storage or loss of solvent during use, add only aliphatic mineral spirits and only if necessary to restore consistency. DO NOT THIN WITH AROMATIC SOLVENTS, KEROSENE OR DIESEL FUEL. Do not apply direct heat to thin. Apply at 10 — 35 °C. Airless spray with special wand extensions to coat interior and box sections is preferred. Equipment manufacturers should be consulted for specific job recommendations. Coverage Theoretical coverage is 9.2 sq, meters/liter at the recommended dry film thickness of 62.5 microns. Material losses during application will vary and must be considered when estimating job requirements. Removal Tectyl 508 EH can be removed if necessary with mineral spirits or any similar aliphatic petroleum solvent, It can also be removed by means of a high pressure steam cleaner and from fabrics by normal dry cleaning procedures, even after curing. Avoid the use of highly aromatic solvents when removing from painted surfaces as these solvents may adversely affect paint. Health and Safety Tectyl 506 EH cures by solvent evaporation. Use with adequate ventilation. Adequate ventilation is required for cure and to ensure against formation of an explosive atmosphere. THE PARTIALLY CURED FILM SHOULD NOT BE EXPOSED TO IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS FLARES, FLAMES, SPARKS, EXCESSIVE HEAT OR TORCHES. Refer to Ashland’s Material Safety Data Sheet for health and safety information. “ect! Product Information doe 46.02.00 216 —VACONO eee ahead of technology Material Safety Data Sheet According to 91/155 EC Printing date 26.02.97 Reviewed on 13.01.97 (A IDeNTIFICATION OF ‘SUBSTANCE: I + Product details «Trade name: Tectyl: 400 C, 508, 506/75, 506 EH, 568, 558 AMC, 846-10, 846-K19 * Manufacturer/Supplier: Valvoline Oil Company Phone: 0031 78 — 65 43 458 Division of Ashland Oil, Inc. Fax: 0031 78 - 65 43 522 P.O. Box 11-3300 AA Dordrecht The Netherlands Valvoline ( Deutschland ) GmbH & Co. KG Oberseering 9 22297 Hamburg Informing department: tecty! Emergency information: As above Valvoline MSDS No.: 10400.00 2._COMPOSITIONIDATA ON COMPONENTS: ‘Chemical characterization Deseription: Mixture of the substances listed below with harmless products. Dangerous component: Calcium alky aryl sulfonate Xi, R36-38 3._ HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard designation: Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment R 10 Flammable. + Classification system ‘The classification system is in line with current EC lists: It is expanded, however, by information from technical literature and by information furnished by ‘supplier companies. “4,_FIRST AID MEASURES «After inhalation supply fresh air, consult doctor in case of symptoms. After skin contact the product is not skin irritating. * After eye contact; Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. + After swallowing; Do not induce vomiting - danger of chemical pneumonia In case of persistent symptoms consult doctor. “Teety! Product nformation.doc 16.02.00 a6 —VACONO tana rnin Gr et ahead of technolosy Material Safety Data Sheet According to 91/155 EC Printing date 26.02.97 _ _ ___ Reviewed on 13.01.97, Trade name: Tectyl: 400 C, 506, 506/75, 506 EH, 558, 558 AMC, 846- 149 | (5._ FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES + Suitable extinguishing agents C02, extinguishing powder or water jet. Fight larger fires with water jet or alcohol-resistant foam. «For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents Water with a full water jet. = Special hazards caused by the material, its products of combustion or flue gases: None «Protective equipment: Do not inhale explosion gases or combustion gases. [[(6._ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES i ‘* Person-related safety precautions: Remove all ignition sources Ensure adequate ventilation + Measures for environmental protection: Do not allow product to reach sewage system or water bodies. Inform respective authorities in case product reaches water or sewage system. «Measures for cleaning/collecting: ‘Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust). 7._ HANDLING AND STORAGE * Handling «Information for safe handling: Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace. Prevent formation of aerosols. Avoid long or repeated skin contact. ‘* Information about protection against explosions and fires: Keep ignition sources away ~ Do not smoke. Protect against electrostatic charges. * Storage «Requirements to be met by storerooms and containers: Prevent any penetration into the ground. «Information about storage in one common storage facility Store away from oxidizing agents. + Further information about storage conditions: Keep container tightly sealed. “ecty| Product Information doe 16.0200 is —VACONO eee ahead of technology Material Safety Data Sheet According to 91/155 EC Printing dete. [Trade nami 7 _ _ __ Reviewed on 13.01.97 Tectyl: 400 C, 506, 506/75, 506 EH, 558, 558 AMC, 846-10, 846-K 19) [[8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION * Additional information about design of technical systems: No further data; see item 7. * Components with critical values that require monitoring at the workplace: The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the workplace. * Additional information: ‘The lists that were valid during the compilation were used as basis. + Personal protective equipment General protective and hygienic measures Wash hands during breaks and at the end of the work. ‘+ Breathing equipment: Not necessary if room is well-ventilated. «Protection of hands: Protective gloves, «Eye protection: Safety glasses. [[9._ PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: ~ + Form: Liquid © Colour: According to product specification + Smell: characteristic 5 ValuefRange Unit Method * Change in condition + Melting poinMelting range: Not determined + Boiling point/Boiling range: 148 °C. + Flash point 38°C + Ignition temperature: 260 °C + Self-inflammabllty: Product is not seffignting © Danger of explosion: Procuct is not explosive. However, formation of explosive air/steam mixtures is possible. + Density: at20 °C 0.87 glom3 © Solubility in / Miscibilty with © Water: Not miscible or difficult to mix (0. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY * Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided: No decomposition if used according to specifications. * Materials to be avoided: None «Dangerous reactions: NO dangerous reactions known + Dangerous products of composition: No dangerous decomposition products known, Tecty! Product information doc 16.02.00 56 —VACONO ee ahead of techaology Material Safety Data Sheet According to 91/155 EC Printing date _ - _____ Reviewed on 13.01.97 Trade name: Tectyl: 400 C, 506, 506/75, 506 EH, 558, 558 AMC, 846-10, 846-K 19] [A4 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity Primary irritant effect (On the skin: Long repeated contact can defect skin and cause dermatitis. On the eye: No irritant effect. Sensitization: No sensitizing effect known. 42. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. * General notes: Water hazard class 2 (Self-assessment) :hazardous for water. Do not allow product to reach ground water, water bodies or sewage system. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product: Recommendation Must not be disposed of together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach sewage system, Uncleaned packagings: Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations, 44. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land transport ADR/RID and GGVS/GGVE (cross-border/domestic) ADRIRID-GGVSIZ Class: 3 Inflammable liquids Number/Letter: 31¢ Kemler Number .30 UN-Number: 1139 Maritime transport IMDG/GGVSea: IMDG/GGVSea Class: Page: = UN Number... Packaging group:.. KMS Number:. MFAG Marine pollutant: Air transport ICAO-TI and IATA-DGR: ICAOMATA Clas8° sseseecen socee8 UNI/ID Number: 1139 Packaging group:..... 7 i “Teety Preduat information doc 16.02.00 6 —VACONO sma ua Cpe nl ahead of technology INSTALLATION MANUAL VACONODECK - "Double PE" - sEAL | DRAWINGS: SGB-71141-4 / SGB-71142-4 See attached drawing SGB-71142-4, Sketch 1-5 Before installing the SEAL, the VACONODECK must be in position and centred. The best method of centring is to use four wooden blocks placed 90° apart under the upper flange at the circumference of the floating roof, as shown in sketch 2 and 3. Installation The seal is laid out on the circumference of the floating roof. One end is positioned at the point where the installation of the circumferential clamping channel has been started. As shown in sketch 1, the seal is curved upwards against the tank wall, and the first hole is made, using a rubber mallet, at a distance of about 35-50 mm from the inner edge. Further holes are then punched in the seal, taking care at all times that the outer edge is not under stress and is held snugly against the tank wall. Once the first 10 to 20 holes have been punched, and the seal have been placed in position, the first spacer channél is fitted and bolted down finger-tight. The complete seal is then installed as described. From the second spacer channel onwards, all components can be firmly bolted to each other. Once all the holes have been made in the seal, the end is marked accurately to align with the start point of the joint, it is then cut and trimmed as necessary, and bonded as shown in drawing SGB-71141-4. After the seal has been placed over the bolts again, the last spacer channel is adjusted to fit and then installed. Finally, after the adhesive has cured, all bolts are firmly tightened and the installation of the lower seal is thus complete. The upper seal is installed in the same way, but clamping straps segments are used instead of the spacer channel, see SGB-71142-4 sketch 5. SEALDPEE.00C 12.08.98 } VACONOSEAL “Double PE” Assembly o f Polyethylene Seal ee Ll VACONOSEAL “PE’ | during assembly | [= ealing block | 13 VACONOSEAL during assembly U Splice Strap | tT Ut | Pop-Rivet _ el, > se ZB "PE-Seal” ZEB CLE The joints are cut an angle of not more than 60°, and glued together. Thereafter the joint is additionaly fixed with a splice-strap and pop-rivet I DOCUMENTATION VACONO DECK Assembly of "Double PE"-Seal VACONO ALUMINIUM COVERS GMBH. rowing, Ns ev. Friedrichstr. 80 _D~79618 Rheinfelden SGB-71141-4 |e OOO) Sketch Punching the firs | t hole S. Sketch & Wooden board , ! Sketch 2 C ‘entering of the VACONODECK ! Sketch 5 i After assembly MS min.35-50 2 i Joint = Sketch 3 MB Tankwall Wooden block MB < ' ay S & DOCUMENTATION « ‘oraoble e coca leo vaca sas [a8 \@p2.02 99] 7-221 Assembly of -Seal- % | i fear eee el om nce ike Bia a = Fesuoikn fav naateshars|| Piedrohate. 80. 0-79616. Rhenfaidon SGB-71142-4 "8 “™ VACONO ahead of tach nology Vacono Aluminium Covers Gmbi VACONODECK - Material List “Aluminium” Parts Seal Floater Tube End Cap Floater end brackets Cover Sheets Core Cladding alternative: Cover Sheets uncladded - Extruded Sections Rim profile Crossing profile (lower) Crossing-profile (upper) Cover Supports Negotiation Devices Gauging Manhole Uni. Brackets Bolts Nuts Matis, OC Dimensions (Material Thicknes: 1.3mm 2,5 mm 2,0 mm 0,5/0,7 mm min. 5 % each side 0,58 mm 2,5 mm 1,8 mm (3,0 mm) 3,0 mm (2,0 mm) 42.9x3,0 mm 42,40x1,5mm 1-1,5 mm(flange 1,5 mm) 1,0mm_ (flange 1,5 mm) 1.5mm (cover 5 mm) 4,0mm (cover 3mm) 45mm M8x 20 M8 x 35 (cross-profile) M8 x 55 (supports) Ms Material Designations Polyurethane, Polyethylene PTFE (Tefion) AIMn1iMgt 3004 AI Mg 3 8754 AI Mg 3 5754 Ai Mn 4 (hh) 3003-H26 AlZn4 7072 AI Mn 1 (hh) 3003-H16 Al Mg Si 0,5 F20-22 6060 Al Mg Si 0,5 F20-22 6060 Al Mg Si 0,5 F20-22 6060 Al Mg Si 0,5 F20-22 6060 1.4301 (stainless steel) AI Mg 3 5754 4.4301 (stainless steel) AIMg 3 5754 4.4301 (stainless steel) AlMg 3 5754 1.4301 (stainless steel) 1.4301 (stainless steel) 1.4301 (stainless steel) AI Mg Si 1 F 23 6082 (stainless steel optional) 04.04.00 -VACONODECK-~ MATERIAL LIST TANK DIAMETER =: ——12192,00 mm ORDER NUMBER : 010736/2 DECK NO aasa ASSEMBLY DRAWING SGB-54113-3 CUSTOMER : NABTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIGE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 ALUMINIUM RHEINFELDEN GMBH Global Unit VACONO PO BOX 1140 D-79601 RHEINFELDEN / BADEN FRIEDRICHSTRASSE 60 _D-79618 RHEINFELDEN / BADEN TELEFON 07623 / 93-511 TELEFAX 07623 / 93547 EMAIL — vacono@vacono. com VACONODECK D= 12192.00 mm 010736/2 2. 8.2005 == 1 ~~ NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 SGB-54113-3 Deck 3491 TANK HEIGHT 9772.00 DECK HEIGHT 1800.00 OUTER DIAMETER DA 1812.00 INNER DIAMETER DI 1732.00 INNER DIA PE-BUPT STRAP DKI —11747,00 p2 11692.00 DISTANCE DR 190.00 RISE OF PE-ELEMENT su 4g.14 RADIUS OF PE ELEMENT RI 5866.00 RISE OF PE-BUTT STRAP SUK 48.08 RADIUS OF PE-BUTT STRAP REI $873.50 SECANT OVER 90-DEGREES SEC 8352.34 CHANNEL DISTANCE 2000.00 MAX, SHEET LENGTH 1500.00 FLOAT DISTANCE 3000.00 ADDITIONAL WEIGHT 9.00 SPEC. BUOYANCY — kg/m3 700.00 DECK WEIGHT 760.15 BUOYANCY 1521.11, TANK WEIGHT (ADDITIONAL) 15.98 DIMENSIONS IN mm WEIGHT IN kg VACONODECK D= 12192.00 mm 010736/2 2. 8.2005 =~ NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 SGB-54113-3_ Deck 3491 Pos 13 1a 15 1s 7 18 19 20 2a 22. 23 26 28 29 31 33 35 36 37 28 29 40 42 43 4a 15 35 14 12 ye wou yevava 10 13 a7 17 47 20 23 24 25 48 6a 68 80 a5 1570 3500. 931 782 782 5048. 5048. 3087 3087. 5000 2021. 1998. 54. 709 789. 5056. 5056. 3102. 3102 5000. 2500 s2ii2 12132. 10853 6833 41 1998. 1998. 1998. 1998. 2021. 00 n 30 30 27 27 9a 94 00 00 00 00 91 9 98 98 16 16 00 00 00 00 20 39 78 00 200 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.00 0.00 00 200 00 +00 00 00 200 -00 +00 200 200 00 +00 100 0.00 699.76 1759.40 2123.96 -00 +00 100 00 100 09 370.00 410.00 560.00 0.00 9.00 30.76 30.76 58.47 58.47 +00 100 100 9.80 30.72 58.35 58.35 0.00 181.00 191.10 51.69 41.89 00 100 00 £00 00 00 330.00 88.90 WEIGH? 93.91 PE ELEMENT 5.00 PE ELEMENT 98.90 0.92 R-CHANNEL 0.92 R-CHANNEL 5.97 R-CHANNEL 5.97 R-CHANNEL 3.63 R-CHANNEL 3.63 R-CHANNEL 1.84 S-CHANNEL .21 FRAMING SPACER +80 FRAMING SPACER 1.02 FRAMING SPACER 0.73 R-BUIT STRAP 0.73 R-BUTT STRAP 4.70 R-BUTT STRAP 4.70 R-BUTT STRAP 2.87 R-BUTT STRAP 2.87 R-BUTT STRAP 9.30 S-BUTT STRAP 17.44 PE-BUTT STRAP 0.69 SEALING BLOCK 23.97 T-H-SHEET 66.10 T-H-SHEET 55.95 T-H-SHEET 17.16 T-H-END SHEET 1.82 CON.BUTT STRAP 1.40 CHANNEL CON 2.04 CONNECTION F. PE 15.12 VACONOSEAL PE Db 8.02 CABLE GUIDE ss 18.11 MANHOLE VIT AL 18.30 AUTO GAUGE DUMOK 8.80 NEG DEV PIPE 100 27.20 NEG DEV LADDER VACONODECK APTA INDUSTRIJA Pos. NB TYP 48 3 130 50 2 2 51 6 26 Sea 2i) 87 a 28 59 2 oat 60 et 61 a oat 62 2822 6326-26 65 10 52 6s 4 52 67 660 31 68 8032 69 3033 70 1530 34 72 180 36 73 200 37 7 2 68 18 2 66 @ = = a) 20 6 113 fon SRBIJE / 2600 3400 2250 2770 2800. 1720 1720. 2.00 mm PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 00 00 200 5390. 00 00 00 +00 £00 00 00 -00 100 +00 0.00 13000 +00 +00 £00 00 00 +00 00 00 eo000000 010736/2 00 oo +00 00 00 00 00 +00 09 +00 00 200 00 100 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 2 ° ° 0. 8. 8 e °. 2. 5 ° 2 oa :14 +80 +00 8.2005 ar SGB-54113-3 Deck 3491 SEALING PASTE AL BRACKET AL AL aL AL aL ADAPTER BRACKET FIED LEG+PLUG A FIXED LEG+PLUG A BOLT MB*20 BOLT MB*35 BOLT MB*55 NUT MB BOLT MB*65 RIVET 4.8*14.8 ANTIROTATION Svs CABLE 05 SS ANTISTATIC SYS INDICATING PLATE VACONODECK D= 12192.00 mm 010736/2 8.2005 4 NAPTA INDUSTRIJA SREIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 SGB-54113-3 Deck 3491 END-R-SHEET Pos 33 A= 6833.78 B= 2123.96 c= 41.99 D= 1081.00 BS 0.00 --- ATTENTION PLEASE PART LIST ON NEXT PAGES THESE PARTS ARE ALREADY INCLUDED IN ABOVE POSITIONS THE MATERIAL MENTIONED UNDER NB, DEPENDS ON 1. PC OF POS. VACONODECK D= NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 ory re 5 21 52. 64. 202 6s. 102 103 66 6 68 on 02 on 02 03 04 05. on 02 03 01 on oa 205 206 107 108 on on 02 103 oa 105; 106 07 on 103 104 +05 106 07 08 109) 10 an 32 13 14 .17 18 19 DRAWING sGB-03268-3, SGB-00837-4 SGB-02586-3 sGE-02452-3, SGB-02593-3, SGB-00840-4 SGB~02545-3 SGB-02607-2 scB-00468-4 SGB-00351-4 SGB-00352-4 SGB-00245-4 SGB-00353-4 DIN 934 SGB-03820-4 SGB-00467-4 YP 33 DIN 934-ss DIN 127-88 DIN 9021-88 SGB-03319-4 SGB-03409-4 sGB-53753-3, SGB-03589-2 SGB-03590-4 SGB-03591-3 SGB-01970-4 SGB-01993-4 SGE-00304-a SGR-00350-4 ‘SGB-03760-3 ‘SGB-03759-3 TYP 31 Typ 34 YP 130 SGB-50264-4 Tye 37 12192.00 mm 010736/2 2 TEXT WEIGHT U-PROFILE 58,5x25x A 0.525 S-T- CONNECTOR 0.075 PIPE 203x1,3x A-10 2.225 COVER 0.27 COVER 0.27 FLOAT CONNECTION 0.13 RIVET 4,8x8,3 S-SLEEVE FIXED 0.30 IEG -A- AL 0.98 PLUG 0.04 CABLE GUIDE 1.47 FRAMING SPACER ~A- BOTTOM ANCHOR 0.20 SOCKET 3 INCHES 1.00 SCREW CAP 3 INCHES 0.75, SPRING 1.20 EXE BOLT 0.58 HEX.NUT M16 GALV. 0.10 CABLE CLAMP 05 85 (0.14 REINFORCING RING 2.05 CABLE 05 SS BUTT STRAP 65 0.04 BEX, BOLT 0.05, HEX, NUT M8 0.03 SPRING WASHER A8 WASHER AB, 4 0.02 GROUND CABLE 01,5 0.60 WARNING PLATE 0.02 MANHOLE SHAFT 2.50 MANHOLE COVER AL 5.41, SPACER 0.02 SLEEVE 0.26 OPENING ROD 0. DECKHEIGHT +200 CA 3.00 PLUG 0.063 PLUG 0.043 BUTT STRAP 85 0.04 FRAMING SPACER -A- oO. FRAMING SPACER 608 1.58 HEX. BOLT 0.15 HEX, NUT 0.02 SEALING PASTE 0. TYPE PLATE 0.24 POP-RIVET 0° HEX. BOLT MSxX10 °. 8.2005 -- 5 SGR-54113-3 Deck 3491 VACONODECK D= 12192.00 mm 010736/2 2. 8.2008 == 6 NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 SGB-S4113-3 Deck 3491 ory TYP DRAWING TEXT WercH? G 60 HEX. NUT M5 0. 1 80.01 SGB-03797-2 SHAFT DECKHETGTH -80 13.05 1 02 SGB-02955-2 UPPER FUNNEL 320 SS 2.35 1 03 SGB-03798-4 PLATE 0.67 2 104 SGB-02607-2 FRAMING SPACER -A- 0. 2 05 SGB-02608-2 FRAMING SPACER -B- 0 1 85.01 SGB-03296-1 SHAFT 400 2.22 1 102 SGE-O1504-1 SEALING PLATE PIPE-C- 3.46 4 03 SGB-01077-4 EBARTHING KIT 0.01, 8 104 DIN 9021-SS WASHER 8,4 4 05 TYP 31 HEX, BOLT 0.02 4 106 TYP 34 HEX. NUT 0.01 2 07 SGB-02607-2 FRAMING SPACER -A- 2 .08 SGB-02608-2 FRAMING SPACER -B- = 410 1113.02 SGB-51109-3 INDICATING PLATE / B 0 1.130,01 sTETCON SEALING PASTE 0.31, 2 VACONODECK D= 12192.00 am 010736/2 2, 8.2005 -- 7 -~ NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 SGB-54113-3 Deck 3491 ory TYP DRAWING TEXT warcHT 2 48.01 SGB-71100-4 PE-SEAL 21.73 164 02 Typ 28 BUTT STRAP 14.76 0 103 TYP 34 HEX, NUT MB 1.23 164 04 DIN 933 HEX, BOLT MBx45 A2 3.28 0 05 typ 31 HEX, BOLT MBx20 0.82 7 06 SGB-70947-3 U-PROFILE 50.84 80/40/3x2500 ~c~ vv .07 CONN. -STRIP 1.64 BL. 3x72x200 AMG 328 08 DIN 125 WASHER 8,4 AZ 0.82 24 09 TYP 29,01 CONNECTION’ STRAP 0.00 30 : 03 © POP-RIVET 3,2 x 25 0.00 2 112 04 © GLUE c 14/5 0.70 2 eis) 05 THINNER 820 0.76 21 1570 .01 SGR-53297-3 SHAFT 1 102 SGB-53636-3 SEALING PLATE X=1000mm 6 03 SGB-01077-4 EARTHING KIT 12 04 DIN 9021 WASHER 8,4 ss 12 0S TYP 31 HEX. BOLT 8x20 12 106 TYP 34 HEX. NUT MB 2 1:07 SGB-03760-3 FRAMING SPACER ~A~ 2 08 SGB-02608-2 FRAMING SPACER -B~ VACONODECK D= 12192,00 mm 010736/2 DISPLACEMENT VOLUME TANK DIAMETER: —12192.00 DECK HEIGHT + 1800.00 DECK-WEIGHT : 760.15 SPEC. BUOYANCY 700.00 TANK-AREA : 116.75 ORDER NO : 010736/2 DECK No 3491 kg kg/m m2 KUNDE / CUSTOMER : NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / Te NB SPEC-VOL. VOL. 52 FIXED LEGHPLUG A 14x0.0367 = 0.51 TO LIQUID LEVEL 1800-260 = 1540 52 FIXED IEG+PLUG A 14x0.5652 7.91 FROM LIQUID LEVEL 1800-160 = 1640 52. FIXED LEG+PLUG A 14x0.6019 = 8.43 0 PCS LEG. SLEEVE — 14x0.0512 0.72 1 PE ELEMENT 368x0.0376 13.86 68 MANHOLE VIZ AL 1x0.3340 0.33 80 AUTO GAUGE DUMOR 1x0. 3800 0.38 85 NEG DEV PIPE 100 1x0.2400= 0.24 21 FLOAT AL 2173.02 DISPLACEMENT FOR LIQUID-LEVEL DISPLACEMENT : 1085.9 / DIPPING DEPTH : 1085.9x 100/ DISPL.-VOLUME : —760.2x1000/ DISPLACEMENT FOR LIQUID-LEVEL DISPLACEMENT =: 7.9 / onal NAFTA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE / PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 2005 8- SCB-54113-3 Deck 3491 PANCEVO / YUGOSLAVIA/ FB-1103 a3 a3 / da HEIGHT 2196.98 > 1640 116.7 2197.0 4 700.0 = 108! 9.30 mm =x 9.4 & < 508 dn3 = VACONO theed of technology VACONODECK HINWEIS / NOTICE Achtung! Die Stiitzbeine in den Schwimmerreihen miissen versetzt ( wechselseitig ) eingebaut werden, d.h. die Stiitzbeine miissen einmal zur Tankmitte und einmal zur Tankwand zeigen. Im Falle, dass nur 2 Schwimmerreihen existieren, miissen die Stitzbeine jeweils zur Tankwand hin zeigen.!! Siehe Montagezeichnung! f Attention! The position of the deck legs has to be staggered along the float line, i.e. 1 leg has to be placed toward to the tank centre, the 2° toward to the tank wall and so on. In the case, that there are only two lines of inner floats, the legs has to be placed toward to the tank wall! See assembly drawing! Vacono Aluminium Covers Gmblt Postfach 1165. 0-79601 Rheinfelden Friedrichstrafe 80 0.79618 Rheinfelden Tol. +49 (0) 7623 93-511 Fax: +49 (0) 7623 93-547 \ 1366 3000 é hg ‘ 180°__ 1000 Measurements given without tolerances according to ISO 2768~c Surfaces according to DIN ISO 1302 TYP TEXT 1 PE ELEMENT 3. R-CHANNEL 4 R-CHANNEL 2. S-CHANNEL 5 FRAMING SPACER 8 9 7 R-BUTT STRAP R-BUTT STRAP S-BUTT STRAP 10 PE-BUTT STRAP 13 SEALING BLOCK 17 T-H-SHEET 20 T-H-END SHEET 23 CONBUTT STRAP 24 CHANNEL CON 25. CONNECTION F. PE 48 VACONOSEAL PE Db 64 CABLE GUIDE SS 68 MANHOLE VII AL 80 AUTO GAUGE DUMOR 85 NEG DEV PIPE 100 1870 NEG DEV LADDER 130 SEALING PASTE 21 FLOAT Al 26 FLOAT BRACKET 52. FIXED LEG+PLUG A 65 ANTIROTATION SYS 66 CABLE 05 SS 67 ANTISTATIC SYS INDICATING PLATE Project No. 010736 /2 ASSEMBLY DRAWING VACONODECK FLOATING ROOF 612,192m rer] ate | ocicction frowal oma Customer NAFTA IND. SRBIJE [Tonk FB-1103 Joy. / Size 912,192m ane ape See Dann 8 VACONO ALUMINIUM COVERS GMBH This droning is our propery ond ae Friedrichstr. 80 _0-79618 Rheinfelden von Tor pereonel use i itoy not te copied trode ‘svoilabie to others witout oue ormission 160 -"o" ""SGB-54113-3 VACONODECK Verdraéngungsvolumen -ALUMINIUMSCHWIMMER- | Displacement Volumen -ALUMINIUM FLOATS- 1 T I i Anderung der Fiill- i hohe durch Ver- Po Tank rsigung vom Deck Change of Liquid Level By Displace- ment of Deck 260mm 160mm Deckhéhe Deckheight GV Boden erhoht Bottom cone up Boden vertieft Bottom cone down Deckhihe - 160 mm Deckheight - 160 mm Deckhéhe - 260 mm [Deckheight - 260 mm

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