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yt SECTION A: (15 MARKS) is For each of the following equations, find an integer x that satisfies the equation: - (1 Mark Each) a. 4x=2 (mod 3) b. 7x=4 (mod 9) throughout IA 112 course, we assumed that the modulus is @ positive integer. But the definition of the expression @ mod 7 also makes perfect sense if n is negative. Determine the following: (1 Mark Each) a. 7mod -4 b. -7 mod 4 c. -7 mod -4 he definition but is defined by convention as A modulus of 0 does not fi ith this definition in mind, what does the following follows: a mod 0 = a. Wi (1 Marky expression mean: a= b (mod 0)? (1 Mark Each) Using prime factorization a. Determine god(72345. 43215) b. Determine ged(3486, 10292) an aigorithm, find the multiplicative inverse of; (1 Mark Each) Using the extended Eu a, 7465 mod 2464 b, 42828 mod 6407 Tum over we Find the ged (n, n+ 1) (1 Mark) ii, Prove that a = b (mod n) implies b = a (mod n) % a (2 Marks) iii, _ Find all solutions to the equation 15x mod 25 = 10 in the range (0, 24] (2 Marks) SECTION B: (45 MARKS) 4, i. Apply algorithm CRT to find an x such that (3 Marks) xmod4=3 x rood 3 =2 x mod 5 =4. ii, iii, Find a solution to the equation 13x mod 70 = 1 by finding x), x2, and x3 such that (3 Marks) 13x, mod 2=1 13 x:mod 5=1 13 x;mod 7= 1 courses on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Six professors beg! Friday, and Sarurdcy, respectively, and announte their inientions of fecturing at intervals of 3, 2, 5, 6, 1, and 4 days, respectively, The regulations of the university forbid Sunday lectures (30 that a Sunday lecture must be omitted). ‘When first will all six professors find themselves compelled to omit a lecture? (7 Marks) i, _ Use the properties of mod operator to prove the following (2.5 Marks Each) a. The remainder of any integer when divided by 100 is the integer made of two rightmost digits. b. The remainder of any integer when divided by 1000 is the integer made of three rightmost digits. ii. Do each of the following inverses exist exists? If yes, what are they? If no, explain why not. oa (1 Mark Each) a. 102" (mod 411) b. 7" (mod 411) Ds iii. Using Fermat's theorem, find: - (1 Mark Each) a. 4" mod 13. b. A number a between 0 and 92 with a congruent to 7'""modulo 93. c. A number x between 0 and 37 with x” congruent to 4 modulo 37. iv, Using Euler's theorem, find: - = (1 Mark Each) a. A number a between 0 and 9 such that a is congruent to 9°! modulo 10. b. A number x berween 0) and 14 with x“ congruent to 7 modulo 15 Turn over t v. Determine the value of following: (1 Mark Each) a 9 (51) b. 9 (455) ©. 9 616) i. Generate the elements of the field GF(2‘) using the irreducible polynomial f= (x*ex7+1) (2 Marks) ii, Determine the multiplicative inverse of (1 Mark Each) ax? +L in GF (2°) with p(x) =x? +x-1 b. O11 in GF (23) with p(x) = 1011 ii, Determine which ofthe following polynomials ae reducible over GF @). (1 Mark Each) axel bx txel co x‘txt iv Determine the ged f the following pairs of polynomials. (1 Mark Each) a (et 1) and (x2 +x + 1) over GF (2) b. (x7 + x4 1) and (x? + 1) over GF (3) c. (x= 2x + 1) and (« x +2) over GF (5) i v. vie Ar ii, tii. iv. For polynomial arithmetic with coefficients in Z,), perform the following calculations. (1 Mark Each) a (P+ 2+ NOH Hx t7) b. (Sr? + 3x +2) (Sx" + 6) Given different values of a and b in binary, compute - (1 Mark Each) a. The square of @ in GF (2°) with irreducible polynomial p(x) =x? + +1 (1011 in binary). Given a = 101 b. The product ¢ = a+ b given a = 111 and b = 100 in GF(2") with irreducible polynomial p(x) = 1011 (x +x+ 1): ¢. The sumd =a + begiven» = 10101 and 6 = 01100. In GF (2) Find the number of generators and subgroup of the group 2, Prove that it is an abelian group (1 Mark) b. Show the result of 3+2 and 3-2 Find all primitive roots of 37. (3 Marks) Let assign numeric values to the uppercase alphabet (A=0, BI... Z=25). We can now do modular arithmetic on the system. a. What is (A+N) modulo 26 in this system (1 Marl) Tum over v. b. What is (C-10) modulo 26 in this system (1 Mark) c. What is (46) modulo 26 in this system (1 Mark) Given 5 as a primitive root of 23. construct a table of discrete logarithms, and use it t9 solve the following congruence. (1 Mark) (2 Marks) (2 Marks» END OF EXAMINATION PAPER

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