El Pelo - Hair: Example Sentences

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El pelo 

– Hair
Hair comes in many different lengths and colors. People use hair to express
themselves and it’s an easy way to tell people apart. Here are some must-know
vocab words that you should brush up on. 

English Spanish
Long Largo/a
Short Corto/a
Straight Lacio
Curly Riso
Wavy Ondulado/a
Brown marron
Blonde Rubio/a
Red Peli rojo/a
Black Negro/a
Grey Canoso/a
Thick Abundante
Thin Fino/a

Dyed Pintado
Healthy Saludable
Light Claro/a
Frizzy Encrespado/a
Shiny Brillante

Example Sentences
Ella es pelirroja.
She is a redhead. 
Quiero un pelo saludable y brillante. 
I want healthy and bright hair. 

¡Christian no tiene pelo! Es calvo.

Christian doesn’t have any hair! He is bald.

La cara – Face
The face is the foundation for a person’s looks. Your face shape is used to find the
perfect haircut or glasses best suited for you. Here are some great words to
describe any face type.

English Spanish
Round Redondo/a
Oval Ovalado/a
Square Cuadrado/a
Long Largo/a
Bearded Barbudo/a
Freckled Pecoso/a

Examples Sentences
Su cara es larga y redonda.
His face is long and round.

Cassandra tiene una cara pecosa. 

Cassandra’s face is freckled. 

Los ojos – Eyes

People often say that eyes are the first thing they notice about a person. These two
little dots tell a lot about where a person’s attention is placed and give insights into
their thoughts. Are they open and focused? Or tired and droopy? Try and see  if you
already know any of these words.

English Spanish
Blue Azul
Green Verde
Brown Castaño/aMarrones
Light Claro/a
Dark Oscuro/a
Round Redondo/a
Tired Cansado/a
Open Abierto/a
Focused Enfocado/a
Droopy Caído/a

Examples Sentences
El maestro tiene los ojos muy cansados.
The teacher has very tired eyes.

Mis ojos son marrones.

My eyes are brown.

Sus ojos son verdes y enfocados.

His/her eyes are green and focused. 

La nariz – Nose
The nose is a sort of centerpiece to the face. It helps you breathe fresh air and lets
you experience the wondrous odor of home-made cookies. Describe snouts of all
shapes with these physical adjectives in Spanish. 

English Spanish

Hooked Aguileño/a
Turned-up Levantado/a
Prominent  Prominente
Crooked Torcido/a
Wide Ancho/a
Narrow Angosto/a

Examples Sentences
Tengo la nariz muy recta.
I have a very straight nose.

Su nariz siempre está levantada.

Their nose is always turned-up.

Los labios – Lips

You use your lips everyday to smile, talk, or even hold onto that paper clip while
you stack your essay together. Talk about different kinds of mouths with this vocab

Full Carnoso/a
Thin  Delgado/a
Curved Curvado/a
Dry Seco/a
Chapped Agrietado/a
Red Rojo/a

Examples Sentences
Tienes labios rojos.
You have red lips.

Mis labios están secos y agrietados.

My lips are  dry and chapped.

Tipo de cuerpo – Body Shape

Now that you’ve finished with the face, it’s time to look at some physical adjectives
in Spanish to describe the rest of the body. Use these figure adjectives to build a
foundation for any body type.

English Spanish
Lean Delgado/a
Stocky fuerte
Stout Corpulento/a
Slender Esbelto/a

Skinny Flaco/a
Petite Menudo/a
Muscular Musculoso/a
Large Grande
Tall Alto/a
Short Bajo/a
Average normal
Fit En forma

Examples Sentences
Andrea es muy musculosa y está en forma.
Andrea is very muscular and fit.

Mi nieta necesita comer más, es demasiada flaca.

My granddaughter needs to eat more, she is too skinny.

Tu hija es baja y menuda.

Your daughter is very short and petite.

La edad – Age
Age shows your wisdom and life experience. Tell different generations apart using
these vivid attributes.

English Spanish
Old Viejo/a
Young Joven
Wrinkly Arrugado/a
Middle-Aged De mediana edad
Youthful Juvenil
Elderly Entrado de años/De la tercera edad

Examples Sentences
Mi abuela es de la tercera edad. 
My grandmother is elderly.

Quiero ser joven otra vez.

I want to be young again.

Mis padres son de mediana edad.

My parents are middle-aged.

El espectro de atractivo – Attractiveness

Attractiveness is more than just a person’s physical appearance. Positive
personality traits are directly linked with attractiveness. Characteristics like
helpfulness and honesty actually make people appear more physically attractive! 

Learn even more ways to describe people you like with our Positive Adjectives list! 

English Spanish
Beautiful Hermoso/a-
gorgeous bello
Handsome Guapo/a
Ugly Feo/a
Cute lindo
Pretty Bonita
Stunning Impresionante
Average Promedio/a
Attractive Atractivo/a

Examples Sentences
Mi tío tiene un perro feo.
My uncle has an ugly dog.
Quiero ser impresionante y hermosa como Shakira.
I want to be stunning and beautiful like Shakira.

Roberto piensa que Jasmin es bonita.

Roberto thinks Jasmin is pretty.

Putting Them All Together

Now that you’ve learned these physical adjectives in Spanish, you’re ready to start
describing people! Look at these example descriptions and then create some of
your own.

Example Sentences
Verónica tiene el pelo rizado y encrespado. Su cara es redonda con una nariz
angosta y labios delgados. 
Veronica has curly and frizzy hair. Her face is round with a narrow nose and thin

Mateo es muy alto y guapo. Tiene una cara cuadrada con los ojos claros y el pelo
Mateo is very tall and handsome. He has a square face with bright eyes and black

Maria es baja y hermosa. Es muy joven y tiene el pelo largo.

Maria is short and beautiful. She is very young and has long hair.

Create Your Own Sentences

Mi cuerpo es ___ y ____. 
My body is ___ and _____.

Mis ojos son ___ y mi pelo es ____. 

My eyes are ___ and my hair is ____. 

Tengo una nariz __ y labios ___. 

I have a  ___ nose and _____ lips.
Vocabulary extra

angry = enfadado

happy = feliz

sad = triste

hungry = hambriento

sleepy = somnoliento (que tiene sueño)

exhausted = muy cansado

awake = despierto

asleep = dormido

good = bueno

bad = malo

beautiful = hermosa (para mujeres y cosas sin género)

ugly = feo

handsome = guapo guapa

lovely = muy hermoso o simpático

plain = sencillo, poco atractivo

sour = ácido

bitter = amargo

sweet = dulce
delicious = delicioso

disgusting = asqueroso

clean = limpio

tidy = ordenado

dirty = sucio

messy = desordenado

hot = caliente

warm = caluroso

cool = fresco

cold = frío

wet = mojado

dry = seco

rainy = lluvioso

sunny = soleado

snowy = nevado

foggy = que tiene niebla

early = temprano

late = tarde

true = verdadero, cierto

false = falso

fat = gordo

thin = delgado
tall = alto

short = bajo

big = grande

small = pequeño

full = lleno

empty = vacío

boring = aburrido

interesting = interesante

slow = lento

fast = rápido

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