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CVLE260 Engineering Surveying I

CVLE260 Engineering Surveying I

Course Syllabus – Spring2020-2021
Curricular Area Civil Engineering –Surveying Sequence
Type of Course Mandatory - Major

Basic principles, linear surveying, Compass surveying, theodolite

Catalogue Description surveying: Vernier , optical and digital, traverses open ,closed, link,
and traverse network ,Simple and precise leveling , contouring.

Prerequisites by Courses

Prerequisites by Topics Mathematic ( geometry &calculus)

Eng. Murshed Abu saleh
Instructors Engineering Building – Department of Civil Engineering

Office Hours Thursday: 9:00AM – 11:00 PM

Load 2 credits; 1 Lecture-sessions/week + 120 min lab session/week

Textbook Engineering surveying

1. Practical Surveying and computation.

Reference Books 2. Surveying for construction;
4thand 5th edition by William Irvine

Week [1] 1. Basic principles

2. linear surveying
Week [2-4] 3. Compass surveying

4. theodolite surveying :
 Vernier optical and digital
Week [5-10]  closed
 open and link traverse
 traverse network

6. simple Leveling
Week [11-13]  Booking Form
 Longitudinal section
 Contouring

Week [14] 6.Precise Leveling

CVLE 260 Course File

Learning Outcomes Program Program
Outcomes Objectives
Students will know the fundamental concepts of engineering surveying a 1
Students will demonstrate the ability to determine the distances and off-setting a, e, b 1
by linear surveying .
Students will know the meaning of bearing of line and to determine it by a, b, e 1
Students will demonstrate the ability to make any type of traverses and the a, e 1
methods for corrections.
Students will demonstrate the ability to make leveling for ground and input the a, b, e ,d 1
site data into a booking then to draw a longitudinal section or a contour map
Students will know how to make a precise leveling and to adjust a precise e, b 1
leveling network.

a. Scientific Expertise: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and

b. Experimental Training: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to
analyze and interpret data
d. Teamwork: an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e. Problem Solving: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Assessment Tools
Learning Outcomes Exams HW s Lab Project Course
Reports Report Survey

Students will know the fundamental concepts of     

engineering surveying 

Students will demonstrate the ability to determine the     

distances and off-setting by linear surveying .
Students will know the meaning of bearing of line and to     
determine it by Compass.
Students will demonstrate the ability to make any type of     
traverses and the methods for corrections.
Students will demonstrate the ability to make leveling for     
ground and input the site data into a booking then to draw
a longitudinal section or a contour map (contouring)
Students will know how to make a precise leveling and to     
adjust a precise leveling network.

CVLE 260 Course File

1. Attendance (as below).
2. Individual weekly homework assignments and project (10%)
3. Two Exams (20%+15%)
4. Practical Exam (15%)
5. 2-hour final exam. (40%)
6. ZERO-TOLERANCE policy on cheating and plagiarism.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Class attendance will be taken and students will be penalized for
absences according to the rules set by BAU regulations, and specified in the CE Student Manual; i.e.
students who miss more than one-fifth of the sessions of any course in the first ten weeks of the semester
will be required to withdraw from the course with a grade of “W”.

1Assessment Dates:
Exam 1: Mars, 2021
Exam2 : April, 2021
Practical Exam: May, 2021
Final Exam: To be set later by BAU registrar.

Course Coordinator Eng. Murshed Abu Saleh

Date January ,2021

CVLE 260 Course File

CVLE 260 Course File

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