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Climate change presents a worldwide problem. The Philippines is more sensitive to

climate change because we are closer to the earth’s equator. Right now our experience with
climate change is getting worse because of the pollutions we do, There are many causes and
effects that climate change has on our world and we feel it especially those who live in coastal
areas. This study will presented the causes and impacts of climate change in a coastal area in
Barangay Bacolod, Panatalan Magallanes, Sorsogon. This study concluded that there are many
factors that can affect the climate change in the coastal area, and people need to be aware
about their surroundings and we must not just live here, we must create a solution to decrease
the impacts of climate change in our world and in our community.


Background of the Study

Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a
change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place’s
usual temperature for a month or season. According to National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) A shift in a location’s typical weather is referred to as climate change.
This could be due to a shift in the amount of rain that a location receives on a yearly basis. It
could also be a variation in a location’s normal temperature over the course of a month or
season. Climate change can be caused by a variety of factors. Our planet’s climate is changing.
Although the climate has always been unpredictable. According to Wild Wild Life, Humans and
wild animals are facing new survival challenges as a result of climate change. Droughts that are
more frequent and severe, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming
oceans can all hurt animals, ruin their habitats, and disrupt people’s livelihoods and societies.
The Philippines is one of the countries in the world vulnerable to climate change. According to
ClimateLinks (2017), The Philippines is extremely sensitive to climate change's effects, such as
rising sea levels, increased frequency of extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and
heavy rainfall. This is due to its significant vulnerability to natural hazards (cyclones, landslides,
floods, and droughts), reliance on climate-sensitive natural resources, and huge coastlines,
which are home to all of the country's major cities and the bulk of the people.
Causes of Climate Change
Since industrial Revolution, climate change is always happening in our world. When
looking at all the evidence, there is a large scientific consensus that humans are the leading
cause of climate change. According to Met Office this is are the following that causes climate
a) Human Causes Climate Change
By producing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, humans
contribute to climate change. More carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere today
than it has been in at least the last 2 million years. Carbon dioxide levels increased by
40% between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We produce greenhouse gases in
a variety of ways:

a. Burning fossil fuels – Carbon dioxide has been 'locked away' in the ground for
thousands of years in fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal. We release the stored
carbon dioxide into the air when we remove these off the land and burn them.
b. Deforestation – Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored by
forests. Because there are no trees to absorb carbon dioxide, it builds up faster
when they are cut down.
c. Agriculture – Planting crops and rearing animals releases many different types
of greenhouse gases into the air.
d. Cement – Producing cement is another contributor to climate change, causing
2% of our entire carbon dioxide emissions.

b) Natural Changes to Climate Change

Natural cycles can cause the climate to alternate between warming and cooling. There
are also natural factors that force the climate to change, known as ‘forcings’. Some of
these natural cycles include:
a. Milankovitch cycles – As Earth travels around the sun, its path and the tilt of its
axis can change slightly. The temperature of the Earth may alter as a result of
this. These cycles, on the other hand, occur over tens or hundreds of thousands
of years and are unlikely to be responsible for the current climatic shifts.
b. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) – ENSO is a pattern of changing water
temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. In an 'El Niño' year, the global temperature
warms up, and in a 'La Niña' year, it cools down. These patterns can affect the
global temperature for a short amount of time (months or years) but cannot
explain the persistent warming that we see today.
Impact Of Climate Change
Our climate system is delicately balanced, and even minor alterations can have major
ramifications. According to Met Office this is are the following that impacts of climate change:
 Risk to water supplies
 Conflict and climate migrants
 Localized flooding
 Flooding of coastal regions
 Damage to marine ecosystems
 Fisheries failing
 Loss of biodiversity
 Change in seasonality
 Heat stress
 Habitable region of pests expands
 Forest mortality and increased risk of fires
 Damage to infrastructure
 Food insecurity
Effects of Climate Change
According to NASA, the effects of human-caused global warming are already occurring, are
irreversible on the timeframe of humans alive today, and will increase in the decades ahead.
The effects of Climate Change are in the following:
a. Temperatures Will Continue to Rise
Because human-induced warming is superimposed on a naturally varying climate, the
temperature rise has not been, and will not be, uniform or smooth across the country or
over time.
b. More Droughts and Heat Waves
Droughts in the Southwest and heat waves (periods of abnormally hot weather lasting
days to weeks) everywhere are projected to become more intense, and cold waves less
intense everywhere.
c. Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense
The intensity, frequency and duration of North Atlantic hurricanes, as well as the
frequency of the strongest (Category 4 and 5) hurricanes, have all increased since the
early 1980s. The relative contributions of human and natural causes to these increases
are still uncertain. Hurricane-associated storm intensity and rainfall rates are projected to
increase as the climate continues to warm.
d. Arctic Likely to Become Ice-Free
The Arctic Ocean is expected to become essentially ice free in summer before mid-


This study is presented to analyze and understand the effects and impacts of climate
change in Coastal Area in Barangay Bacolod, Panatalan Magallanes, Sorsogon. This includes
the methodology that Researchers use to collect the data that determine the action and solution
that the Researchers need. The data collection will be obtained through the Interviews that the
Researchers make and also to the written articles and discussion from the other expert sources

The focused of the Researcher’s study is too determined and find out the causes,
impacts and to give a solutions about the climate change experience in the Barangay Bacolod,
Pantalan Magallanes Sorsogon. The scope of our study includes 10 respondents which are the
residents of Barangay Bacolod who lived near the coastal area. The respondents that we
selected to be interviewed were the fishermen and elderly residents of the said barangay. The
results of our study were drawn from the available data.
i. Impacts of climate change in Barangay Bacolod, Pantalan Magallanes Based from the
result of the interview, the major impact of climate change in Barangay Bacolod,
Pantalan Magallanes was the difficulty of harvesting fish and other sea creatures.
According to the respondents, because of climate change their livelihood are being
affected where in they loss their income and they made to suffered from poverty. The
others said that climate change resulted to extreme events and increasing heat
temperature of sea water. According to them, they observed that nowadays we often
encountered strong typhoon and the temperature is much hotter and colder than before.
Our findings had a relation with the study of Kabir, Khan, Ball and Caldwell (2016) which
stated that the affected population of cyclones Sidr and Aila are still facing huge
problems due to adverse impacts of climate change. Climate change related natural
disasters damage livelihood of poor people and make them more vulnerable. Most of the
residents (in both villages) earn their living by fishing and farming agricultural lands.
Production of agricultural products in these lands reduced remarkably after the disaster
hit the area and now these farmers are suffering financially. Both of the findings of the
study showed that people were struggling to go back to their previous quality of life due
to the impact of climate change to their environment.

ii. Causes of climate change for the residents of Barangay Based from the information we
have gathered the major causes of climate change for the residents who lived near the
coastal area were burning of plastic waste materials and the toxic chemicals dumped
into the ocean. Most of them think, that burning garbage and releasing toxic materials in
the water resulted to a massive pollution that causes the climate change. The others
residents said, it was due to deforestation, abusement of people and other human

iii. Suggested solutions to lessen the hazard of climate change in Barangay Based on the
results of the interview conducted, the suggestions of the residents to lessen the hazard
of climate change in Barangay were to stop burning plastic waste, stop throwing trash
everywhere, avoid cutting down trees, and have a tree planting activity, especially in
planting more mangroves. Moreover, they suggest having strict leaders who will monitor
and restrict the residents from disposing of their garbage, give penalties to those who
violate the rules, and most of all, have self-disciplined and help each other to solve the
problem. The result of our study are somewhat related to the study of Justin Adams
entitled “Natural Solutions to Climate Change”. According to Adams (2017) some of the
most promising ways to mitigate climate change are what we called “natural climate
solutions”: the conservation, restoration, and improved management of land, in order to
increase carbon storage or avoid greenhouse-gas emissions in landscapes worldwide.
The information we have collected from the respondents was connected to this study
because it also focused on finding a way to reduced the effect of climate change. This
study also suggest the simple way we can do as human in order to solve the continuous
climate change problem were facing.


In conclusion, the impact of climate change in the citizens of barangay Bacolod
Panatalan Magallanes affects their daily livelihood. This affects them in a way that they don’t
catch a huge portion of fish due to the sudden rise of heat temperature that leads to poverty.
This climate change greatly affects the citizens in the area that the only way of living is catching
fish, and other sea creatures that they’re selling to the market.
As the recommendation, the Researchers recommend that planting of Bakawan
"mangrove" it is really helpful for the marine animals to have shelter and also lessen the water
pollution in the area. Through this project we would be able to lessen the effect of climate
change at the same time we would be able to protect our marine diversity which is also affected
by the said phenomena. Also active participation in the prevention of climate change, being
active in the prevention can also help the people to get more knowledge about the climate
change, and how can make them make a move or solution to lessen the climate change that we
feel nowadays.


Adams, J. (2017). Natural Solutions to Climate Change. Retrieved from
Climate Links (2017). Climate Risk Profile: Philippines. Retrieved from
Kabir, R., Hafiz T. A. Khan, Ball, E., Caldwell K. (2016). Areas of Bangladesh Affected by
Cyclones Sidr and Aila. Retrieved from
MetOffice (2021). Causes of climate change. Retrieved from
MetOffice (2021). Effects of climate change. Retrieved from
NASA (2021). The Effects of Climate Change. Retrieved from
NASA (2014). What Is Climate Change?. Retrieved from

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