Heart of The City Khu Trung: Hometown

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Mean Example
Các danh từ 1. Heart of the city Khu trung I really want to live in heart of the
miêu tả cho tâm thành city because this is the place which
thành phố phố happens the most important events.

2.Shopping centre Khu There are a variety of shopping

= Shopping mall: trung tâm centres in Ha Noi where I can buy
A group of mua sắm anything.
shops/stores built I usually go to the shopping mall near
together, where I live so that I can buy the most
sometimes under beautiful clothes.
one roof
3.High - rise flat: Căn hộ Most of my friends live in high - rise
A building that is nhiều flats where there are a lot of other
very tall and has a tầng families living.
lot of floors

4.Sprawling city: / Thành I am going to visit a sprawling city in

ˈsprɔːlɪŋ/ A city phố lớn Japan which is very beautiful and
that has grown attracts thousands of tourists because of
over time and its beauty at night.
which covers a
wide area
5. Office block: A Tòa nhà I am working in an office block with
large building that văn all the mod cons.
contains offices phòng

6. Multi - story Bãi đỗ xe Most office blocks have multi - story

car park: Car có nhiều car parks so that they can have enough
parks on several tầng places for vehicles of all workers.
7. Chain store: Chuỗi cửa One of the most well - known chain
Well-known hàng đồ stores throughout the world is
brands with shops hiệu Walmart.
in multiple cities
8. Fashionable Cửa hàng When you go to Ha Noi, you will see a
boutique: thời trang number of beautiful fashionable
/ˈfæʃnəbl/ - /buː boutiques but the price is exorbitant.
ˈtiːk/ Fashionable
clothes shops
9. Upmarket Cửa hàng Do you know Louis Vuitton, one of the
shop: Expensive đồ hiệu most well - known upmarket shops in
fashionable shops Germany?

10. Places of Địa điểm I know many places of interest in Ha

interest: buildings thu hút Noi where you certainly like when you
that have a khách du come there.
particular interest lịch
for visitors
11. Lively Quán bar, Young customers are passionate about
bars/restaurants: nhà hàng lively bars because their atmosphere is
Bars or sinh động. very wonderful
restaurants with a
good atmosphere
12. The rat - Lối sống The novel is about a couple who get
race: /ðə ˈræt reɪs/ chạy đua out of the rat race and buy a farm in
- The way of life of nhau France.
people living and
working in a large
city where people
compete in an
aggressive way
with each other in
order to be more
successful, earn
more money
Các danh từ 1. Suburb = Vùng
miêu tả cho Outskirt: /ˈsʌbɜːb/ ngoại ô
vùng nông - /ˈaʊtskɜːts/ An
thôn area where people
live that is outside
the centre of a city
2. In the suburbs Vùng They live on the outskirts of Ha Noi
= On the outskirts ngoại ô which has tons of people.
of + a place = They live in the suburbs of Ha Noi
Trước "suburb" which has tons of people.
phải sử dụng giới
từ "IN", còn trước
"outskirts" được sử
dụng trước giới từ
"ON" và các từ
"suburb" và
"outskirt" được sử
dụng trong cụm từ
này luôn ở dạng số
3. Out - of town - Khu E.g: My hometown has an out - of
shopping centre/ trung tâm town shopping centre which attracts a
retail park: large mua sắm number of visitors each year.
shopping centres lớn ngoài
outside of the town thành phố
or city
4. Inner-city: The - Vùng
central part of a nội thành
city where people
live and where
conditions are
often poor
5. Poor housing: - Khu nhà E.g: Most people in Africa still live in
Housing that is not ở tồi tàn poor housing.
in good condition
6. Local facility: - Cơ sở E.g: The government should upgrade
Local buildings or vật chất local facilites so that residents can
services serving tại địa benefit from better services.
the public phương
7. Residential - Khu dân E.g: I live in a residential area which
area: /ˌrezɪˈdenʃl/ - cư has just repaired and now it becomes a
An area where really beautiful and modern place.
people live
8.Neighbourhood: - Vùng E.g: We grew up in the same
/ˈneɪbəhʊd lân cận neighbourhood.
Danh từ 1. Public transport Phương E.g: Public transport helps cities to
miêu tả các tiện công reduce traffice jam, so the government
loại phương cộng should upgrade it.
tiện giao 2. Traffic - Ùn tắc E.g: Traffic jam is a big challenge that
thông conjestion = giao most developing countries are solving.
Traffic jam: /kən thông
3. Rush hour: /ˈrʌʃ - Giờ cao E.g: Don't travel at rush hour because
aʊə(r)/ điểm it wastes a huge amount of time.
4. Bus route:. Tuyến E.g: The house is not on a bus route
đường xe
5. Underground - Xe lửa E.g: I am taking a subway to go to
system/subway: ngầm Washington DC.
/ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ /
Một số danh 1. Pavement - Cà phê E.g: Pavement coffee is an ideal place
từ khác để coffee: /ˈpeɪvmənt/ vỉa hè for those who want to hang out with
mô tả /ˈkæfeɪ/ their friends.
hometown 2. Tourist - Địa E.g: Da Nang is the tourist attraction
attraction: A place điểm thu where there are tons of people not only
of interest to hút khách local visitors but also foreigners
tourists du lịch coming each year.

3. Boarded up - Cửa E.g: There are a lot of boarded up

shops: Shops that hàng shops near where I live.
are no longer không còn
doing business kinh
4. Cost of living: Chi phí E.g: Despite the high cost of living,
sinh hoạt London is a greate place to live.
5. Pace of life: Nhịp sống E.g: I prefer the relaxed pace of life in
the countryside.
6. Sense of Tính cộng E.g: I enjoy living in the countryside
community: đồng because they have a sense of
7. Overcrowding: / - Đông E.g: Living in overcrowding is really
ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪŋ dân uncomfortable in terms of traffic jam.

Một số động 1. To close down: - Ngừng E.g: Some out - of - town shopping
từ liên quan To stop doing hoạt động centres in my hometown have to close
đến chủ đề business kinh down because there are a few
"Hometown" doanh customers.

2. To get around: - Đi loanh E.g: There is a fanstastic public

To travel around quanh transport system in Ha Noi, so it is very
easy to get around.

Tính từ miêu 1. Quiet = Yên bình E.g: Most people want to live in a
tả Peaceful = tranquil contryside because it can
"Hometown" Tranquil: make people to reduce stress in their
/ˈtræŋkwɪl/ life.
2. Green: Xanh, thành phố E.g: While some parts of Ha Noi are
hay đi kèm với xanh industrial, it is still a green city which
danh từ "city" - is an ideal place for everyone to live.
Green city:

3. Lively = Sinh E.g: Da Nang is a vibrant city worth

bustling = vibrant động, rộn living. That is the reason why there are
/ˈlaɪvli/ - /ˈbʌslɪŋ/ - ràng, a lot of people wanting to live there.
/ˈvaɪbrənt/ nhộn nhịp

4. Industrial (hay (thuộc) E.g: If you live in an industrial zone, it

cụm industrial khu công is very risky for your health because
zone): nghiệp you have to breathe in a polluted air.

5. Provincial: /prə Thuộc về E.g: My hometown is a provincial

ˈvɪnʃl/ tỉnh town but it has changed a lot during the
last five years.
6. Historic: /hɪ Có tính E.g: My hometown has many historic
ˈstɒrɪk/ chất lịch places such as …., so it attracts many
sử, được tourists from all walks of life.
ghi vào
lịch sử

7. Cosmopolitan: / - Thuộc E.g: Ha Noi is a cosmopolitan city

ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/ toàn thế
Containing people giới,
of different types thuộc
or from different quốc tế
countries, and
influenced by their
-  Province /ˈprɒvɪns/: tỉnh
- Breathtaking /ˈbrɛθteɪkɪ/: đẹp mê hồn
- Picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/: đẹp như tranh
- Landscape /ˈlan(d)skeɪp/: khung cảnh
- Economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/: nền kinh tế
- Invest /ɪnˈvɛst/: đầu tư
- Promising /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/: đầy hứa hẹn
- Local people /ˈləʊk(ə)l /ˈpiːp(ə)l/: người dân địa phương
- High-rise building /hʌɪ rʌɪz ˈbɪldɪŋ/: toà nhà cao tầng
- Residential place /rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l pleɪs/: khu dân cư
- Worth-living /wəːθ lɪvɪŋ/: đáng sống
- Hospitality /hɒspɪˈtalɪti/: tính hiếu khách
- Lend a helping hand /lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hand/: giúp đỡ ai đó
- Means /miːnz/: phương tiện
- Crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/: đông đúc
- Day by day /deɪ bʌɪ deɪ/: ngày qua ngày
- Hotspot /ˈhɒtspɒt/: tụ điểm
- Settle down /ˈsɛt(ə)l daʊn/: ổn định cuộc sống
- Get familiar with /ɡɛt /fəˈmɪlɪə wɪð/: quen với cái gì
- Ameliorate /əˈmiːlɪəreɪt/: cải thiện
- Infrastructure condition /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n/: điều kiện hạ tầng
- Traffic jam /ˈtrafɪk dʒam/: tắc nghẽn giao thông

1. Are you from a big city or a small town?

I come from a small province with slightly more than 1 million people. It has breathtaking
view of picturesque landscapes with rolling mountains and greenish lakes. However,
due to the increasing economy, a number of business, especially in sugarcane, are
invested in my hometown that turns it into a promising area.
2. Please describe your hometown a little?
My hometown is both traditional and modern. On the one hand, tradition is preserved by
a number of festivals celebrated by local people, and the locals and authorities preserve
the historical sites for tourism and education. On the other hand, a whole lot of high-rise
buildings as residential places or shopping malls are built, which turns our little
hometown into a worth-living place.
3. What do you like about your hometown?
I like the hospitality and the love of people there which I hardly find them in my current
place. Everyone is living close together and willing to give others a hand when they
need help.
4. Is there anything you dislike about it?
Personally, it’s a bit boring for me because as a small town, there is not much shopping
mall or any other means of entertainment. The streets are not very crowded as well.
However, I believe that it has been improving day by day and becoming a potential
hotspot due to the increasing number of annual visitors.
5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
To be honest, I hope I could come back there one day to visit my relatives and friends,
but to settle down my life there is not my plan. I am getting familiar with city life and
there are more job opportunities for my future career.
6. Are there any changes you would like to make in your hometown?
I would like to ameliorate the infrastructure conditions there so that I can avoid being
stuck in the traffic jam during the rush hours.

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