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January 20, 2022 – ABC Greater Michigan Chapter

Jimmy, (989) 213-4367
Angela, (313) 460-3337

Bogus Lawsuit Filed against United Electrical Contractors

In a weak attempt to oust United Electrical Contractors from numerous construction projects
that were rightly won, IBEW has created a false narrative with former employees filing federal
suit alleging racism. In response to the unfounded and false claims bolstered by the IBEW
against United Electrical Contractors, ABC of Michigan Chapter President Jimmy Greene states;
“It has come to my attention that building trades unions are using disparaging and libelous
accusations of racism or racist behaviors directed at United Electrical. Nothing could be further
from the truth. I have been CEO & President of Associated Builders & Contractors for 13 years
and lead the State of Michigan's contractors not just on policy and workforce issues but in
developing a culture embracing diversity and I lead that initiative across the nation.

I am the first and only Black CEO Associated Builders & Contractors has ever had and I can tell
you that's based on merit and not color. But I can also assure you that I would never defend any
company or any individual in this association guilty of such practices for obvious reasons. It is
imperative that general contractors who work with United Electric, clearly prides itself on not
just the integrity of its projects but I would like to think built by men and women with integrity
to not allow these despicable propaganda tactics to continue.

I can't imagine should these kinds of tactics be used against your own company by competitors
and costing you opportunity to build, you'd allow it. I surmise you'd be outraged and justified as
well. The only recourse that any of us have to combat this is to stop it. The exemplary character
of the men and women of United Electrical simply want to win work in a fair and ethical manner
and that is what they did. Any actions taken against a company based on false allegations
becomes a test for how we respond to it. I hope that any General Contractor’s response is to
continue to honor the contract award to a company that won it ethically and with an
outstanding record of providing great work safety, timely and with excellent quality.”

ABC Greater Michigan Chapter President, Angela Madarang states; “As shown in the
propaganda ridden media advisory the IBEW released, they described “extreme racism at one of
Michigan’s largest electrical contracting companies”. The only truth in that statement is
describing United Electrical Contractors as one of the largest electrical contractors. As a result,
they are targeted by anti-merit shop attacks from those that refuse to accept their success
comes from safe, quality work based on merit not an associated with a labor organization.”

Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC) is a national trade association with 22,000 members representing more
than 19,000 construction and industry-related firms. Founded on the merit shop philosophy, ABC and its 69 chapters help
members win work and deliver that work safely, ethically and profitably for the betterment of the communities in which
they work. You can learn about ABC National at ABC Greater Michigan Chapter serves a membership
spanning 23 counties. ABC-GMC provides craft and professional education, up-to-date industry communication,
legislative representation, as well as affinity programs and packages. For more information contact us at 989.374.4600 or

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