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MSc a Un nee eet ann eng ered eee uence tenets Till [re leaps high about heaven itself. Now Carm howls loud before Onipahellir, BU ATE me eR Ae CR 8 ere ele Te ES area R ese Ma alee eRe Com = tu Te Ta eal eerie aen Nese ls ‘The cataracts fall, and the eagle ies. Gnd [sh he catches beneath the cliffs. acts YEAR ZER@ PROJECT MANAGER & LEAD DESIGNER Beer rom aU ee = onesie) Greaney Fetter Bengtsson (The Helldrivers, The Nova Cul, metaplots), Chris Birch (The Big Smoke), Gen eeu eee we Gee te ier beet ee ett ber Nene ue SU) Coed Cie erreur Re eee Ted eae aan Ue ca Fe eee pee an om Ard Carlen, Costa Costulas ae Case Perea Tod eee ane aS renee) oe tect Ue Crecente ct) Per et Pease BA ee TS UN ee ad eer ee A eee ee cs er ele ars ny ee ea ene ere Nene Resse gee one ee Mer ere Me ete ety Pr eer mere yee Mer ee ee een er er ee a etc eee or er ine eer eee Sere ae eae ae hn ea EU ns a) Grae ises) Doo Cre ee ee eee a eed THE PEOPLE AT THE END OF TIME YOUR MUTANT SKILLS TALENTS ® © | ] MUTATIONS CONFLICT & TRAUMA THE ARK ZONE TRAVEL ch YOUR JOB AS GAMEMASTER THREATS AGAINST THE ARK y Y CREATING THE ZONE asl RUINS IN THE ZONE bs é Ge : ay z ® ° ot THREATSIIN THE ZONE ey a ARTIFACTS m2 SPECIAL ZONE SECTORS nt THE PATH TO EDEN | “ THE PEOPLE AT THE END OF TIME Of course the world ends. It happens quickly, faster than anyone could predict. The Red Plague hits a world already on the brink of collapse. ExtreTe cliate change, global econoMic crisis, increasing conZict between old and new superpowers. 7 hen. the pandeic comes, the last thin “eneer of stabi ity cruZbles One billion people die in the Crst year. Stter panic reigns supreTe, solidarity between nations is non xistent. Sars break out or the last, dwt dling resources of the world. Zor the ist tiTe since 1945 nuclear weapons are used in ated conZict. ‘Cushrood clouds tise fro east to west. Eceryoue tries to sa ce the sels. The rich and powerful start Sonu ental proZets to escape the surface of the dying Earth"going deep underground, to the botto= ofthe oceans. into the cold darkness of space. The seats in these “hal lifeboats for Tankind are desperately few. Cor Cost ofthe world’s inhabi ants, there is no way out, Once it's all ocr, Earth is still. Sature incades ruined cities. 5 inds sweep through e=pty streets turned into gra Ceyards. TiZe gnaws the windows skyscrapers, panes falling to the ground in a slow rain of glass. Cet life reZains. Ticers of huZanity suri the Cpocalypse. In the rk, a sCalll settleent at the edge ofa dead city, the People lice. Tou are the spawn of buDanity, but not quite hu=an. Cou are twisted funhouse Tages, =utated freaks, Zour bod = ies and Tinds ha incredible powers, but you are unstable. “ragile. Sone of the People are o“er 30 years old. Except the Elder. “our leader, but not like you. One of the Cncients. “or decades he has warned ‘youcbe on your guard, dont lea 2 the rk. tay here, fr the Rot will get you. Or socething eu worse. De far, you hae obeyed his co Cands. iced o= rations fro7 the Old “ge. Thased o7e"ery stranger ‘who ca Ze close to the Crk. “ew dared to go out into the Tone. That is what the Elder calls the outside world Dut the safe days are or. Zod is running scarce, and the “ght for what's left is turning Hk lent, Sou star, actions are foring, bosses on top and sla at the botto=. In the “idle, Cxers who bist try to turn a prot fro anyone and eTéryone. Tad the Elder can't stand up on his own anyore. They say he cant een take a piss without help, Iv tiZe to enture out, To explore the Zone, to search for artifacts and knowledge. Child, grow th land, seekout others, create a new eiciication on the ruins of the old one. “eek your origin. Jo children { are born to the People — if you do nothing, you will perish. Caybe, one day, you will Thd the Eden of legend, the Sncients’ ha eu fro the encroaching hellscape. That's where sal7ation and truth await, the stories say. Daybe it’s all fairytales. It doesnt Catter. Soy no choice. This is the beginning ha This is Year Zero. A ROLEPLAYING GAME Welcome to =utantear game you play mutated human beings in a fallen world, On your shoulders rests the greatest respon sibility of all: to save the last glimmer of human civilization from total annihilation 0. In this roleplay PLAYERS, Every player except one ta°es the role of a mutant, yer Character === cou decide what your thins and feels “what he does and says —_but not, what happens to him. Its your 2b as a player to immerse yourself in your“. Te may be a mutant, ‘with supernatural powers —but he is stll-at his ve core“ human being in a desperate world. Imagine ‘yourself in your C7 shoes. What would you doo WARNING TO PLAYERS: Doe Ba Users’ Tene sce kr cr tens Proven sch Une ts ta tog this book, Chapter 9-18 are for the GM's Caer nen aod ferrets Me ost ey eos Perce osmett int scisaa Pe ees oe ce Sone es One ie CLLLELLLLLLL LMM LE LA Tour ICs are always the protag: story. Chis game is about you. lives. onists of the ar decisions ‘your Assembly: “ometimes you as players have in7h ence over the Seople as a whole, 1 so called =: the entire population ofthe ts the semblies you spea ad mace decisions about which pro: Seople should underta"®. Tead more about blies in Shapter 7. THE GAMEMASTER che chal player is the Tamemaster che de. scribes the ravaged world to youShe plays the other ‘30 called Son-Clayer Sharac he controls the monsters roaming ides where the artficts are hidden, ts the to put obstacles in your path and challenge your “CstmaCe them show what they are really made of. Cut it’s not up to the OC to decide leverything that happens in the game ~and certainly not how your story ends. chat is up to the game Chat is what you are playing to Cd out. Use the playe‘Cteing the 77 can feel lice an overwhelming responsibility“as ifthe entire game rests on your shoulders. It doesn. In Cection IL of this boo=yon will “nd many usefil tools. One important piece of advice: don’ be afaid to let the, players help you. Cant thin of anything to say when describing a ruined building or an a player describe it instead= $0, WHAT DO YOU D0? In Sutantear Zero no one will hold your hand and show you where to go. Zou and the other pl crs create the stories in the game“they are not pressritten, cou have the power to decide the fate of your mutantsZand“in the endZof the Ceople as a whole. nd there is much to do: TIGHT “OR GRU==WATER=AULLETS Aarvation is never far away in Sutant Lear Cero, a water is a hixury. Ifyou don’t have grub and water youll have to “ght to get it and if you do have what you need=you can be sure some other freaTwill try to tae it from you. Cud then youll need bullets to load your gun 2r to buy protection ffom someone stronger TATE PART IN THE PRO-ECTS. Every day is a “ght for survival-but the Zeople want more than Dst fo survive. = new society must be builtCor the “r= your home — will sooner or later face collapse and ruin. “he Teople’s procts can be anything from building a palisade or growing mush- rooms to creating a militia or opening a theater. che proZets increase the Oris Cevelopment search. “or other mutants “or artifacts from the Old geCfor “howledge. “he Cone is un“hown territory where the invisible Tot will “ill you if savages or ancient war machines dont do it “st. Tut you have no choice. In the Tone your future awaits SEARCH “OR EDEN Caybe its Bst a fairytale, = collective Cement of the imagination. “tories whispered around the Cictering trashean-Cres in the Gro Sut you can- not stop believing. Telieving that salvation — or at least the truth about the origin of the Teople — is, somewhere out there in the Zone. che this boos Gb = Wate Son must consume one ration of grub and one ration of water per day“ar you'll suZer. Sead more about this on page 92. ENCUM=RANCE Chere’ a limit to how much gear you can carry -and. you don want to ma“ yourselfa target for robbers anyway. Cou can carry a number of regular items etal to double your rength score. se your base ‘CIrength for thisThot the temporarily decreased value you get when you are hurt “page 8: ‘Write it down Zou must list everything you are carrying on the character sheet. Gist up to one regu- lar item on each row of the sheet. Ifan item is not, ‘on your sheet you've forgotten it or lost it somehow. Couve only got yourself to blame. HEACY 5 LIGHT ITEMS Ceavy or otherwise cumbersome items are harder to carry. Sn item designated as heavy counts as, two regular itemsTand taZes up two rows on your character sheet. Come ob Bots may need as many as three or even more rows on your sheet. = the op- posite end ofthe spectrum‘Ihere are items that are light —they count as half ofa regular itemtand you can list two of them on the same row oa your sheet. Ore “bur rations of grub or water count as one regular item. “hat means you can list four rations on one row on your character sheetZbr two rations plus one light item. = is normally

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