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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Explain fundamental research philosophies and approaches pursued by scholars. 2. Identify the methodological approaches that are suitable to investigate different types of research questions and hypotheses 3. Interpret the meaning of the most important statistical indicators featured in quai analyses such as regression, factor analysis and structural equation modeling 4. Describe the main features of different qualitative methods, including interview approaches, case studies, grounded theory analysis etc. 5. Critically evaluate the quality of the methodological approaches presented in published studies featuring the methods covered in the course. tative ‘COURSE OUTCOMES The course equips students with the knowledge and skills involved in the research process which will provide more accuracy to their search for business intelligence. The specific outcomes are as follows: Level of CO Nos Course Outcomes Learning domain CO1__| Understanding of Research process and types Ki C02 _| Describe the research problem, design the research ka. CO3__| Classify the data and apply the fix the stat tools for analysis 2 C04 | Understand the sampling techniques and Analyze the data using SPSS Ki CO5 | Comprehend the information and able to write the report 2 COURSE CONTENTS MODULE I: INTRODUCTION Le Research — Definition and Significance ~ the research process ~ Types of Research ~ Exploratory and causal Research ~ Theoretical and empirical Research ~ Cross ~Sectional and time — series Research — Research questions / Problems - Research objectives ~ Research hypotheses — characteristics MODULE II: RESEARCH DESIGN AND MEASUREMENT L6 Research design ~ Definition — types of research design - exploratory and causal research design = Descriptive and experimental design ~ different types of experimental design ~ Validity of findings —internal and external validity ~ Variables in Research ~ Measurement and scaling ~ Different scales — Construction of instrument — Validity and Reliability of instrument. ag: Veltech Dr x Desk University MODULE II: DATA COLLECTION Le Types of data — Primary Vs Secondary data - Methods of primary data collection — Survey Vs Observation — Experiments ~ Construction of questionnaire and instrument — Validation of questionaire — Sampling plan ~ Sample size ~ determinants optimal sample size — sampling techniques — Probability Vs Non-probability sampling methods, (MODULE IV: DATA PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS Ls Data Preparation — editing ~ Coding —Data entry — Validity of data — Qualitative Vs Quantitative data analyses ~ Bivariate and Multivariate statistical techniques — Factor analysis Discriminant analysis ~ cluster analysis ~ multiple regression and correlation — multidimensional scaling — Application of statistical software for data analysis. MODULE V: REPORT DESIGN, WRITING AND ETHICS IN RESEARCH L6 Research report — Different types - Contents of report — need of executive summary — chapterisation — contents of chapter ~ report writing — the role of audience ~ readability — comprehension — tone — final proof — report format — title of the report — ethics in research — ethical behaviour of research ~ subjectivity and objectivity in research. TOTAL: 30 PERIODS Books: 1. CR Kothari, “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques” 3 Edition, New Age International Publishers. 2. P. Narayana Reddy and G.V.R.K. Acharyulu, Research Methodology And Statistical Tools Ist Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2008. 3. S.P. Gupta, “Statistical Methods, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2005 4. Panneerselvam R “Research Methodology” Paperback — PHI, 2"4 Edition Dr Ravichandran AT Dean Schoo! of Mechanical & Construction Yeltech DrRR & DeSR University

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