Activity Nº2

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It presents:
Carlos Andrés Mantilla Bautista
ID 574369
Carol Viviana Barrera Valencia
ID 574353
Miguel Angel Hernández Bareño
ID 621812
Luz Adriana Rojas Quiroga
ID 638982

NRC 9494

Floridablanca October 09/2020

Toxicology NRC 9494
Activity Nº2 (Score 57% First Term)

Team members:
Carol Viviana Barrera Valencia
Luz Adriana Rojas Quiroga
Miguel Angel Hernandez Bareño
Carlos Andres Mantilla Bautista

1. (2.5 Points) Regarding de History of the Toxicology, match the items on the
right to the items on the left (Look at the example):

A. Poisonous frog (F) Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Medicine

B. Etymology of toxicology (C) Cantarella – Aquetta di Perugia
C. The Borgia Family (H) Forensic Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, Environmental
Toxicology, Occupational Toxicology
D. Ebers Papyrus (B) Toxicon - Logia
E. Spanish physician: Orfila (E) Madame Lafarge: convicted of murdering her husband by
arsenic poisoning
F. Divisions-Branches of (I) Lead Poisoning-Miners
H. Overlapping disciplines (D)Different kind of poisons used with abortive purposes (Hemlock
with Toxicology – Aconite – Opium)
I. Hippocrates off Kos (_A_) Poisonous berries

(2.5 Points) Explain the following statement, and give an example related to the
normal life. Use your own words, any kind of plagiarism won’t be accepted “All
substances are poisons; there is one that is not a poison. The right dose
differentiates a poison and a remedy”. NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS. PAY

According to Paracelsus with his most famous phrase “All substances are poisons,
there is none that is not. The dose differentiates a poison from a remedy”. It is here
where substances, medications or any other type of drug becomes lethal for our
body or for anyone, because the damage it can cause depends on the type of
dose. For example, in the case of cyanide, this is a lethal substance that clinically
ingestion between 50 and 100 mg of cyanide can immediately cause respiratory
arrest. Chemicals found in acetonitrile-based products, used primarily to remove
false nails, can release cyanide if accidentally ingested, resulting in death from
cardiorespiratory arrest.
This phrase helps us to explain that the toxicity of a chemical compound, whether
natural or processed (plants, animals and chemical substances), depending on the
amount that is ingested into the body, if we consume an amount below the dose it
may not exist or even be positive, however ingesting a greater amount can cause
fatal health consequences.

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