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International Journal of Stroke

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Central poststroke pain: ! 2017 World Stroke Organization
Reprints and permissions:
A systematic review
DOI: 10.1177/1747493017701149

Jonathan Singer1, Alyssa Conigliaro2, Elizabeth Spina3,

Susan W Law4 and Steven R Levine5

Background: Physical, psychological, and/or social impairment can result after a stroke and can be exacerbated by pain.
One type of pain after stroke, central poststroke pain, is believed to be due to primary central nervous system mech-
anisms. Estimated prevalence of central poststroke pain ranges widely from 8% to 55% of stroke patients, suggesting
a difficulty in reliably, accurately, and consistently identifying central poststroke pain. This may be due to the absence of
a generally accepted definition.
Aim: We aimed to clarify the role of thalamic strokes and damage to the spinothalamic pathway in central poststroke
pain patients. Also, we aimed to gain a current understanding of anatomic substrates, brain imaging, and treatment of
central poststroke pain.
Summary of review: Two independent reviewers identified 10,144 publications. Based on Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines, we extracted data from 23 papers and categorized the articles’ aims
into four sections: somatosensory deficits, pathway stimulation, clinical trials, and brain imaging.
Conclusions: Our systematic review suggests that damage to the spinothalamic pathway is associated with central
poststroke pain and this link could provide insights into mechanisms and treatment. Moreover, historical connection of
strokes in the thalamic region of the brain and central poststroke pain should be reevaluated as many studies noted that
strokes in other regions of the brain have high occurrence of central poststroke pain as well.

Central poststroke pain, thalamic stroke, spinothalamic pathway, somatosensory, brain imaging, clinical studies, rando-
mized control trials

Received: 2 August 2016; accepted: 15 November 2016

definition.5 Clarifying the relationship between CPSP

with strokes located in the thalamic region and
Stroke often leaves an individual with residual physical, damage to the spinothalamic pathway (STP) may
psychological, and/or social impairment, which may help provide the groundwork for creating a universal
compromise one’s capacity to carry out activities of definition and constructing an effective treatment plan.
daily living.1 These impairments can result from pain
after a stroke that is categorized as either poststroke
pain (PSP) triggered by peripheral/mechanisms, or cen- Department of Neurology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center & Stroke
tral poststroke pain (CPSP) due to primary central ner- Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Department of Emergency Medicine, Kings County Hospital Center &
vous system (CNS) mechanisms.2–4 Also, CPSP can SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
have an effect on quality of life (QoL) without there 3
NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA
being any disability or impairment from the stroke. 4
Department of Neurology, Kings County Hospital Center and SUNY
Prevalence of CPSP among stroke patients has been Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
found to range widely from 8% to 55%.1 This variabil- SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Stroke Center and Kings County
Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
ity suggests a difficulty in reliably identifying CPSP, in
part due to the numerous types of pain that can be Corresponding author:
Steven R Levine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Stroke Center
exhibited, including sensory deficits of thermal, tactile, and Kings County Hospital Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
and/or pinprick experiences of pain.1 Further compli- 11203, USA.
cating its diagnosis, CPSP currently lacks a universal Email:

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2 International Journal of Stroke 0(0)

Lesion location and affected neural pathways have Roussy’s findings and another (central imbalance
been at the cornerstone of multiple theories concerning theory (CIT)) stating that the primary cause of CPSP
the underlying etiology of CPSP. The foundation of the is by damage to the STP. The CIT acknowledges that
disinhibition theory states that CPSP is only related to there could be alternative affected pathways that may
thalamic strokes.6 Formally referred to by Dejerine and cause CPSP (e.g. medial lemniscus pathway, posterior
Roussy6 as thalamic pain, more than 100 years ago, column-medial lemniscus pathway). Despite the intro-
patients who had strokes affecting their thalamic duction of this new theory, research has largely focused
region were the ones having pain after their stroke on the relationship between strokes in the thalamic
(Figure 1). Autopsies were performed on five patients region and CPSP.
who complained of pain after stroke in the thalamic Differences in clinical presentation, brain imaging,
region.6,7 Figure 1 illustrates the evolution of identify- and specific pathway lesions have made it challenging
ing CPSP and how in the late 1950s two new theories to treat patients with CPSP.5,9,10 To address the discre-
were developed. One theory following Dejerine and pancies in the literature, this systematic review will help

Figure 1. Evolution of classifying CPSP.

Ed Linger first described

a paent who had pain Dr. Roussy has first paent
aer their stroke. No who complained of pain aer
term is developed their stroke. Their symptoms
(1892) were associated with thalamic
strokes (e.g. slight hemiplegia,
persistent superficial
hemianeshesia, severe
The term ‘central pain’
hemiataxia). Aer five stroke
is introduced to define
paents deaths, autopsies
thalamic pain
concluded they had thalamic
strokes. This was known as
thalamic pain


George Riddoch adds the following

descripon of ‘central pain’. “spontaneous
pain and painful overreacon to objecve
smulaon resulng from lesions confined to
the substance of the central nervous system
including dyaaesthesia of a disagreeable The term ‘central pain’ is
kind.” redefined as Central Post
(1938) Stroke Pain and new
theories are developed.
(mid 1950’s)

Central Imbalance theory is introduced Disinhibion theory is derived stang that

stang that damage to the spinothalamic thalamic strokes are the primary factor for
pathway is the primary factor associated causing CPSP. The disinhibion theory has
with CPSP. been the widely known and used theory in
(late 1950’s) research since the 1950’s
(late 1950’s)

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Singer et al. 3

the reader gain a great understanding of CPSP, while articles were added from reference sections of other
also constructing a more coherent understanding of the papers. All article titles and abstracts were screened
role of thalamic strokes and damage to the STP in resulting in 111 relevant studies. After reading the full
patients with CPSP. Also, it builds upon the current articles, 88 articles were excluded (28 retrospective
understanding of anatomic substrates and brain ima- studies, and 60 that only measured PSP). Thus, 23
ging studies related to CPSP. Reviewing the current papers met our criteria and were included in the
literature may also help to gain a greater understanding review (Figure 2, Preferred Reported Items for
of why CPSP does not improve over time, but rather Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)).
worsens. Also, this paper addresses evidence-based We extracted data from 23 articles and categorized
results of clinical trials, including randomized con- the articles’ aims into four sections: somatosensory def-
trolled trials (RCTs). icits (five studies), pathway stimulation (three studies),
clinical trials (eight studies) and brain imaging (seven
studies). The selected articles were published between
Methods 1988 and 2014.
Search strategy
Eligibility assessment was performed independently
Somatosensory deficits
and in a standardized manner by two reviewers (JS Five studies specifically addressed somatosensory def-
and ES) blinded to one another review. A third icits in CPSP patients.11–15 The five studies reported 474
reviewer (AC) resolved any disagreements. When patients, and four of the five studies used the visual
developing the search strategy, we consulted with a pro- analogue scale (VAS) to measure pain (see Table 1).
fessional information scientist at SUNY Downstate Allodynia, (the production of pain by a normally pain-
library to generate the search terms and databases we less stimulus) and hyperaesthesia (increased response to
should utilize. We searched the PubMed, CINAHL, stimulus) were the most common somatosensory def-
and Web of Science databases starting on 11 January icits appearing in about 85% of CPSP patients and
2016 using keywords ‘‘pain,’’ ‘‘physical pain,’’ ‘‘psycho- were investigated in all five studies.11–15 Three of the
logical pain,’’ ‘‘mental pain,’’ or ‘‘poststroke pain’’ in five studies12,14,15 exclusively examined patients who
combination with the medical subject headings, ‘‘brain had been diagnosed with CPSP, while the other two
stem infarction,’’ ‘‘infarction, anterior cerebral artery,’’ studies reported 6% and 74% of participants having
‘‘infarction, middle cerebral artery,’’ ‘‘cerebral hemor- CPSP,11–13 respectively.
rhages,’’ ‘intracranial hemorrhages,’’ ‘‘thalamic,’’ Tactile and thermal allodynia were investigated in all
‘‘putaminal hemorrhages,’’ ‘‘basal ganglia hemor- five studies using a sensory measure (see Table 1).
rhages,’’ ‘‘cerebral vascular disorders,’’ ‘‘intracranial When examining patients who have been diagnosed
hemorrhage, hypertensive,’’ ‘‘infarction, basilar with CPSP, allodynia as a whole was found to range
artery,’’ or ‘‘infarction brain stem.’’ We applied lan- from 23% to 85% across studies. Tactile allodynia,
guage limitations (English only). including sensitivity to light or touch, was found to
range from 5% to 55% in CPSP patients, with a
mean of 40% across studies. Thermal allodynia was
Eligibility criteria found to range from 15% to 56% with the mean of
We included only original, clinical studies, and RCTs. the five studies being 33%. The impact of allodynia
The studies had to assess CPSP, using a single question on stroke patients has been addressed,5 and the results
or pain scale. The studies needed a sample size of at from these studies show a wide range of prevalence of
least 10 patients with either hemorrhagic or ischemic allodynia within CPSP. A number of factors may have
strokes. contributed to the large variability in prevalence rates
Studies were excluded if they (i) examined animals, for reported throughout these studies, including the
(ii) lacked primary data (e.g. editorials, review articles, lack of a universal definition of CPSP and wide vari-
or protocol papers), (iii) investigated peripheral PSP ations in sample sizes utilized across studies.
(e.g. shoulder pain, arm pain), (iv) were not published Table 1 outlines the prevalence of hyperalagesia
in a peer reviewed journal, (v) were retrospective studies, (excessive pinprick, cold, and touch sensitivity) in all
and (iv) or examined individuals under 18 years old. five studies.11–15 Four of the studies reported data on
pinprick sensitivity. Three of these four studies found
rates of pinprick sensitivity to be between 69% and
72% of CPSP patients. However, the remaining study
The initial search yielded 1074 articles, removal of found that only 6% of CPSP patients reported pin-
duplicates resulted in 731 selected articles. Two other prick sensitivity.13 Cold sensitivity was reported in all

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4 International Journal of Stroke 0(0)

Figure 2. PRISMA 2009 flow diagram.

PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram


Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied

database searching through other sources
(n = 10,144) (n = 2)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 733)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 344) (n = 233)

Full-text arcles assessed Full-text arcles excluded,


for eligibility with reasons:

(n =111)
Post Stroke Pain
(n = 85)

Studies included in
qualitave synthesis
(n = 23)

five of the studies and was found to range from 38%

to 100%.11–15 Similar to allodynia, there was a large
variability of hyperalagesia in CPSP patients. The The STP’s importance to the development of CPSP has
same aforementioned reasoning for the large variabil- been highly debated and its role in the syndrome’s
ity may apply to hyperalegesia, but hyperalgesia was development is still poorly understood.13 As mentioned
found at a much higher rate than allodynia. above, the CIT states that impairment to STP is asso-
In an earlier review,5 patients with CPSP were found ciated with pathogenesis of CPSP.12,13 Previous studies
to report allodynia more often, but from the results of have shown that patients who have CPSP can have
the present review, there is compelling evidence that lesions outside the thalamic region.12–17 Moreover,
hyperesthesia is as likely and could possibly be more the theory states that the development of CPSP is not
prevalent than allodynia. All five of these studies show determined by the location of the lesion within the
high rates of some form of somatosensory deficit with brain; rather it is dependent on the impairment of
CPSP patients; however, the underlying causes of these the STP. Furthermore, even partial lesions affecting
deficits are unclear. Most of the studies do not refer to the STP lead to a higher risk of developing CPSP.18
location of the stroke as playing a role of these deficits, In our systematic review, there were three articles that
but the theme of the study’s findings were that path- fit the criteria and specifically investigated the relation-
ways may play a role and future research is ship between CPSP and the STP.10,18,19 The three art-
needed11,12,14,15 (Table 1). icles had a total of 109 stroke patients, and two of the

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Table 1. Studies accessing somatosensory deficits in CPSP (n ¼ 5)
Singer et al.

References Aim of study pain measures Sensory measures characteristics Outcomes
Boivie et al. To examine sensory def- – VAS – Touch, by strokes of – 20 Men and 7 women – The spino-thalamo-cor-
icits in patients who cotton, cold, by apply- – All patients had CPSP tical pathway playing a
have CPSP ing a round surface of a major role in CPSP
tuning fork of room
temp, pin-prick

Vestergaard et al.15 To investigate sensory – McGill pain question- – Sensation was graded as – 6 Men and 5 women – The spino-thalamo-cor-
abnormalities in naire either increased, – All patients had CPSP tical pathway plays a
patients with CPSP – VAS normal or decreased role in CPSP
using the non-affected
side as references

Andersen et al.11 To investigate the inci- – Patient must have com- – Allodynia was defined – 110 Men and 157 – Abnormal thermal sen-
dence of CPSP pro- plaint of pain occurring as pain due to a touch women sation is more frequent
spectively in an after stroke or temperature stimu- – 87 Patients reported in the pain group with
unselected stroke lus which normally does somatosensory deficits somatosensory dys-
population not provoke pain – 71 Had no pain and 16 function than in the
had pain corresponding non-pain

Bowsher13 To study the clinical and – McGill Pain – Quantitative sensory – 156 Patients (112 had – The critical deficit
pathophysiological fea- Questionnaire perception threshold an ischemic stroke, 19 seems to be thermal
tures of central pain – VAS testing was used had a hemorrhagic and pinprick sensations
due to damage to the stroke) – CNS plays a role in
CNS – 102 Patients had CPSP CPSP

Greenspan et al.14 To evaluate the sensory – VAS – Warm and cold was – 13 Consecutive patients – Tactile allodynia occurs
loss and sensory derived using the – with CPSP when disturbances to
abnormalities to dis- Peltier stimulator thermal/pain pathways
cern submodalitiy rela- – Semmes-Weinstein occur and this spares
tionships between monofilament kit the tactile-signaling
sensory features of pathways. Therefore,
CPSP cold hypoesthesia is
neither necessary nor
sufficient for cold
VAS: visual analogue scale; CPSP: central poststroke pain; CNS: central nervous system.

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6 International Journal of Stroke 0(0)

three used the VAS to evaluate pain (see Table 2). The that CPSP can occur even when the stroke is not in the
first study10 examined 27 stroke patients affected by thalamic region10,12,17,18 and when damage to the STP
CPSP and calculated their somatosensory evoked poten- occurs. Therefore, it may be important to focus on the
tials (SEP) scores10 (see Table 2). They found that calcu- CIT when attempting to identify the etiology and treat-
lated SEPs in patients with CPSP varied between lesions ment of CPSP. The CIT supports the findings that any
of the brain stem (n ¼ 8), supratentorial or extrathalamic disturbance to the pathway will result in pain after a
regions (n ¼ 6), thalamus (n ¼ 9), and unidentified loca- stroke. However, the reason damage to these pathways
tion (n ¼ 4). The authors also stated that there was no cause CPSP is still unknown.
direct correlation between CPSP and SEP response.
When SEPs scores were compared to abnormal sensory
findings (thresholds) in vibration (Vibrameter), touch
Brain imaging
(von Frey hairs), and innocuous and noxious temperature This systematic review identified seven studies17,21–26
(Thermotest), several correlations were observed. A high that addressed brain imaging and CPSP. Five of the
threshold for touch and vibration was correlated with a seven studies used MRI to examine brain lesions, one
more severe SEP score on the contralateral side of the used CT and one used MRI and SPECT. Four of the
pain. This relationship with tactile and vibration sensa- seven studies17,21–23 found a high prevalence of CPSP
tion indicates an altered medial lemniscus pathway, that outside of the thalamic region. All four concluded that
normally plays an important inhibitory role in pain regu- patients who have strokes outside of the thalamic
lation, further supporting the CIT. Moreover, all CPSP region could develop CPSP. The other three studies24–26
patients were found to have reduced temperature sensi- found that CPSP was more likely to occur in the thal-
tivity. They concluded that damage to the STP has to amic region. Several reasons (see Table 3) may have
occur to develop CPSP. caused these equivocal results in these seven studies.
The second study20 used diffusion tensor tractogra- One reason for these differing results could be due to
phy (DTT) to visualize the STP and measure its integ- limitations in the studies (see Table 3). The four studies
rity in 30 participants.18 Patients were placed into one that17,21–23 found that strokes outside of the thalamic
of two groups, CPSP (n ¼ 16) or non-CPSP (n ¼ 14). A region had a high prevalence of CPSP did not have a
significant decrease in STP volume was reported in the control group. Also, two of these studies examined only
CPSP group when compared to the non-CPSP group. patients who had a stroke in their thalamus, one exam-
The authors reported no significant correlations ined patients who had strokes only in their ventropos-
between both CPSP and non-CPSP groups with the terior thalamic nucleus and one examined patients who
two other DTT parameters, fractional anisotropy only had medial medullary infarction. In the three stu-
(FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), representing the dies24–26 that concluded that CPSP is related to thalamic
degree of microstructure directionality and water diffu- infarcts, two only examined thalamic strokes and one
sion, respectively. They concluded that lack of signifi- examined only patients with diagnosed CPSP. All
cant correlations with FA and MD could be due to seven studies had wide variability from time of diagnoses
partial integrity of the STP, and that injury of the of stroke (imaging) and diagnoses of CPSP (see Table 3).
STP is a requirement for development of CPSP. CPSP often arises after initial stroke imaging and issues
The integrity of the STP using DTT was also inves- of selection bias due to major time variability (from time
tigated in the third study,19 but it incorporated patients of imaging and diagnoses of CPSP) could cause both
with complete lesions of STP. A total of 52 patients type I and type II errors. If imaging was done after
were split into two groups, preserved (n ¼ 34) and dis- CPSP was diagnosed, it may rule out other confounding
rupted (n ¼ 18) STP and subgroups of CPSP (preserved variables (e.g. new infarct) and reduce the risk of a type I
n ¼ 16, disrupted n ¼ 3) and non-CPSP (preserved or type II errors. However, these studies only reported
n ¼ 18, disrupted n ¼ 15). The preserved group had a baseline imaging even when CPSP was diagnosed three
higher incidence of CPSP and despite the subgroup, years later. The results of the present systematic review
tactile sensation was decreased in the preserved indicate that the major limitations have impeded reliable
group, which may represent a dysfunctional regulation and consistent findings about CPSP (Table 3). Future
system. Spinothalamic tract volume in the CPSP pre- studies with larger sample sizes, a control group, and no
served group was significantly less than the volume of selection bias are warranted to examine the role of CPSP
the non-CPSP preserved group and the control group. with lesion location.
Overall, they concluded that the STP plays a role in the
development of CPSP and that patients with partial
Clinical trials
injury of the STP might have an increased risk of CPSP.
These three studies display consistent evidence that In this section, we summarized the findings of
the STP plays a major role in CPSP. They also delineate studies investigating treatments for CPSP. As depicted

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Singer et al.

Table 2. Studies accessing pathways in the brain (n ¼ 3)

References Aim of study Measures Demographics Outcomes Conclusions

Holmgren et al. Correlation between lesion SEPs Vibration: Vibrameter – 20 Men and 7 women – No direct correlation Lesions of the STP have a
location and sensory Touch: von Frey hairs patients with CPSP, 9 of with CPSP and SEPs major role in the devel-
abnormalities Innocious and noxious tem- which that thalamic – All patients had reduced opment of CPSP.
perature: Thermotest lesions temperature sensibility
– High threshold for touch
and vibration had a posi-
tive correlation with high
SEP scores on the
contralateral side of pain

Hong et al.18 Investigated the relationship Pain: VAS Total: 30 pts, 16 men, 14 – Relative tract volume of – Lesions in STP is neces-
between integrity of the Tactile: NSA women the STP in the partial sary for development of
STP and CPSP in patients CPSP group was signifi- CPSP
with ICH. cantly lower than the – Partial lesions of the STP
non-CPSP group with no have increased preva-
significant difference in lence of CPSP
FA or MD parameters

Hong et al.19 (2012) Examined the relationship Pain: VAS – 52 Patients, 34 men and – Tactile sensation thresh- – STP damage is necessary
of CPSP with the integ- Tactile: NSA 18 Women old was higher in patients for CPSP development.
rity of STP with preserved STP – Prevalence of CPSP is
when compared to non- higher in patients with
preserved STP partial injury of STP than
– Volume of the CPSP sub- with complete injury
group of the preserved
group was smaller than
the non-CPSP subgroup
of the preserved group
– The prevalence of CPSP
was higher within the
preserved group in com-
parison to the non-pre-
served group.
SEP: somatosensory-evoked potential; STP: spinothalamic pathway; ICH: intracranial hemorrhage; CPSP: central poststroke pain; VAS: visual analogue scale; FA: fractional anisotropy; MD: mean diffusivity

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Table 3. Brain imaging studies (n ¼ 7)

References Demographics Aims Location of the strokes Findings Limitations

Leijon et al. (1989) – 20 Men 7 Women; – Characterize patients – No lesion: 7 patients – A small percentage of – CT scans; All CPSP
– Pain duration:44 months with CPSP with regard to – Cerebellum: 3 patients patients with CPSP have patients; selection bias;
– Time since stroke: 9–188 type and location – Thalamus: 9 patients thalamic lesions. The did not look at individual
months – Basal ganglia: 12 patients patients were found to parts of thalamus
– Cortical/sub-cortical: 13 have decreased tempera-
patients ture sensibility

Bowsher et al.23 – 73 CPSP participants – Correlate MRI, sensory – Brain stem: 27 CPSP; 2 – Different stroke sites – Two groups had different

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– 13 No pain after stroke changes and lesion control produce different pat- infarct locations; age and
location – Ventroposterior thalamic terns of sensory deficits gender were not
nucleus: 49 CPSP; 3 con- reported
– Basal ganglia: 33 CPSP; 6
– Parietal cortex: 13 CPSP;
4 Control

Kim et al.27 (2009) – 13 Men 7 women – Investigated MMIs and – All participants had lenti- – Symptoms included – No control group; selec-
– Pain average 5.6 (VAS CPSP culo-capsular hemor- numb, cold, burning, tion bias; did not address
Scale) rhages (LCH) aching swollen and thalamic region
squeezing. LCH should
be considered one of the
causes of CPSP.

Bowsher24 – 122 Participants – Compare lesion site to – All participants had an – CPSP is mostly found in – No control group;
– 39.5% of CPSP had CPSP while addressing ischemic stroke the thalamus region; selection bias
Allodynia sensory abnormalities pathways can play a role
– 29% Had CPSP as well. allodynia has
been found to correlate
with lesion location.

Kalita et al.21 – 20 Men 3 women, Age – Compare findings on – Right side: 10; left side: – MRI and SPECT were – Only CPSP patients; small
mean 52 CPSP between MRI and 13 not different in CPSP sample size; selection
SPECT – Thalamic stroke: 9 patient with and without bias; did not look at
patients; subcortical: 5, allodynia no matter brain individual parts of
parietal cortex: 6, location. thalamus
medulla:1, multiple
infarcts: 3
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CPSP: central poststroke pain; VAS: visual analogue scale; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; SPECT: single-photon emission computed tomography; LCH: lenticulocapsular hemorrhage; VPL: ventral
in Table 4 clinical trials on treatments for CPSP,

from stroke (imaging) to

– Only examined thalamic

– Small sample size; Time

CPSP diagnoses ranged

from 2 months to 132
including spinal cord and motor cortex stimulation, tri-

strokes; small sample

size; Selection bias
cyclic antidepressants, opioid antagonists, acupuncture,
and anticonvulsants. These trials range from 1989 to
2013 and represent clinical studies and RCTs identified

in our systematic review that attempted to determine

months efficacious treatment options for CPSP.
The following trials include invasive as well as non-
invasive methods. To date, effective clinical trials for
CPSP are limited.29,30 Presently, tricyclic antidepressant
– VPL was present in both

CPSP participants. More amitriptyline is the only oral medication with a benefi-

pattern was evident in

anterior medial lesion
affected mainly in the
– Lateral and posterior
thalamic nuclei were
CPSP and non-CPSP

cial effect on CPSP. However, a number of studies have

reported high rates of patient non-responders and
intolerable side effects, which often result in medication


Spinal cord and motor cortex stimulation

One clinical study (n ¼ 30) addressed CPSP with percu-
taneous spinal cord stimulation (SCS) during a continu-
– All participants had thal-

location of stroke (thal-

and 10 control patients
– 10 Control participants

ous treatment phase of two to seven days for CPSP

Location of the strokes

matched gender and

amus origin and not

patients.31 Global pain relief measured at follow-up indi-

thalamic origin)

cated that 30% (n ¼ 9) reported good relief, 20% (n ¼ 6)

amic strokes

reported fair relief, and 50% (n ¼ 15) reported poor

relief. VAS score decreased from 8 to 6 (p ¼ 0.001)
from baseline to post-treatment.31 Although the results
of this study offer compelling preliminary evidence that
SCS may provide improved pain relief for individuals
with CPSP, there are notable limitations including
small sample size, high percentages of individuals report-
– Investigate location of

ing poor to no relief, and lack of a control arm. As a

– Aimed to determine
mutual lesion site in
patients with CPSP
stroke and lesion

result, findings from this study must be interpreted with

caution until they can be replicated with larger samples
sizes with a more stringent research design.

Only one study was identified that examined motor

cortex stimulation as a potential treatment for CPSP.

In this study, 11 patients with CPSP were treated at the

pre-central gyrus.32 Effective treatment (see Table 4)
was observed in 73% of patients with pre-central stimu-
– 22 Men 8 women, 18 had

– 7 Men 3 women in both

control group and CPSP
others were controlled

lation, while 100% reported no pain reduction with

diagnosed CPSP, the

post-central stimulation. Additionally, 45% continued

to achieve pain relief with pre-central stimulation at
their two-year follow-up. The authors32 proposed that

posterior lateral; CT: computed tomography.

the mechanism of action is likely due to deafferented


(partially or totally interrupted afferent signals) noci-

ceptive neurons using motor provocation, which was
more readily activated in the STP. Along with STPs,
coexisting tracts were also stimulated, suggesting the
Krause et al.28 (2012)

need for further investigation on anatomical delinea-

Table 3. Continued

tions to narrow down the therapeutic focus.

Sprenger et al.22

Tricyclic antidepressants
A double-blind RCT (n ¼ 15) to evaluate amitriptyline
(75 mg/d), cabamazepine (800 mg/d), and placebo’s

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Table 4. Clinical studies and RCT for CPSP (n ¼ 8)

No. of
Frequency and duration of CPSP Pain score baseline/pain
References Treatments treatment(s) patients Pain measure(s) score post-treatment p
Leijon et al. Amitriptyline (75 mg) Four weeks 15 – Verbal scale – Baseline/post-treat- <.05 for
Cabamazpine (800 mg) – Global assessment of ment (mean): Amitriptyline vs. pla-
Placebo change in pain scale Amitriptyline: (daily): cebo in global assess-
4.7/4.2 ment of change in pain
Cabamazepine: (daily):
Placebo: (daily): 5.5/5.3

International Journal of Stroke, 0(0)

Baintn et al.33 8 mg Intravenous nalox- Day cases on two occa- 20 – VAS – Differences in VAS 0.86
one in 20 ml manufac- sions, separated by – Five-word pain scale score:
turer’s vehicle two to three weeks Naloxone: 9.35
Saline: 10.05

Tsubokawa et al.32 Motor cortex stimulation One time 11 – VAS – Pre-central stimula- NR
tion ¼ 73% pain reduc-
– Post-central
stimulation ¼ No pain

Vestergaard et al.34 Lamotrigine (200 mg); Two eight-week treat- 30 – Global pain scale – Ongoing daily pain: 0.02 for global assessment
placebo ment periods sepa- – Ongoing pain scale baseline/post-treat- of pain for lamotrigine
rated by two-week ment vs. placebo
washout period Lamotrigine: 6/5,
– Global pain:
Lamotrigine ¼ 3 (mod-
erate pain), Placebo ¼ 4
(strong pain)

Aly et al.30 Percutaneous spinal cord Continuous two to seven 30 – VAS VAS: <.001
stimulation days – Patient global impres- – Baseline: (median) ¼ 8
sion of change scale – Post: median ¼ 6

Kim et al.35 Pregabalin – 150–600 mg/ 12 Weeks (four-week 220 – Daily pain rating scale – Baseline/post-treat- .578
d, final maximum dose dose adjustment, eight- ment
placebo week maintenance) Pregabalin (mean): 6.5/
Placebo (mean): 6.3/5
International Journal of Stroke 0(0)
Singer et al. 11

effect on pain intensity was completed over a four-week

Bee venom: .007; saline:

treatment period. Table 4 shows mean pain intensity
scores during the fourth week were identical for ami-
triptyline and cabamazepine. Global assessment of pain
at the end of each treatment phase demonstrated a dif-
ference in effect for amitriptyline vs. placebo (p ¼ 0.05)

with improvement reported for 10 patients from the

amitriptyline group and one from placebo.

Pain score baseline/pain

Saline (median): 64.50/

Opioid antagonists
Placebo (median): 7/7

Bee venom (median)

– Baseline/post-treat-

– Baseline/post-treat-
score post-treatment

One double-blind trial (n ¼ 20) assessed the effects of


8 mg intravenous naloxone in a 20 ml manufacturer’s

(median): 7/7

vehicle and saline on CPSP on two occasions separated


by two to three weeks33 (Table 4). The results indicated



no immediate effect of naloxone on pain. Analyses of


before/after differences between naloxone and saline for

all patients showed no significance (p ¼ 0.86). The
authors also noted that none of the subjects who experi-
enced immediate pain relief were able to maintain
– Likert pain scale

improvement when long-term analyses concluded at

Pain measure(s)

two weeks. This further suggests that naloxone is inef-

– Mcgill pain

fective for the treatment of CPSP pain.33


A single-blind RCT of apipuncture (see Table 4) and

saline acupuncture on pain over a three-week treatment

No. of

period found a significant reduction in the median VAS



score (36.5 vs. 11.50; p ¼ 0.009).29 These results suggest

that apipuncture might have an effect on reducing
Frequency and duration of

CPSP. Further studies including larger sample sizes,

Twice weekly, for three
lowed by two eight-
baseline period, fol-
24 Weeks: four-week

long-term follow-up, and double-blind trials would be

week treatment

beneficial in determining the efficacy of apipuncture for

this population.



VAS: visual analogue scale; RCT: randomized controlled trial.

An RCT to evaluate the effect Lamotrigine’s (200 mg/

d) effect over two eight-week treatment periods
Bee Venom Acupuncture

(n ¼ 30).34 Both the treatment and control group indi-

Levetiracetam (3000 mg/
d, maximum dose)

cated a baseline ongoing daily pain score of 6 (11-

point scale) and post-treatment scores of 5 and 7,
(.05 ml); saline

respectively. At the end of treatment, global pain



scores were measured as 3 (moderate pain) for

Lamotrigine and 4 (strong pain, p ¼ 0.02) for pla-
cebo.34 The study also implemented a global assess-
ment of pain on daily activities, which did not indicate
significant differences between Lamotrigine and pla-
Table 4. Continued

Jungehulsing et al.

cebo (p ¼ 0.11). The results suggest that Lamotrigine

is not effective monotherapy for CPSP.
Cho et al.29

One double-blind RCT evaluated Pregabalin’s

(n ¼ 220) effect on pain intensity, was assessed in a
12-week trial.35 Results indicated that although the
weekly pain score decreased for both treatment

International Journal of Stroke, 0(0)

12 International Journal of Stroke 0(0)

groups (pregabalin: 6.3–4.9, placebo: 6.3–5.0), there Future investigation is pivotal in creating a universal
were no significant differences (p ¼ 0.578).The authors definition of CPSP. Further investigating brain imaging
delineate that the majority of patients treated with and CPSP with studies that have stronger methodology
pregabalin did not achieve a 30% or 50% reduction may give way to the development of clinical trials that
in pain at endpoint compared to baseline as hypothe- can address treatment options for CPSP. Also, we were
sized. Additionally, 70% of pregabalin and 55% in pla- unable to identify any research that addresses why
cebo patients experienced adverse events.35 Serious CPSP worsens over time, but hypothesize and hope
adverse events were experienced in six patients receiving that future research will examine the role of damage
pregabalin and two patients in the placebo arm. to the STP networks as the primary reason for this
A double-blind RCT examined the effect of levetir- progression. The results summarized in this systematic
acetam (n ¼ 42) on pain intensity over 24 weeks.36 Side review support the CIT, suggesting that there are alter-
effects including, tiredness, increased pain, dizziness, native affected pathways that may cause CPSP.
pruritus, and headache were substantially more Moreover, the link between strokes in the thalamic
common in the treatment group than the control region of the brain and CPSP should be reevaluated
group, during the first treatment period. The authors as many studies indicated variability and/or a lack of
reported that levetiracetam did not improve spontan- association.
eous or evoked pain and median pain scores did not
differ between groups. They concluded that levetirace- Declaration of conflicting interests
tam was not effective in reducing pain for CPSP The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
patients. respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Although a number of the above clinical trials29,30 The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
reported reduction in CPSP symptoms, a substantial authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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