ABB - TechNotes - 2.2 - Overvoltages - Protective Distance 1HC0138872 EN AA

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T EC H N I C A L N OT E 2 . 2

Protective distance
Overvoltage protection
The TECHNICAL NOTES (TN) are intended to be used in
conjunction with the

Overvoltage protection
Metal-oxide surge arresters in medium-voltage systems.

Each TECHNICAL NOTE gives in a concentrated form

additional and more detailed information about
various topics of MO surge arrester and their application
under normal and special service conditions.

First published August 2019


Protective distance
of the MO surge arrester
The shorter the distance between the MO surge arrester and the equipment
to be protected, the better is the protection against overvoltages.

1 Introduction Modern MO arresters with a residual voltage of

Ures ≤ 3,33 × Uc (VDE recommendation) at In
The protective distance of a MO surge arrester ­maintain a value of Upl ≤ 4 p. u., even in systems
is influenced by the steepness S of the incoming with high-ohmic earthed or insulated transformer
voltage, the surge impedance Z of the lines ­neutrals. The Upl is the lightning impulse
and the termination at the line end, the lightning ­protection level of the arrester. Table 1 shows
­insulation withstand voltage (LIWV) and the a summary of the typical values.
­residual voltage of the surge arrester. The basics
of travelling wave phenomena must be consid- It should be noted that the specified residual volt-
ered when calculating the protective ­distance. ages Ures from the data sheets apply for the termi-
nals of the arrester, which means they are valid only
The higher the lightning impulse withstand volt- for the place where the arrester is installed. The
age (LIWV) lies above the residual voltage of the voltage at the devices that are to be protected is al-
arrester at nominal discharge current In, the ways higher than the voltage that is d­ irectly at the
­better the equipment is protected against light- arrester terminals. This is because of reflections at
ning overvoltages the end of lines or at points of discontinuity.

— —
Note: The acronym “BIL”, which Therefore, the overvoltage
is often used for “basic lightning ­protection no longer exists if the
impulse insulation level” is arrester is placed too far from
­exclusively to be found in the the device to be protected.
US standards (IEEE/ANSI). The p ­ rotective distance L is
It is like the “lightning impulse ­understood to be the maximum
­withstand voltage” (LIWV) as distance between the arrester
used in the IEC standards. and the equipment, at which the
latter is still sufficiently

Table 1: Typical values of the lightning impulse withstanding voltage LIWV according
to IEC and the lightning impulse protection level U pl = 4 p. u.

Um in kV rms 3.6 7.2 12 17.5 24 36

LIWV in kV pv 40 60 75 95 125 170
Upl in kV pv 11.8 23.5 39.2 57.2 78.4 117.6
LIWV/Upl 3.39 2.55 1.91 1.66 1.59 1.45

2 Voltage increase due to traveling wave  L’ 

­phenomena Z = -----
Voltage and current impulses having a rise time L’ Inductivity per unit length in H/km
shorter than the traveling time of an electromag- C’ Capacitance per unit length in F/km
netic wave along the line, travel along the line as
traveling waves, see also TN 2.1. This means that, Only the voltage impulses are important when
disregarding damping, the current and voltage ­analyzing the overvoltages and the protective
impulse travels along the line without changing distance.
its form. Therefore, it is at another place later.
When a voltage wave traveling on a line reaches
Current and voltage are connected to one another a point of discontinuity, i. e. a change in the surge
because of the surge impedance of the line. The impedance, part of the voltage is “reflected”
surge impedance results from the inductivity- backward and a part is transmitted forward. If we
and capacitance per unit length of the line, disre- have a line with an open end or a transformer con-
garding the ohmic resistance per unit length and nected, both means a line end with Z = ∞, a posi-
the conductivity of the insulation. tive reflection occurs, which lead to an increase of

Figure 1: Traveling
waves on an over-
120 Uf
head line F with the
surge impedance S
ZL = 450 Ω. A MO surge
arrester is installed U₁f
at point X A .


–30 Ur



XA Z L = 450 Ω

Ures = 72 kV

Figure 2: A transformer 150
is connected at the
end of the line 120

90 S
U₁f U T ≈ 72 kV


–30 Ur



XA Z L = 450 Ω

ZT → ∞
Ures = 72 kV

the voltage. The height of the voltage for each reflected (Ur) on the spot X A . The voltage U1f
moment and for each place on the line is the sum moves on with the same steepness S along the
of the respective present values of all voltage line in the direction of the line end.
waves. The principles of traveling wave phenom-
ena are explained with an example in the If the wave U1f reaches a transformer with ZT = ∞
­following Figures 1 to Figure 4 step by step. on the spot XT, it is positively reflected. On the
spot XT a voltage UT with the double steepness S
An overvoltage Uf with the steepness S travels is built up, which reaches about 72 kV as shown.
along the line with the speed v = 300 m/μs. An ar- The at the transformer reflected voltage U1r
rester with Ures = 72 kV is installed on the spot X A . ­travels backwards in the direction of the arrester.
If the onward traveling voltage reaches the value The arrester on the spot X A is still conducting and
of 72 kV, the MO surge arrester starts conducting performs an approximate short circuit, which
and holds the voltage constant at this value. ­reflects negatively all the incoming voltages.
Through the arrester flows the lightning current i,
which means that the arrester performs now an The voltage U1r reached the arrester and is
approximate short circuit. In this way, the ­voltage, ­ egatively reflected (U2f) and travels again in the
which continues to travel onwards, is negatively ­direction of the transformer. The voltage is held

— 150
Figure 3: Reflections
of the voltage at
the transformer and
the MO surge arrester S

Ur U₂f



XA Z L= 450 Ω

ZT → ∞
Ures = 72 kV

Figure 4: Final voltage 150
at the transformer

U T = 2 × Ures = 144 kV


Ur U₂f



XA Z L= 450 Ω

ZT → ∞

Ures = 72 kV

at Ures = 72 kV on the spot X A (arrester) and on shorter and consequently the voltage at the
the spot XT (transformer) the voltage is still transformer is reduced to a value much lower
­increasing. The voltage Ur travels backwards than the withstand value of the transformer
against the x-direction and reduces the incoming ­insulation (LIWV).
voltage Uf.
It follows: the closer an arrester is installed to the
The voltage U2f arrives at the spot XT (trans- equipment to be protected, in this case a trans-
former) again. Meanwhile, the maximum possible former, the better it can protect. Figure 5 shows
voltage UT = 2 × Ures = 144 kV was built up at the further that the MO surge arrester protects in
transformer. The voltage U2f, again positively both directions from the point of installation.
­reflected, should travel back in the direction of This is important for the layout of a substation.
the arrester, at the same time the voltage UT
should be reduced respectively. This means that 3 Protective distance L
the voltage UT, which appears at the transformer,
can be limited by the arrester at the earliest after The basics of travelling waves and voltage reflec-
two traveling times between the transformer tions are described in TN 2.1 and the example
and the arrester. The voltage Ures = 72 kV is held above. The acceptable protective distance L
constant on the spot X A (arrester). ­between an MO surge arrester and the equipment
to be protected can be calculated with a simpli-
— fied method, as shown in the following.
Thus, the arrester protects in
On the overhead line in Figure 6 an overvoltage U
both directions. To simplify travels as a traveling wave with the speed v to-
­matters, a funnel shaped voltage- wards the line end E. At point E there is the equip-
ment to be protected. For the following analysis
increase results from the arrester, it is considered that the equipment to be pro-
as is to be seen in Figure 5. tected is high-ohmic (transformer, open circuit
breaker). When the traveling wave reaches E, it is
Assuming the simplified transient wave occur- positively reflected, and the voltage increases to
rences, as is explained above, there appears 2 × U in maximum. The function of arrester A is to
a funnel shaped voltage increase, which has its prevent unacceptable high voltage values at the
lowest value at the installation place of the equipment to be protected. Under the simplified
MO surge arrester. A LIWV of 125 kV for the trans- assumption that the front of wave steepness S of
former results with an assumed Um = 24 kV. the incoming overvoltage wave is time constant,
Therefore, the voltage U1 at the transformer is the following relationship applies for the maxi-
higher than acceptable taking into consideration mum value UE:
the given arrangement. This means that the dis- 2 × S × (a + b)
tance between the arrester (X A1) and the trans- UE = Ures + ------------- -- v = 300 m/μs
former (XT) is too long. If the arrester is installed
at the point X A2 , the traveling time between The following example illustrates the use of the
MO surge arrester and transformer becomes above equation.


Figure 5: Voltage
increase from the point U₁
of arrester installation
in both directions LIWV



X A1 Z L= 450 Ω X A2 XT

ZT → ∞

Given is a system with Us = 36 kV. The continuous This results in:
operating voltage was calculated to LIWV 2 × S × L
Uc = 1.05 × Us × 1.1 /  3  = 24 kV, and the type MWK ------ ≥ UE = Ures + ----------- L = a + b
with Ures = Upl = 73.7 kV was chosen. The voltage Ks v
steepness was assumed to 800 kV / µs, and the The required equation for the protection distance
travelling speed is v = 300 m/µs. The distance is:
­between the arrester and the end of the line v LIWV
(­assuming a transformer is connected) is given L = ------ × ( ------- – Ures )
due to the station layout to a + b = 22 m. If we 2 × S Ks
­calculate the voltage at the end of the line, we A factor of K s = 1.15 is recommended for outdoor
come to a voltage insulation and K s = 1.05 for internal insulation
(IEC 60071, insulation coordination). K s = 1.2 is
2 × S × (a + b) 2 × 800 kV / µ s × 22 m sometimes assumed for the calculation of the
UE = Ures + -------------- = 73.7 kV + ------------------------ = 191 kV.
      v 300 m/µs protection distance in medium voltage systems
(e. g. Cigré TB 441).
The lightning impulse withstand voltage (LIWV) in
a 36 kV-system is 170 kV. This means that the volt- It should be mentioned that the given approxima-
age at the transformer becomes too high, and the tion for L is valid in the strict sense only for b = 0,
distance between arrester and transformer must for practice, however, it gives sufficiently precise
be reduced. values.

With a + b = 6 m and the same assumptions It is certainly to be assumed that the arrester and
we come to a voltage at the transformer of the equipment to be protected are connected to
UE = 106 kV. This value is well below the LIWV of the same earthing system. As already mentioned,
170 kV and the arrester provides very good the arrester should be installed as close as possi-
­protection. ble to the equipment to be protected. The con-
nections must be executed on the high voltage
For practical reasons it is generally more interest- side and the earth side short and straight.
ing to calculate the maximum acceptable dis- ­Especially the connection b should be executed
tance L between the arrester and the equipment as short as possible. If possible, it makes sense to
to be protected. This means the equation for UE lead the overhead line first to the arrester and
must be transformed into an equation for L, see from there directly to the bushing of the trans-
below. former, for example.

A safety factor K s is recommended between the

LIWV of the equipment and the maximum light-
ning overvoltage that occurs. This safety factor
takes into consideration, among other things, the
possible ageing of the insulation and the statistic
uncertainties in defining the lightning impulse
withstanding voltage of the equipment.

Figure 6: Assumption
for the calculation of
the voltage at the open S
U v
end of a line and for the
determination of the a
protective distance L.

U Incoming overvoltage wave.

v Velocity of the traveling wave
A Ures
S Front steepness of the overvoltage
A Arrester
U res Residual voltage of the arrester
a, b Length of the connections
E End of the line. Connected is,
for example, a transformer
or an open circuit breaker.
U E Voltage at the end of the line

4 Expected steepness S of lightning Substantially smaller voltage rates of rise are to

­overvoltages in MV substations be expected at the station when the lightning
strike occurs far from the station. Due to corona
The steepness S of the incoming overvoltage damping, the front of the overvoltage wave flat-
wave must be known to determine the protective tens out as it proceeds from the point of the
distance as it is above described. stroke to the station. If S0 is the steepness at the
location of the stroke, the steepness along the
The repetition rate of the lightning strokes and length d of the line decreases to the value
the overvoltages related to them can only be 1
taken from statistics. That is why it is not possi- S = ---------------
ble to give any generally applicable information 1 / S0 + K × d
about the steepness of the overvoltages that oc- The constant K is dependent upon the geometry
cur. An assumed steepness is always connected of the overhead line, and it is estimated to
to the probability of an event. K = 5 × 10 –6 μs/kVm for medium voltage overhead
Figure 7 shows a lightning stroke on a distribution
line conductor. The time aspect of the lightning Supposing that the location of the stroke is
current is designated by i(t). From the point in d = 135 m distant from the station, a lightning
which the lightning strikes the conductor, the stroke causes an infinitely large voltage rate of
lightning current i(t)/2 flows out in both directions. rise S0 at the point of strike. According to the
If Z is the surge impendence of the conductor, then above formula a steepness at the substation of
this current generates a lightning overvoltage u(t) S = 1,481 kV/μs occurs due to the corona
with the steepness of the voltage increase S(t) ­damping.
between the conductor and the earth. As indicated
in Figure 7 S(t) is not generally constant. In the

following the maximum steepness of the rise of These two arbitrarily chosen
an overvoltage wave will be ­indicated by S.
­examples specify the order of the
In 10 % of all cases of lightning, the maximum cur- voltage rate of rise and should
rent rise time di/dt is assumed to be higher than
32 kA/μs. When Z = 450 Ω, every tenth lightning
show that large voltage rates of
stroke will cause a maximum voltage steepness rise occur less often than the
S > 7,200 kV/μs. A steepness of this order is to be
expected in the substation only if the lightning
small ones.
strikes nearby, for example, within 25 m of the
equipment to be protected. The probability of
this is very small.

Figure 7: Creation of the
lightning overvoltage i(t)
during a lightning stroke S = Z × d —— /dt
in an overhead line.

u(t) = Z ——


i(t)/2 i(t)/2 u(t)


F Overhead line
Z Surge impedance of the overhead line
t Time
i(t) Total lightning current in time function
di/dt Maximum steepness of the lightning current
u(t) Lightning overvoltage in time function
S Maximum steepness of the lightning overvoltage

Of further significance is the fact that the stroke system which is stressed with steep voltage
current rise is concave. That is why the greatest ­impulses. The smaller values S for overhead lines
steepness of the overvoltage occurs in the range with earthed cross arms are the result of lower
of the voltage maximum, as shown in Figure 7. In spark over voltages, and thereupon lower steep-
voltage waves resulting from high stroke current ness, of the insulators compared to the spark
peak value, a flashover from the line to earth over voltages along the wooden poles.
takes place before the peak value has been
reached. The upper part of the voltage wave is 5 Protective distance in medium-voltage systems
thereby cut off so that the maximum steepness
cannot be reached. If the above-mentioned values S are put in the
equation for the maximum protective distance L
The statistics for faults and damages show that the following protective distances result, taking
in Central Europe about 8 lightning strokes occur into consideration the LIWV and the Upl (= Ures for
per year and 100 km in overhead lines of medium the following examples) from Table 1:
voltage systems. However, it must be observed
that in regions with unfavorable topographical L = 2.3 m for overhead lines with wooden poles
conditions and especially regions with high thun- L = 4 .5 m for overhead lines with earthed cross arms
derstorm activity there may occur up to 100 light-
ning strokes per year and 100 km overhead lines. This is valid for system voltages from Us = 3.6 kV
If 8 lightning strokes occur per year and 100 km in to Us = 36 kV and the assumption that the trans-
overhead lines in outdoor substation equipment, formers have an insulated neutral or that they are
it can be expected that the steepness reaches: operated with earth fault compensation. In this
case the continuous operating voltage is chosen
S = 1,550 kV/μs to Uc ≥ Us.
for overhead lines with wooden poles and
S = 800 kV/μs In systems with transformers with directly
for overhead lines with earthed cross arms earthed neutrals the continuous operating voltage
is calculated to Uc ≥ 1.05 × Us /  3. A safety margin
For rough calculations a steepness of of 10 % for Uc was considered and with a safety
S = 1,000 kV / µs is generally assumed. factor of K = 1.15 the protective distances result as
shown in Table 2. The calculated values assume
To be considered here is that overhead lines with a typical MO surge arrester class SL (station low),
wooden poles have a spark over voltage of ap- as for instance the type MWK. With other
proximately 3,000 kV and that overhead lines with MO surge arresters or different residual voltages
earthed cross arms have a spark over voltage of than Upl slightly different distances will result.
approximately 660 kV. These values are valid for However, the distances in Table 2 can be used as
outdoor line insulators in a 24 kV medium voltage a rule of thumb in medium-voltage systems.

Table 2: Protective distance for MO surge arresters in systems with directly earthed transformer star points.

Us in kV L in m, wooden pole L in m, earthed cross arms

3.6 2.5 4.8
7.2 3.6 6.9
12 4.0 7.6
17.5 4.5 8.6
24 5.8 11.2
36 7.2 13.9

Table 3: Influence of the residual voltage of different arresters on the protective distance L.

Arrester type Protective distance L in m

POLIM-K 10.4
POLIM-S 11.4
POLIM-H 11.7
10 T E C H N I C A L N O T E O V E R V O LTA G E S

It is to be seen from the above equation for the 6 Summary

protective distance L that arresters with lower
­residual voltages have also a greater protective The protective distance of MO surge arresters is
distance. As example the protective distance for calculated based on the traveling wave theory.
a 24 kV-system and earthed cross arms is used. The protective distance L is influenced by the
The influence of the arrester type on the protec- lightning impulse withstand voltage (LIWV) of the
tive distance for this example is shown in Table 3. equipment to be protected, the steepness S of
Assumed is in all cases the protection level the incoming voltage and the residual voltage
Upl = Ures or Ures at 10 kA 8/20 µs in case of the Ures of the MO surge arrester.
POLIM-H. All arresters have a continuous operat-
ing voltage of Uc = 16 kV. The maximum steepness of the incoming voltage
depends on statistics and the type of pole.
Although the difference in the protective distance A ­reduction of the steepness S of the incoming
L is not very high, it might be of importance for voltage results due to damping effects.
special applications. Besides the greater protec-
tive distance L, the MO surge arresters with lower As seen in Figure 5 a MO surge arrester protects
protective level Upl provide also a greater energy in both directions. This could be considered in the
handling capability. This is, for instance, of bene- substation layout.
fit in case of applications in cable systems.
For a quick and simple estimation of the protec-
All calculated values are valid for the simplified tive distance L (with enough accuracy) the calcu-
assumption of Figure 6. All the equipment, such lated values above can be used in practice.
as transformers and cables have a self-capaci-
tance towards the earth. The influence of this
­capacitance on the function of the arrester
should be considered if detailed calculations
must be performed. A capacitance will reduce the
steepness of an incoming voltage impulse, but in
the same time oscillations can be produced,
which can lead to a noticeable increase of the
voltage at the transformer. This would result in
a decrease of the protective distance. The para-
bolic increase of the lightning overvoltage has an
opposite influence. MO surge arresters limit the
overvoltage according to its voltage-current char-
acteristic much earlier and not when the residual
voltage Ures becomes Upl at In . Therefore, the
MO surge arrester starts to limit the incoming
overvoltage at a much lower stage as its peak
value, so that the maximum steepness of the
overvoltage rise does not affect.

Inductive voltages Ui at the connecting leads of

the MO surge arresters should be considered in
principle in addition to the residual voltage Ures.
However, in medium voltage applications they
generally need not to be considered, see for
­details TN 2.3, Inductive voltage drops.

ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Surge Arresters
Jurastrasse 45
CH-5430 Wettingen/Switzerland
Tel. + 41 58585 2911
Fax + 41 58585 5570

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