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Technology, science, advancement, these are things that make humans so

Powerful and yet so Cruel, humans have rejected the basic values of life, and
have been focused on economical and technological advancement, though the
technology that made this pandemic survivable, is really beneficial, we still can’t
deny that technology also invited wars, nukes, and military equipment that can
harm and jeopardize the safety and survivability of humankind.
But looking on the bright side the technology also brought phones, laptops,
websites , and the very virtual structure we have now, but the question lingers
’’what is the importance of technology?’’
If we take a closer look on our society today, technology is already around us, in
fact we, humans, is technology ourselves.
The problem of technology is not itself, but the one who bare, and use it, take for
example our phones, if we use phones with a good and rational reason, we don’t
harm the people around us, especially ourselves, thus, technology is really not the
issue but the one who wields it.
The finest example of technology falling in the wrong and wicked hands is the
tragic atomic bombing of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August
9, 1945), upon the bombing of the said cities, thousands of lives were lost, in a
single day, the reason for the brutal way of hostility, was the speeding up, or
ending the WW2 (World war II), So that American lives will be spared from
further loss, it might be rational and unavoidable we still can’t deny the fact that,
these cities were literally wiped out from the map, leaving a roughly 105,000
dead, this also marks and ended the infamous World War II, which avoided
more and more wars from happening.

But the technology also bought convenience to us, from the medieval to modern
days, from the first wheel to the first man in the moon (Neil Armstrong), all of
these achievements also justifies the horror and terror of science In our society,
Now If we search the word lorn, with the help of our trustee encyclopaedia, lorn
is the state of being lonely and abandoned; forlorn. This word perfectly fits
humanities struggle in developing and earning the convenience that we enjoy
today, the lives, the people, and the ones that were loss in the process of
evolution will forever be in the hearts of the people that enjoy them, thus making
technology important and justified.
In life there will always be loss, sacrifices and consequences, but if technology
taught me something that would be, "With great power comes great
When we, humans, become greedy, we sometimes forget the results of our
decisions, making the world more and more unfair and unbalance, making people
suffer more, and creating our own demons.
In summary technology will always be a necessity, because it allow us to evolve
and change for Good, but we are not Gods nor Deities, were just mere mortals,
crawling in this cramp world, someday the technology that we have a will show
its limitations and boundaries, and that will be the time that humans no longer

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