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The bar chart illustrates the proportion of youngsters choosing different means of vehicle

from four nations.

Overall, cars are the most popular transports for commute in three countries among young
people, except for France where the highest percentage of youths prefer to travel is bicycles.
On the contrary, motorcycles are the least common option in all countries except the US.
To begin with the car section, the proportion of youngsters using cars in the US and the UK
have identical patterns at 60%. In contrast, while the figure for Italy is remarkably higher at
about three-quarter of youths, only 40% of French young individuals use cars. Bicycles are
the second most popular in most nations with the highest percentage in France at 47%,
followed by 30% in the UK, nearly 10% in Italy and 10% in the US.
Motorcycles are only a significant choice for young people in the US, comprising of 30% in
total figure. By comparison, the figures for France, the UK and Italy are far lower,
constituting merely 11%, 10% and 9% respectively.

It is true that a large proportion of prisoners re-offend after they have been punished. There
are a host of reasons behind this phenomenon and several solutions which could mitigate the
There are two primary explanations why the criminals commit crimes after they are released.
The main cause of re-offending is poverty and unemployment. A criminal record makes
them finding a job more difficult; therefore, people who commit crimes often have no other
way of making a living. Furthermore, prison system can also make the situation worse. In
prison, offenders mix with other criminals so they can be a negative influence for each other.
For instance, prisons are often violent and overcrowded place, thus prisoners can intimate
others and even form networks to a future crime.
Fortunately, several measures could be prison should provide education or vocational
training and rehabitation programs. With those courses, prisoners may be more ready and
well-prepared for releasing into society. For example, some useful activities such as learning
how work in community services or talking in groups about moral conditions can help
criminals instill and repent their sins. Another solution is that offenders also need help when
they are looking for work or accommodation. With the support of society, they can have an
honesty purpose to earn a living; therefore, they will gradually become better citizens.
To sum up, it is clear that there are various reasons for the majority of criminals re-offend
after releasing and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.

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