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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 2 Appleton, Wisconsin January 21, 2022

A Valley Transit bus drives past Lawrence Memorial Chapel on College Avenue. Eric Mayes, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, poses for a photo portrait.
Photo submitted by the Communications Office. Photo by Danny Damiani.

Lawrence students gain free Changes at the DEI Office

bus access through Valley mark the beginning of Eric
Transit partnership Mayes’ tenure as VP
Shirley Xu the Fox Valley, they can meet Senior Mikayla Frank- Nathan Wall and according to him, it was versity, Equity and Inclusion
Staff Writer with student travel trainers Martin, Chair of the Student Staff Writer expressed that these two issues an office that responds to stu-
_______________________ _______________________
from the CCE by scheduling Welfare Committee (SWC), need to be addressed urgently. dents’ needs in a timely man-
Lawrence University and Changes are coming soon According to Mayes, there ner and can begin to create a
appointments on Handshake, hopes that the program will
Valley Transit launched a part- to Lawrence’s Office of Diver- is an Interim Title IX coordina- discrimination-free environ-
according to Garret Singer, the help those who do not have
nership where students can use sity, Equity and Inclusion. The tor at Lawrence, but she works ment at Lawrence.
director of CCE. cars on campus, since riding
their student ID cards as free changes were announced in remotely, and he feels that this Although discrimination
The idea for this program the buses provides more flex-
bus passes from now until the November following the hiring position should be filled by and Title IX were the top issues
ibility than the weekly shop-
end of the school year. To view the Valley ping shuttles. Frank-Martin
of Dr. Eric Mayes as Vice Presi- someone who works on cam- raised by students interviewed,
Valley Transit has 18 bus Transit website, also sees sustainability as a top
dent for Diversity, Equity and pus, so that students experi- these are not the only changes
routes that run across the Fox Inclusion.
Valley Mondays through Sat-
scan the QR code: priority, and having the option
It is not clear yet what ev-
encing Title IX violations have coming from Mayes’s office,
to take public transportation is a familiar face to interact with Mayes said. Other changes will
urdays. The earliest bus ride ery change will be, but the of- and trust. be announced in the following
more environmentally friendly
starts at 6:15 a.m. and the lat- fice is currently working on hir- Students also expressed to weeks, though it has not been
since it encourages carpooling
est goes to 9:45 p.m. Detailed ing a full time, on-campus Title Mayes that the Bias Response disclosed to the public what
instead of bringing personal
route maps and service hours IX coordinator and overhaul- Reporting system at Lawrence they will be.
vehicles to campus.
for each route can be found ing the Bias Response Report- could be more efficient, citing “I look forward to hearing
CCE’s goal is to take ad-
on the Valley Transit website. ing system. Before announcing examples such as reports being from the campus community
vantage of the partnership to
Students can also download these changes, Mayes spoke filed and never responded to. on the ways that the office I
encourage individual or group
the Valley Transit app to track with the Faculty Committee Mayes wants to reevaluate the lead can further its mission in
service trips to nonprofit or-
buses in real time. on University Governance, the system and make it more effi- creating a more inclusive, di-
stemmed from a student sur- ganizations that are not within
The Valley Transit app Committee on Diversity Affairs cient and effective. He stressed verse, equitable and antiracist
vey by the CCE in the summer walking distance of campus,
contains detailed information (CODA), LUCC, Black faculty that both of these changes are community,” Mayes said.
of 2021. CCE was interested with plans to make infograph-
about all routes in service. It and staff, and Posse students, about making the Office of Di-
in knowing students’ methods ics of volunteer locations as a
also shows where the bus is in of traveling to their service guide. It is also Singer’s hope
real time and the approximate sites, because far off-campus that other offices can do similar Do you have questions about any new developments on
time before the bus arrives volunteer sites have tradition- things to raise the awareness of
at a particular stop. Students ally been a barrier for students, off-campus resources.
campus? Should the Lawrentian be covering any event?
should wave at the buses be- Singer said. Based on the re- Cleanliness and CO-
cause drivers do not stop at sponses to the survey, students VID-19 safety were also taken Let us know!
empty stations, as stated in were interested in using public into consideration in estab-
a tutorial video on the Valley transportation, but they did lishing the partnership. Val- Send any tips to
Transit website. not know how to use it, accord- ley Transit implements safety
Students from various ing to Singer. measures to ensure the health
offices, including the Student After the survey results of passengers and drivers. Ac- Join
Welfare Committee (SWC) were considered, SWC, CCE, cording to the Valley Transit THE LAWRENTIAN
and the Center for Community the Committee on Commu- website, masks are required on
Engagement (CCE), will take nity Service and Engagement the buses, all buses are sani-
travel training courses from as a writer, photographer, illustrator or editor!
(CCSE) and Valley Transit col- tized every night, a plastic bar-
Valley Transit. If students do laborated to establish this part- rier separates the We want your voice in our publication.
not know how to ride buses in nership. See page 2
If interested, visit

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Fight Night and UFC Elda Emma Anderson: Lawrence University’s

Edgar & Poe Apply for the job
270 The Unsung Hero Birthday Recital
2 NEWS January 21, 2022

Weekly updates on the status of
COVID-19 at Lawrence

224 85

Appleton: Appleton:
19,166 308

We are in:
Substantial Enhanced
Risk Precautions

Masking required indoors, KN95

or double masking recommended;
continued surveillance testing;
keycard needed for building entry;
in-person curricular activities.
(ABOVE) Curt Lauderdale participates in CORE training in 2014.
Photo submitted by the Communications Office. *data reported as of Jan. 19
(TOP) Curt Lauderdale watches a presentation during the Activities Fair in 2015.
Photo submitted by the Communications Office.

Curt Lauderdale departs from Lawrence, reflects on his tenure

based on their residential ad- a mixture of the occurrences say that in jest or not -- there’s listen and help them through sity of Wisconsin-Madison pro-
Kat Girod
Staff Writer dress to the current class-based throughout their city, state and some truth to it,” Lauderdale obstacles, often by being visible vides an opportunity to work
election system. This allowed world at large. said. on campus, eating in the din- in academic advising, student
Former Dean of Students LUCC work to commence ear- An alumnus from the After four years of gradu- ing hall and attending athletic orientation, career services and
Curt Lauderdale, who began lier in the year and for people class of 2001, Lauderdale knew ate school in Washington, DC, events and conservatory per- student services in a way that
his tenure at Lawrence Uni- involved in campus study pro- he wanted to work in the realm Lauderdale returned in the formances. he has not at Lawrence. The
versity in 2001, officially left grams to participate in the or- of student affairs due to the im- summer of 2008 to work as When in non-student new position also enables him
his position on Jan. 7. Lau- ganization. pact members of staff from that the Assistant Dean of Students spaces, Lauderdale said it was to be closer to his two brothers
derdale’s role at the university “When I think about my division had on his campus life when the Campus Life office his aim to be a student advo- in Madison and professionally
shifted throughout the years: time here and think about how as a student. Lauderdale said was on the cusp of formation. cate. He wanted to ensure that build out and expand on an-
first he was a Residence Hall it has felt, it’s felt chaotic,” Lau- that, while he did not initially The idea of being able to return the student perspective was be- other part of his portfolio in
Director in 2001, then an As- derdale said. plan to work at Lawrence, the to an important place to him ing introduced when in meet- case he wants to work in a Vice
sistant Dean of Students in Lauderdale attributes opportunity to work as a hall and increase engagement with ings with other faculty, staff President role in the future.
2008, next an Associate Dean this chaotic feeling to the ev- director with the ability to see student activities such as LUCC and departments. Moreover, Although Lauderdale
of Students in 2014, and finally, er-evolving life on a college and contribute to the institu- and Residential Life was both a he noted that while being a stu- hopes his successor will make
he assumed the position as the campus. Despite returning to tion in a different manner than compelling and fulfilling expe- dent advocate did not necessar- the role their own, he stressed
Dean of Students in 2015. the Dean of Students position he could as a student presented rience for Lauderdale. ily translate into the automatic that the next Dean of Students
Reflecting on his work at yearly, the dynamic on cam- itself. Particularly, Lauder- When he became the granting of students’ requests, should see their job as a chance
the school, Lauderdale is proud pus shifts and the atmosphere dale notes the unique appeal Dean of Students in 2015, Lau- it meant acting as their repre- to be a chief student advocate
of helping to shape the projects changes, as a quarter of the of working as a hall director in derdale’s goal was to be pres- sentative in spaces where they and highlight their experiences
for the construction of the Sage population alters each year. He Residential Life due to the op- ent with whomever he was with were absent. and perspectives in the places
and Colman lofts that priori- explained that in a constantly portunity it provided to learn and to ensure each situation Concerning his decision they cannot be physically pres-
tized varied housing options, as changing world, a new class new things in the position de- was regarded as a potential to leave Lawrence, Lauderdale ent.
well as his role in changing the of students entering the com- spite no longer being a student. opportunity for change. He stressed that the decision was
LUCC election process: shifting munity can be affected by both “This idea of Lawrentians wanted to assure students that an immensely difficult one. The
from one that elected students the returning students and as lifelong learners, whether we he was willing and available to decision to move to the Univer-

Valley Transit
partnership, cont.
driver and passengers, and bet- “Back when I was a new student
ter air purification systems were in a new city and was given a bus
installed in response to the spread pass, that’s my trust of source—
of COVID-19. the university where I am going
So far, SWC and CCE have to be spending my next four years
been promoting this partnership of life,” Stephanie Lenz, a travel
on their social media platforms. training specialist at Valley Tran-
A special promotion program also sit, said.
uses three $25 gift cards as incen- Lawrence will be collecting data
tives. To enter, students must post regarding the frequency of bus us-
pictures of themselves riding the age through the end of the year to
bus and tag CCE and Valley Tran- determine whether they will con-
sit’s Instagram handles, according tinue the partnership.
to Singer.
January 21, 2022 SPORTS 3

Sean McLaughlin
Overview of the January transfer window
never quite worked for him at Barcelo- in the Premier League for a relatively mer club Burnley for years now, regu- Piatek originally came to promi-
Staff Writer na, where he had to play second fiddle cheap fee in the end. Digne had spent larly hitting 10+ league goals to keep nence at Genoa, where he scored 13
to Lionel Messi for three years, and as a few seasons at Everton with great the club in the Premier League. But goals in 19 matches in half a season.
So, the January window for such never justified his transfer fee. In personal success. He has been a con- he has only 3 goals this season so far, He has struggled since, however, as
European clubs to make midseason 4 seasons, he managed only 17 goals sistent figure in the top 5-10 play- and is now in his 30s. Newcastle des- the goals dried up at AC Milan, and
transfers is only about half over, but for the Blaugrana as he lost confi- ers in the league in terms of crosses perately need goals, yes, but it feels as then never returned at Hertha Berlin.
there has been plenty of drama and dence and form. But he has been given and accurate crosses per game, and if there were better options available. Now back in Italy, this may be Piatek’s
surprising moves both touted and a lifeline by Villa, who have ambitions is a leading figure in chances created This signing is a safe bet: Wood will last shot with a big name club if he is
completed in the first two weeks or of pushing for European qualification. for the Toffees as well. However, as most likely get 5-10 goals in the second to stay at the top level of European
so. This week I’d like to take a look The most likely pulling force is man- Everton’s form has slumped this sea- half of the season, as he tends to come football. But the signs are good to be-
back at some of the moves we’ve seen ager Steven Gerrard, a legend with son under Rafa Benitez, manager and on strong after the winter period. I be- gin his career in Florence, as he scored
thus far and what they could mean for whom Countinho played several sea- player have has a monumental fallout, lieve at one point last spring he scored on debut in the Italian Cup this past
both player and club moving forward sons in his younger years at Liverpool. leading to Digne’s departure. Villa 8 in 8 league games. He is also a very week. Fiorentina are a good desti-
into the back half of the 21-22 season. He grew into the superstar he is under were first on the scene, signing the technical finisher. But Newcastle do nation for him as well. They are still
the tutelage of Reds legend Stevie G, 28-year-old Frenchman up on a per- not create many chances, and Wood is involved in multiple competitions,
Phillipe Countinho to Aston Villa so perhaps the chance to reunite with manent deal for a 25 million pound not one to make his own goals by any and star man Dusan Vlahovic needs a
(Loan) his old mate is what brought him to the fee. Given he would have gone for means, so his return may suffer. He is backup so he isn’t run into the ground
We start off with a stonking coup Midlands. Regardless, I think fans in 40-50 million a year or two ago and is also not a particularly long-term op- playing every match and ends up in-
by Aston Villa, as they have managed general are excited to see if Countinho still in his prime years, this is a spec- tion at 30 years old, and has reached jured. Further, La Viola play a very at-
a 6 month loan deal for megastar Phil- can rediscover the old magic that lit tacular signing by the Villains. They his ceiling; the chances he ever hits tractive style of soccer, which creates
lipe Coutinho from Barcelona. The up the Premier League for years in the look to be capable of doing some dam- 20+ league goals in a season are min- plenty of chances for a penalty box
Brazilian playmaker has long been an 2010s. A good move for both parties. age in the second half of this season. ute at best. This is a C+ signing at best, poacher like Piatek to score plenty of
outcast at the Camp Nou, but this does but if it keeps Newcastle from going goals. He will get enough minutes to
not diminish the feat Villa have pulled Lucas Digne to Aston Villa, 25 Chris Wood to Newcastle, 25 mil- down, then it will surely look much make an impact, and have plenty of
off. Coutinho cost Barca 142 million million pounds lion pounds better come the end of the season. chances to score and build his confi-
pounds back in 2018, and rightly so: Villa are having some window, as This move I am a little more dence. Watch this move as a sleeper
he was among the best creative mid- shown by the fact they also managed skeptical of. The New Zealander has Krzysttof Piatek to Fiorentina, for best signing of the January Trans-
fielders in the world at that time. But it to bring in one of the best left backs been a consistent goal threat for for- loan fer Window.

Fight Night and UFC 270

to use his amazing boxing and de- the year candidate. Their next fight in former sparring partner and current that probably makes his fists feel like
Antonio Gonzalez
Staff Writer fense to keep Chikadze in a range 2021 was an amazing display of dom- interim title holder, Ciryl Gane. The you are getting slapped with a Honda
where he could not use his heavy hit- inance by Moreno whose improve- two fighters represent completely dif- civic. Gane brings danger with his
After opening the new year just ting kicks and quickness. Chikadze ments from the last fight made sure ferent sides of heavyweight talent in whole body, utilizing his Muay Thai
last week with a spectacular feather- also showed a side of himself unseen the fight ended in the third round by the UFC with Ngannou representing skillset and excellent distance man-
weight bout between Calvin Kattar in the UFC with his ability to go into way of TKO. The top two contend- sheer power and immovability ex- agement to throw strikes and from
and Giga Chikadze, the UFC draws those championship rounds and still ers having fought only each other pected from a man who cuts weight any range he wants.
in even more crowds for the two title inflict and take an insane amount of for the last three years has made the to make 265lbs versus a leaner, but Having cleared his way through
fights that headline their first Pay-per damage, even eating a spinning elbow flyweight division quite stagnant. still enormous, fighter in Gane whose the division unscathed, were Gane to
view this weekend in Las Vegas. The sometime in the 4th round that would With the competition among the quick feet and technical ability allows win this weekend, it would be hard to
lightest and the heaviest weight divi- have murdered your average person. 125-pound division being nothing him to carry heavyweight power with find anyone to usurp him. Unfortu-
sions have their titles on the line. Kattar took the unanimous deci- to scoff at, quality fighters are wait- the speed and grace of a welterweight. nately, a win for the champion might
Recapping last weekend’s amaz- sion in a clear win, but both fighters ing for their chance at the belt, mak- Gane has been able to dictate the still see him leave the UFC as various
ing featherweight bout between top showed why they belong in the UFC ing the outcome of this fight a much pace of every single one of his fights contracts disputes see the champion
10 contenders Calvin Kattar and Giga among the best of the featherweight anticipated one for the continuation in the UFC and remains undefeated looking to boxing for a bigger payday
Chikadze, begins with appreciating division. of the division. Promising flyweights through submissions, decisions, and which would be a big loss for the UFC.
Kattar’s ability to remain an extreme- The current flyweight champion such as Alexandre Pantoja and Askar knockouts while managing to leave The winner of this fight will likely
ly competitive fighter against a wildly Brandon Moreno takes on the for- Askarov who sit at #2 and #3 in the all his fights without any significant have the opportunity to face the for-
talented Chikadze over 5 rounds after mer champion Davidson Figueiredo flyweight rankings and are on 2-3 damage. But will this ability be ability mer light-heavyweight champion and
suffering a 5-round beating to title in their trilogy fight as the co-main fight win streaks. be enough to withstand the durability cokehead Jon Jones in a massive su-
contender Max Holloway one year event this weekend. Moreno, a Ti- The main event and long antici- and power that an improved Ngan- per-fight that could potentially draw
ago nearly to the day. The fight went juana native, will defend his belt for pated fight of Francis Ngannou ver- nou provides along with the famil- McGregor level PPV buys. Either way,
all 5 rounds with both fighters look- the first time after winning it from sus Ciryl Gane will finish off the night iarity Ngannou has with Gane’s style I am excited to see two 240lb+ men
ing lethal across the first few rounds. Davidson Figueiredo in their second and change the face of the heavy- of fighting? Both fighters present swing bones at each other for how-
As the fight went on, Kattar was able bout. The two have only fought each weight division regardless of the re- dangerous tools for the other to deal ever long this fight manages to last.
to defuse Chikadze’s high level strik- other in their last three fights. Their sult. The hardest hitting fighter in the with. Ngannou has the ever-present
ing in a manner that no other fighter first bout back in 2020 ended in a 5 UFC and current Heavyweight cham- danger of looping and straight strikes
has been able to do. Kattar was able round draw which was also a fight of pion, Ngannou, will be taking on his coupled with a near 7-foot wingspan

NFL playoffs, week 2

look forward to the next season. base not fond of any of his actions ning their respective matchups. ment after we may see A-Rod win his
Kenneth Peñaherrera Quiroz
Staff Writer and they seem to be rather contempt This upcoming weekend packs 4th MVP award this year. Scary hours
The Caged Cardinal: now that he is gone. Next in their con- four games, and here are my takes: to come in Green Bay.
This past weekend gifted us After a shameful performance cern agenda, should be the potential PREDICTION: The Bay
some amazing games. The NFL is by Kyler Murry last night, the Car- Derek Carr trade. Rumors have sur- Tennessee Titans vs. Cincinnati Area is shocked by Rodg-
never short of excitement, and unfor- dinals have to now sit back and look faced that after a rather disappoint- Bengals: ers and the Packers; they cruise
tunately, some disappointments for at what their season has been. After ing stay with the Raiders, Carr might Joey Legend took his first career onto the NFC championship.
some fanbases. Before looking into being unbeatable, they went on a have to move on to play for a new playoff W last weekend against the
the action that will go down this week- loss stretch, that saw superstar QB team. Once LV has a new head coach, Raiders, but he might not be having Los Angeles Rams vs. Tampa
end, let’s look into some of the teams Murray, lose his mojo. Gratefully, it should be known whether Carr will it easy against the stacked Titans. Be- Bay Buccaneers:
that packed their bags this week and he is a young player, and he has way be gearing up in a different city or sides 6 players placed on IR this past Tom Brady is amazing. Every-
now look forward to the next season. more left in his tank to show. Hope- if he will remain put in the Raiders. Monday, the Bengals will have to face one is well aware. But he may be fac-
fully he is backed by the fanbase and one more problem: Derrick Henry ac- ing his biggest challenge this season
No America’s Team: A Yearly the team itself to come back stron- The Eagle that did not Fly: tivated OFF injury reserve. thus far as he takes on the Rams,
Expectancy: ger next season, the Cardinals have The Philadelphia Eagles have PREDICTION: Even though accompanied by their monstrous de-
Once again, the Dallas Cowboys been one of the most entertaining been eliminated from contention. I root for the Bengals this fense and a redeemed OBJ against
fans see themselves disappointed teams this season and they expect After a rather decent season by now weekend, the Titans and King the Cardinals. This should be an in-
after the team failed to beat the San more of the same this upcoming year. definitive starter Jalen Hurts, the Henry will take this contest. teresting match for Stafford’s squad,
Francisco 49ers. Dak Prescott sees Eagles should look to rebuild their as Brady threw for 400+ yards earlier
his playoff dreams frustrated once Mayday Mayoch: squad, and strengthen their weak- San Francisco 49ers vs. Green this season and still did not come up
again after being injured last season. After being beaten by the officials nesses. Next year should be an excit- Bay Packers: with the win for the Bucs.
Of course, there was a mix of domi- and Joe Burrow this past weekend, ing year in their conference as they It is an exciting week in Title- PREDICTION (The hard take):
nance by the 49ers and a lack of good the Raiders had another weekend look to be an improved version of the town, as the cheese heads look to take The LA Rams are not dominated by
coaching by the Cowboys. While the full of problems, as has been the case team, closer to their Super Bowl win- on the 49ers. Jimmy G is “slightly” Brady and his offense but are eventu-
team was completely star studded, it this unlucky season in Sin City. They ning team. injured, and Aaron Rodgers comes off ally picked apart by the 44-year-old
was not enough to beat Jimmy G and have fired Mike Mayoch, after a sea- Unfortunately, two of my pre- a week where he’s rested, after saying star and are beaten.
his offense. The Cowboys have once son that could not end worse. Clumsy dictions were off this past weekend, he is as close to a 100% as he will get Buffalo Bills vs. Kansas City
again underachieved and already decisions by this GM made the fan- with both the Bills and the Rams win- this year. Definitely an understate- See page 10
4 VARIETY January 21, 2022

By Madeleine Corum
Life Lyrics
Song of the Week: In a Black
Out by Hamilton Leithauser
Last November I got chills lying
There was a brief moment when
we considered heading back inside.
gled up against each other, each of
our hands tucked into each other’s
pockets and gloves.
By Grace Reyes
beneath a lunar eclipse. But then someone thought to ask, “I “It’s just like a sunset, when the
At 2:30 a.m. on November 19, wonder what it looks like from the sun’s low angle makes the sky turn
the alarms my roommate and I had river”, and before we knew it, we pink and orange, except it’s happen-
set 3 hours before went off. We knew were walking down the stairs and ing everywhere around the circum-
the peak time would be at 3 a.m. and onto the dirt path through the woods. ference of the earth. So what we’re
assumed we’d have trouble getting We walked to the end, ooh- seeing is a million tiny sunsets hit-
out of the warmth of our beds to see ing and aahing at the glints of light ting the moon at once.”
it, so we planned for a 30- minute through the empty tree branches. And we lay there and watched
buffer. When we set them, I wasn’t One of my STEM major friends a million sunsets, breathing small
sure if I’d want to or even be able explained to us the science of eclips- plumes of warm air into the night.
to get up in the middle of the night. es, with some help (or lack thereof) Soon after that, someone (or
I’ve always been more of an early from those of us who maybe didn’t maybe everyone) got cold, and some-
bird than a night owl. And yet the know what we were talking about one else mentioned hot chocolate.
hours that passed leading up to then but were nonetheless excited, and We made quick work of getting back
were filled with fitful sleep, tossing thought we did. to the path and back up the stairs
and turning like the night before We came out by the footbridge, before heading inside for a big batch
your birthday or when you have to where we found a thin icy coating of cocoa.
catch an early flight. When the alarm covering the planks. Gleefully, we We didn’t stay up much longer
finally went off, I was relieved. shoe-skated out onto it, some of us after that. If we did, I hardly remem-
We bundled up like marshmal- taking turns pushing and pulling ber it. The image that sticks in my
lows for the late-fall/early-winter each other on the ice, and others yell- mind as I think of it now is craning
night and sent off texts to the small ing for them to be careful and not die. my neck from my recumbent posi-
group we’d planned to wake up with. Sure enough, it was something else to tion on the bridge to look around
They met us outside, behind Warch see a lunar eclipse while standing in at my friends. The feeling of their
and Sage by the top of the stairs the middle of the Fox River. We lie coats and scarves pressed up against
down to the woods -- an area we at down together on the bridge in a little me, tickling the skin on my face, our
the recess loft affectionately call our dog pile, looking up at the sky. arms interlocked and our toes tucked
back porch. And there it was. A big, “Did you know,” I said quietly beneath each other.
dully-glowing, mostly-red spot in the to my friends, “that the reason the Midnight, where we used to
sky. We looked and pointed, giggling moon turns red during an eclipse, is dance. Underneath the ugly halogen
like kids, wishing we could shout to because of the light bending around lamps.
every person on campus -- the earth?”
“Come outside! Look at the I looked around at them, snug-

By Therese McCoy
Here I offer a rather dramatic
retelling of the ancient tale of The
wretched plan and swiftly descended
from his lofty perch in the heavens
By Mara Logan
Rose, which originates in classical to assault my devoted love. I caught
Greek mythology. a glimpse from afar of my dearest
The luscious hue of the charm- one as he was mercilessly struck
ing red rose invokes a rapturous down by a single wrathful blow from
thrill for many who consider it a the god of war. The horrendous view
symbol of romantic love. Alas for wrenched the very depths of my
me, Aphrodite -- the goddess of love heart and I felt as though a vital part
herself -- it has ever been a symbol of my existence had been pitifully
of sorrow and an aching heart. I extracted from my being.
possessed the great misfortune of Blinded by tears of rage and
arousing the love of two utterly dif- sorrow, I lunged forward extending
ferent beings. One was the god of every effort to approach the site of
war, Ares, and the other a mortal of my suffering love, that I might pro-
more profound beauty than my eyes tect him from the unfaltering rage
of love had yet witnessed; Adonis of his ruthless assailant. In my fury,
was his name. I found the tempes- I became entangled in the groping
tuous temperament of Ares to be claws of a scornful rose bush. Its
quite distasteful, even repulsive. The menacing thorns tore at the flesh
presence of this god was only made of my tender heel and, ripping it
endurable by the gentle wooing of asunder, became drenched in the
my beautiful Adonis whose elegant red blood which outpoured. Caught
stature and lovely golden locks were in my vicious trap, I was forced to
most appealing. Thus it was my dis- watch as the love of my life was grue-
mal lot in life to bear the love of two somely murdered before my very
beings but only return that of one; eyes. I was wracked with the excru-
the consequence was bitter. ciating agony of my grief and, as I
It so happened that I had sobbed, I saw the pure white rose
unknowingly provoked Ares to mali- transform to a scarlet hue. To this
cious resentment by my attraction day, this flower has ever remained
to this mortal. In his wrath, he a symbol of the innocent blood spilt
deemed it necessary for the life of on that dreadful night. Though the
my beloved Adonis to end before slash which colored it remains but a
its time in order that I may sooner simple scar, the wound in my heart
forget his glorious existence. I did still bleeds and I shall forever con-
not forget, nor shall I ever lose the sider the shameless beauty of the
remembrance of that piteous night rose not a symbol of joyous love but
still etched hideously in my mem- rather the bane of my existence.
ory. Ares impulsively executed his
January 21, 2022 VARIETY 5

Weekly Crossword
By Kelly Foy

Edgar & Poe

By Isabella Thompson
6 FEATURES January 21, 2022

Photo Feature by Astra Medeiros

January 21, 2022 FEATURES 7

Elda Emma Anderson: The unsung hero

Mary Boyle of Wisconsin-Madison (while maintaining her job as Dean of
Staff Writer Physics!), Anderson took a leave of absence from Milwaukee-
Downer to work at Princeton in the war research science division
As we celebrate the 175th anniversary of Lawrence University, (Mummah, 2018). In 1943, she went to Los Alamos Scientific
we remember, reflect upon and commemorate the people who Laboratory where she joined the Manhattan Project, which was the
pioneered the success of our institution. As we reflect on our code name for the research and development of nuclear weapons
university’s history, it is crucial that we acknowledge the women during World War II (, 2020). While there, Anderson
of Milwaukee-Downer College -- a women’s college that would became the first person to create a pure sample of Uranium-235;
eventually consolidate with Lawrence University in 1964 --and this fissile isotope was required for the atom bombs that ended
their contributions to our university and community. One woman WWII. While many women worked on the Manhattan Project as
who is so often forgotten is Elda Emma Anderson. She is most librarians, secretaries or nurses, very few worked as engineers
well known for her work on the Manhattan Project, and she also or physicists -- except Anderson, whose contributions are still
became the first person to create a pure sample of Uranium-235. prevalent today, for without the discovery of Uranium-235, the
Anderson had a passion for science and teaching, and she used her atom bomb would have not been created. While working on the
talents to not only better the lives around her but make the world project, Anderson resided in a dormitory, and since she was older
a better place. Despite her outstanding contributions and legacy, than most of the residents -- she was 50 at the time --, she was put
the only memorial to her at Lawrence is the name of one of our in charge of the dorm (Atomic Heritage Foundation, 2018). Even
share drives (ELDA)! while working up to 20-hour days, Anderson acted as a mentor
Elda Emma Anderson was born on Oct. 5, 1899, in Green and guide to the younger residents.
Lake, Wis., to Edwin and Lena Anderson (Wikipedia). Her inter- After the war, Anderson returned to Milwaukee-Downer
est in math and physics sparked at a young age, and her parents College, but she then left in 1949 to work at Oak Ridge National
thought she should pursue her interests through teaching. Laboratory. At Oak Ridge, she helped establish the Health Physics
Before teaching, Anderson earned her B.A. in physics and Division and devoted the rest of her life to health physics, spe-
mathematics from Ripon College in 1923 and her master’s in cifically the connection between radiological effects and human
physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1924. After health. A woman of many “firsts,” Anderson became the first Chief
earning her master’s degree, she became the Dean of Sciences of Education and Training for the Health Physics Division (Atomic
at Estherville Junior College in Iowa when she was just 25 years Heritage Foundation, 2018). The annual award for health physics,
old, serving from 1924-1927. She also established the physics and the Elda E. Anderson Award for Health Physics, was established
chemistry program there, as there had previously been none. in 1962 and is still given in her name. It is given by the. It is
Then, from 1927-1929, just down the road from Appleton, she given by the Health Physics Society to a young member of the
went on to become the principal and head of the science depart- society to recognize “excellence in (1) research or development,
ment at Menasha High School. (2) discovery or invention, (3) devotion to health physics and/or
As if her accomplishments weren’t already impressive (4) significant contributions to the profession of health physics”
enough, Anderson joined the physics department at Milwaukee- (Mummah, 2018).
Downer College in 1929 and became the first woman to earn Her contributions did not end here, though. After returning
tenure in physics at Lawrence and Milwaukee-Downer as well from the Manhattan Project, Anderson spoke out about the dan-
as the first woman to chair the physics department in 1934. gers of nuclear arms and continued to educate people about the
Only two women have earned tenure in physics at Lawrence and negative effects of radiation on human health. She died in 1961 of
Milwaukee-Downer: Elda Anderson and Associate Professor of breast cancer and leukemia, most likely because of her work on
Physics Megan Pickett, who began teaching at Lawrence in 2006. the Project. She is buried in Greenville, Wis. Photo provided by Megan Pickett.
Anderson was known for her kindness and generosity, espe- Elda Emma Anderson’s legacy, though unknown to many,
cially towards her students. She helped her students with prob- continues to live on today. She deserves recognition for spear- I want to thank Professor Megan Pickett for sharing her wide
lems both inside and outside the classroom, and she was known heading women’s involvement in science and using her love of array of knowledge about Elda Emma Anderson and allowing me
to give loans to students who were in great financial need. She science, research and teaching to better the world around her. to share her story. Professor Pickett seeks to amplify the voices of
assisted her students during the difficulty and uncertainty of the To recognize the legacy of Anderson, the Lawrence University the women of Milwaukee-Downer College because they laid the
Great Depression and World War II and shared a drink with them Society of Physics Students and Lawrence University Women in foundations of Lawrence University and helped shape it into what
in times of trouble (Mummah, 2018). Not only was she devoted Physics are organizing the first annual Elda Anderson Day on Oct. it is today. Professor Pickett allowed me to recognize and learn
to teaching, but she was devoted to bettering the lives of those 5, 2022 -- Anderson’s birthday. While Anderson sought no fame, about the women that pioneered the success of our university and
around her. she should be rightfully honored for her contributions to our com- community, and I hope you do too.
After completing her Ph.D. in 1941 from the University munity and the rest of the world.

Photo Feature: A look into the past, Milwaukee

Downer College

The Downer College band in 1895 (bottom left, ARC2014-001).

First year physics students in Ellen C. Sabin Science Hall in 1950 (top
left, ARC2007-121).
Milwaukee-Downer alumnae at Reunion in 1988 (top right, ARC2016-
Crew team rowers in the Katie, 1958 (top middle, ARC2013-132).
The last Colors Day at Milwaukee-Downer College before consolidat-
ing with Lawrence University, 1963 (bottom middle, ARC2007-075).

Photos provided by Lawrence University Archives.

January 21, 2022

The Book College Ave Rewind(s):

Club Food Movies
Oliva Zimberoff tent. As a result, I can get quite hun- of drama, you might laugh at me, but I
Columnist gry. So, without further ado, here are seriously recommend this one.
some pretty darn good movies about Next up is Chef. Since its release
Hey everyone! I cannot believe food that will evoke some hunger in 2014, it remains a favorite food-
it is the third week of school already. grumbles and make you want to do focused movie for me. It was also
Mikayla Henry and 2010s rather than the Sherlock It has been so long since I’ve written nothing more than sprint to the cafe- the first R-rated movie I ever saw in
Columnist Holmes novels) with a taste of ghosts, for this column that I couldn’t even
_____________________________ teria with your socks on. And no, I am theaters, so that’s pretty cool. The
then Joyland might be right up your remember its name this morning. I
With in-person classes in full not going to talk about Ratatouille. movie starts with a man named Carl,
alley. don’t know about you, but I am not
swing, it’s hard for a lot of students While most of you may agree it is a played by Jon Favreau. He is a famous
Sometimes it’s easier to find the a big fan of the commons food. Don’t
to find the time or motivation to read fantastic movie, it scared the living chef who quits his job after a critic
attention span to binge-watch an epi- get me wrong, Warch is definitely
anything outside of their assigned daylights out of me as a kid and it is comes to his restaurant and taunts
sode or two of a new show rather than my favorite building on campus, but
textbooks and articles. And, to be fair, safe to say that nothing has changed. him, leading to Carl having a hilarious
to pick up a book, especially when sometimes the food just isn’t it. And
it’s a rare occurrence to enjoy every First up, Pig. It is a movie that meltdown. After taking some time off
your brain is fried from trying to ana- for me, that can lead to not wanting to
single piece that professors place in gets straight to the point within the he decides to run a food truck with his
lyze a philosophical text that seems to make the oh so very treacherous and
front of you, though for the first-years first 15 minutes. The one and only former sous chef and young son, driv-
be talking in circles. But some people long walk from Plantz to Warch. I’m
reading Angels in America right now, Nicolas Cage is a truffle hunter living ing the truck all around the country
fail to realize that their favorite Netflix kidding. But in all seriousness, I can’t
I would argue that you are genuinely in the woods when one night his little selling Cuban cuisine. This reignites
series are based on books, too, like always rely on the ever-flowing bags
in for a treat. Granted, it happens shack is broken into, and his pig is his love for cooking, life and love. And
the hit show The Witcher. Never fear, of goldfish in my room, the 3-Michelin
to be my favorite First-Year Studies stolen. The subject matter may seem boy did this movie make me hungry.
though, I’m not going to persuade you star-rated hot chocolate from the cafe
work, so I may be a tad biased. a little odd, but this recently released And finally, a quick shoutout to a
to try and cram an eight-book series or a nice warm cup of soup from
Keeping the workload and pile of movie was fantastic. Cage’s character fellow food flick, the iconic animated
in-between classes. Well, at least Green Gecko down the street. Most
assigned texts in mind, I have decided Robin finds a way to the city where Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,
not yet. Instead, I’m going to point of the time I just head to Warch, pick
to recommend a few “quick reads,” he goes from place to place in search because if I have ever wanted to be in
you folks towards Shirley Jackson’s up a plate and move on. So unfortu-
as I like to call them, so that you of his pig. In between we get plenty of any movie other than Star Wars this
The Haunting of Hill House, which nately, I struggle getting excited to go
bookworms out there can slowly get food shots, whether it is in a restau- would have to be it. Who else wouldn’t
prompted a short ten-episode series to the cafeteria.
back into the habit of reading for rant setting or just Cage making food want to bathe in an ocean of nacho
with the same name. As an avid fan of As a foodie, or so I think, I watch
fun without getting too overwhelmed for him and his pig. With plenty of cheese or be chased by a giant taco?
the show (I’m actually in the middle of a lot of food-centric media and con-
right away. Trust me when I say I suspense, heartfelt moments and lots
re-watching it, in fact) and the book,
know how daunting books can be I would argue that both are certainly
when you’re stuck in a burnout state- worth the time and tell two similar,
of-mind. yet different stories. Without spoiling
The first book I would like to either, I will mention that Jackson’s
mention is Stephen King’s Joyland, short 246-page gothic horror novel
the second book in his collection of follows a group of people conducting
“Hard Case Crime” novels, which are a science experiment in order to prove
designed to mimic the crime novels the existence of ghosts. Unexplainable

Review: Museum of Fine Arts,

that were released in the 1940s and events start to occur, and the house
1950s. Though King usually drags out slowly but surely starts to consume
his books to be between 500 and one of the members of the group. A

Boston Virtual Tour

1,000 pages, Joyland is less than lot of the tale is up for interpretation,
300 pages in length, making this a as readers must ultimately try to deci-
book one could potentially read in pher who, or what, is doing the haunt-
a few days. After a harsh breakup, ing. If you enjoy classic ghost stories Sarah Matthews this size. viewing experience. I also think these
our main character, Devin, goes to with a hint of psychological horror, Arts & Entertainment Editor As viewers choose which story types of sorting options make visit-
work at a small-town amusement such as The Amityville Horror, then
they want to view, they are walked ing this virtual museum more acces-
park in order to distract himself, and The museum lover in me has felt through a summary of the exhibition, sible to a wide variety of learners and
this would be the perfect read for you.
slowly becomes intertwined with the more than deprived recently as we similar to an introduction panel, and people of varying ages. I mean heck,
That’s all for this week’s recom-
park’s murderous history. And, being see a continuation of COVID-19 case then they are able to click through viewers can even sort to only see the
mendations! Hopefully these shorter
a Stephen King book, there’s a sure- surges. As we all know, the beginning each artwork under that exhibition. images of the artworks if they don’t
books will help you all get back into
fire guarantee that there is something of the pandemic forced many places With each piece comes some identifi- feel like looking at any labels or text.
your reading groove as the workloads
supernatural lingering just below the to temporarily shut down, museums cation of the object, as well as a short, Was this virtual tour of the
start to pile up over the next week or
surface of the carnival. If you’re a being just one category. While most one to two sentence interpretation Museum of Fine Arts, Boston like
so. But, until the next edition, I wish
fan of classic, old-fashioned American museums remain open today, the ris- label. Most of the labels were digest- what a visitor would receive in the
you all happy reading!
mysteries (picture the rather tame ing cases of COVID-19 have put a ible and interesting to read. However, actual museum? No, probably not
crime shows from the early 2000s pause on museum trips for many peo- as an avid label enthusiast, I wish the exactly. However, for those of you
ple, myself included. While I love sup- title, artist and year of each artwork yearning to get even the smallest taste
porting local museums, including our was larger and easier to read on the of Boston museums, I would recom-
very own Wriston Art Galleries right screen. In addition, I wish there were mend you take a look through this
here on campus, I am continuing to audio or video options for viewers who tour. The exhibitions might entice
lose hope of me ever traveling again. prefer receiving their information in people especially interested in fashion
This being said, I decided to take on ways other than text. While some and art conservation, as the stories
the task of reviewing virtual tours of exhibitions had clips of YouTube vid- are heavy on the topics of preserv-
museums I can’t yet travel to. First up eos, they were very sparse and scat- ing clothing, shoes and accessories.
is Google Arts & Culture’s virtual tour tered. The actual digital images, I will Obviously, there are going to be flaws
of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. say, were high resolution, easy to see in all virtual tours, like there are in
While I one day hope to visit and interesting to flip through. physical museums, as well. I can’t say
Boston in person, I decided to virtu- Along with these stories, viewers this was the most amazing museum
ally take a tour of the Museum of Fine also have the option to look through experience of my life, but I will say I
Arts because it was one of the larger a specific medium, such as the textile learned new perspectives on art and
tours Google Arts & Culture has to collection. This I found to be a unique was fairly entertained on my comput-
offer. On the main screen of the tour, experience, as visitors in a museum er. While this Google Arts & Culture
a short background of the museum usually don’t have the option to “sort” virtual tour may not be like any other
is given. Then, viewers are drawn through exhibitions through specific tour you have experienced, it might be
towards the 18 stories, or “exhibi- categories, such as by artwork medi- just what you need to satisfy your art
tions” of the museum that are avail- um. This feature might be particularly exhibition craving.
able. These stories range from topics helpful for someone doing a detailed For those interested in viewing
like “Radical Geometries,” to “Fashion project or research. In addition to the virtual tour of the Museum of Fine
Photography at the MFA” and “Latinx medium categorization, viewers are Arts, Boston themselves, follow this
and Latin American Artists at the also able to see the artworks in the QR code:
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.” I was museum through a dated timeline, or
pleased to see a somewhat wide vari- by color. While this isn’t how I prefer
ety of exhibitions, despite there only artworks to be sorted in a physical
being 18 available, which is usually museum space, I thought these were
less than what one would get in an fun features that can make for a new
actual museum setting for a museum

Lawrence University’s Birthday Recital

Taylor Yakey-Hughes came Matthew Mitchalick and the

Staff Writer return of Anthony Padilla, performing
a cello piece by Louis Farrenc, adapt-
To celebrate 175 years since ed as an “oasis of calm.” Truthfully,
its founding, Lawrence University’s the piece brought to mind an image of
Birthday Recital showcased the tal- spring at night, when all are at rest in
ent and spirit of its faculty and stu- a growing and changing world.
dent body. President Laurie Carter, A piece composed by Clyde
the seventeenth president to serve Duncan was shared next, which pre- (Above) Students Jacob Dikelsky (‘22), Mikayla Frank-Martin (‘22) and Ryan Saladin (‘24) perform “Aequale No. 1” by Anton Bruckner for
at Lawrence, opened the evening by sented an opportunity to communi- three trombones.
addressing the Lawrence students (Left) Professor Matthew Michelic (viola) abd Professor Anthony Padilla (piano) perform “Sonata for Piano and Cello,” transcribed for
cate more about the history and evolu- viola by Louise Farrenc.
and recollecting some of the school’s tion of the Conservatory. For example, Photos by Alana Melvin.
most significant history, such as when

Movies, Movies,
many studios were kept in the liv-
the name “Lawrence University” was ing rooms of homes, and it was “not
first adopted in 1864, and when the uncommon for students to come in
Conservatory was established in 1874. through the windows.” Additionally,
As the Birthday Recital com- the piece served as a reminder of the

menced, Professor Anthony Padilla, lifelong friendships and connections
a gifted pianist, opted to recognize a that are made at Lawrence University.
work from the “overlooked women Finally, Karan Lee Post, accompa-
composers” in the 1840s, perform- nied by Anthony Padilla on the piano,
ing a piece of Fanny Mendelssohn- closed the evening with a vocal perfor-
Hensel’s. Additionally, he played a mance of three songs by American art-
work by Margaret Bonds, a black ists, celebrating the country Lawrence
female composer from 1967. The finds itself standing in. Those in vir-
pieces themselves had a bit of a com- tual attendance or who look back on
plex simplicity to them, pleasant to the birthday celebration should do
listen to, while invoking thought all so in fondness of Lawrence’s accom-
the same. Levi Homman nothing but a digital prison designed act for a movie on this scale. Not every
plishments thus far, and hope as to Staff Writer to confine and limit him. What sets in-joke lands, and the script’s tone
Next arrived a trombone what the students and faculty may _____________________________
this introductory section apart from comes off as condescending at times,
trio, performing a piece by Anton accomplish next. _________
the first installments, though, is that but it’s an oddly refreshing take on a
Bruckner, who wrote the piece the For those who would like to view The Matrix Resurrections, 2021,
the audience is already familiar with sequel 20-odd years later.
same year Lawrence University was the livestream of the recital, follow directed by Lana Wachowski — 3.5/5
the film’s premise, and the film knows As the story progresses, though,
founded. They hoped the piece would this QR code: Stars
it. To reckon with this, the concept of the film begins to encounter some of
serve as a good omen for Lawrence, The Matrix, as a franchise, has
“the matrix” is present in the world the same pitfalls it seems to disdain.
stating, “The best is yet to come.” reached a level of cultural ubiquity
of the film, in the form of a tril- While the characters of Agent Smith
Following the beautiful performance that few intellectual properties ever
ogy of video games made by Thomas and Morpheus are still present, they
see. The visual style of the original
Anderson himself. The games have have been recast, a choice that feels
1999 film has become a genre unto
reached a similar status as the mov- jarring and unnecessary, especially
itself, and the way directors Lana and
ies in the real world, and in tandem when it becomes clear that they could
Lily Wachowski shot and staged their
have developed fans that misinterpret have been left out of the story entirely.
action sequences forever changed
the storytelling and have a thirst for The action sequences, despite being
blockbuster filmmaking. There has
more Matrix content. Soon enough, bright and colorful, hardly hold a
also been a much uglier, more frus-
Anderson, or Neo, as he is later called, candle to the thrilling, dynamic com-
trating side of The Matrix’s popular-
is asked to make a new Matrix game, a bat from the first film. Choppy, dis-
ity; the social and political messaging
sequel to his original trilogy. He’s also orienting editing and over-reliance
of the original film has been twisted
told that if he doesn’t make it, the stu- on visual effects hold the exciting
and warped by conservatism, with
dio will make it without him. Not only moments back from being even close
online communities interpreting the
does this bear obvious parallels to to as engaging. Wachowski also makes
iconic “red pill” as a gateway to big-
Lana Wachowski’s real-life situation, an interesting choice to splice in foot-
oted, regressive views of the world.
right down to the threat of production age from the original trilogy through-
Upon the announcement of a
without her consent, but movie dis- out Resurrections, which, despite
new Matrix film, many were skepti-
tributor Warner Brothers is actually being well-intentioned, cheapens and
cal of the necessity of such a sequel,
mentioned by name, shoehorned in as detracts from the anti-nostalgia bait
and rightly so. Even with the involve-
the game development team studio’s rhetoric the film aims for.
ment of Lana Wachowski, one of the
parent company. The game enters It stumbles at times, but The
original two directors, it seemed likely
early stages of production, and the Matrix Resurrections is so stunning-
that The Matrix Resurrections was set
development discusses The Matrix as ly unsubtle, so jaw-droppingly and
to be a lazy, rehashed nostalgia trip
a social concept, asking questions like head-spinningly meta, so angry and
to appease fans. While Resurrections
“What makes The Matrix great?” and silly and zealous, that it’s hard not to
isn’t always innocent in that regard,
“What do people want in a Matrix applaud what it attempts. In a time
it takes far more risks than it could
sequel?” Some of the characters’ input where nearly every reboot and sequel
have, and it does something many
seems poignant and relevant, making in recent memory has been so reliant
reboots and sequels are afraid to do:
note of the political themes of the and inferior to its precursors, seeing a
actively deconstruct and confront its
franchise and trying to expand on director challenge the trend is incred-
own impact. Spoilers follow.
those ideas. Others are clear jabs at ibly fun. Resurrections knows that it
Resurrections starts similarly to
those who engage with the films only will never be 1999’s Matrix, and so
its predecessor. Keanu Reeves begins
on a surface level, with boisterous, it doesn’t even try. And that’s what
as Thomas Anderson, a dejected,
goofy characters making demands for makes it work.
bored desk jockey with a knack for
more explosions and rehashes of set
computers. Little does he know, of
pieces from the original. It’s truly a
course, that the world he exists in is
hilarious, ambitious, overly meta first
January 21, 2022

Striketober didn't end,

keep supporting striking workers
Nathan Wall 2025, and an immediate bonus of in Staten Island, N.Y., was not suc- and the CA almost-revolt that’s been California-based video game com-
Staff Writer $8,500 for every John Deere worker. cessful, the National Labor Relations happening on our campus. College pany Activision Blizzard went on
__________________________ These workers defeated massive cor- Board (NLRB) ruled that Amazon vio- students aren’t the only ones organiz- strike over the hiring of temporary
porations by standing together, show- lated labor laws by placing the mailbox ing; 327 school bus drivers in Charles contractors instead of full-time work-
October 2021 was known as
ing solidarity and understanding that which counted the votes for or against County, Md., are also unionizing with ers, sexism in the workplace and
“Striketober” due to all the militant
they had the right to demand more. the union near the company’s video the Amalgamated Transit Union. forced arbitration. Museum employ-
labor activity taking place around the
Starbucks is also experiencing cameras and surrounding the voting On Dec. 12, 2021, grocery store ees in NYC at the Jewish, Brooklyn,
country. As the month came to an end,
a wave of unionization, despite the location with anti-union propaganda. workers at Kroger-owned super- Whitney, and Guggenheim Museums
Striketober turned into Strikevember,
best efforts of corporate leadership. NLRB Director Lisa Henderson has markets QFC and Fred Meyer in have been organizing with UAW Local
Strikesgiving and other strike-themed
Workers have been fed up over low ordered a do-over election, which will Portland, Ore., authorized a strike 2110. The Art Institute of Chicago
portmanteaus. The point is, the labor
pay, heavy workloads, inconsistent begin Feb. 4. This union election will over low wages, low pensions, inad- and the Politics & Prose Bookstore
movement is not a fluke, and this
scheduling, inadequate training be especially important after the man- equate health benefits and lacklus- Chain in D.C. have also recently
resurgence continued even as 2021
and poor job safety. This began in slaughter of 6 Amazon employees in ter workplace protections. By Dec.18 unionized. Cannabis workers includ-
came to a close.
early December when a Starbucks in Edwardsville, Ill., who were told to the company caved, ending talks of a ing in Eugene, OR, St. Louis, MO,
The striking workers at John
Buffalo, N.Y., voted 19-8 to form a remain at work during a tornado and strike. Sanitation workers at Republic Springfield, IL and Lake of the Hills,
Deere and Kellogg’s, mentioned in my
union and another location in Buffalo were killed when the building col- Services’ facilities in Lynnwood, IL have been joining the movement,
previous article, have won. At the end
finalized its union victory on Jan. 10. lapsed on them. Wash., and Corvette Plant work- joining hundreds of unionized dispen-
of last year, when Kellogg’s threat-
After the victory in Buffalo, work- The labor movement is not lim- ers in Bowling Green, Ky., have also saries in weed-friendly states.
ened to replace striking workers after
ers at two Boston Starbucks loca- ited to workers at mega corporations, threatened to strike unless conditions The point of this article is not to
they rejected inadequate contracts,
tions filed union petitions. This has and has spread to education insti- improve in their workplace. put together a list of every workplace
they were met with harsh condemna-
been followed by unionization efforts tutions as well. Student workers at Healthcare workers have been that’s unionizing or striking. That
tion from all across the political spec-
in Cleveland, Ohio; Eugene, Ore.; Columbia University went on strike unionizing, including EMTs in would take far too long. The point is
trum, including President Joe Biden.
Knoxville, Tenn.; Tallahassee, Fla.; twice in 2021 for higher wages, dental Compton, Calif., Board of Health that the labor movement is a continu-
Shortly before Christmas, Kellogg’s
Hopewell, N.J.; Broomfield, Colo.; coverage, secure contracts and access workers in Whiteside County, Ill., and ing process, and we have to keep fight-
conceded and accepted a contract for
Mesa, Ariz.; Richmond and North to independent arbitration. The strike nurses and hospital workers across ing for it. If you want to show support,
their workers that includes a pathway
Chesterfield, Va.; Baltimore; Seattle; has since ended with every student the country. A union doesn’t even respect picket lines, donate what you
to higher paid jobs at the company
and Chicago. worker at Columbia receiving a nine come close to what healthcare work- can to strike funds and demand bet-
and an across-the-board $1.10/hour
Turning to another corporate to 11 percent pay increase. Student ers deserve after being on the front ter in your workplace. Chances are, if
wage increase. At John Deere, after
behemoth, after Amazon crushed workers at Harvard University, as well lines of a global pandemic for almost you feel that way, someone else does
a months-long strike, the company
the union drive in Bessemer, Ala., as the University of California sys- two years. too, and even if your boss is nice and
and workers agreed to an immediate
the prospects of a union at Amazon tem, have also gone on strike over Employees at less traditional your working conditions are good, you
10 percent wage increase, followed
seemed bleak, but the fight is con- the same issues. And let us not for- union workplaces have been join- deserve a union. Let’s keep fighting
by five percent increases in 2023 and
tinuing. Although the union drive get about the Fight for $15 an hour ing this movement. Workers at the for the world we deserve.

NFL Playoffs... After a statement win by Josh

Allen and the Bills, they look to take
his career, but Mahomes and the KC
defense were nowhere to be found the
son game home this year.
PREDICTION: Patty Mahomes
this upcoming weekend, as all these
matchups promise to be extremely
continued from page 3 on the last two Super Bowl goers and first half of the season. Who will take cruises and repeats his AFC Champi- entertaining.
Chiefs: Patrick Mahomes. Allen has been in- this AFC championship rematch? Al- onship for a third straight year.
consistent throughout the season and len and the bills took the regular sea- Expect even more excitement

Apply for the job

Molly Ruffing dreams of being a writer. If I wrote for for a position on the editorial board. I became Editor-in-Chief, which is the greatest asset when applying for
Editor-in-Chief the paper and they paid me, then I’d Attempting to ignore overwhelming almost always how the transition jobs, particiluarly in The Lawrentian.
__________________________ be a professional. When I submitted amounts of self-doubt, I planned to works. It will not work that way this If we only apply for the positions
my application, though, I doubted I’d apply for at least four of the open year, though. Our current Copy Chief, we think we’re qualified for, we prob-
The Lawrentian is current-
be contacted. I had no previous expe- positions on the editorial board, hop- Shania Johnson, will be graduat- ably won’t be applying to that many
ly doing quite a bit of hiring as we
rience. My high school didn’t have ing I might be considered for one. But ing at the end of the year. Ethan and probably not even the ones we
approach our next news cycle and
a newspaper, and my only previous I reminded myself that I was just a Wachendorf, our Managing Editor, really want. So, apply for the jobs you
need to find new leadership. With this,
work experience was waitressing and writer and should probably lower my will be as well, which means that all do want, even if you don’t think you’re
as well as my approaching graduation
scrubbing urinals. No one had ever expectations. of the Executive Team positions are qualified. If you don’t get it, you don’t
and inevitable plunge into the job
paid me for my writing before. Then I became Copy Chief. And opening up for the next news cycle. get it. But if you do, well, you get to be
market, I’ve been thinking about job
You probably won’t be surprised that’s what I like to call an upset. On top of that, our sports and the underdog. And everyone loves an
applications quite a bit. As I answer
when I tell you I got the job. Little did I know, the copy variety editors as well as our web man- underdog.
potential applicants’ questions and
I wrote for the News section for chief is almost always hired from the ager are also graduating. There are
spend too much time on LinkedIn,
two years, submitting at least one arti- already existing team of copy editors. definitely some openings to be filled Please visit
I am reminded of when I applied to
cle each week — and sometimes one or Considering one of the copy chief’s in the leadership of The Lawrentian, apply for the list of open positions
work at The Lawrentian so many
two more than that. Being a consistent roles is to manage the copy editors, and none of them require previous and their job descriptions and appli-
years ago.
writer for an under-staffed section this makes sense. Had I known this, experience. cations.
As a first-year, I desper-
made me a good chunk of change. though, I probably wouldn’t have As an organization, we value
ately wanted to be a writer for The
During my sophomore year, applied. growth over coming in with a polished
Lawrentian to fulfill my childhood
my editor encouraged me to apply After a year of being Copy Chief, skill set. A commitment to learning is

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY January 21, 2022

Photo Poll
Jamie Dong — Editorial policy is Editor-in-Chief:
Staff Photographer determined by the editors. Molly Ruffing
Any opinions that appear
unsigned are those of the Copy Chief:
What are your thoughts on mint chocoloate chip ice cream? majority of The Lawrentian’s Shania Johnson
Editorial Board.
Managing Editor:
— Letters to the editor are Ethan Wachendorf
encouraged. The editors
reserve the right to edit for News Editor:
Alex Freeman
style and space. Letters must
be emailed to:
Variety Editor:
Celeste Reyes
edu. Submissions by email
should be text attachments. Sports Editor:
Gannon Flynn
— All submissions to edito-
rial pages must be turned in Features Editor:
to The Lawrentian no later
than 5 p.m. on the Monday Arts & Entertainment Editor:
before publication. Sarah Matthews

— All submissions to the Opinions & Editorials Editor:

“Although it sounds pretty dark, I “Mhmm...hmmmm...hmmm YES it’s “It’s like going to the dentist and editorial pages must be Open Position
like it.” good!” getting a treat afterwards lol.” accompanied by a phone
—Cisco Yu —Juan Felipe Ayala —Sarah Navy number at which the author Photo Editor:
can be contacted. Articles Alana Melvin
submitted without a contact
number will not be pub- Web Manager:
lished. Nora Murphy

— The Lawrentian reserves Copy Editor:

the right to refuse to print Rose Williams
Open Positions
any submissions received
after the above deadline
Layout Editor:
Paola Saldana Galvan
— Letters to the editor will
be edited for clarity, decen-
cy, accuracy and grammar.

— Letters to the editor

should not be more than 500
“I’m not against it.” “It’s really good when you dip “No idea, never tried it.”
—Jose Antonio Lozano Cheetos puffs in it!” —Aiastan Sherniiazov Members of
—Sabrina Salas the Associated

A Note from The Lawrentian Web Manager

This paper copy of The Lawrentian you are most likely holding right
now, isn’t the only place you can find our witty writers and talented photog-
raphers. We have a freshly renovated website,, where
the paper is published each Friday, often before the paper version even hits
campus! Our website is also where you can always find information about
hiring, how to submit a letter to the editor and our handbook. A .pdf version
of The Lawrentian is published online each Friday as well; the link to this can
be found on our website.
“It used to be my favorite flavor! I “I think it’s underrated.” “It tastes like toothpaste, but in the For the first time ever we are rolling out a newsletter! It will be sent
even ate the mint chocolate.” —Jose Rico-Fajardo best way possible. I could eat a bowl
—Moeka Kamiya or two of it.” to your inbox each Friday with section highlights from that week’s edition!
—Katherine Perry You can subscribe to this at If you want to
find us during the other days of the week, our social media is the best place.

Unedited Board
We can be found on Facebook, Instagram @the_lawrentian and twitter @
Jamie Dong, Alana Melvin TheLawrentian. And soon we will also be found on Google News!
Staff Photographer, Photos Editor Thank you for all engaging with the paper each week, and I look forward
to seeing some of you online!

--Nora Murphy, Web Manager

Thank You
Not Pictured The staff of The Lawrentian want to send our sincere
thank you to all those involved in the Dr. MLK Day of Service,
especially those who attended and supported our event
“Black, White and (Un)read: Exploring how media can avoid
ignoring and/or misrepresenting minority audiences in their
coverage.” We especially want to thank Garrett Singer, the
director of the Center for Community Engagement and Social
Alana Melvin, Photo Editor Lucian Baxter, Features Editor Rose Williams, Copy Editor Change, and his staff for their work in planning the events for
“It’s an abomination of a flavor. I “Choccy chunks in ice cream are a “It’s not my all-time favorite, but it’s
the day.
don’t understand why anyone would major red flag, but if it’s literally the my go-to option any time I need a We are also immensely grateful to our lecturer,
willingly eat toothpaste flavored only option I guess I would choose good flavor.” Professor Tamara Buck, and our panelists Nathan Heffel ’02,
ice cream that has weirdly textured ice cream over no ice cream.”
flakes in it that you can’t even taste.”
Larry Gallup and Henry Sanders, Jr. for their contributions.
We appreciate their time and their willingness to share their
knowledge and experiences with us to help us grow as an
Join Thank you, too, to all those who attended the event.
We are excited by the eagerness of our community to engage
THE LAWRENTIAN in dialogue about media misrepresentation as we continue to
reform our organization.
as a writer, photographer, illustrator or editor!
We want your voice in our publication. To learn more about the event and
our panelists, please follow the QR code to the
If interested, visit GivePulse event page.

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