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Amity International School, Sec-46, Gurugram

Class VII

L-12: Reproduction in Plants
Session: 2021-22

The process of producing young ones from their parents is called reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction: New plants obtained without production of seeds

Vegetative Propagation: It is a type of asexual reproduction in which new plants are produced from the
vegetative parts of the plant.

Vegetative Propagation by roots: Roots of some plants like Radish, Carrot, Dahlia are tuberous. The
buds grow out in the form of shoots which produce the new plants.

Vegetative Propagation by Stem: Some examples for propagation by stem are tuber – Potato

A sprouted potato tuber showing the development of many plants

Vegetative Propagation by Leaves: Leaves are not a common means of vegetative propagation in
nature. But, in species of Bryophyllum, plantlets are produced from the buds in the margin of intact leaves,
while the latter are still attached to the parent plant.
Budding: Small bulb like projections coming out from some single celled organisms that gradually grows and
gets detached from parent cell and forms a new organism. Example - Yeast

Fragmentation: During fragmentation, an organism breaks up into fragments and these fragments or pieces
grow into new individuals. Example – Spirogyra

Spore Formation: The spores are asexual reproductive bodies. Under favourable conditions, spore
germinates and develops into a new individual. Example – Fungi

Sexual reproduction:

• Flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant.

• The stamens and the pistil are the reproductive parts of a flower.
• The anther contains pollen sacs that produce pollen grains.
• Pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower.
• Bisexual flowers contain both – the stamens and the pistil. For example, mustard and rose.
• Unisexual flowers have either the stamens or the pistil. For example, cucumber, maize and

Q1. What is Pollination?

A1. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a flower is called pollination.

Self-Pollination: The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of the same flower is called self-

Cross Pollination: Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of the flower in the different plant or
different flower in the same plant is cross pollination.

Fertilisation: Fusion of male and female gamete to form a zygote is called Fertilisation . Plants reproduce
either sexually or asexually. The zygote is formed by the fusion of the male and female gametes. This process
is called fertilisation. After fertilisation, the ovary changes into a fruit and ovules develop into seeds.

Seeds are dispersed by agents like wind, water, animals.

Q2. Give three advantages of seed dispersal.

A2. Seed dispersal is beneficial to the plants because:
▪ Seed dispersal prevents the overcrowding of plants in an area.
▪ Seed dispersal prevents the competition for water, minerals and sunlight among the same kind of
▪ Seed dispersal helps the plants to grow in new places for wider distribution.

Some seeds are dispersed by a special method called explosion. Examples are mustard, lady finger, peas,
bean, pod and castor

Amity International School, Sec-46, Gurugram

Class VII

L-12: Reproduction in Plants

Q1. The flask shaped organ X at the centre of a flower is surrounded by a number of little stalks Y having
swollen tops which lie just inside the ring of petals.
a) Name the organ X.
b) Which part of organ X contains gametes?
c) Name the organ Y?
d) What does the swollen top of organ Y contain?
e) Out of X and Y, which one is the female part of flower?
a) Pistil
b) Ovary
c) Stamen
d) Pollen Grains
e) X
Q2. Consider the following plants:
Yeast, Bryophyllum, Spirogyra, Rose, Fern, Sweet potato
Which of these plants is reproduced?
a) By cutting
b) By leaves
c) By roots
d) By spores
e) By budding
f) By fragmentation
a) Rose
b) Bryophyllum
c) Sweet potato
d) Fern
e) yeast
f) Spirogyra

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