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1. Boy : Id like to tell you that the play was a blast. Congratulation.

Girl : Thanks. Ia glad you like it.

Boy : Do you plan for another show.
Girl : I think we should take a break for a while.
Boy : Dont be so humble. Your performance was one of my favourite.
Girl : Thanks. Everyone has put incridible effort in it.
Question : Who is the girl?
Answer : she is a singer

2. Girl : Is this spot all right?

Boy : I think we should move it to the left. It is so close to the door.
Girl : Dont you think it will block the window?
Boy : Youre right. Just move it a little then.
Girl : That was tiring. Would you like a drink?
Boy : Sure.
Question : What is the conversation about?
Answer : The conversation is about moving something

3. Boy : I didn’t see Yana. Where is he?

Girl : Haven’t you heard the news?He is in Japan now. He represent Indonesia in the
junior chess competition.
Boy : That’s amazing! Where can I see the competition?
Girl : I don’t think it will be broadcast.
Boy : Really? That’s unfortunate.
Girl : I know.
Question : What can we tell about Yana’s competition?
Answer : A very proud competition for Yana can represent and make Indonesia famous in
the junior chess competition in Japan
4. Man : I heard that you need help for the concert.
Woman : Yes, I need a person to handle the merchandise stall.
Man : I can help you. I have an experience on that matter.
Woman : Really? That would be a great help.
Man : So, when do we start?
Woman : Please come to the set tomorrow morning.
Question : What is the conversation about?
Answer : A woman who needs a male worker to help handle stall merchandise

7. Girl : Where is Tara?

Boy : She is in the infirmary. She is feeling dizzy again.
Girl : I think her condition might be serious. She has had that dizziness for a week.
Boy : I see
Girl : I think we should let her rest for a while.
Boy : I think so too. Let's talk to her
Question : What is the topic of the conversation?
Answer : Tara is bad condition. She had dizziness

8. Boy : Have you heard that Mrs. Miliana lost her precious pendant?
Girl : Really? How did you know?
Boy : She informed it though the social media. I really want to help her.
Girl : Me too. Let's meet her on the second break.
Boy : Okay. What do you know about the pendant?
Girl : It was a memento from her late mother.
Question : What does the girl propose?
Answer : The girl want to help Mrs. Miliana because she lost a memento from her late

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