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The entertainment industry, also known as the show biz word (abbreviation of

the English phrase: Show business) or showbiz is a term derived from the local
English used to refer to people participating in activities entertainment. And
people who work in showbiz, are known to be a celebrity or celeb. This is the
word used to refer to famous people (Celebrity). These celebrities are widely
known and attract media attention. Celebs are usually actors, singers, MCs, etc.
active in the fields of art, entertainment and sports. We can easily name world-
famous Celebs like Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Bigbang, ... or famous Celeb in
Vietnam like Son Tung MTP.
The artist always appears radiantly on the stage… Few people know that behind
the stage aura, they are struggling every day to stand firm in the midst of a
showbiz full of competition and challenges...
 Pressure of being a celeb: Behind the aura of the stage, artists are also
ordinary people, living their own lives, having all the same emotions as
everyone else. But when they put on the name of artists, as public figures,
they sometimes have to hide their true feelings, always have to keep a
cool head to face the storms that may strike at any time. Depression and
suicide are no longer strange in showbiz. In 2019, within 3 months from
October to December, Korea showbiz was shocked to hear that Sulli, Goo
Hara, and Cha In Ha had passed away, respectively because they were the
victim of the onslaught and they committed suicide because they couldn’t
stand the pressure.
 Hospitalization due to exhaustion: Behind the splendid image on the
stage, the high salary level, the artists always have to work with 3-4 times
the intensity of ordinary people. From running shows, preparing for new
art projects... all of these jobs take up the entire time of the day and cause
many stars to be hospitalized because of exhaustion or problems
affecting them to health. Selena Gomez, Son Tung, Exo... are all artists
who many times make fans worry when they squeeze out their health to
work to the point of having to transfer sea water.
 Eat, drink, sleep quickly behind the scenes: Take advantage of eating,
taking a nap and resting in the car, behind the scenes, which is what every
star must get used to, before stepping up to perform at their best on stage.
Whether it's an A-list artist or a young artist just starting out, the audience
can easily see the image of them sitting on the floor, or a small corner of
the backstage to quickly eat a loaf of bread or a bowl of food. instant
noodles. Therefore, it is not always possible for the artists to have a
hearty, full meal as many people think, but behind the stage are countless
moments that are enough to make everyone know making money is not
 Celebrity suffering: The obvious thing that a celebrity suffers is the loss
of freedom, privacy. Many times when going out to eat or drink coffee
with friends, they are also watched and whispered. There are pleasant
words, but there are also insults, many people intentionally say it out loud
for themselves.

In short, famous or not are all human. Being known by many people, the
pressure will be enormous. They have their own pressure behind the aura of the
stage: the health, the schedule for work, the loss of freedom, privacy. So that
depression and suicide are no longer strange in showbiz recently. I hope that
society will look at celebrities with a more objective and tolerant attitude so that
they don't
pressured so that no regrets will happen.
For an artist, being respected by the audience is a blessing and a motivation for
them to continue pursuing art. However, if you want to stay in the profession,
you must have passion and forge a steel spirit, ready to cope with problems
related to eating in a hurry or taking advantage of rest in the car during touring
and withstand great pressure from public opinion to avoid unnecessarily bad
consequences.... Besides, must accept to sacrifice time for family and personal
happiness , freedom or privacy….( things that belong to the category of
individuals and families) to serve the audience. Only then they can fulfill our
responsibilities to the public

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