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Ethical Hacking

The explosive growth of the Internet has brought

many good things: electronic commerce, easy access What is Ethical Hacking?
to vast stores of reference material, collaborative
computing, e-mail, and new avenues for advertising With the growth of the Internet, computer security
and information distribution, to name a few. As with has become a major concern for businesses and
most technological advances, there is also a dark side: governments. They want to be able to take advantage
criminal hackers. Governments, companies, And of the Internet for electronic commerce, advertising,
private citizens around the world are anxious to be a information distribution and access, and other
part of this revolution, but they are afraid That some pursuits, but they are worried about the possibility of
hacker will break into their Web server And replace being “hacked.”At the same time, the potential
their logo with pornography, read Their e-mail, steal customers of these services are worried about
their credit card number from An on-line shopping maintaining control of personal information that
site, or implant software That will secretly transmit varies from credit card numbers to social security
their organizations Secrets to the open Internet. With numbers and home addresses.
these Concerns and others, the ethical hacker can In their search for a way to approach the problem,
help. organizations came to realize that one of the best
ways to evaluate the intruder threat to their interests
The term “hacker” has a dual usage in the computer would be to have independent computer security
Industry today. Originally, the term was defined as: professionals attempt to break into their computer
systems. This scheme is similar to having
HACKER noun.1. A person who enjoys learning the independent auditors come into an organization to
details of computer systems and how to stretch their verify its bookkeeping records. In the case of
capabilities — as opposed to most users of computers, computer security, these “tiger teams” or “ethical
who prefer to learn only the minimum amount hackers” would employ the same tools and techniques
necessary. 2. One that programs enthusiastically or as the intruders, but they would neither damage the
who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing target systems nor steal information. Instead, they
about programming. would evaluate the target systems ’security and report
back to the owners with the vulnerabilities they found
This complimentary description was often extended and instructions for how to remedy them.
to the verb form “hacking" which was used to
describe the rapid crafting of a new program or the
making of changes to existing, usually complicated
software. Who are Ethical Hackers?
Occasionally the less talented, or less careful,
Intruders would accidentally bring down a system or “One of the best ways to evaluate the
damage its files, and the system administrators would intruder threat is to have an independent
have to restart it or make repairs. Other Times, when
these intruders were again denied Access once their computer security professionals attempt
activities were discovered; they would react with to break
purposefully destructive actions. When the number of
these destructive computer Intrusions became
Successful ethical hackers possess a variety of skills.
noticeable, due to the visibility of the system or the
First and foremost, they must be completely
extent of the damage inflicted, it became “news” and
trustworthy. While testing the security of a client's
the news media picked up On the story. Instead of
systems, the ethical hacker may discover information
using the more accurate Term of “computer criminal,
about the client that should remain secret. In many
"the media began using the term “hacker”to describe
cases, this information, if publicized, could lead to
individuals who break into computers for fun,
real intruders breaking into the systems, possibly
revenge, or Profit. Since calling someone a “hacker”
leading to financial losses. During an evaluation, the
was originally meant as a compliment, computer
ethical hacker often holds the “keys to the company,”
Security professionals prefer to use the term
and therefore must be trusted to exercise tight control
“Cracker” or “intruder” for those hackers who turn to
over any information about a target that could be
the dark side of hacking. There are two types of
misused. The sensitivity of the information gathered
hackers “ethical hacker”and “criminal hacker”.
during an evaluation requires that strong measures
be taken to ensure the security of the systems being
employed by the ethical hackers themselves: limited-
access labs with physical security protection and full
ceiling-to-floor walls, multiple secure Internet A Career in Ethical Hacking
connections, a safe to hold paper documentation
from clients, strong cryptography to protect In a society so dependent on computers, breaking
electronic results, and isolated networks for testing. through anybody’s system is obviously considered
anti-social. What can organizations do when in spite
Ethical hackers typically have very strong of having the best security policy in place, a break-in
programming and computer networking skills and still occurs! While the “best of security” continues to
have been in the computer and networking business get broken into by determined hackers, what options
for several years. They are also adept at installing and can a helpless organization look forward to? The
maintaining systems that use the more popular answer could lie in the form of ethical hackers, who
operating systems (e.g., Linux or Windows 2000) unlike their more notorious cousins (the black hats),
used on target systems. These base skills are get paid to hack into supposedly secure networks and
augmented with detailed knowledge of the hardware expose flaws. And, unlike mock drills where security
and software provided by the more popular computer consultants carry out specific tests to check out
and networking hardware vendors. It should be noted vulnerabilities a hacking done by an ethical hacker is
that an additional specialization in security is not as close as you can get to the real one. Also, no matter
always necessary, as strong skills in the other areas how extensive and layered the security architecture is
imply a very good understanding of how the security constructed, the organization does not know the real
on various systems is maintained. These systems potential for external intrusion until its defenses are
management skills are necessary for the actual realistically tested.
vulnerability testing, but are equally important when
preparing the report for the client after the test. Though companies hire specialist security firms to
protect their domains, the fact remains that security
Given these qualifications, how does one go about breaches happen due to a company’s lack of
finding such individuals? The best ethical hacker knowledge about its system. What can be the best
candidates will have successfully mastered hacking way to help organizations or even individuals tackle
tools and their exploits. hackers? The solution is students trained in the art of
ethical hacking, which simply means a way of
crippling the hacker’s plans by knowing the ways one
What do Ethical Hackers do? can hack or break into a system. But a key
impediment is the shortage of skill sets. Though you
An ethical hacker’s evaluation of a system’s security would find thousands of security consultants from
seeks answers to these basic questions: various companies, very few of them are actually
aware of measures to counter hacker threats.
• What can an intruder see on the target systems?
•What can an intruder do with that information?
•Does anyone at the target notice the intruder’s How much do Ethical Hackers get Paid?
attempts or successes?
•What are you trying to protect? Globally, the hiring of ethical hackers is on the rise
•What are you trying to protect against? with most of them working with top consulting firms.
•How much time, effort, and money are you willing to In the United States, an ethical hacker can make
expend to obtain adequate protection? upwards of $120,000 per annum. Freelance ethical
hackers can expect to make $10,000 per assignment.
Once answers to these questions have been For example, the contract amount for IBM’s Ethical
determined, a security evaluation plan is drawn up Hacking typically ranges from $15,000 to $45,000
that identifies the systems to be tested, how they for a standalone ethical hack. Taxes and applicable
should be tested, and any limitations on that testing. travel and living expenses are extra.

“What can be the best way to help

organizations or even individuals tackle
hackers? The solution is students trained
in the art of ethical hacking”
Certified Ethical Hacker
If you want to stop hackers from
invading your network, first you’ve got
to invade their minds.

The CEH Program certifies individuals in the specific

network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a
vendor-neutral perspective.
The Certified Ethical Hacker certification will
significantly benefit security officers, auditors,
security professionals, site administrators, and
anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the
network infrastructure.

To achieve CEH certification, you must pass exam

312-50 that covers the standards and language
involved in common exploits, vulnerabilities and
countermeasures. You must also show knowledge of
the tools used by hackers in exposing common
vulnerabilities as well as the tools used by security
professionals for implementing countermeasures.

To achieve the Certified Ethical Hacker Certification,

you must pass the following exam:

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (312-50)

Legal Agreement

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures course

mission is to educate, introduce and demonstrate
hacking tools for penetration testing purposes only.
Prior to attending this course, you will be asked to
sign an agreement stating that you will not use the
newly acquired skills for illegal or malicious attacks
and you will not use such tools in an attempt to
compromise any computer system, and to indemnify
EC-Council with respect to the use or misuse of these
tools, regardless of intent.

Not anyone can be a student — the Accredited

Training Centers (ATC) will make sure the applicants
work for legitimate companies.
Determining if the system is alive
Course Objectives Determining which services are running or listening
Scan types
This class will immerse the student into an interactive Identifying TCP and UDP services running
environment where they will be shown how to scan, Windows based port scanners
test, hack and secure their own systems. Port scanning breakdown
The lab intensive environment gives each student in- Detecting operating systems
depth knowledge and practical experience with the Active stack fingerprinting
current essential security systems. Students will begin Passive stack fingerprinting
by understanding how perimeter defenses work and Automated discovery tools
then be lead into scanning and attacking their own
networks, no real network is harmed. Students then Enumeration
learn how intruders escalate privileges and what Windows NT/2000 enumeration
steps can be taken to secure a system. Windows NT/2000 network enumeration
Students will also learn about Intrusion Detection, Windows NT/2000 host enumeration
Policy Creation, Social Engineering, Open Source Application and banner enumeration
Intelligence, Incident Handling and Log Novell enumeration
Interpretation. When a student leaves this intensive 5 UNIX enumeration
day class they will have hands on understanding and BGP route enumeration
experience in internet security.
System Hacking
Who should attend? Win 9x remote exploits
Direct connection Win 9x resources
This class is a must for networking professionals, IT Win 9x backdoor Trojan and horses
managers and decision-makers that need to Server application vulnerabilities
understand the security solutions that exist today. Win 9x denial of service
Companies and organizations interested in Win 9x local exploits
developing greater e-commerce capability need Windows ME remote attacks
people that know information security. This class
provides a solid foundation in the security Hacking Windows NT
technologies that will pave the way for organizations Remote exploits: Denial of service and buffer
that are truly interested in reaping the benefits and overflows
tapping into the potential of the Internet. Privilege escalation
Exploiting trust
Prerequisites Remote control and backdoors
Port redirection
Working knowledge of TCP/IP, Linux and Windows Countermeasures to privileged compromise
2000. Covering tracks
Disabling auditing
Duration Clearing the event log
5 Days Hiding files

Hacking Windows 2000

Course Outline Footprinting Scanning Enumeration Penetration
NetBIOS-SMB password guessing
Eavesdropping on password
hashes SMBRelay
Know the Hacker Attacks against IIS 5.0
Hacker Ethics
Remote buffer overflows
Hacker and the Law
Denial of service
Legal implications of Hacking
Privilege escalation
Computer Crime and Punishment
Grabbing the Windows 2000
password hashes
Footprinting EFS
What is Footprinting? Startup manipulation
Determining the scope of activities Remote control
Network enumeration Keystroke loggers
DNS interrogation Buffer overflow exploits
Novell Netware Hacking Hacking the internal user
Enumerating Bindery and Trees Malicious mobile code
Authenticated enumeration Microsoft ActiveX
Gaining Admin access Java Security Holes
Application vulnerabilities Cookie fraud
Spoofing attacks SSL fraud
Console logs and NDS files E-Mail hacking
Log doctoring Invoking outbound client
Hacking UNIX/Linux
Root abuse Web Server Hacking
Vulnerability mapping Attacking Web authentication
Remote access Vs local access HTTP authentication basic and digest
Data driven attacks Forms-based authentication
Common types of remote attacks Microsoft Passport
Hacking root account Password guessing
Retrieving /etc/passwd file Attacking session state management
Caching. Session ID prediction and bruteforcing
Bypassing SQL-backend login forms
Dial-up, Voicemail and VPN Hacking Input validation attacks
Brute force scripting Attacking Web datastores
PBX hacking Hacking Web application development
Voicemail hacking Web client hacking
VPN hacking Attacking Web services
Modem scramblers SOAP over HTTPS
WSDL attack
Wireless Network Hacking Hacking Web services
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN attack Cookie hijacking
WAP (Cellular phone) hacking
Detecting the wireless media Session Hijacking
Hacking Wireless network adapter cards Spoofing Hijacking
ARP spoofing
Firewalls Reverse shell
Firewall identification Stealing cookies
Scanning through firewalls ACK storms
Packet filtering
Application proxy vulnerabilities Virus
I Love you Virus
Denial of Service (DOS) attacks
Types of DOS attacks
Code Red Virus
Bandwidth consumption
How viruses are written
Resource starvation
Virus detectors
Programming flaws
Routing and DNS attacks
Virus busters
Generic DOS attacks
UNIX and Windows NT DoS
Remote DOS attacks Hacking Tools
Distributed denial of attacks Queso
(DDOS) NAT (NetBIOS Auditing Tool
Remote control, Trojan Horse and back IPTraf
doors Lids
Discovering remote control software LSOF
Virtual network computing (VNC) Nemesis
Attacking Microsoft Terminal Server Swatch
Attacking Citrix ICA Cerberus Internet Scanner
BackOrifice NuBus Crack /Libcrack
SAM Spade
John the Ripper
L0pht Crack
Cybercop Scanner
Back Orfice

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