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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Pangasinan
Activity 4
GE 2 – Readings in Philippine
1st Semester, SY: 2021-2022

1. What is known as PD 27 issued by of President Marcos that applies to tenant farmers of private
agricultural land?
A. Agricultural Land Reform Law C. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
B. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law D. Emancipation Tenants from the Bondage of the Soil

2. Which of the following policies is NOT included in the Section 2 of RA No. 3844 or Agricultural
Land Reform Code?
A. Achieve a dignified assistance for the small farmers free from pernicious institutional restrain
and practices.
B. Apply all labor laws equally and without discrimination to both industrial and agricultural
wage earners.
C. Provide a more vigorous and systematic land resettlement program and public land
D. Provide expensive machineries and fertilizers to the farmers.

3. It was created mainly to provide warehouse facilities and assist farmers in marketing their products.
A. National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration
B. Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration
C. Agricultural Land Reform Code
D. Agricultural Tenancy Commission.

4. Under whose administration was LASEDECO is established to accelerate and expand the
resettlement program from peasant.
A. Fidel V. Ramos C. Elpidio Quirino
B. Diosdado Macapagal D. Gloria Arroyo

5. It includes the relationship between production and the distribution of land among farmers and
complex set of relationship within the agricultural sector among tenure structure, production
structure, and the structure of supporting services.
A. Land Reform C. Agrarian Reform
B. Social Reform D. Economic Reform

6. Which one of these methods is not used by the landlords for them to be exempted from the agrarian
A. Landlords change their crops
B. Landowners hired workers to till their lands
C. Landlords evict their tenants and so they become landless
D. Landlords do not want to share their lands to the landless workers

7. What law was passed to govern the relationship between landholders and tenant farmers under the
administration of President Ramon Magsaysay?
A. Presidential Decree No. 27
B. Republic Act No. 1199
C. Republic Act No. 3844
D. Republic Act No. 9099

8. What is the established sharing arrangement between tenant and landlord under Republic Act no.
34 during the administration of President Roxas?
A. 50 – 50 sharing
B. 60 – 40 sharing
C. 40 – 60 sharing
D. 70 – 30 sharing
9. What Republic act abolished share tenancy in the Philippines and prescribed a program to convert
tenant – farmers to lessees and later on owner-cultivators?
A. Presidential Decree No. 27
B. Republic Act No. 1199
C. Republic Act No. 3844
D. Republic Act No. 9099

10. Who signed the Code of Agrarian Reform of the Philippines into law which established the
Department of Agrarian Reform, effectively replacing the Land Authority on September 10 1971?
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. . Ramon Magsaysay
C. . Ferdinand Marcos
D. Manuel Roxas

11. During Marcos Regime viz-a-viz Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers,
which form of government was implemented?
A. Monarchial C. Presidential
B. Parliamentary D. Dictatorial

12. . Which of the following is NOT an organ of the government under the Biak-na-Bato Constitution?
A. Consejo Supremo (The Supreme Council )
B. Camara de Representantes (House of Representatives)
C. Consejo Supremo de Gracia Y Justicia (Supreme Council of Grace and Justice)
D. Asamblea de Representantes (Assembly of Representatives)

13. The Commonwealth Constitution was originally drafted to provide the President with how many
A. 6-year term with no re-election C. 6-year term with unlimited re-election
B. 4-year term with one re-election D. 3-year term with 2 re-election.

14. Which among the following is an administrative body that governed the Philippines from 1935 to
A. Commonwealth of the Philippines C. Philippine Constitution
B. Constitutional Authoritarianism D. Malolos Constitution

15. All of the following are the roles of the elected president under the Constitutional Authoritarianism
except one.
A. The president was to be elected us the symbolic and ceremonial head of the state chosen from
the members of the National Assembly.
B. The president would serve a six-year term and could be re-elected to an unlimited number of
C. The president would serve a four-year term and could not be re-elect again.
D. All of the above

16. It is defined as a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or
other organization is governed.
A. Constitution C. Statute
B. B. Policies D. Law

17. The following are grounds for the succession of the Vice-President to President under the 1987
Constitution EXCEPT:
A. Death C. People Power
B. B. Permanent Disability D. Resignation
18. How many articles does the 1987 Constitution have?
A. 17 B. 18 C.19 D.21

19. How many independent commissions were created under the 1987 Constitution?
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five
20. It is one of the non-legislative functions of the congress which includes the selection of a Senate
President and Speaker of the House.
A. Constituents B. Executive C. Electoral D. Judicial

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