Basic First Aide (MAGNANIMITY)

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First Aide
The aim of First Aid is to provide immediate/initial care for an illness or
injury. In an emergency situation, first aid treatment is given to a victim to prevent
the condition from worsening and prevent further injury. The 3 P’s of First Aid will
guide you to determine first aid treatments and the priorities. Here are the three
P’s in order:

The Three P’s of First Aide

Preserve Life

Preserve Life:  
The main responsibility of a bystander/first responder is to preserve life of the
injured person by providing first aid treatments. After assessing the emergency scene for
dangers, first responders should start the C-A-B procedure of first aid.
Circulation – Assess the quality of their circulation, Airway – ensure that the
victim has an airway, breathing – ensure that the person is breathing. If required perform
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and rescue breathing until medical professionals
arrive. The goal is to prevent the condition from worsening in any way. Preserving life
should always be the overall aim of all first aiders. Remember though, this includes
your own life! You should never put yourself or others in danger.

This is why the first stage in assessing a casualty (think DRABC) is to conduct a
risk assessment and check for any dangers to yourself or bystanders. If a situation is too
dangerous to approach, you should stay back and call for professional help.

Prevent Deterioration

Prevent Deterioration:
The second aim of first aid is to prevent the casualty’s condition from deteriorating
any further. For example, asking a casualty with a broken limb to stay still and padding
around the injury will prevent the fracture from moving and causing further injury or
pain. Do what you can to keep the victim in stable condition until medical professionals
arrive. The goal is to prevent the condition from worsening and prevent any potential
further injury. This may mean moving the victim to a safer location, applying first aid,
stabilizing them, or just staying with the victim and providing comfort.

 In addition, this aim includes preventing further injuries. You should attempt to
make the area as safe as possible and removing any dangers. If removing danger is not
possible you should attempt to remove the patient from the danger or call for specialist

Promote Recovery
Promote Recovery:
Finally, you can promote recovery by arranging prompt emergency medical help.
In addition, simple first aid can significantly affect the long-term recovery of an injury.
For example, quick cooling burn will reduce the risk of long-term scarring and will
encourage early healing. After you’ve done what you can do with first aid treatment, your
job now is to promote recovery. This can be done by encouraging confidence, providing
comfort, attempting to relieve pain, and so on.

These tips and tricks for emergency situations and first aid will likely differ based
on your specific situation. But remembering the basics of what to may help you save a
life or prevent further pain. Know these simple steps before you find yourself in a
situation where it’s hard to think clearly. 

Shenna Mae Espina
Jhe Marie Andres
April Rose Padillo
Narseso Albano
Angello Lapastora
Nicole Ann Montuya
Christian Castor
John Lloyd Dadivas
Renzo Marcial
Jiemark Dipolog
Alyssa Pearl Labordo
Janine Kate Sabayle
Cj Decena
Lhenard Pinor
Ma. Joahna Bulquerin

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