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Lndividua Assghment -4

Narme Akanksha JHa

Course M.BA. (1 Senaster
Sectien: A
Ro.L. No.: 0
Stuelest Tol : 13210D60o

Subject Management Conce pt Ovganisatioh

Behaviour (kMBN 10i
Istiute Dnited titute ol Mange

Naani, reyara
.20. Dstingush between Maslao's Noert, Hierarehy thodr
and Herzberg's two ac-to Reory

An Basis pr Molow Nc Herzbergs Two-

Cptmparsot Hierareh opry ato Reory
Maslows Theory 1 Herzberq Heory Ot
Meanth general 4heor on mohu moti vafbrn 5a
hon which tates Rat tRere are various hat
Re urge to sathsy heed actors
is he 'most
exictinq at tRe worlae
acor in mohvaton.
that hue 1ob stisfou-
tit or dis
Nature ecnphve Prg cptive
Reues en-
Ncedsk tRei Sahissaehon. Reuoard and Recognihon-
Order eneds Herarchical No Sequence
ore hce
pt Ukzahisiaa tecds gimulote Gratified needs regulate
ndividiual. behaviork perorimance.
ivisiot Crowrtk and deficiency Hygiene andl mohvator
hecds actox

Metivator Usatisied teeds Oly highon brdev needlg

Maslows TRoory
Abraham Maslow wns a Americal prychslogist, who inctrodured
+ho populan Necd
hierarchy tkeory On. motiyatisn. he theoru
emhnrcd Ro
h e organZation
-to sabd nocds
people workitg,

The tRoory is divided ito tuo categoned, 1.rOw i

he cs and de
deicdnt heeds, which Ron &ubclastified
iNto ve heecl wii cack individual,'ve pre3ehked in the
hat human he
yramicl. The heory is
boed on Re bre mise
cola are in roper Aeque hco, wherein
he co
bsycho (o-
icel heed is at Ra bottom, and
sel]-actualisahon eeds
are at+ke top devel. dher
heeoa, i.e, Ysafety heed, ocial
hee ds and e3tecm heects ano in Re middle .

Herzbergs Phay
Federick Herzberg was
bekaurural sciextist, who developea

athesrs i the enr 9S callod The wo

actor Keory
t Mohvotion or Moti vation Hgiene Theory
Herzberq ahd his associate3 ot iterviewds
00 pers ohs inoling ehginoeng ahd accouatants, T at
kurvey, Re wene auled about R COm pohoht3 ea job
hat make Rom Kaphy or
uahabpy Reir aiswen
nadt clear that i wa+he working en vi ronmeht
Rat Caußes unhappihe33 or
dissatisfac tion.
As esAertialto keep
per +ke heory, bygene actors, are

yeas Chable level Satisoehon among emloyees
acrs do not acfualy result ih ahstacton ,
but heir
abgohce Causes dissatisfacton, Rat is hy, thoy
howh as dissais,ion
in hereat to the
Secndly, motivational ncthrs re

0b, and 30 He increase ac tors wl

ead to +Re rise i Re Aaisachon Kevel, while
tho decrease does ho Cause diss atisfaction in
em plopees

Re two
TRe mocels develo ped by Re +wo experts aims
mothvationak proce which proveolRat
at simplidain Re
mohvation is a important actor im prove Re
is a
tnance evel mployea. Herzbexg's eory
adolition to Re Maslows Reory NTeie are hot

Cohtradicfory bu Comblementary to One oher.

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