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AP Chemistry Name. ge ) : Ch. 13: Chemical Equilibrium Review Date Appl of Equi m Constant K 1) Write an acceptable expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction 2NaHCO3(s) + NazCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O¢g = Recon Con + oy a) _[NaxCOs][COz]{H20] ©) [CO:][H20) [NaHCO3] [NaHCO] Poon) (Peo) b) _[NaxCOsCOsILH-O] [NaHCO:P 2) What would be the correct equilibrium constant expression for the reaction AgCl(s) + 2 NH3(agq) + [Ag(NH3)2]*(ag) + CI (aq)? a) [AgNE)2 Cr ©) [AgQNHs)2 TIC (Hs [AgCl] [VAP ( [AsevHi)"Itcr] @ [Ag(NHS)2 ICP} (wea 3) The concentrations of reactants and products for the Haber process at equilibrium were observed at 127°C: [NHs] = 3.1x10? mol/L; [Nz] = 8.5x107 mol/L; [Hp] = 3.1x10? mol/L. f Haber Process: V2(g) + 3H2(g) F2NH: (@) a) Calculate the value of K at 127°C. ‘b) What is K at 127°C for the rxn.: 2NH; (@)_‘F N2(g) + 3H2(g) ) What is K at 127°C for the rxn.: 1/2 N2(g) + 3/2 Ho(g) 7 NHs(@) ni -2 4 ) k= [vns)* Ke Bsx19)* K= BPOXI0 Ewa] TH? (2.5% 0 Mare? )? y aS () gle d Ke2eyxe® © le B® ple £95 x10 z 2, 4) Both the forward and reverse reactions of the following equilibrium are believed to be elementary steps: CO(g) + Chr(g) 4° COCI(g) + CI(g). At 25°C the rate constants for the forward and reverse Feactions are 1.4 x 10% M1 sand 9.3 x 10" M's", respectively. What is the numeric value for the equilibrium constant at 25°C? @isx10” 2) 6.6.x 10" 13X10" bez etek (fecwacd) 5. WA19 0 Bote K (Leverse) 43X10 Ke eusixiat 5) The equilibrium concentrations for the reaction between carbon monoxide and chlorine to form COCl (g) at 74°C are [CO] = 0.012 M, [Che] = 0.054 M, and [COCh] = 0.14 M. Calculate the equilibrium constants K- and Kp, rook] con c= ogee OF CnG) SCO Feo) Cet) (OY Ke = 26 (2.2413) at (2.012) (2054) =i An - (yeffe.cs2) (674) kp = Fo (nT) kee (210K Ane /-2271 Te 24+ 248 - B4YFAK 6) Under what circumstances does Kp = Ke? a) When the number of moles of gaseous ‘¢)) When the number of moles of gaseous products are greater than the number of moles ~ products are equal to the number of moles of of gaseous reactants. gaseous reactants 'b) When the number of moles of gaseous 1a) Always products are less than the number of moles of | gaseous reactants | 7) For which one of the following reactions is Ke equal to Kp? / mote er ocluoks 2 mole ttackwk) CG Fag) + Ch(e) 4 2HCKg) ©) N2O4(g) 4 2NO2(g) b) 280s(g) 2802(g) + Org) d) CG) + COx(g) F 2CO(g) 8) Gaseous hydrogen iodide is placed in a closed 1.0-L container at 425°C, where it partially decomposes to hydrogen and iodine: 2HI(g) + Ha(g) + (g). At equilibrium, it is found that partial pressure measurements are: Pxy = 3.53 x 10° atm; Pi = 4.79 x 10“ atm; and Pr = 4.79 x 104 atm. ‘What is the value of Xp at this temperature? a) 1.84 x 107 b)2.71 x 107 ©) 6.50 x:105 d) 5.43 x 10! e) 1.54x 10¢ bo PD) yn. aad (47x) P ea PO —“T5s3ese Kp = L34x 1” — 9) ‘The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2NO(g) * Na(g) + Ox(g) is Kp = 2.4.x 10° at 200°C, Calculate Kp for Nx(g) + O2(g) “F 2NO(g). At this temperature does the equilibrium favor NO or, does it favor Nz and 02? a)2.4x 10°, NO. b) 4.2.x 104, NO (p22 104 Neand Or d) 2.4.x 10°, No and O2 Kip = Kp! kp= Ly = 42x 164 24x10 kp 24x10 (Large) fiiors produc!s (Nz 80 i 10) At 500K, the equilibrium constant for the reaction 2NO(g) + Cla(g) 2NOCI(g) is Kp=52.0. An equilibrium mixture of the three gases has partial pressures of 0.095 atm and 0.171 atm for NO and Clz, respectively. What is the partial pressure of NOCT in the mixture? Kp = Proce)* = S20 = (rece) (Fae)* (8) (ao7sy (01?) (Frevce)* = 0.08025 Tyoce = OF ater 11) An equilibrium mixture of phosphorous pentachloride, phosphorous trichloride and chlorine is established, PCs $F PClig) + Clog). At equilibrium, 1.00 mol of each substance is present and the total pressure is 150m. Calculate the Xp in atm. a) 150, ¢) 300. d) 0.333 e) 0.015 DebbenS loon 96 Facticnl Pesmee = Fo (M i + Frote Bee Seer eer Tote = 00 net 0 = Skat 7 ee Ce (Frets) Trot, = Fee, = (L8S\so = Balm (yo. (52) 12) For the reaction given below, at 1200 K, it was observed that when the equilibrium partial pressure of water vapor is 15.0 torr, the total pressure at equilibrium is 36.3 torr. Calculate the value of Kp for this reaction. PT. £0 3Fe(s) + 4HzO(g) 5 FesOq(s) + 4H2(g) Dathols devs op Factiak Resre : Fyn + Fy, = 363 bre The = 26.3 - 16.0 2 Uahbre : a 3 -40F kp (Fre) Ep = CD Kp ee (Paoyt (89) 13) For the reaction: 2NOCI(g) 4 2NO(g) + Clo(g), equilibrium constant K = 1.55 x 10% at 35°C. In an experiment, 0.10 mol NOCI, 0.0010 mol NO(g) and 0.00010 mol Cl. are initially measured in a 2.0 L solution. Calculate the Reaction Quotient Q and indicate in which direction will the reaction roc librium? = Ss mr . to air a “asi INtle 2.0010 mate SKI [eh ]- 20000 2 SOxI0) [noce}= oon Bor Zoe eg ss 2 q. INGE ae (son Yfson5§) Qe soxie? i LNoce* (0.050)* Sime QKEK, ner proceeds te the rh Gprodbche) 3 14) For the reaction: No(g) + 3H2(g) 7 2NH3 (g), K= 6.0 x 10° at 500°C ‘The initial concentrations [NHs]1.0 x 103M, [No] 1.0 x 10°M and, [H2] 2.0 x 10°M are mixed ina 2.0 L flask. In which direction will the reaction shift to reach equilibrium? n3\* rosie Aen ees i Tae) CY? [nox Ox) Since QL, cen. sfapts te te Et (reactant) 15) At 100°C, the equilibrium constant for the reaction COCIx(g) * CO(g) + Clz(g) has the value of Kp=2.19 x 10". Are the following mixtures of COCh, CO, and Cl; at equilibrium? If not, indicate the direction that the reaction must proceed to achieve equilibrium. ( Podca = $.00.x 10? atm; Pco=3.31 x 10% atm; Por =3.31x10%atm Q =(eo)- (Fe, ; pes daeeatenccl Gi) Pooce = 3.50 x 10? atm; Poo = 1.11 x 10% atm; Pon = 3.25 x 10% atm (Feo) - 8) @ not at equilibrium, right to lef, Gi) equilibrium /. , ‘ b( G@) not at equilibrium, left to right, (ii) equilibrium Da, ¥ (331x231 17) ©) G@) equilibrium, (ii) not at equilibrium, left to right (00x 1077) 4) @ equilibrium, Gi) equilibrium 22196152 thy pe LIT KIO =k, %e DO cauilibrinm, Gi) not at equilibrium, right tole — pep Gen (i) Q- (hx 52a 25% 158) 2 Q; =403x 1077 kp 7 (3.50% 15%) (mm) ‘The Ke for the following reaction at 1200°K is 3.93. Given the concentrations [CO] = 0.0623 M, [Ha] = 0.0788 M, [CHL] = 0.0380 M and [H20] = 0.0400 M one can conclude that the: CO(g) + 2 Hale) 5 CHilg) + Hs0(@) 2) system isnot at equilibrium and the reaction will proveed to the left b)_ system is not at equilibrium and the reaction will proceed to the right sven is at equilibrium and no net change will occur qe K}Im] Q_(a0sth(acrd — 8978 3 T | eto 6.050 © (9.219) (0.128) 2 2x 4x 42% (oous)> (0012) CG \74* 7 iat Ke 2654 2 6S1E 0062 (0%-29) x IFEX “S = | cerebro ne taoeeeeecrted © Spur Sdrium » a)00- 2x= 0.062 X= 0.017 Pay] 2 9080 -2 (0.917) = 0.12 0” 2 ONG > AIDE! Cre) 7 9.019 4 Theale 12 0+ 2/ D 5 21) Consider the following reaction. PCIs(g) 4+ PCIs(@) + Chx(g). Initially, 0.84 moles of PCl«(g) is placed in a 1.0L flask. At equilibrium, 0.72 moles of PCIs(g) is present, What is the value of Ke for this resetion? a) 0.62 Cpr )0.72 40.12 e) can't be determined from data given Pes = PT Gly. Tree) LFtts) fe = (012N0 12) 79.42) At ope Gbrive ; _ O.84-x% = OFE X= AZ = Lrch=CAJ<012 22) The decomposition of HF into its elements is found to have a Ke = 0.02. Starting with an initial amount of 0.20 moles of HF in a 10.0 L flask, how many moles of hydrogen gas will be present at equilibrium? a ¢) 0.025 4) 0.0025 90 = 022 20.020 + 5 ENF] = G22 20 yy 7) et aX od They Se K 2 O&O) ates XS (0029-29) (0. 020-2) 282% KS * = 00.282" — @ 01414 0.020-2* 1, DP2EK 0.0018 J 00 28 Pet I X = 0.0028 MLM 2. a” alg Heme H, = 0.022 rib Ho : yo.0L => 23) For the reaction given below, at a given point in time, the concentrations are: 0.00623M H2, 0.00414M Iz and 0,0224M HI. Indicate in which direction the reaction proceeds and calculate the final concentrations when the reaction reaches equilibrium, Hifg) + Ig) 2H) Ke= 54.3 Qe OF gs (09 2246* acl/tS 42% ~%) ¢ Be 2) = E |(0.00623-») (a04!4 #) 0.0221 o 5) 6a 3x8 ges3X + 899X012! a eg Ebrieem: X=Q00Iss xeaesyt Vo. 653) 4 (S03 EHR 2 S4ya 2 (0.0224 + 2) rece tees cece eee (9.09623 -xG D044 -) Che 267 x10™ (2)(50. rE 2 25% S29 x xx ony OR aISSY it us ; Be rcraesceecee CAT) RISKIO NM # firwl concertretiom carntt be megahin 24) At 1280°C, the reaction Br2(g) 47 2Br(g) has an equilibrium constant K = 1.1 x 10°. The following concentrations are measured, [Br2] = 6.3 x10 M and [Br] = 1.2 x 107M. Indicate the direction of the reaction and the concentrations when equilibrium is established. a= [8)* g. C208)” gzziid*7K Cer) (6.3157) otal simece QIK, pew. shitte to te Get (ren 2 » ke - Ee cea) . i Cee (b.3K10°+ *D ax 4.91 eK ARATE + xx yoows CK, 0.00176) i * final concerted os Tq) = 0.065™ [6A] -0.008500 pee gana iH “a eye Ecbnium x <0. 25) Given Ho(g) + Bro(g) + 2HBr(g) where K = 2.18 x 10° at 730°C. Starting with 3.20 moles of HBr ina 12.0 L vessel, determine the equilibrium concentrations of H, Br2 and HBr. Hy + Bey 2? 2ABr | [H6)= 329 2 22677 ee f2e 72.0 Ilo o OUF ee Died? < |+*x ee -2x Dhl: Cea) Be (0262-2 gipyig 2 (0.262-20* eu “ O&) Che Je /FLKIT 47 ae come 28x = (0.26% oe oO: = 0.264-2x [HBr] = AzEEM LABRIP = 0263 — 2 X= Lexi 26) An experiment is conducted to determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction given below: = a+ of Fe(aq) + SCN (ag) 7 FeSCN (aq) Kee Cres? a) Write the equilibrium constant expression for Kc. Lhe at ] [Sen J b) The initial concentration of Fe**(ag) and SCN (aq) are both 6.0 x 10M. When the reaction reaches equilibrium the concentration of FeSCN’" (aq) is found to be 1.0x10°M. Determine the value of Ke. Bb equec€ beta ¢ Oars 0x3 o xe hOx 10° +x 5| CFe?*]- Ss K10°M LOXI0 Cen] = 8 x\52™ Chex iF pred Lear] (sox) (59 xP) Ke = 40 —

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