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WORKSHEET: CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. Name Tat Frat FOR ALL EQUILIBRIUM PROBLEMS, YOU MUST: 1), Write all equilibrium equations 2) write all equilirium concentrations 3) Write all equiibvium expressions Ta) Whatie tho ogultrium constant axpresion eth easton Bele) 64 HzO (a)

Ans: 1.6 x10 6 concur nao ei enig hla Sewromnenpnienseron ererrote pave 980201 KOIH 2010 Gedy ° 2 _ | ; Sicisecaeceeinel mre marctresmon Saal ew Go Demw xe |) os Move § Gite tof xa Rol Fas xto** ne: 7.21022 2. Amite of 8.22 moos ofA. 10.11 moles of B, and 27.85 moles of Cs placed acne ‘maior at meet temperature. The reachon alowed io reach euler. AL equa tho mombor ‘of mois of Bo 18.32. Calculate ie eqibum coratar forte reseion A@+ 280 = 304 ee ere tse sag = Be) Gate "Xx SE SGearygersy) cccues ns s828 Ke cate 5 es 400 ted Caycsy* . 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The quioium constant othe reaction: 200 @ = Neo) +O @ le 260410 a1 7100 *C. 10.620 male of NO g) anc 0.223 mole each of No (and Op (gh are mixed {1700 er container 1700 ©, wnat are na concentration of NO (9, Np) ed Op (gal equitium? sen \ awo = Met zt +820 eae © aK 7* h@ee Uday Cost een Crox .an 2 oy G38) C28) Look \ Gerey* \ . Qc > Ke Twwrioe 7 wo Rte? wes crn Fo The lett ee \PReo we? laa = Gere send Xe Get Ane (NO} 15M : [Nal= 0.056 [cia 0.058 Croke .820y 2G Heys LIE Cesk s FoyN = Ras 7 ee = Cosa @ ‘sere: 1, Arise oi oles A158 moe of ans 0.41 maa 6 loka na one rear Saconanionpoatr a oT mn TORT OTATE TS Jolt the eau eosa, Kr De rece 2a@ == 28 se owe op he Ea oy q tax -2C4) 2.40 C eqas) Gs) ¢-34) Lite tae Lar 7 x 2-40 > eer ESTEE LAD wee Gest Gr Cas * > 0. cao ana: 0.000, 2, [G22 roo of $5 i) placodin a 1.00 er Forainor a 600 K-96. Lo tbe $03 (o) we ‘composed whon equim ie etaiened 2.03) 2 502 @) + 02 What tho vale of to eqloum eoecant, Ke, a the same temperature? 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Forthe equa: 2 BC!) = Be w+ Ce @) 81208 °C, tho equitrun constant, Ke, 8.143. 1.34 mae Beh of Bry (Q) an Co (ara eoHEES container which has a olue 1.0 os and lowest reac equlibium a 205°C, whal wou be ‘ne corcerraions of 82 (gC), and Brg at euler? ~ aerct = Br, + CL a4 er = “ ree eo co rex -* Lx v ™) G@ina~®) e (rr) (ee 2 Gtean x q CBe3 Lewd Beegsaxs 2 coer Bea = fewer Jeter teu: pean 20683 fas + Gas oss aac set ont Ans: Ohi 0052810 R= .0u4s Sateuaen 4a Whats tne numeral va tba aqui conan Korine ests SNe ig) + 02 @) aa5x108 Er 1 3 gq ar 3 (Od: B®. @vo) “+ (eA i Ratan coerce nae ee orient CRs ete doee. wipe oes Cop cate ae Ce ee e® ee 5 Forte action: 2NOz G@) + 2 (9) <= 2 Nog 81929 °C , K's 425, 10.0500 mole of Ng [90.122 mole of Op G) a95.0:200 mole of NOS Ig) 10 nse 00 se contains 829 °C, nwa de he eacton poceen?(Show your auton {Spore mat your argues mat a guess} Sie awe, + Gy SE NOs I losec* 22d 120m c_+ap eK sax <—~ é ‘ > 1S Qos Ceo, (.300)* sare? = ao Oe Lue * Loy (.0500)~ (.122) ana Qe > Ke WL Toe MACH Product las aur 2 Act canto te lett ‘newer: Q¢>Ke(Therescon vl prooedapnteneciiiothelat) UAT Le eta S TS $27 BETH IT Shed FE, cm entre ZNO) <= Np + Or 21900 the eum constant Kit 0.185. 1148 males eh tN (9) ae iradices ‘2covaire that Nag a vue a eo een ASO Ht wee Soca STUER ioe lwo SS He, + OD 5 : on e ee es crak ne we © 0 Gases Gana) > Ensy Lo y = oa Los ~ Cos>|,24a-x Lros | = e yr: Waa ces | SONAL YE \ ane ate Rowe Bo Ra sido —— —_ See 2 1.87 mole of A (g) are ing 1.00 ter eonianerat 700K, ABS¥SOTA (Ree Saal caettatenrertantaermemeenren RAW 2 Aig) = 9 Big) + © i) pln i Pema Wate he va of tho ulin constant Kath ama lomperaine? 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Cate Qe a Compare ty Ke 4) G@e= WI, Coden, Gad Cts - Lise) + LAD a Qe .oare ~~ Ge 7 Me 66418 YF lwo wio® dhepx Lee = 8 ee = s1B0 NM eT c ~~ “* a SON) ¢ G1B8Er2*) w+ se} toy CALE 3 Wiican (mnle SS Yrrext 2 Gane Canes) \\ Greer ze) ¥= reo Lays Bor aR = TBH AC.208) = LiBoM BB= Ley = GAMtn 9 sD OS to o

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