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Subject: Principles of Accounts

Topic: Cash Book

Graded Assignment

INSTRUCTION: Students are required to work in groups of TWO (2) to use trashable items to make a TWO (2) column and a THREE (3)

column cash book. Each student is required to make either of the cash books which will be decided among them. They will take a picture of the

cash books and send to Miss Pottinger’s whatsapp.

  Extraordinary 5 Above Average 4 Average 3 Below Average 2 Poor 1

Understanding The project is planned

30% carefully; The project is planned The project is planned The project is planned
Demonstration understanding of all carefully; adequately shows little evidence of The project shows no
that instructions concepts and understanding of most understanding of some understanding the understanding of the
and concepts are instructions clearly concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
understood shown instructions is shown instructions is shown instructions instructions.
Craftsmanship/ The artwork
Skill demonstrates original The artwork
25 % personal expression demonstrates some The artwork The artwork
and outstanding personal expression and demonstrates an demonstrates little The artwork lacks
Neatness, problem solving logical problem solving average amount of personal expression and evidence of personal
precision, care. skills. skills. personal expression. problem solving skills. expression.
25 %
Demonstrates original
Inventiveness, personal expression Demonstrates some
expression of and outstanding personal expression and Demonstrates an Demonstrates little
ideas and problem solving logical problem solving average amount of personal expression and Lacks evidence of
imagination. skills. skills. personal expression. problem solving skills. personal expression.
20 %
What it takes to
finish the project
as well as
possible, time
dedicated to the Project shows a great Project shows some Project shows a
project inside amount of time spent Project shows a good amount of time spent minimal amount of time Project shows ano
and/or out of and very careful, neat amount of time spent and is slightly lacking spent and is lacking amount of timespent
class. work. and careful, neat work. neatness neatness. and is unorganized.

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