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Third Quarter – Module 1A
Distance and Displacement

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Lesson Distance and Displacement

About two centuries ago, people used animals like horses and donkeys to
transport people and goods. In 1860, the internal combustion engine was
discovered by Nicolaus Otto that led the way to the invention of motor cars, trains,
ships, airplanes and jets which enabled people to travel faster. All of these involved

What’s In

Activity 1: Path Finder

Directions: Copy illustration 1 completely in a graphing paper. Consider the center
of your graphing paper as the reference point. Sketch the four vector quantities in
one graphing paper following the given example. Paste your graphing paper in
your Science activity notebook.


West East

Illustration 1
Example: 6 meters East North
1. 8 meters East
2. 10 meters North
3. 12 meters West
4. 14 meters South West East
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


What’s New

Motion is the change in position with respect to the reference point. An

object is said to be moving when it has traveled a certain distance or displaced
from a point of reference. Describing the point of reference and its direction will be
learned by performing activity 2.

Activity 2: Where Is It?

Directions: Below is a road map showing two routes from home to school. Which
route will you choose and why? Write your answer in your Science activity

What Is It

In Science, motion is defined as the change in position for a particular time

interval. If we do not see a body moving, but observe that it has changed position,
we can say that it has moved “with respect to “its original position. Thus, the original
position serves as the reference point. A reference point is important in describing
the motion of bodies.
An object may be moving with respect to another reference. For example,
when you are inside a bus, you are not moving with respect to the other
passengers, but you are moving with respect to the ground.
You can then start describing motion with a question, “How far did the object
travel?” There are actually two ways to answer this question. First is by getting the
total length of the path travelled by the object and the second is by measuring the
distance between the initial position and final position of the object.
For example, the car ran 100 meters from point A to point B, then 50 meters
from point B to point C, and another 100 meters from point C to point D. See
illustrations A and B below:

Initial Position
(West) (East) 100 meters
50 meters
Final Position 100 meters
Illustration A: Distance travelled

In getting the total length of path travelled you can simply add the length of
path from point A to B, B to C and C to D.
Total length of path = length A to B + length B to C + length C to D.
= 100 meters + 50 meters + 100 meters
Total length of path = 250 meters

The length of the entire path that the object travelled is referred as the
distance. Based on the example above, the total length of path is equal to 250
meters. This means that the distance travelled by the car is equal to 250 meters.
(North) Initial Position

(West) (East) P
L 50 meters
(South) C

Final Position
Illustration B: Displacement

Illustration B shows the car from initial position to final position.

Displacement refers to the shortest distance between the object’s two positions,
like the distance between its point of origin and its point of destination, no matter
what path it took to get to that destination.
In getting the displacement of the car, simply subtract the final position by
the initial position.
Displacement = Final position – Initial position
= 50 meters – 0
Displacement = 50 meters

Displacement is determined by getting the actual length from the initial
position to the final position. Based on illustration B, the length from the initial
position to the final position is 50 meters South.
Distance is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude but no direction. On the other
hand, displacement is a vector quantity. It has both the magnitude and direction.

What’s More

Distance and displacement are two quantities that seem to mean the same
but are distinctly different in meaning and in definition. To know more about
distance and displacement, you will do the activity 3.

Activity 3: My Distance and Displacement

Directions: Using the figure below, trace the distance and displacement. Answer
the following questions in your Science activity notebook.
You are told to buy some foods in the market. Starting from your home,
you walked 12 m East, another 12 m North, then you walked another 6 m West,
6 m South, 6 m West and finally, you walked 8 m North.

1. What is your total distance travelled? Show your solutions.

2. Do you have a displacement?
3. What is your displacement? Show your solutions.
4. How did you determine distance and displacement?

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Complete Me
Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the correct
word/s from the box. Write your answers in your Science activity notebook.

airplane initial position

direction magnitude reference
displacement motion scalar
final moving south

Motion is a change in 1. __________ with respect to a reference point. If an

object keeps on changing its position with time, it is said to be in 2. __________.
An object is said to be 3. __________ when it has travelled a certain
distance from the reference point or it is displaced from a 4. __________ point. If
we do not see a body moving, but observe that it has changed position, we can
simply say that it has moved “with respect to “its initial position. Thus, the 5.
__________ position serves as the reference point of the body.
Distance is a 6. __________ quantity having 7. __________ but no
direction. To get the total distance, simply add the distances travelled. On the other
hand, 8. __________ is a vector quantity having both the magnitude and 9.
__________. To get the displacement, measure the distance between the object’s
initial and 10. __________ position.

What I Can Do

Activity 5: My Distance and Displacement

Directions: Copy the table and complete the box by finding the distance and
displacement based on the given data as shown in number 1. Write your answer
in your Science activity notebook.

First Move Second Move Distance Displacement

1 4 m East 2 m West 6m 2 m East

2 4 m North 2 m South

3 10 m West 3 m East

4 5 m South 2 m North

5 9 m North 12 m South

6 6 m East 8 m West


Now, that you are finished accomplishing the module, let us check what you
have learned.

Directions: Read the following test items about distance and displacement.
Choose the letter of your answer and write it in your Science activity notebook.

1. Mark walked 150 meters East from home to visit Joan. Both Mark and Joan
walked another 100 meters North and 100 meters West. What is the total
distance travelled by Mark?
A. 150 meters C. 350 meters
B. 200 meters D. 450 meters
2. Motion is the change in position with respect to a reference point. When is
an object considered in motion?

I. When its position changes with respect to a point of

II. When its distance changes with respect to a point of
III. When its direction changes with respect to a point of
IV. When its speed changes with respect to a point of reference.

A. I only C. I, II and III

B. I and III only D. I, II, III and IV

3. If you are travelling 10 meters to the left, then 5 meters up, then another 5
meters to the right, which of the following statement is TRUE? The
A. displacement of the object is equal to 20 meters.
B. displacement of the object is equal to 20 meters down.
C. total distance travelled by the object is equal to 20 meters.
D. total distance travelled by the object is equal to 20 meters down.

For numbers 4-6, refer to the figure below.

-25m -20m -15m -10m -5m 0 5m 10m 15m 20m 25m

4. What is the position of the house from 0?

A. -25 m C. 10 m
B. -10 m D. 25 m
5. What is the distance of the tree with respect to the car?
A. 5 m C. 15 m
B. 10 m D. 20 m
6. What is the position of the dog from 0?
A. -15 m C. 5 m
B. -10 m D. 10 m
7. Which of the following measurements is NOT a displacement?
A. 5 meters North C. 15 meters
B. 10 meters Up D. 20 meters Left
8. From home, Dong walked 50 m East to visit Lyn. Both Dong and Lyn walked
together 25 m North and 50 m West. Which of the following statement is
NOT true?
A. Dong went home.
B. Dong travelled a total distance of 125 m.
C. Dong’s displacement is zero if they continue to travel 25 m South.
D. Dong’s displacement is shorter than the total distance he has travelled.

9. You are walking 10 meters to the right, then walks 5 meters to the left. What
is the total distance that you have covered?
A. 0 C. 10 m
B. 5 m D. 15 m
10. Distance is a scalar quantity while displacement is a vector quantity. Which
of the following statement is TRUE?

I. The distance travelled by an object can be equal to its

II. The displacement of a moving object can be greater than its
distance travelled.
III. The displacement of a moving object is lesser than its distance

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II and III D. I, II and III
11. The shortest distance between the object’s position, that is the distance
between point of origin and its point of destination.
A. Displacement C. Motion
B. Distance D. Reference Point
12. A continuous change in position with respect to a reference point for a
particular time interval.
A. Motion C. Point
B. Period D. Reference
13. What is the displacement of the dog, if it runs 10 meters to the right, then 5
meters up and finally 10 meters left?
A. 0 C. 10 m up
B. 5 m up D. 15 m down

14. It is a scalar quantity which has magnitude but no direction.
A. Displacement C. Motion
B. Distance D. Reference Point
15. Maria is riding a bus on a straight road. She is not moving with respect to
the other passengers but is moving with respect to the ___________.
A. bus C. road
B. chair D. sun

Additional Activities

Activity 6: My Home to School Roadmap

Directions: Using the activity sheet given by your teacher, trace the roads from
your home to school with crayons of different colors. Answer the questions that
follow. Paste the activity sheet on your Science notebook.

1. Which road is the shortest?

2. Which one is the longest?

3. Which road will you choose in

going to school? Why?

Third Quarter – Module 1B
Speed and Velocity


Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Lesson Speed and Velocity

In the previous module, you used distance and displacement to describe

motion of objects. This module gives you another way of describing motion of objects
in terms of speed and velocity.

What’s In

Let us review what you have learned about distance and displacement. In
your Science activity notebook, write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE.
1. Kilogram is a unit for distance.
2. The quantity 2 meters is a distance.
3. The quantity 2 kilometers is a displacement.
4. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a distance.
5. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a displacement.
6. Distance is the length of the entire path travelled by an object.
7. Displacement includes both distance and direction of the object’s position.
8. The displacement is equal to zero when an object’s initial and final position is
the same.
9. Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position of
the object.
10. The total distance travelled of an object from its initial position to a certain
position and back to its initial position is zero.

What’s New

Activity 1: Who walked faster?

I guess, like me, you are good at making hypothesis and finding evidences.
Here is a special task for you. Read the text inside the box then answer the
questions below to help John and Mary determine who walks faster. Write your
answer in your Science activity notebook.

Just yesterday John and Mary were given assignments to record the
measured distance and time spent in walking from their home to school.

John’s home is 400 meters while Mary is 200 meters away from
school. It took 400 seconds for John while Mary needed 200 seconds to
reach school.

200 m
400 m
Figure 1. Distance from home to school

1. Compare how fast John walked than Mary.

2. What is the basis of your answer in number 1?

Thank you for solving the problem. Good job!

Are you as fast as John or Mary? The challenge is all yours. Why won’t you
try it one of these days?

What is it?

Speed and Velocity

Now, who is faster is it John, Mary or you?
The idea of knowing who is faster than the other is actually determining and
calculating speed. So what is speed?
In John and Mary’s assignments, take note that distance (d) and time (t) are
the two important quantities. The basic unit used to indicate distance is meter (m)
and second (s) for time. Kilometer (km) and mile (mi) are some other units for
distance and for time are minute (min) and hour (h).
If you divide the distance by time, this will give you speed. So, speed is the
rate of distance covered at a given time.

; in symbols,

Equation 1

We can express speed in terms of miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour
(km/h), or meters per second (m/s).

Solving for John’s speed:

d = 400 m
Identify the given quantities.
t = 400 s
v=? Know what’s being asked.
speed = distance Choose applicable equation.
v= d
Substitute the given quantities.
v = 400 m
400 s
Make sure you have the
v = 1 m/s correct unit.
Solving for Mary’s speed:
d = 200 m
Identify the given quantities.
t = 200 s
v=? Know what’s being asked.
speed = distance Choose applicable equation.
v= d
Substitute the given quantities.
v = 200 m
200 s
Make sure you have the
v = 1 m/s correct unit.

Therefore, John is as fast as Mary. Both have the same speed of 1 meter per
second (1 m/s). North
When a direction is associated with speed, it refers to
West East
the quantity known as velocity. Thus, velocity is a speed in
a given direction. South
Figure 2. Cardinal Directions

Since velocity has direction it uses displacement instead of distance.

1.0 km
0.5 km
0.5 km
1.0 km
distance = 3.0 km displacement = 2.0 km, East
Figure 3a. Distance Figure 3b. Displacement

; in symbols,

Equation 2

As shown in Figure 3a, the total distance from home to school is 3.0 km while
the displacement is 2.0 km, East as shown in Figure 3b.

Using the information in Figure 3a and 3b, suppose you take 0.5 hour to travel
from home to school, what is your average speed? average velocity?

Solving for average speed:

d = 3.0 km
Identify the given quantities.
t = 0.5 h
v=? Know what’s being asked.
speed = distance Choose applicable equation.
v= d
Substitute the given quantities.
v = 3.0 km
0.5 h
Make sure you have the
v = 6.0 km/h correct unit.

Solving for average velocity:

d = 2.0 km
Identify the given quantities.
t = 0.5 h
v=? Know what’s being asked.
velocity = displacement Choose applicable equation.
v= d
Substitute the given quantities.
v = 2.0 km, East
0.5 h
Make sure you have the
v = 4.0 km/h, East correct unit.

If you are riding a car with a compass in your hand, you can estimate your
velocity by getting the speedometer’s reading (magnitude) and the compass reading

A change in velocity happens when there is a change in:

A. magnitude (speed) - Example: 60 km/h, North to 40 km/h, North
B. direction of motion- Example: 60 km/h, North to 60 km/h, South
C. both magnitude and direction- Example: 60 km/h, North to 40 km/h, South

Average and Instantaneous Speed

In reality, John and Mary could not have maintained a constant speed all the
time on their way to school. They could have started fast, and then slow or even
stopped for a while.
When you ride a vehicle you will notice that a
vehicle does not maintain the same speed. A vehicle
has a speedometer that tells you the speed at that
instant or at that moment in time. As the vehicle
travels along a busy street, you will notice that the
speedometer may read 30 km/h. It may change (65 Km/h)
speed to 65 km/h as it passes an open free highway
and zero to fetch another passenger. During the
entire trip the vehicle travels at different speeds. Figure 4. Speedometer

Average speed- is the total distance traveled divided by the total time in
traveling that distance.
Instantaneous speed- is the speed at an instant in time.

Average and Instantaneous Velocity

Similarly, when you ride a vehicle it is not only the speed that changes but
also its direction. A vehicle may travel North, West, East or South. Thus, we define
average and instantaneous velocity as follows:

Average velocity- is the total displacement (final position- initial position)
traveled divided by the total time in traveling that displacement.
Instantaneous velocity- is the velocity of an object at an instant. It refers to
how fast an object is moving at a given instant and in that direction.

Constant and Uniform Motion

An object is moving with constant speed when its instantaneous speed
values are always the same. This is referred to as a constant motion. It is easy to
predict the location and time you arrive at this location when you move at constant
speed. Example: A car running at a speed of 50 km/h from the start to its destination.
For uniform motion in a straight line, the magnitude of the total displacement
and distance are the same. Likewise, the magnitude of the velocity equals the
To have a constant velocity, both speed and direction must be constant.
Motion at constant velocity is motion in a straight line at uniform speed.

Figure 5a can be used as your reference to

recall the equation of speed and other transformed
equation in order to solve for distance and time.
To solve for v, cover v in the triangle and Figure 5a.
write the symbol v in your paper. Since d is written
above t, they appear as quotient as shown in Figure
5b. Thus, d and t must be written as ratio. In
v =
t Figure 5b. Speed Equation
Equation 3

To solve for d, cover d in the triangle and

write the symbol d in your paper. In such case, 
and t are adjacent thus they are expressed as
products as shown in Figure 5c. Hence, Figure 5c. Distance Equation
d = t
Equation 4

If you want to solve for t, cover t in the
triangle and write the symbol t in your paper. Since
d is written above , they appear as quotient as
shown in Figure 5d. Thus, d and  must be written
as ratio. In symbols, d Figure 5d. Time Equation
t =

Equation 5

Are you now ready to take a look at the examples below and see how we can
use the different equations?


Problem 1.

John sees a flash of lightning bolt from the window. He heard the clap of
thunder 10.0 seconds later. Assume that the speed of sound in air is 340.0 m/s and
the light was seen instantaneously. How far away was the lightning bolt?

v = 340.0 m/s
Identify the given quantities.
t = 10.0 s
d=? Know what’s being asked.
distance = speed x time
Choose applicable equation.


Substitute the given quantities.

d = (340.0 m/s) (10.0 s)

Make sure you have the

d = 3400 m correct unit.

Problem 2.

Mary drove her car and travelled 250 km, East in 5 hours to pick up a friend.
Calculate her velocity.
d = 250 km, East Identify the given quantities.
Know what’s being asked.
velocity = displacement
time Choose applicable equation.
Substitute the given quantities.
v = 250 km, East
0.5 h
v = 50 km/h, East Make sure you have the
correct unit.

You are on the right track. Now get ready to use your knowledge about speed
and velocity in the next set of activities especially made for you. Have fun!

What’s More

Activity 2
Part A: Toss and Track
Today is your lucky day! Tossing a coin is a fun way of testing your luck. In
this activity you have to toss a coin and track your trip from the departure block to the
arrival block.

21 22 23 24 25

3 blocks 3 blocks 0 m/s t = 15 s 1 block

South East d = 100 m North
20 19 18 17 16

v = 40 m/s 0 m/s d = 85 m t = 15 s 3 blocks

t=8s v = 5 m/s d = 80 m West
11 12 13 14 15

d = 50 m 0 m/s 2 blocks 2 blocks v = 3 m/s

v = 15 m/s West South t=3s
10 9 8 7 6

2 blocks d = 120 m 0 m/s t = 10 s t=4s

North v = 60 m/s d = 75 m d = 20 m
1 2 3 4 5

v = 5 m/s v = 5 m/s 2 blocks 0 m/s 3 blocks

t=1s t=1s East North

Each block is numbered 1 to 25 and contains an image of a head or a tail. If
you toss a head then you have to land on the nearest head block from your present
block and so if you toss a tail you land on the nearest tail block. If you land on gray
blocks you have to solve for the missing quantity.
In your Science activity notebook track your trip by writing the entry similar to
the sample table below.
Toss Head Tile Move Distance Time Speed/Velocity
No. or Tail No. (m) (s) (m/s)
1 Tail 2 5m 1s 5 m/s
2 Head 3 2 blocks East
5 3 blocks North
16 3 blocks West
19 Stop
3 Tail 20 320 m 8s 40 m/s

Continue tossing and tracking your trip until you reach the arrival block. Good
luck and have fun!

Part B: Wordy Problem

Here are some word problems that you have to analyze and solve to develop
your skills in problem solving. Write your solutions in your Science activity notebook.

1. You decided to have a morning jog to keep your body fit. You jog 100 m East
in 150 s, made a left turn and jog 150 m in 180 s, and finally made another left
turn for 100 m in 90 s.
a. Make an illustration to represent the problem.
b. What is your average speed for the entire jog?
c. What is your average velocity for the entire jog?
d. How do you compare the magnitude of the average speed and
2. A plane’s average speed between two cities is 600 km/h. If the trip takes 2.5
hours, how far does the plane fly?

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Mixed Up

Almost there! I am sure that you have learned a lot. So here is your next task.
Copy and complete the paragraph by rearranging the jumbled letters inside the
parentheses to form the correct word/term you have learned from this module. Write
your answer in your Science activity notebook.

I have learned that (deeps) and (colityve) are different quantities but are both
1 2
ways to describe (notoim) of objects. (Agerave pedes) refers to the total (antcesid)
3 4 5
traveled divided by the total (mite) to take the travel. Velocity is associated with
(tericoind). (Iounastetnans) speed/ velocity is the speed/ velocity at that instant. A
7 8
(terempedoes) measures instantaneous speed/ velocity. An object is in (antstonc)
9 10
motion if its instantaneous speed is always the same.

What I Can Do

Activity 4: Speedy Me!

How fast you can walk and run?

In this activity you will measure your own average speed in walking and
running. You can do this outside when the weather is fine. If not you can do it inside
your home, just be careful not to harm yourself.
measuring tools (ruler, meter stick, tape measure, or meter rule)
stopwatch in a cell phone
1. Copy Table 1 in your Science activity notebook.
2. Use any measuring tool available in your home to measure a distance of 100
3. Use a stopwatch to determine the time you take to walk the 100 meter
4. Record on Table 1 the time spent in walking the 100 meter distance.
5. Perform three trials for walking.
6. Do procedures 3- 5 but this time you have to run.
7. Calculate your speed in walking and running based on the data recorded.
8. Get the average speed by adding the calculated speed of the three trials and
divide it by 3.

Table 1. Time and speed in walking and running the 100 meter distance

Walking Running
Distance Time Speed Distance Time Speed
Trial Trial
(m) (s) (m/s) (m) (s) (m/s)
1 100 1 100
2 100 2 100
3 100 3 100
Average Speed Average Speed


Now that you are done in accomplishing the module, let us check your
understanding about the lesson. Please read and analyze each question. Write only
the letter of your answer in your Science activity notebook.

1. When you look at the speedometer in a moving car, you can see the car’s
A. average speed C. instantaneous speed
B. average velocity D. instantaneous velocity
2. Which of the statements below is TRUE about average speed?
A. It has a magnitude only.
B. It is associated with direction.
C. It is displacement divided by time.
D. It can be measured in terms of meters.
3. What can you say about the motion of a man walking at a constant speed in
one direction?
A. He is about to stop. C. He moves at changing velocity.
B. He moves at constant velocity. D. He moves at a short time interval.
4. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about an object moving in a
constant speed?
A. The speed of the object is equal to zero.
B. The distance travelled increases uniformly.
C. The instantaneous speed of the object is constant.
D. The speed of the object remains the same all through the travel.
5. A man runs in the morning for 2 hours. During the first hour he runs 5 km and
another 5 km during the second hour. Which of the following statements is
NOT true? The man runs ______________.
A. 5 kilometers every hour C. a constant speed of 5 km/h
B. a total distance of 10 kilometers D. an average speed of 10 km/h

6. How long will it take for a man walking with an average speed of 5 m/s to
reach his work place 150 m away from home?
A. 10 s C. 30 s
B. 20 s D. 40 s

For numbers 7 and 8, refer to the following situations.

A. A bus moving at 30 km/h around a curve.
B. A car moving at 80 km/h on a straight highway.
C. A jeepney moving on a straight road, slowing down before a stop.
D. A typhoon moving at 30 km/h Northwest and changing its path to 45 km/h
7. Which of the situations cited above moves at constant velocity?
8. Which situation shows a change in both magnitude and direction?

9. Which of the following statements are TRUE about uniform motion in a

straight line?

I. The direction of the velocity is constant.

II. The magnitude of the velocity is changing.
III. The magnitude of the velocity equals the speed.
IV. The magnitude of the total displacement and distance are the same.

A. All except I C. All except III

B. All except II D. All except IV
10. Given the table below, which of the following statements about the learners’
speed is true?
Learner Distance Traveled (m) Time (s)
Kakay 60 12
Kikay 40 8
Kokoy 20 5

A. Kakay > Kikay > Kokoy C. Kakay = Kikay > Kokoy

B. Kakay = Kikay < Kokoy D. Kakay < Kikay > Kokoy

For numbers 11- 15, refer to Table 2 below.
Table 2. Data on the 200- meter Dash Competition.
Female Athlete Recorded Time Male Athlete Recorded Time
(s) (s)
1 26.5 1 22.4
2 26.1 2 21.9
3 25.3 3 23.0
4 26.7 4 22.6

11. Who among the athletes runs the fastest?

A. Male athlete 1 C. Female athlete 2
B. Male athlete 2 D. Female athlete 3
12. How do you compute for the average speed of each athlete?
A. Divide 200 meters by the recorded time of travel.
B. Divide the recorded time of travel by 200 meters.
C. Multiply 200 meters by the recorded time of travel.
D. Divide 200 meters by twice the recorded time of travel.
13. What is the average speed of the fastest female runner?
A. 7.5 m/s C. 8.5 m/s
B. 7.9 m/s D. 8.9 m/s
14. Which of the following statements are TRUE?

I. Male athlete 2 has the greatest speed among the runners.

II. Female athlete 3 has the lowest speed among the runners.
III. The speed of male athlete 1 is greater than male athlete 2.
IV. The speed of female athlete 3 is greater than female athlete 4.

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and IV D. II and IV

15. Which is the correct order in decreasing speed of female athletes?
A. 3, 1, 2, 4 B. 3, 2, 1, 4 C. 3, 4, 1, 2 D. 3, 4, 2, 1

Additional Activities

Activity 5: Skateboarding!

Skateboarding is known to youth as an action sport in which a person rides

standing balanced on a small board mounted on wheels called skateboard. It is
considered a recreational activity and a method of transportation.

In this activity you will analyze an illustration of a man who skates for you to
determine his average speed and velocity.
Initial Position

Final Position D
Figure 6. Diagram of a skater
Copy the table in your Science activity notebook and fill in with data based on
Figure 5.

Distance Distance Distance Total Average

Total Time
(A to B) (B to C) (C to D) Distance Speed

100 m 3 min

Initial Position Final Position Displacement Total Time

A D 3 min

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 2. Please

proceed to Module 1C and learn about Acceleration.

Third Quarter – Module 1C
fast slow

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Lesson Acceleration

In the previous modules, you used distance and displacement, speed and
velocity in describing motion of objects. In addition, you described and analyzed
the motion of objects moving along a straight path. Then, illustrated and solved
situational problems of moving objects.

In this module, you will learn to describe the motion of an object in which
velocity changes in either magnitude or direction, or both.

What’s In

Before you proceed, you will have a simple review on speed and velocity.

Activity 1: Speed or Velocity

Directions: Determine the following quantities whether it is speed or
velocity. Write your answer in your Science activity notebook.

What’s New

Activity 2: How Fast Am I?

Directions: The figure below shows the car’s speedometer reading with
respect to time. Complete the table by getting the speedometer’s reading of the
car’s speed at a particular time. Write your answer in your Science activity

00:00 00:01 00:02 00:03 00:04

Time (second) Speed (km/hr)

1. 00:00
2. 00:01
3. 00:02
4. 00:03
5. 00:04

What Is It

Vehicles rarely move at constant speed but oftentimes they changed speed.
Consider the figure below.
00:00 00:01 00:02 00:03 00:04

The figure shows the speedometer’s readings of a car at 1 second interval

within 4 seconds. Initially, the car was at rest. The car started to move and after a
second the speed was 5 km/h. At two seconds, the car’s speedometer’s reading
was 15 km/h. Another second later, the car’s speed reached 30 km/h. Finally, at
four seconds the speed was 50 km/h.
The changing motion of the car can be described in terms of acceleration.
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. In equation,

Change in velocity is the difference between the final velocity, vf and the
initial velocity vi. In symbols,
∆v = vf – vi
Change in time is the difference between the final time, t f and the initial time
ti. In symbols,
∆t = tf – ti

In the example, the car’s speed increased by 5 km/h after one second, then
reached 15 km/h in the next second, and 30 km/h in the third second. The car did
not accelerate at the same rate. Thus, the car experiencing average acceleration.
Average acceleration refers to the total change in velocity divided by the
total time taken for the change. Hence,

Since the unit of velocity is meter per second (m/s), acceleration is

expressed in meter per second per second (m/s/s). Oftentimes, the unit of
acceleration is written as m/s2.
So, the car’s average acceleration is

ᾶ = 3. 47 m/s2

Motion at a constant acceleration is not common in everyday life. For

example, a passenger jeepney may have a changing motion as it moves along a
high way. It may move at a constant or changing velocity, and stop as it loads and
unloads passengers.
Instantaneous acceleration is the ratio of the change in velocity during a
given time interval such that time goes to zero

When a moving body decreases its velocity, it is said to decelerate. This
means that it has negative acceleration is also called deceleration.
Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration where the velocity of an object slows
down. This can also be experienced when there is a change in direction.
In the example, a passenger jeepney having a motion with a speed of 20
m/s to 10 m/s in 10 seconds. The passenger jeepney has a negative acceleration.
For this example, the acceleration is calculated as follows:
vf = 10 m/s
vi = 20 m/s
∆t = 10 s

a = - 10 m/s2

Negative acceleration means deceleration. The passenger jeepney is

decelerating or slowing down the motion.
Using the average acceleration formula, you can determine for the other
quantities like time, initial and final velocities as follows:
Equation 1

Equation 2

Equation 3 vf = vi + a ∆t

Equation 4 vi = vf - a ∆t

What’s More

Activity 3: Finding Solutions

Directions: Read and analyze the problems below. Solved and show your
solutions in your Science activity notebook.

Problem 1.
A racehorse coming out from the gate accelerates from rest to a
velocity of 15 m/s West in 3 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Problem 2.
A commuter is backing off her car out of the garage with an
acceleration of 2 m/s2. How long does it take her to reach a velocity of 5 m/s?

Problem 3.
A Philippine eagle is flying to the left with a velocity of 34 m/s when
a gust of wind blows back against the eagle causing it to slow down with a constant
acceleration of 8 m/s2. What will be the velocity of the eagle after the wind has
blown for 3 seconds?

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Complete Me
Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the correct
word/s from the box. Write your answers in your Science activity notebook.

acceleration instantaneous zero

average m/s speed
deceleration m/s2 time
direction motion velocity

Acceleration is defined as the change in 1. __________ in a time interval.

It is measured in terms of meter per second per second or 2. __________.
Instantaneous acceleration is the 3. ___________ of the change in velocity during
a given time interval such that time is almost 4. ___________. The total change in
velocity in the given interval divided by the total time taken for the change is
average 5. __________.
An object still accelerating when it slows down or change its direction
usually called 6. __________. If the object moves, its average acceleration is the
change in velocity divided by the 7. __________ interval.
Acceleration may change in any of the following conditions: when the 8.
__________ changes, when the 9. __________ of motion changes, or when both
velocity and direction of motion change.

What I Can Do

Activity 5: Fill Me Up
Directions: Copy and complete the table by solving the missing values of
the quantities. Write your answer on your Science activity notebook.

Balls Initial Velocity Final Velocity Time (∆t) Acceleration

m/s m/s s m/s2
1 10 20 2
2 20 5 10
3 50 30 10
4 15 30 5
5 12 12 2

Answer the following questions and write in your Science activity notebook.
1. Which of the balls is decelerating?
2. Which of the balls has a zero acceleration?
3. Which of the balls have the same acceleration?
4. Which of the balls has the fastest acceleration?


Now, that you are done accomplishing the module, let us check what you have

Directions: Read the following test items about acceleration. Choose the letter of
your answer and write it in your Science activity notebook.

1. Which of the following is the unit of acceleration?

A. m/h C. m/s
B. m/mi D. m/s2
2. Refers to the rate of change in velocity of an object.
A. Acceleration C. Speed
B. Motion D. Velocity
3. Acceleration may change in any one of the following conditions. Which
statements is/are TRUE?

I. When the velocity changes

II. When the direction of motion changes
III. When both speed and direction of motion change

A. I and II only C. II and III only

B. I and III only D. I, II and III

4. Which of the following situations show that the object is accelerating?

I. A truck changing directions

II. A car speeding up in a high way
III. A moving motorcycle comes to stop
IV. A rolling ball moving with a uniform speed

A. I and II C. I, II and III

B. I and III D. I, II, III and IV
5. The table shows the velocity of the car per unit time.
Time in hour 0 1 2 3 4 5
Velocity in kilometer per hour 0 20 20 60 80 0

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The car is decelerating between 4-5 hours.
B. The car is accelerating between 1-2 hours.
C. The car returns to its original position after 5 hours.
D. The acceleration of the car from 2-3 hours and 3-4 hours are the
For numbers 6-8, refer to the box below for the choices.

A. Average Acceleration C. Deceleration

B. Constant Acceleration D. Instantaneous Acceleration

6. A type of acceleration where a moving object slows down before it stops.

7. Refers to the ratio of the change in velocity during a given time interval such
that time is almost zero.
8. The total change in velocity in the given interval divided by the total time.

9. Which of the following is the unit for acceleration?
A. g/s2 C. m/s2
B. m/s D. km/hr
10. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. A moving object with changing speed or velocity is accelerating.
B. The direction of acceleration is the same as that of change in velocity.
C. Acceleration is a scalar quantity having both the magnitude and
D. If an object does not change its position at a given time interval, then it
is at rest or not accelerating.
11. A tuna fish starts swimming from rest and speeds up uniformly to 12 m/s in
3 seconds. What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the tuna
A. 2 m/s2 C. 6 m/s2
B. 4 m/s2 D. 8 m/s2
12. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Acceleration is expressed in meter per second (m/s).
B. The changing motion of a car can be described in terms of acceleration.
C. Acceleration is a scalar quantity having both the magnitude and
D. An object covers equal distance at equal intervals of time, then it is
moving at constant speed and still accelerating.

13. The speeds of a bus travelling on a straight road are given in the table.
Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4
Speed (m/s) 0 2 4 6 8

Which of the following statements are CORRECT?

I. The bus travels 16 m in 4 s.

II. The bus travels with an average speed of 4 m/s.
III. The instantaneous acceleration of the bus 2 m/s2.
IV. The bus travels with a uniform acceleration of 2 m/s2.

A. I and II C. III and IV

B. II and III D. I, II, III and IV
For numbers 14-15, refer to the box below:
A learner is studying the constant acceleration of three different cars and gets
the following results.

Car A changes its speed from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 2 seconds

Car B changes its speed from 10 m/s to 40 m/s in 3 seconds
Car C changes its speed from 10 m/s to 50 m/s in 4 seconds

14. Which of the following gives the correct relationship about the acceleration
of the three cars?
A. Car A = Car B = Car C C. Car A < Car B = Car C
B. Car A > Car B = Car C D. Car A < Car B < Car C
15. What are the cars’ acceleration?
A. 10 m/s2 C. 20 m/s2
B. 15 m/s2 D. 25 m/s2

Third Quarter – Module 3A
Representing Motion:
Ticker - Tape Chart

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Representing Motion:
1 Ticker Tape Diagram

Many of the things around us move. We see them in daily activities of

people, of the trees that sway with the breeze, of the clouds in a clear sky, of the
flower that blooms from a bud, and even in the smallest particles like atoms that
vibrate and bounce. Everything moves even things that are physically at rest are
in motion. For example, a sleeping animal where the lungs and heart continue to
vibrate and pump. Indeed, motion is everywhere!

There are many ways to describe motion. You have learned in the previous
modules how to describe the motion of an object using words, diagrams, numerical
information, and equation. In this module, the lessons will focus on a visual
representation of motion through ticker tape diagrams.

What’s In

Before we proceed to the next lesson, let us have a short review of your
lesson in describing the position of an object. Consider the diagram in Figure 1 on
the next page and answer the following questions. Write your answer in your
science activity notebook. In the diagram, the marble rolled from the initial position
and reached 10meters in 10 seconds.

Figure 1. Position of a rolling marble for a time interval

1. What is the initial position of the marble?

A. 0m B. 5m C. 10m
2. What is the final position of the marble?
A. 0m B. 5m C. 10m
3. How far has the marble reached in 5 seconds?
A. 0m B. 5m C. 10m
4. Is the marble accelerating? What is its acceleration?
A. Yes, 0 m/s2 B. No, 0 m/s2 C. Yes, 1 m/s2

What’s New

What if the time and distance in Figure 1 are not given? How will you
measure speed, the distance it traveled, and the time for the marble to reach the
final position? The distance is quite easy to find with the help of a ruler, tape
measure, or a meterstick. The time can also be measured by using a timer, but, if
the marble is moving quickly, it would be difficult to measure time. However, there
is a device that leaves traces of the history of motion of an object called a ticker-
tape timer. The traces of the history of motion are imprinted on a paper inside the
ticker–tape timer. Fast-moving objects pull longer tape charts than a slow-moving
object. Answer the activity that follows to know more about ticker – tape charts.

Activity 1: Which Shows What?
Directions: The following charts are traces of an object’s motion. Choose the
tape chart that recorded the trace of motion described in each
numbers. Assume that the motion is from left to right. Write the letter
of your answers in your science activity notebook.
1. Which ticker - tape chart shows a fast motion?


2. Which ticker – tape chart indicates a slow motion?


3. Which ticker-tape chart shows a constant motion?



4. Which of the following ticker-tape chart shows traces of an accelerating



5. Which ticker-tape chart shows deceleration?




What is It

Ticker - Tape Chart

A common way to analyze the motion of objects is through the use of a
ticker tape diagram or simply known as a tape chart which is produced by a
ticker-tape timer. A ticker-tape timer records the time of motion and distance
traveled by a moving body. A paper tape is placed under a carbon disc beneath
the clapper of the timer. As the body moves, it pulls the paper tape with it. When
the timer is switched on, the clapper moves up and down regularly and strikes the
carbon disc. Dots are then printed on the moving paper tape beneath the carbon

Figure 2. Ticker Tape Timer

The trace of the dots in the tape charts provides a history of the motion of
an object; thus, it can represent the motion of an object.

Figure 3. Tape charts

The distance between the dots on a tape chart represents the change of
position of an object at a time interval. A large distance between the dots means
the object was moving fast during a time interval. On the contrary, a small distance
between the dots indicates that the object moved slowly during the time interval.

Figure 3. Tape chart with different dot distances

The dots on the tape chart reveal if the object is moving with a constant
velocity, decelerating, or accelerating. The interpretation of the motion of an object
depends on the distance between the dots during a specific time interval. An equal
distance between the dots indicates constant velocity or an object is moving at a
constant speed and therefore, no acceleration. A gradual change of the distance
between dots that gets smaller means the object is slowing down which indicates
that the object is decelerating. If the distance between dots gradually gets longer,
it means the object is speeding up or accelerating.
Thus, the tape chart can represent various features of the motion of objects.

Figure 4. Interpretation of the different distances of dots

What’s More

Activity 2: Describe that Motion!

Directions: Study each tape chart in Column A and match it to its corresponding
motion description in Column B. Assume that all marbles start from
rest. Write the letters of your answer in your science activity

Column A Column B
A. The marble accelerates to
the right.
B. The marble moves to the right
with a constant velocity. Then
the marble stops for a few
2. seconds and finally,
accelerates quickly to the

C. The marble decelerates to

the left. Then, it stops for a
few seconds and finally,
moves slowly to the left with
constant velocity.

D. The marble moves with a

constant velocity to the right.

E. The marble decelerates to

the left.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Let us summarize…

Directions: Complete the statements by writing the appropriate word/s in
the box. Write your answer in your science activity notebook.

1. Motion in objects can be interpreted by analyzing _______________.

2. A _______________is used to create ticker tape diagrams or tape
3. The trace of the dots in the ________________ provides a history of the
motion of an object, thus, it can represent the motion of an object.
4. Equal spaced dots represent _______________ velocity.
5. Diagrams with large spaces between dots represent _______________
6. Diagrams with small spaces between dots represent _______________
7. An _______________ distance between the dots indicates constant
velocity or an object is moving at a constant speed and therefore, no
8. A gradual change of the distance between dots that gets smaller means
the object is slowing down which indicates that the object is
9. If the distance between dots gradually gets longer means the object is
speeding up or _______________.
10. If the distance between dots gradually gets very long means the object
has _______________.

What I Can Do

Activity 4: Doing Detective Work

Ticker tape diagrams are also referred to as oil drop diagrams. Imagine you
are to investigate a car with a leaky engine that drips oil at a regular rate. As the
car travels down the road, it would leave a trace of oil. That trace would give
information about the motion of the car. Matthew owns such a car and it leaves
drops of oil wherever he goes. Interpret the three traces of Matthew’s travels as
shown below. Describe the motion characteristics during each section of the
diagram. Write your answers in your science activity notebook.








Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter in your science activity notebook.

1. What does it tell you if the dots on a piece of ticker tape are close together?
The object is_______.
A. speeding up.
B. slowing down
C. moving (relatively) fast
D. moving (relatively) slowly
2. When the ticker tape dots are having a greater distance between them,
A. there is no motion
B. the motion of the object is faster
C. the motion of the object is slower
D. the motion of the object does not change
For numbers 3 - 8, assume that the ticker tape is pulled to the right.
3. Which ticker-tape diagram best shows an object moving fast, at a constant





4. Which ticker-tape diagram best shows an object moving at a slow constant





5. Which ticker-tape diagram best shows an object accelerating?




6. Which ticker-tape diagram best shows an object decelerating?




7. Which of the following pieces of ticker tape represents an object that is
speeding up?





8. Which choice best describes the motion shown in the ticker tape diagram?

A. Constant speed throughout

B. Deceleration then acceleration
C. Deceleration, constant speed, acceleration, constant speed
D. Acceleration, constant speed, deceleration, constant speed

For numbers 9 and 10, please refer to the diagram below.

9. Which of the following sections on the ticker tape diagram shows constant
A. A B. C C. H D. T
10. What type of motion is shown in section C on the diagram?
A. Acceleration C. Deceleration
B. Constant Motion D. No motion
11. Which of the ticker tape diagrams represents a marble that slowly
accelerates from rest, then, stops for a few seconds and moves to the left
with a constant velocity?





12. A truck is leaking at 0.2 seconds interval as it went down the street. Which
pattern of oil droplets best represents the motion of the truck as it
accelerates from a stopped position?





For numbers 13-15, suppose that you are investigating a hit-and-run

incident. You conducted an interrogation on whether the suspect is telling the truth
or not based on the oil drop left on the site of the incident. Write TRUTH if the
suspect is telling the truth and LIE if the suspect is not telling the truth.
Oil Drop Statement
“I was driving slowly at a constant

“I suddenly stopped when I saw the


“I kept on accelerating when I saw the


Additional Activities

Directions: Given the situations below, draw a tape chart of the motion being
described in your science activity notebook.

1. A coconut that fell on the ground rolls with a constant speed to the left and
stops for several seconds. Finally, it accelerated to the left when hit by
another coconut.

2. A runner runs with a constant, leftward velocity. Then , the runner remains
at rest for a several seconds. Finally, the car moves with rightward

3. Dionie drives his motorcycle with constant rightward velocity in going to

work. He stops for a while when he remembered that he forgot his laptop.
So, he went back home with constant speed to get it.

Third Quarter – Module 3B
Representing Motion:
Motion Graph

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Displacement-Time Graph
In the previous modules, you described the motion of an object by indicating
its displacement and speed. You also described a motion that is represented by a
tape chart. But there is a better way of visualizing and analyzing the motion of an
object and this is through a graph. The motion of a body can be represented by a
graph of distance traveled over time.

What’s In

Before we proceed to the next lesson, let us review what you have learned
from the previous modules by answering the activity below.

Activity 1: Recall Me!

Directions: Study each tape chart and describe the motion it represent in two to
three sentences. Assume that all marbles start from rest. Write the letter of your
answer in your science activity notebook.

A. Acceleration to the left, stops, and constant leftward velocity
B. Constant rightward velocity, stops, and constant leftward velocity

A. Constant leftward velocity, stops, and acceleration to the right
B. Constant rightward velocity, stops, and constant leftward velocity

A. Deceleration to the right, stops, and acceleration to the left
B. Acceleration to the left, stops, and constant leftward velocity

A. Acceleration to the left
B. Constant leftward velocity, stops, and acceleration to the right

A. Deceleration to the right, stops, and acceleration to the left
B. Acceleration to the left, stops, and constant leftward velocity

What’s New

The ticker-tape charts in the What’s In section can be converted into motion
graphs. Try the next activity to help you convert ticker-tape charts into motion

Activity 2: Graph It!

A. Constant Velocity

Directions: Study the motion graph below and answer the questions that follow.
Write your answers in your science activity notebook.

Figure 1. Marble rolling at a constant speed
1. Copy the table below and fill it up using the data in Figure 1 above. The
first distance is done for you.

Table 1. Distance Travelled by the Marble vs. Time

Time in seconds (s) Distance Traveled by the
Marble in meters (m)
0 0

The data in the table above can be converted into a distance-time graph
similar to the sample below.

a) b)
Figure 2. a) Sample distance-time table of values and its b) corresponding
distance – time graph

Note that the first data in Figure 2a, 0 second and 0 meter, is a point of
intersection in Figure 2b.
2. Copy Figure 3 below in a graphing paper or in your science activity notebook
to plot the values in Table 1 on the previous page as points on the graph. Make
sure that the distances for each number in the number lines are equal. Plot the
values in Table 1 on the graph in Figure 3. Refer to the sample in Figure 2 on
the previous page.

Figure 3. Distance vs. Time Graph

3. Lastly, connect the points in the graph starting from the origin.

Q1. How does your distance-time graph look like?

A. Curved B. Diagonal C. Zigzag

What is It

A. Constant Speed
When the distance and time data in Figure 1 were graphed, the resulting
graph would look like the graph in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. A distance-time graph for a marble traveling at a constant speed

The distance (d) which is the dependent variable is plotted against time (t), the
independent variable. Normally, the independent variable is placed on the
horizontal axis and the dependent variable is represented along the vertical axis.
The graph shows a linear relationship between distance and time. Let us get
two points: Point 1 (time1, distance1) or P1(t1, d1) and Point 2 (time2, distance2)
or P2(t2, d2) on the line graph. Using these two points, we can calculate the slope
of the graph. In mathematics, the slope is defined as

𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 (↑)
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
𝑟𝑢𝑛 (→)
From our graph,
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

𝑑2 − 𝑑1
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
𝑡2 − 𝑡1

If we choose the two points P1 (5, 5) and P2 (10, 10), then

10 𝑚 − 5𝑚
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
10𝑠 − 5𝑠
= 1𝑚/𝑠

Remember that the motion in Figure 1 is a constant, positive velocity

(going to the right) which results in a line that gives a constant and positive slope
when plotted as a distance-time graph. Note that the resulting slope of the graph
of distance against time gives the velocity of the object.

Q1. Choose two other points from the line graph in Figure 4 and compute the slope
of the graph from these points. Compare the slope that you computed with the
slope between points. How do the two slopes compare?
A. Different B. The same C. Cannot be determined

The slope of a straight line is constant. Even if we choose two different pairs
of points on the same line, we shall obtain the same slope. The slope of the
distance-time graph represents speed and a straight-line graph indicates a
constant speed.
The sign of the slope tells the direction of the motion. A negative slope
indicates that the direction of the motion is opposite that of the motion with a

positive slope, that is, it is going to the left. A zero slope shows that the body is
not moving.

a) b) c)

Figure 5. Three different types of displacement patterns : a) Constant speed,

b) Constant speed but opposite, and c) At rest

The slope of the graph also determines how fast or slow the motion is. Look
at the different graphs in Figure 6 below. Both graphs in Figure 6 represent a
positive (rightward) and constant velocities. However, the slope of the graph in
Figure 6a is larger than that in Figure 6b. This larger slope indicates a larger
velocity. Thus, the velocity of the object represented by the graph on the left(a) is
larger than the velocity of the object represented by the graph in the right(b).

a) b)
Figure 6. Graphs with different slopes: a) larger slope, and b) smaller slope

B. Changing Speed
On the other hand, Figure 7 below shows that an object has a positive,
changing velocity.

Figure 7. Marble rolling with changing speed

If the distance traveled and time data in Figure 7 were graphed, then the
resulting graph would look like the graph below.

Figure 8. Distance-Time graph of an accelerating object

Try this!
Choose 2 consecutive points and compute the slopes of the graph above.
Compare the slopes that you computed. How do the slopes compare?
A. Different B. The same C. Cannot be determined

Now, what if the ball is rolling to the left just like in the figure below? How does
its graph look like?

Figure 9. A marble rolling with changing velocity to the left.

What would be the sign of its velocity? Yes, the ball at this time is rolling
with a changing, negative velocity.

Q2. Plot the graph of the marble. How does it look like? Compare it to the graph
in Figure 8 on page 13?
A. Different B. Cannot be determined C. The same

Notice that the resulting graph of Figure 9 is also a curved line but opposite
in direction to the graph of Figure 7. However, both figures have a curved line
graph. Curved lines have changing slope which indicates that the distance
traveled increases faster than the time of travel. Thus, the curved line of a
changing slope is an indication of changing velocity or accelerated motion.
Now, let us check what you have learned from the lesson above by
answering the activity below.

What’s More

Activity 3: Match that Motion I!

Directions: Study the displacement-time graph in Column A and match it to its
description in Column B. Write the letters of your answer in your
science activity notebook.

Column A Column B



3. C.



Velocity – Time Graph
In this lesson, you will learn another kind of motion graph- the velocity
versus time graph. Explore the specific features of the motion of objects as
demonstrated by the shape and slope of lines of a speed-time graph.

What’s In

Before we continue, let us look back at the previous lesson first. Consider
a moving car with a constant, positive velocity.

Figure 10. Moving car with a positive velocity

1. What is the speed of the car?

A. 10m/s B. 0m/s C. 0.5m/s

2. Is the car accelerating or not? Why or Why not?

A. No, because the car is moving at constant velocity.
B. Yes, because the car is moving with changing velocity.

Now, in moving on to our lesson, do the activity on the next page.

What’s New

Activity 1: Graph It! (Part II)

Directions: Convert the ticker-tape chart into a speed-time graph. Study the
motion of the object using the ticker-tape chart and answer what is
asked. Write your answers in your science activity notebook.
• bondpaper
• pencil
• Pair of scissors
• Glue or paste

1. Trace the tape chart in Figure 2 below and cut it into a strip.

2. Label each dot. Start from 0, then 1, 2, 3, and so on. In this example, each dot
occurred every 1 second.

Figure 11. A tape chart representing the motion of the car

3. Examine the distances between successive dots.

4. Cut the strip at each dot, starting from the first to the last dot, and paste them
side by side on a graphing paper to form a tape chart as shown in the figure

Figure 12. Sample velocity-time graph

Q1. How do the lengths of the tapes compare?

A. Different and decreasing B. Different and increasing
Q2. What does each tape represent?
A. Acceleration B. Speed
5. Join the mid-points of the tops of the tapes with a line. You have now converted
your tape chart into a velocity-time graph.
Q3. How does your speed-time graph look like?
A. Curved B. Diagonal
Q4. How will you interpret this graph in terms of the speed and acceleration of
the moving car? The object is ___________.
A. accelerating B. moving at constant speed

What is It

A ticker-tape diagram can also be converted into a speed-time graph similar

to what you did in Activity 1 on the previous page. Just like the slope of a
displacement-time graph, the slope of a velocity-time graph is very important in
describing the motion of an object.
Consider the car in Figure 10 on page 16. The car is moving with a constant
velocity of 10m/s. You have learned in the previous lessons that an object moving
with a constant speed has zero acceleration. If the speed and time data of the car
were graphed, then the resulting graph would look like the graph below. Note that
the graph resulted in a line of zero slopes.

Figure 13. Velocity-time graph of an object moving at constant


Thus, an object moving with a constant velocity or no acceleration will have

a horizontal, zero-sloped line velocity-time graph.

Now, consider another car moving with a positive, changing velocity – that
is a car moving to the right and is speeding up or accelerating. If the velocity and
time for such a car were graphed, then the resulting graph would look like the graph

Figure 14. Car moving with a positive changing velocity

Remember that the motion described in the figure is a changing, positive
velocity which resulted in a sloped line when plotted as a velocity-time graph. Note
that the slope of the line is positive which corresponds to the positive acceleration
and the line lies in the positive region just above the x-axis.

Figure 15. Velocity-time graph of an accelerating object

Now, what if the ball is rolling to the left just like in the figure below?

Figure 16. A marble accelerating to the left.

What would be the sign of its acceleration? Yes, the ball at this time is rolling
with a changing, negative acceleration.

Try this!
Plot the graph of the marble as shown in Figure 16. How does it look like?
Compare it to the graph in Figure 15 on the previous page.

The graph of an object with a changing velocity and is moving in a negative

direction will fall to the negative region just below the x-axis. The following figures
will differentiate the graphs of objects which are accelerating or decelerating in a
positive and negative direction.

The object is moving and is The object is moving and is

accelerating in a positive direction. decelerating in a positive direction.

The object is moving and is

The object is moving and is
decelerating in a negative direction.
accelerating in a negative direction.

Figure 17. Types of velocity-time graph

Thus, one will know that an object is moving in a positive direction if the line
is located in the positive region of the graph whether it is accelerating or
decelerating. Similarly, one will know that an object is moving to the left or in
negative direction if the line is located in the negative region (below the x-axis)
whether it is accelerating or decelerating. Finally, when a line in a graph crosses
from the positive region to the negative region, it means the object has changed
Now, let us check again what you have learned from the lesson above by
answering the activity below.

What’s More

Activity 2: Match that Motion II!

Directions: Study the velocity-time graph in Column A and match it to its
description in Column B. Write the letters of your answer in your
science activity notebook.

Column A Column B

1. A.





5. .

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Let us summarize…

Directions: Complete the sentences in the summary. Write your answers in
your science activity notebook.

A ticker-tape chart can be converted into a (1) ______________. The

slope of the graph can be computed by the formula (2) ______________.

On a displacement-time graph, the slope is equal to the

(3) _____________ of the object and the slope of a straight line is constant.
Straight line denotes (4) _______________ velocities while curved line has
changing slopes which denote acceleration. A (5) ___________ slope
indicates motion in the positive direction while a negative slope indicates
motion in the negative direction. A (6) ___________slopes imply a state of
rest. The (7) __________ of the graph also determines how fast or slow the
motion is. The larger slope indicates a (8) ___________velocity while smaller
slope indicates smaller velocity.

Lastly, on a velocity-time graph, zero slopes indicate motion with

(9) ___________ velocity, a positive slope indicates an increase in velocity in
the positive direction; and a (10) ____________ slope indicates an increase in
velocity in the negative direction.

What I Can Do

Activity 4. Doing Detective Work II

Directions: Read the selection below. Follow the procedures and answer what is
asked. Write your answers in your science activity notebook.

Supposed that you were having your on-the-job training in a private

investigating company. You were asked to join a team assigned to investigate a
‘hit and run’ case. The alleged suspect was captured by the CCTV camera driving
down a road leading to the place of incident. The suspect denied the allegation,
saying that he was then driving very slowly at a constant speed. Because of the
short time difference when he was caught by the camera and when the accident
happened, he insisted that it would be impossible that he would already be at the
place when the crime happened. But when you were viewing the scene again on
the camera, you noticed that his car was leaving oil spots on the road. When you
checked these spots on the site, you found out that they were still evident. So, you
began to wonder if the spots can be used to investigate the motion of the car of
the suspect and check whether he was telling the truth or not.

Assume that the dots on the tape below represent the ‘oil drops’ left by the
car down the road.


• ruler
• bondpaper
• pencil
• cutter or pair of scissors
• graph paper


A. Using Tape Chart

1. Trace the ticker-tape chart on page 25 by using a clean sheet of bondpaper.
2. Cut the traced chart into a strip.
3. Convert the tape chart into a speed-time graph by cutting the strip at each
drop and by pasting them side by side on a graph paper to form a tape chart.
4. Join the mid-points of the tops of the tapes with a line.

B. Using motion graphs

5. Draw a table where you can enter the distance traveled and time elapsed
by the car.
6. Measure the distance traveled by the car after 1 second, 2 seconds, and so
on by measuring the distance between drops 0 and 1, 0 and 2, and so on.
Enter your measurements in the table you drew.
7. Plot the values in the table as points on a graph.

Based on the arrangement of the oil drop and the speed-time graph you made,
was the suspect telling the truth? Why?





I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in your
science activity notebook.

1. Which of the following corresponds to the slope of a displacement-time

A. Acceleration C. Time
B. Displacement D. Velocity
2. Which corresponds to the slope of a velocity-time graph?
A. Acceleration C. Time
B. Displacement D. Velocity
3. When the slope of an object is negative, it indicates that the object is moving
A. up
B. to the left
C. to the east
D. to the right
4. What happens when acceleration is negative? The object ____________.
A. speeds up in the positive direction
B. slows down in the negative direction
C. slows down or speeds up in the positive direction
D. slows down or speeds up in the negative direction

5. Which of the following describes uniform speed?


A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and II D. II and IV

6. Which of the following velocity-time graph shows a change of direction?

A. B.

C. D.
7. Which of the distance-time graph best describes the motion of the ball in the
tape chart below?

A. B.

C. D.

8. Given the graph below, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. Object 1 is faster than Object 2.

B. Object 3 is the fastest among them.
C. Objects 2 and 3 move at the same time but stops at different times.
D. Objects 1 and 2 move at the same time and stops at the same time.
9. The velocity of the car per unit time is shown in the table below.
Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Velocity (km/hr) 0 20 20 60 80 0

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The car is accelerating between 1-2 hours.
B. The car is decelerating between 4-5 hours.
C. The car returns to its original position after 5 hours.
D. The acceleration of the car from 2-3 hours and from 3-4 hours are the

10. How important is the slope in every motion graphs? The slope ________
I. indicates the direction of the motion.
II. determines the time an object travel.
I. indicates the objects that are moving.
II. determines how fast or slow the motion is.

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and IV D. II and IV

11. Matthew starts out traveling at 3 m/s and continues at that speed for a little
while. He then gradually speeds up to 5 m/s. He then slows down to a stop,
stays still for several seconds, and suddenly starts moving in the opposite
direction at 3m/s. Which of the following velocity-time graph best matches
Matthew’s travel?

A. B.

C. D.

For numbers 12 to 15, refer to the distance-time graph of the motion of the car

12. What is the velocity between 0 minutes and 30 minutes?

A. 0.5 km/min C. 5 km/ min

B. 2 km/ min D. 45 km/min

13. What is the velocity between 30minutes and 70 minutes?

A. 0.5 km/min C. 5 km/ min

B. 2 km/ min D. 45 km/min

14. At what time is the car moving at a constant velocity?

A. 0 – 30 minutes C. 70 – 90 minutes

B. 30 – 70 minutes D. 90 – 120 minutes

15. At what time the car is decelerating?

A. 0 – 30 minutes C. 70 – 90 minutes

B. 30 – 70 minutes D. 90 – 120 minutes

Additional Activities

Activity 5: Graph that Motion!

Directions: Copy the graphs below in your science activity notebook and draw
two lines/curves to represent the given verbal descriptions. Label the
lines/curves as A or B.

1) A. Remaining at rest 2) A. Moving slow 3) A. Moving in + direction

B. Moving B. Moving fast B. Moving in – direction

6. A. Speeding up in -
4. A. Moving at 5. A. Speeding up in +
direction direction
constant speed
B. Slowing down in B. Slowing down in –
B. Accelerating
+ direction

7. A. Speeding up in + 8. A. Slowing down in + 9. A. Moving with +
direction direction velocity and -

B. Speeding up in - B. Slowing down in - acceleration

direction direction B. Moving with +

velocity and +

10. A. Moving with -

velocity and -

B. Moving with -
velocity and +

Third Quarter – Module 4A
Characteristics of Waves

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Characteristics of Waves

What’s In

Before you will proceed to your lesson, I want you to answer the activity
1 below about motion entitled “Arrange Me”.

Activity 1: Arrange Me!

Directions: Arrange the following jumbled letters to form a word about motion.
The descriptions provided below will help you unlock this task.
Write your answers in your science activity notebook.

Refers to the length of the entire path that the

object travelled

2. DESEP Refers to the distance over time of a moving object

3. LYVOTICE Refers to the rate of change in displacement

Refers to the rate of change in speed or velocity of

an object

Refers to the distance from the initial to the final

point of an object

What’s New

Activity 2: Crossword Puzzle!

Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by filling in a word that fits each.
You can use the words in the word bank to help you find the
answers. Write your answers in your science activity notebook.

Down Across
1. It is the number of waves produced 3. It is the distance from crest to
per second. the next crest.
2. It refers to the distance traveled per 5. It is the height of a wave.
unit time.
4. It refers to how long it takes a wave
to travel a distance equal to a

amplitude frequency wavelength

crest period wave speed

What is It

What is a wave?

A wave is a transfer of energy through a medium from one point to

another. Some examples of waves include water waves, sound waves, and
radio waves. A medium is a matter in which waves can travel and transfer
energy. Waves that require a medium such as water waves, sound waves, and
waves along the slinky are called mechanical waves while waves that do not
require medium to travel are called electromagnetic waves.

Types of Mechanical Wave

1. Transverse wave is a wave in which particles of the medium move

perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the waves.

2. Longitudinal wave is a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate

parallel to the direction of the motion of the waves.

Parts of a Wave

Consider the diagram below.

Figure 1. Transverse Wave

The broken line which is drawn through the center of the diagram
represents the rest position. This is the position that the string would assume
that there were no disturbance moving through it. The crest of a wave is the
highest point of a wave. Points A, E, and H represent the crests of the wave.

The trough of a wave is the lowest point of a wave. Points C and J represent
the troughs of the wave.

In a longitudinal wave, compression is a point in the spring below

where the coils are close together or has the maximum density. A rarefaction
is a point in the spring where the coils are spread out or has minimum density.
Consider the diagram below.



Source: Science 7 Learners Material

Figure 2. Longitudinal Wave

Characteristics of a Wave

Source: Science 7 Learners Material

Figure 3. Wave

1. Wavelength, λ - is the length of one complete wave that can be

measured as the distance from crest to the next crest or from trough to
the next trough.
2. Amplitude, A - refers to the maximum height of a particle on the medium
from its rest position. It is the distance from the rest position to crest (or

3. Period, T - is the time to make one complete cycle. It is the reciprocal of
frequency. A formula is provided below:
Period = 1 / frequency


4. Frequency, 𝑓 - refers to the number of crests or waves that pass a fixed

point per second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), named after German
Physicist Heinrich Hertz. One Hertz is equal to one wave per second.
Follow the formula given below:

Frequency = 1 / period


5. Wave speed, 𝑣 - is equal to the wavelength multiplied by its frequency.

The SI unit for wave speed is meter per second (m/s). In solving for wave
speed, follow the given formula:

Wave speed = wavelength x frequency

𝑣 = λ x𝑓

What’s More

Activity 3: Fill Me!

Directions: Fill in the blanks below using the words inside the box. Write your
answers in your science activity notebook.

amplitude frequency period

crest Hertz rarefaction

compression longitudinal transverse

electromagnetic mechanical wavelength

1. Wave motion that is parallel to the wave direction is described as

_____________ wave.
2. The time to make one complete cycle is the _____________.
3. The distance between successive crests of wave is __________.
4. Wave motion that is perpendicular to wave direction describes a
_____________ wave.
5. The number of waves that passes a given point in time is _____________.
6. ____________ is a kind of wave that does not need a medium.
7. The highest point of a wave is called ___________.
8. The unit for frequency is ____________.
9. The part of a longitudinal wave where there are fewer particles is called
10. A region in a medium of longitudinal wave where molecules are packed is
called _____________.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Match the following descriptions in Column A with the correct

terms in Column B. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
the chosen letter in your science activity notebook.

Column A Column B

1. The distance of crest or trough A. Crest

from the midpoint of a wave B. Amplitude
2. The lowest point of a wave C. Frequency
3. The wave that needs no medium D. Period
to travel in E. Longitudinal Wave
4. The distance from crest to next F. Trough
crest or trough to the next trough G. Wave Speed
5. The wave which moves the medium H. Transverse Wave
perpendicular to the wave motion I. Wavelength
6. The highest point of a wave J. Electromagnetic
7. The number of waves or vibrations K. Meter
produced per second
8. The time it takes a wave to travel
a distance equal to a wavelength
9. The wave which moves the medium
parallel to the wave motion
10. This is equal to the distance traveled
by a wave crest in one period.

What I Can Do

Activity 4: Move Up Move Down

1. To infer that wave transports energy not matter

5 meters Rope
5 inches Ribbon (any color)


1. Tie a ribbon at the middle of the rope and fix the other end of the rope
on a stable fixture.

2. Move the string up and down by creating periodic waves.

Guide Questions
Q 1. What have you observed with the behavior of the ribbon?
Q 2. Is the ribbon transporting or not? Why?

EXCELLENT! You are now done with all the

activities in Module 4A. Ready for the Assessment?


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in
your science activity notebook.

1. What does a wave carry?

A. Energy C. Molecule
B. Matter D. Particle
For items 2-3, consider the diagram below:

2. Which letter represents the amplitude of a wave?

A. A C. C
B. B D. D
3. Which letter represents the wavelength?
A. A C. C
B. B D. D
4. What type of wave is depicted in the diagram below?

A. Compressional C. Longitudinal
B. Electromagnetic D. Transverse
5. It is called the distance between successive identical parts of a wave.
A. Amplitude C. Speed
B. Frequency D. Wavelength

6. What do you call the part of a longitudinal wave where particles are closely
A. Amplitude C. Compression
B. Crest D. Rarefaction
7. What type of wave is shown in the diagram below?

A. Electromagnetic C. Ocean
B. Longitudinal D. Transverse

8. In what way do mechanical waves transport energy from one place to

A. Particles traveling in a vacuum
B. Particles traveling with the wave
C. Vibrating particles and traveling particles
D. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium
9. What is the SI unit of frequency?
A. Hertz C. Meter per second
B. Meter D. Second
10. Which of the following is the symbol used for wavelength?
A. ᶿ C. f
B. v D. λ
11. What is the lowest point of a transverse wave?
A. Compression C. Rarefaction
B. Crest D. Trough
12. It refers to the distance the wave travels per unit time.
A. Amplitude C. Wavelength
B. Frequency D. Wave speed

13. How can you calculate for the wave speed?
A. Wave speed = frequency / wavelength
B. Wave speed = frequency + wavelength
C. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency
D. Wave speed = wavelength / frequency
14. It refers to the number of cycles occurring per unit time.
A. Amplitude C. Period
B. Frequency D. Wavelength
15. Which wave has the longest wavelength?

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

Additional Activities

Activity 5: Show Me The Waves

1. To draw and describe the formation of waves
2. To identify the parts of a wave
3. To differentiate transverse wave from longitudinal wave
Slinky spring Note: (If slinky is not available, refer to figures 4 & 5 below.)
1. Face a mirror.
2. Wave your hands and observe the motion of your fingers.
3. Put your two fingers on the throat and say “hello”. Observe what the fingers
feel from the throat while speaking.
4. Using the rope tied to one end, move it up and down slowly then faster.
Q1. What is the formation of the rope? Draw it.
(slowly) (faster)

Q2. How do you describe the movement of the rope?

6. Set up the slinky on the floor.

Figure 4. Figure 5.

a. Move the slinky up and down or side by side as shown in Fig. 4.
b. Push it forward in the direction of the length of the slinky as shown
in Fig. 5.
Q 3. What is the formation of the slinky when pushed and moved up
and down?
(pushed) (moved up & down)

Q 4. How do you describe the movement of the slinky when pushed?

Q 5. How do you describe the movement of the slinky when moved up
and down?
Q 6. What are the parts of waves?

Q 7. How do you differentiate transverse wave from longitudinal


Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 4A.

I hope you learn something.

Third Quarter – Module 4B
Properties of Sound Wave

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Properties of Sound Wave

What’s In

Part I.
Directions: Match the definitions in Column A to the terms related to sound waves
in Column B. Write the letter of your answer in your Science activity notebook.
Column A Column B
1. Lowest point of the wave A. crest
2. Highest point of the wave B. trough
3. Distance between two consecutive crests C. amplitude
4. Signifies the original position of the medium D. frequency
5. Distance from the line of origin to a crest E. wavelength
or trough of a wave F. line of origin

Part II.
Directions: Identify the parts of the sound wave as shown in the diagram.

What’s New

Activity 1: Sounding the Box

4 rubber bands
3 rubber bands
 Rubber bands
 Shoe box (or any box) without cover
 Sticks
2 rubber bands
1 rubber band

Figure 1 Sounding box

1. Copy Table 1 on your Science activity notebook.
2. Place the assorted rubber bands from thinnest to thickest. In the absence of
varied thickness of rubber bands, you may use identical bands but vary by
increasing the number of the rubber bands as shown in the illustration above.
3. Pluck each rubber band and listen to the sound it produces.
4. Describe the sound and record your findings on Table 1.
5. Place the bamboo or wood stick across the box (on its edge) to form a bridge
as shown in Figure2.



Figure 2. Position of Stick

6. Pluck each rubber band again. Is the sound produced still the same?

7. Compare the sound it produces to step 3 and record your findings on your
Science activity notebook.

Try this!
Place the stick “bridge” to a diagonal position so that one side of each rubber
band is shorter than the other side. Pluck each rubber band and discover that you
can create a melody using your sound box.


1. Does each rubber band produce the same sound without the bridge in place?
Why or why not?

2. What change does the stick make on the sound produced?

Table 1. Sound Produced

Number of Rubber Sound Description
Bands (high, low)
Without stick With stick

What is It

Properties of Sound

Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrating object. These vibrations

create sound waves which move through a medium before reaching to our ears.
Since sound is a wave, we can relate the properties of sound to the characteristics
of sound wave. The basic properties of sound are: pitch, loudness and timbre


The highness or lowness of sound is known as the pitch of a sound or a

musical note. A higher frequency sound has a higher pitch, and a lower frequency
sound has a lower pitch. The figure below shows that a high frequency wave is
one where there are lot of vibrations per second, and a low frequency wave is one
where there are few vibrations per second.

The human ear can only sense within the frequency range of about 20 Hertz
(Hz) to 20,000 Hertz. Vibrational frequencies beyond 20,000 Hz is called
ultrasonic frequencies while extremely low frequencies are known as infrasonic
frequencies. Our ear cannot detect ultrasonic or infrasonic waves. But some
animals like dogs can hear sounds as high as 50,000 Hz while bats can detect as
high as 100,000 Hz.

The amplitude of a sound wave determines its loudness or volume. The
figure below shows that high amplitude sounds means louder sound, and a smaller
amplitude means softer sound. The vibration of the source sets the amplitude of a
wave. More energetic vibration corresponds to larger amplitude.

Loudness is also determined by the sensitivity of ear. It is subjective but is

still related to the intensity of sound. In fact, despite the subjective variations,
loudness varies nearly logarithmically with intensity. Intensity is one indicator of
amplitude. It refers to the amount of energy. Table1 shows varying intensity of
sound. Sound intensity is measured by various instruments like the oscilloscope.

Table 1Sound Levels of Different Sound Sources

The unit of intensity level for sound is the decibel (dB), which was named
after Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. On the decibel scale, an
increase of 1 dB means that sound intensity is increased by a factor of 10. A
logarithmic scale is used to describe sound intensity, which roughly corresponds
to loudness.

Timbre is a quality of a musical sound which is used for differentiating two
sounds when they are in the same frequency. Every sound that we hear is
dependent on its source. Sound timbre is defined by the characteristic sound
waveform which is dependent on the material through which it is produced.
Below is a picture that explains the different types of waveforms and gives
an idea of how timbre appears.

Any sound consists of more than one frequencies and most of these
additional frequencies are known as harmonics. For sound to possess timbre, it
must have one fundamental frequency and seven or more additional harmonics.
The following are the characteristics of timbre: dull, cold, rich, delicate, thick, thin,
heavy, clean, nasal and light. Noise is a sound wave that is distorted and not
pleasing to the senses.

What’s More

Activity 2: Boom Box

 speaker (could be your cell phone)
 paper plate
 small pieces of paper
 balloons

Note: Loud noises can damage your ears, especially when listening loud music –
whether it’s through a boom box or earphones from your cell phone!

1. Inflate a balloon, tie it with a string and hold it in front of a speaker.
2. Turn on the speaker and observe the position of the balloon as you gradually
increase the volume level.
3. Record your findings on what happened to the position of the balloon in your
science activity notebook.
4. This time, put small pieces of paper on a paper plate and place it on top of the
5. Again, turn on the speaker and observe the movement of the pieces of paper
as you gradually increase the volume level.
6. Record your findings on your science activity notebook.

1. What happens to the position of the balloon and the movement of the pieces
of papers as you gradually increase the volume level?
2. What do you observe about vibrations when you increase the volume?

What I Have Learned

pitch infrasonic noise

decibel loudness low
ultrasonic timbre intensity

Directions: It is now time for you to recall what you have learned from this
module. Complete the statements by choosing the correct word from the
box. Write your answer in your Science activity notebook.

 (1)_____is known as the highness or lowness of sound. It is directly

proportional to frequency.
 Vibrational frequencies beyond 20 000 Hz is called (2)_______
frequencies while extremely low frequencies are known as
(3)_________ frequencies.
 The amplitude of a sound wave determines its (4)______ or volume.
 Sound (5)__________ refers to the amount of energy.
 The unit of intensity level for sound is the (6)_______ which is named
after Alexander Graham Bell.
 (7)__________ is a quality of a musical sound which is used for
differentiating two sounds when they are in the same frequency.
 (8)________ is a sound wave that is not pleasing to the senses.

What I Can Do

Activity 3: I Can Feel the Sound

1. Copy the table below in your Science activity notebook.
2. Place your palm on your throat while saying your name in 4 different ways
(whispering, humming, talking and shouting)
3. Record your findings by filling out the table.
Modes of Producing Sound
Whisper Hum Talk Shout
Compare the
modes of None None None None
producing sound
by encircling the Weak Weak Weak Weak
word that best
describes the Medium Medium Medium Medium
strength of the
vibrations you Strong Strong Strong Strong
How does the Loud whispers, Loud humming, Loud talking, Loud shouting,
vibration change ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
as volume vibration vibration vibration vibration
Write weak or Soft whispers, Soft humming, Soft talking, Soft shouting,
strong on the ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
blanks provided. vibration vibration vibration vibration
Complete the paragraph.
The amplitude of a sound is related to the amount of energy. The amount of energy per
unit time is intensity. As intensity of sound increases, the amplitude ______. Amplitude is
______ proportional to the energy of sound.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your Science activity notebook.
1. An instrument that measures sound intensity.
A. Horoscope C. Oscilloscope
B. Microscope D. Telescope
2. Which one is the unit for intensity level of sound?
A. Decibel C. Hertz
B. Grams D. Meter
3. A wave which is distorted or unpleasant sound to the senses.
A. Loudness C. Pitch
B. Noise D. Timbre
4. It refers to the highness or lowness of sound.
A. Loudness C. Pitch
B. Noise D. Timbre
5. Which of the following is not a characteristics of timbre?
A. Cold C. Hot
B. Dull D. Thick
6. It is a quality of a musical sound which is used for differentiating two sounds
when they are in the same frequency.
A. Loudness C. Pitch
B. Noise D. Timbre
7. A low frequency sound has a _______ pitch.
A. low C. moderate
B. high D. strong
8. High amplitude sounds usually carry large energy and have _____ intensity.
A. high C. moderate
B. low D. strong

9. On the decibel scale, an increase of 1 dB means that sound intensity is
increased by a factor of ________ .
A. 10 C. 100
B. 20 D. 200
10. It is a vibrational frequencies beyond 20 000 Hz.
A. infrasonic frequencies C. super frequencies
B. mega frequencies D. ultrasonic frequencies
11. It is an extremely low vibrational frequencies.
A. infrasonic frequencies C. super frequencies
B. mega frequencies D. ultrasonic frequencies
12. The unit of intensity level for sound was named after ___________ who
invented the telephone.
A. Alexander Graham Bell C. Nicholas Tesla
B. Michael Faraday D. Thomas Edison
13. Which statement is true to pitch?
A. Pitch is directly proportional to frequency.
B. Pitch is inversely proportional to frequency.
C. Pitch is directly proportional to intensity.
D. Pitch is inversely proportional to intensity.
14. Which statement is true to loudness?
A. High amplitude sounds usually carry low energy.
B. High amplitude sounds usually carry large energy.
C. Loudness is not determined by the sensitivity of ear
D. Sound intensity can be measured by instruments like microscope.
15. Which statement is true to timbre?
A. Timbre is a quality of a musical sound.
B. It is used for differentiating two sounds in different frequencies.
C. It is not dependent on the material through which it is produced.
D. For any sound to possess timbre, it must have no fundamental
frequency and additional harmonics.

Additional Activity

Activity 4: Love Your Ears

Your ears do a lot for you from receiving to distinguishing different sounds
and appreciating music. They contain the smallest bones (hammer, anvil, stirrup)
in your body and yet are responsible for listening and understanding
communication. You need to clean and safeguard your ears in order to hear
efficiently. Enumerate five ways in taking care of your ears. Write it in your Science
activity notebook.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this module.

Third Quarter – Module 5
Characteristics of Light

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Characteristics of Light
What’s In

Activity 1: Complete Me!

Directions: Complete the statement below by choosing the appropriate word
found in the word bank. Write your answer in your science
activity notebook.

decibel intensity noise vibration
energy longitudinal pitch volume
frequency louder vacuum water

1. The speed of the vibration is called _______.

2. The loudness or softness of a sound is _______.
3. Sound is a form of _______.
4. A back and forth movement that produces sound is called a _______.
5. Sound waves are _______ waves.
6. The higher the amplitude, the _______the sound.
7. The standard unit of sound is _______.
8. Sound can travel in all media but not in _______.
9. A distorted sound which is not pleasing to the senses is _______.
10. The higher the frequency, the higher the _______of the sound produced.

What’s New

Directions: Observe the picture shown below and answer the guide
questions in your science activity notebook.

A rainbow is a multicolored arc made by light striking water droplets. It

is the result of the refraction and reflection of light. Both refraction and
reflection are phenomena that involve a change in a wave's direction. A
refracted wave may appear "bent", while a reflected wave might seem to
"bounce back" from a surface or other wave front. The appearance of a
rainbow depends on where you're standing and where the sun (or other
source of light) is shining. The colors on a primary rainbow are always in
order of their wavelength, from longest to shortest: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet ( ROYGBIV ). This is also known as visible light which
is one of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Figure 1. Dispersion of Light

Guide Questions:
1. Observe and identify the colors you have seen on an actual rainbow.
2. Based on the description above, how is a rainbow formed?
3. Give at least three (3) traits that you possessed as a person that are
related to the rainbow in a real setting.


What is It

The electromagnetic ( EM ) spectrum is the term used by scientists

to illustrate the entire range of light that exists from radio waves to gamma
rays. And we all know that visible light is one of the regions of electromagnetic

Figure 2. Electromagnetic Spectrum

Figure 3. Visible Light

White light consists of the visible light colors in the electromagnetic
spectrum. Because of the different wavelengths of the visible light, light enters
a medium of different density; the colors bend differently and split to form a
rainbow pattern. For example, when white light travelling through air enters
either glass (such as a prism) or water (such as rain drops), the violet
component bends more than the rest of the colors and red bends the least,
thus splitting the light into the seven colors of the rainbow. Although white light
can be split into seven colors, only three colors of light are required to
combine and give white light. These colors are red, blue and green and also
known as the primary colors of light.

Light is one form of energy that travels in electromagnetic waves. In
other words, light behaves like a wave, thus, it also has a wavelength,
frequency, and amplitude.
Characteristics of a Wave

1. Frequency ( Unit: Hertz, Hz )

- number of complete wave passing at a point every one second.
2. Amplitude ( Unit : meter, m )
- the maximum distance of a wave from its rest position.
3. Wavelength ( Unit: meter, m )
- distance between two successive crests or troughs.


Characteristics of Light
A. Color
Visible light has wavelengths of 400 nanometer (nm) and 750 nanometer.
These wavelengths are represented by what we know as colors. Moreover,
each color also corresponds to a specific range of frequency.

Wavelength: 750 nm Wavelength: 380 nm

Frequency: 400 THz Frequency: 790 THz

From a wavelength of around 750 nm and frequency of 400 Terrahertz
(THz), humans perceived the red color. As the wavelength decreases, the
frequency increases. Thus, the color we perceived gradually changes from
red to orange, yellow to green, blue then violet.
Other colors like cyan and magenta are just combinations of other
wavelengths. On the other hand, color white represents the combination of all
the wavelengths of the visible light while black is the absence of the

B. Intensity or Brightness is related to the wave’s amplitude.


The height of the amplitude tells the brightness of light. Thus, the
higher amplitude corresponds to a brighter light while lower amplitude
corresponds to a dull light.

What’s More

Activity 2: Characteristics of Light!

Directions: Using a Venn diagram, give the similarity/ies and difference/s of

color and intensity of light. Choose your answers from the word
box. Write your answer in your science
activity notebook.


Characteristics of light Related to wave’s amplitude
Characteristics of a wave Represented by wavelengths

Good job! You can now proceed to the next activity.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Matching Type Test!

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write
the letter of your answer in your science activity notebook.


1. The characteristic of light that is related to the A. Red

wave’s amplitude B. Increases
2. Number of complete wave passing C. Lower
at a point every one second D. Frequency
3. Amplitude that corresponds to a dull light E. Intensity
4. Behaves like a wave F. Light
5. The maximum distance of a wave G. White
from its rest position H. Black
6. The absence of the wavelengths I. Wavelength
7. Distance between two successive J. Higher
crests or troughs K. Amplitude
8. The combination of all the wavelengths L. Decreases
of the visible light M. Colors
9. Amplitude that corresponds to a brighter light
10. Represented by wavelengths

Wow! Amazing! You have done it well.

What I Can Do

Activity 4 : The Color Spectrum Wheel!

At the end of the activity, you will be able to infer that:
1. light is composed of colors of different frequencies and wavelength;
2. the frequencies of the colors of light are inversely proportional to the
3. the product of the frequency and the wavelength of the colors of light is
constant; and
4. the arrangement of colors of light shows the hierarchy of the color’s
corresponding energy.

Color Spectrum Wheel Pattern
Cardboard or Illustration Board
TAKE Handle all sharp
White Screen CARE! objects with
Button Fastener
Glue or Paste
Scissors or Cutter
Part 1: Color Wheel
1. Cut the two art files that make up the wheel on the next pages.
2. Cut along the lines drawn on the top wheel. Cut the 2 sides as shown. The
small window near the center of the wheel should be completely cut out
and removed.
3. Punch a hole at the center of the two wheels. You may use a button
fastener to secure the two wheels together one on top of the other, but
they should be free to rotate relative to each other.
4. When you see a region of the color spectrum that shows up in the open
window and the "F,W,E" that correspond to that region showing up under
the flaps, then you know that you have done it right.

Figure 4. Spectrum Wheel

Figure 5. Frequency, Wavelength, and Energy

Part 2: Characteristics of Light
1. Try out your Color Spectrum Wheel by positioning the innermost of the
flaps on COLOR SPECTRUM. This will simultaneously position the other
2. Turn the upper wheel and observe the combinations.
3. Then answer the questions below in your science activity notebook.
Q1.Which color registered the highest frequency and shortest wavelength?
Q2. Which color registered the lowest frequency and longest wavelength?
Q3. What did you observe about the wavelengths and frequencies of the
different colors of light?
Q4. Does the frequencies of the colors of light increase from Red to Violet?
Q5. What did you observe about the corresponding energies from Red
to Violet?
Q6. How is frequency related to energy of colors of light?

Conclusion :


Remarkable! You have done it well.

( Note: The teacher will provide colored copies of figures 4 and 5. )


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter
on your activity Science notebook.
1. In the visible light, which color has the longest wavelength?
A. Blue C. Red
B. Green D. Violet
2. What will happen to the frequency of the pure spectral colors when the
wavelength increases?
A. Decrease C. Decrease by a factor of two
B. Increase D. Increase by a factor of two
3. What will happen to the wavelengths of the colors if the frequencies
A. Decrease C. Decrease by a factor of two
B. Increase D. Increase by a factor of two
4. What type of energy can you sense with your eyes?
A. Electrical energy C. Sound energy
B. Light energy D. Thermal energy
5. What characteristic of visible light describes the height of the
A. Brightness C. Dimness
B. Darkness D. Dullness
6. ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light. Which color of light
carries the highest frequency?
A. Green C. Red
B. Orange D. Violet
7. Which of the following is a proof that light travels in a straight line?
A. Formation of clouds C. Formation of rainbows
B. Formation of colors D. Formation of shadow

8. Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which characteristic is common in all
electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?
A. Amplitude C. Speed
B. Frequency D. Wavelength
9. Which of the following are the primary colors in the visible light?
A. Blue, green, yellow C. Red, orange, blue
B. Red, green, blue D. White, black, red
10. Which of the following group of colors of the visible light is listed from
low to high frequency?
A. Blue, green, red C. Red, violet, green
B. Green, blue, red D. Red, green, violet
11. Which of the following group of colors of the visible light is listed from
short to high wavelength?
A. Blue, green, red C. Violet, green, red
B. Green, blue, red D. Violet, red, green
12. In the visible spectrum, which color has the shortest wavelength?
A. Blue C. Red
B. Green D. Violet
13. _______ amplitude corresponds to a brighter light.
A. Higher C. Smaller
B. Lower D. The same
14. Which of the following is NOT a pure spectral color?
A. Blue C. Yellow
B. Red D. White
15. _______ amplitude corresponds to a dull light.
A. Higher C. Smaller
B. Lower D. The same

Additional Activities

Activity 5: Answer Me!

Directions: Make a reflection after knowing the characteristics of light
following the guide question below. Write your answers in your
science activity notebook.
Guide Question:
1. Why do we perceive white light coming from the following medium?
a. Sun
b. Bulb
c. Flashlight
Rubric for Scoring:
Basis 3 2 1
Content Ideas presented Ideas presented Ideas have no
are clear and are not well clear sense of
focused. defined. purpose.
Organization Information is Information is Information is not
relevant and somewhat relevant.
presented in relevant.
logical order.
Word choice The choice of The choice of The choice of
words is words is words is not
accurate. somewhat accurate.
Mechanics Spelling and Only few errors Distracting errors
punctuations are in spelling and in spelling and
all correct. punctuations are punctuations are
observed. observed

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the lesson about

light. Good luck in your journey on the next lessons in exploring the
wonders of Science.


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