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Climate change

By: Gabrielle Barrett, Tivonia Daley, Kayla Lawson and Dominque

In a paragraph,
summarize what you
already know about
climate change.
What is climate change?
• Climate change is the change in global or regional climatic patterns,
such as rainfall, temperature or weather.
• This is often confused with global warming. Climate change is the
measure of changes in the climate around the world, while global
warming is the measure of increasing temperatures.
• Climate change deals with increasing heat, changes in rainfall or wind,
increased hurricanes, as well as cooler temperatures etc, while global
warming only deals with increasing heat. In other words, Global
warming is an aspect of climate change.
• Climate changes are being monitored by earth-orbiting satellites,
meteorological stations, and ocean buoys. Scientists also use
paleoclimatic data (glaciers, tree rings, etc.) to record early climatic
patterns and compare them to see how earth’s climate has changed
over time.
• This information is used in climate models to predict future climatic
Causes of climate change
• Most causes of climate change are man-made, such as:
• Burning fossil fuels
• Deforestation
• Excess livestock farming
• Fertilizers with nitrogen
• Fluorinated gas
• Excess greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. Carbon dioxide, methane, CFC, etc.)
• Global warming
As well as by natural factors like:
• Greenhouse gases
• Volcanic eruptions
• Changes in orbit
• Ocean currents
• Solar variations
Do you know of any other cause not
mentioned in the powerpoint?

Can you think of the impacts of climate

Impacts of Climate Change

• rising maximum and minimum temperatures

• rising sea levels
• higher ocean temperatures
• an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail)
• shrinking glaciers
• thawing permafrost
Indirect Impacts of Climate Change

• an increase in hunger and water crises, especially in developing

• health risks through rising air temperatures and heat waves
• the increasing spread of pests and pathogens
• loss of biodiversity due to limited adaptability and adaptability speed
of flora and fauna
• ocean acidification due to increased HCO3 concentrations in the
water as a consequence of increased CO₂ concentrations
Vulnerability of small islands
Small Islands experience climate change worse than other human
communities, because of their low lying, ocean-fronted borders,
relatively small land masses, and exposure to extreme weather and
climate variability and change. As sea levels continue to rise, island
peoples and cultures are being threatened. There are small and low
populated islands without adequate resources available to protect the
island and its human and natural resources. With the risks to human
health, livelihoods and physical space in which to occupy, the pressure
to leave the island is often barred by the inability to access the
resources needed to relocate.
local and future trends to climate change
According to United Nations estimates, the world’s population will rise to
between 7.8 and 11.9 billion people by 2050, with a ‘medium variant’ estimate
of 9.2 billion. In turn, the number of people living outside their country of birth
grew from 75 million in 1960 to 191 million in 2005, which is a rise from around
2.5% to 3.0% of the world’s population. Assuming that the percentage of
international migrants in the world either stays at 2005 levels, or continues to
rise at the same rate as in the last decades of the 20th century. This implies a
total stock of between 235 and 415 million international migrants in the world
in 2050, with a median estimate of 275 million, 40% higher than at present. At
the same time, it is clear that movement within national borders is at least as
significant numerically as international migration, and is certainly the most
significant form of migration for poor people.
This is because of persons migrating to other countries since climate
change will lead to hundreds of millions more people without sufficient
water or food to survive and\or threats by dangerous floods and
increased disease.
These migrants are called “climate change refugees” or “climate change
migrants”. They tend to migrate to less developed areas.
With the sudden population growth, these areas become urbanized to
Solutions to climate change
• While climate change cannot be stopped, there are measures that can
be taken to slow down the process.
• Using renewable/sustainable energy includes replacing fossil fuels
with biomass/biofuels, using wind power, which is generated by
harnessing the power of wind to turn turbines and windmills. The
environment also allows us to use geothermal energy . Reducing
dependence on fossil fuels by choosing these natural resources over
fossil fuels, creates jobs and increases energy access.
• Reducing your carbon footprint, typically means consuming less
energy. This includes simple actions such as driving less, walking,
taking public transportation, carpooling, or biking to your destination
when possible. This not only reduces CO2 emissions, it also lessens
traffic congestion and the idling of engines that accompanies it.
Solutions to climate change(cont.)
• Use energy wisely.
This includes unplugging electronics when not in use,switch to energy
efficient appliances: light bulbs,toasters,refrigerators.
• Spread Awareness.
Everyone must learn the different ways to protect their environment.
• Plant Trees
Reforestation offers one of the best ways to remove carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere, turning it into solid carbon through
photosynthesis and storing it in tree trunks, branches, roots, and soil.

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