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Figure 1 shows the times when Homo sapiens and some of their ancestral species are thought to have

Figure 1
Fossil remains of Ardipithecus ramidus were discovered in Ethiopia.
(i) Describe the evidence that scientists might have used to show that Ardipithecus ramidus inhabited the
Earth earlier than Homo habilis.
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the extinction of Homo habilis.
(iii) Figure 2 shows two stone tools, one used by Homo habilis and one used by Homo erectus.

Figure 2
Explain which stone tool was most likely to be used by Homo erectus.
Use information from Figure 1 and Figure 2.

(Total for question = 6 marks)


Figure 10 shows a cactus plant.

This cactus plant grows in a desert.

Figure 10
(i) Describe two features that allow this plant to survive in hot, dry conditions.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Cactus plants have stomata on their stems.
What is the function of stomata during photosynthesis?
A to allow water vapour to enter and oxygen to leave
B to allow carbon dioxide to enter and water vapour to leave
C to allow oxygen to enter and water vapour to leave
D to allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave

(iii) This cactus plant has a mass of 55 kg.

The dry mass of the cactus plant is 3.3 kg.
Calculate the percentage of this cactus plant that is dry mass.

........................................................... %

(Total for question = 5 marks)


Phenolphthalein is an indicator. It is pink in alkaline solutions and turns colourless as the pH decreases.
It can be used to measure the activity of the enzyme lipase on the breakdown of lipids.
Samples of milk containing phenolphthalein were incubated with lipase at different temperatures.
The time taken for the phenolphthalein to turn colourless was recorded and used to calculate the rate of
enzyme activity.
Figure 10 shows these results.

Figure 10
(i) Explain why phenolphthalein turns colourless when lipase breaks down the lipids in milk.(2)
(ii) Describe the effect of temperature on the activity of lipase, as shown in Figure 10.(2)
(iii) Explain why the activity of lipase changes above a temperature of 40°C.(2)
(Total for question = 6 marks)
Penicillin, isolated from a fungus, was the first antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections and is still widely
used today
Scientists have genetically engineered bacteria to produce large amounts of penicillin.
Describe how scientists would produce a genetically modified bacterium that produces penicillin.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


The population of humans on Earth has increased significantly, leading to food shortages.
The growth of drought-resistant crop plants could lead to an increase in food supply.
Describe how drought-resistant crop plants can be produced.

(Total for question = 3 marks)


The human immune system helps defend the body against disease.
In 1796, the work of Edward Jenner led to the development of a vaccine used to immunise people against
a disease called smallpox.
Describe how the body responds to immunisation.

(Total for question = 3 marks)


A scientist was trying to produce plants that are tolerant to acidic soil.
The scientist has 100 plant seeds.
(i) Describe the method the scientist could use to grow plants from these seeds that are tolerant to low
levels of acid in the soil.
(ii) The scientist wants to use these plants in a selective breeding programme to produce plants that
could grow in higher levels of acid.
Describe how the scientist could use these plants in a selective breeding programme.
(iii) Explain one benefit of producing food crops that can be grown in acidic soil.
(Total for question = 6 marks)


Figure 5 shows the level of progesterone for a female during five different stages of the menstrual cycle.

Figure 5
(i) Describe the changes in progesterone levels during the 28-day cycle.
(ii) Explain why progesterone levels changed following day 14.
(iii) Use Figure 5 to explain if the female is pregnant.

(Total for question = 6 marks)


* Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be diagnosed by testing urine samples.
These tests use monoclonal antibodies that bind to an antigen on the pathogen.
Describe how a monoclonal antibody can be developed and used to detect an STI using a urine sample.

(Total for question = 6 marks)


In 2014, nearly 155 000 people died from cardiovascular disease in the UK.
Coronary heart disease is a type of cardiovascular disease.
Figure 5 shows the number of deaths worldwide in 2002 for coronary heart disease for different age

Figure 5
Describe the relationship between coronary heart disease and age.
(Total for question = 2 marks)


Catalase is an enzyme.
Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
The effect of pH on the activity of catalase was investigated. The volume of oxygen produced in one
minute at each pH was recorded.
The results can be seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8
(i) Describe the effect of pH on the activity of catalase.
(ii) Explain why the volume of oxygen produced changes above pH 7.
(iii) The investigation was improved.
State two variables that should be controlled in the improved method.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 7 marks)


* Figure 8 shows cells undergoing mitosis.

Figure 8
Describe how the stages of mitosis result in the formation of two diploid cells.

(Total for question = 6 marks)


Corn is one of the world's most important crop plants.

Native Americans grew an early form of corn called teosinte.
Modern corn has been developed by selective breeding of teosinte plants.
Genetic engineering can also be used to produce a new variety of modern corn.
Describe how the genome of this new variety of corn is different from the genome of corn that has not
been genetically engineered.

(Total for question = 2 marks)

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No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question


In this question, candidates were required to show their ability to produce a method to plan an
investigation. This is one way in which practical skills are being assessed in the new specification.
The first marking point was for identifying a way to prepare soil with a low level of acid, e.g. by adding a
small amount of acid or adding weak acid. The second marking point was for knowing that the seeds
need to be put in the acidic soil to grow and produce plants. Another possible marking point was available
for the selection of the best plants that would complete the process.
Candidates found this question challenging. There were many references to genetic modification, which
does not answer the question. There were also references to putting the seeds in acid to grow or that the
plants should be watered with acid, neither of which were credited.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This was awarded one mark for the idea of planting the seeds but they do not indicate where
they are adding the acid.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

This response was awarded two marks. It is a method that describes how the soil would
be prepared and then that the seeds need to be placed in the soil.
Results Plus: Examiner Comments
A method is a step-by-step process that someone independent could follow.

Leading on from the previous question, this part asks candidates how they could use the plants
they obtained in part (i) in a selective breeding programme to obtain plants tolerant to higher
levels of acid.
There were two possible ways to achieve this but the two marking points had to be given within
the same linked descriptions. Reference only to breeding the plants was not given a mark
because this repeats information given in the question.
There were some candidates who appreciated the idea that plants need to be crosspollinated
and marks were more frequently awarded for knowing that the process needs to be repeated
over several generations and selecting the best offspring each time.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response achieves maximum marks for the idea of breeding plants that are tolerant
to high acid. Repeating the process involves selecting plants that are tolerant to higher
levels of acid again. Repeating this multiple times would achieve plants tolerant to
higher levels of acid.
Results Plus: Examiner Comments
This response does not achieve any marks because it only repeats the information
given in the question.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response does not receive a mark because the candidate has not completed their
description. The plants need to go into soil with a higher level of acid and not directly
into the acid, which this response implies.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

Manage the time you have available to avoid making mistakes.

The explanation for this question needed to link a reason why acid tolerant crops would
ultimately lead to an increase in food production. There were several possible reasons that link to
this outcome.
Most frequently, the first marking point was given for the suggestion that crops could be grown in
more places. The mark was also given for the idea that crops would be tolerant to acid rain.
The suggestion that crops could be grown anywhere was also seen but not given a mark. The
other most frequent incorrect responses included the idea that the plants would be healthier or
contain more nutrients.
Results Plus: Examiner Comments
This response gains two marks in the first sentence. Crops can be grown in more
places is marking point one and this leads to more crops is marking point two.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

'More yield' shows good use of scientific terminology and this response gained one

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question

No Examiner's Report available for this question


There were several very impressive responses to this question and candidates showed a great
deal of understanding of the topic of mitosis.
In order to gain level 3, all stages from prophase to telophase needed to be described, including
description of the role of the spindle fibres and/or cytokinesis.
If the answer was logically ordered then all 6 marks could be awarded. Many candidates
accurately described interphase; however, this is part of the cell cycle, but not mitosis, so did not
contribute to the level based marking.
Level 2 could be awarded for some stages described accurately.
For level 1 a piece of indicative content related to mitosis is enough to attain this level.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response met the criteria for level 2 as they have at least 3 stages of the process
of mitosis described. The order is logical so 4 marks can be awarded. There is not
sufficient detail for the level 3 and there is no information given on the role of the spindle

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response is clear and accurate with all of the stages describe in sufficient detail for
level 3. The role of the spindle fibres and/or cytokinesis is also given. The order is
logical and ordered so 6 marks can be awarded.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
On the 6 mark questions take time to put your response in order so it is logical.

No Examiner's Report available for this question

Mark Scheme





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