SAPPM CE Handbook v1

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SAP Process Mining by Celonis,

Cloud Edition.

Version 1.0

This document is copyright of the Celonis SE. Distribution or reproduction are only permitted
by written approval of the Celonis SE. Usage only permitted, if a valid software license is


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 6
ONLINE HELP .......................................................................................................................... 6
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................................ 6
OVERVIEW CELONIS INTELLIGENT BUSINESS CLOUD ............................................................ 6
DEPLOYMENT SCENARIOS ..................................................................................................... 7

PROCESS ANALYTICS............................................................................................. 9
CELONIS ANALYSES ................................................................................................................ 9
STRUCTURE AND NAVIGATION .............................................................................................. 9
CREATE AN ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 11
NEW (EMPTY) PROCESSES ................................................................................................... 11
EXISTING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................. 12
PUBLISH AND EDIT ............................................................................................................... 13
PUBLISH A DRAFT ................................................................................................................ 13
SELECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 14
CREATING SELECTIONS ........................................................................................................ 14
SELECTION UI ....................................................................................................................... 15
ATTRIBUTE SELECTION ......................................................................................................... 16
ACTIVITY SELECTION ............................................................................................................ 17
PROCESS FLOW SELECTION ................................................................................................. 18
THROUGHPUT TIME SELECTION .......................................................................................... 19
REWORK SELECTION ............................................................................................................ 20
CROP SELECTION ................................................................................................................. 21
CREATE COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................ 22
NEW COMPONENT SECTION ............................................................................................... 22
ADD COMPONENT ............................................................................................................... 23
PROCESS COMPONENTS ...................................................................................................... 24

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PROCESS EXPLORER ............................................................................................................. 24

PROCESS EXPLORER ANIMATION ........................................................................................ 25
VARIANT EXPLORER ............................................................................................................. 27
THROUGHPUT TIME SEARCH ............................................................................................... 28
CHARTS AND TABLES ........................................................................................................... 29
DATA STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................ 29
OLAP TABLE ......................................................................................................................... 30
COLUMN, LINE, AREA AND MARKER CHARTS ...................................................................... 31
PIE AND DONUT CHART ....................................................................................................... 32
BUBBLE PLOT ....................................................................................................................... 33
HISTOGRAM CHART ............................................................................................................. 34
SCATTER PLOT ...................................................................................................................... 35
PI SOCIAL ............................................................................................................................. 36
SET-UP SCREEN (FIRST USE) ................................................................................................. 36
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 37
USERS ................................................................................................................................... 38
USER PROFILE ...................................................................................................................... 41
ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................ 43
ACTIVITY PROFILE ................................................................................................................ 45
CONFORMANCE CHECKER ................................................................................................... 47
CONFORMANCE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 47
VIOLATION DETAILS ............................................................................................................. 49
WHITELIST ............................................................................................................................ 50
EDIT PROCESS MODEL ......................................................................................................... 51
KPIS ...................................................................................................................................... 52
CREATE A CONFORMANCE CHECKER ................................................................................... 53
GENERAL SETTINGS ............................................................................................................. 54
LOAD SCRIPTS ...................................................................................................................... 55

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MANAGE LOAD SCRIPTS ...................................................................................................... 55

SAVED FORMULAS ............................................................................................................... 56
APPLY SAVED FORMULAS IN THE ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 58
PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................................... 60
CODE EDITOR ....................................................................................................................... 70
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 70

EVENT COLLECTION ............................................................................................ 71

FUNCTIONALITY & INTERFACE ............................................................................................. 71
FURTHER ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................ 72
DATA CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 72
DATA JOBS ........................................................................................................................... 73


CREATING A DATA JOB ........................................................................................................ 73
ACTIONS ON A DATA JOB .................................................................................................... 74
ACTIONS ON A TASK ............................................................................................................ 75
EXECUTION ORDER .............................................................................................................. 78
FULL LOAD ........................................................................................................................... 79
DELTA LOAD ......................................................................................................................... 79
ACTIONS WHILE AN EXECUTION IS IN PROGRESS ................................................................ 80
DATA JOB LOG ..................................................................................................................... 81
DETAILED LOGS .................................................................................................................... 82
EXTRACTION CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 83
SCHEDULING ........................................................................................................................ 84
SAP ECC DATA CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................. 87
SAP HANA (JDBC) DATA CONNECTION ................................................................................ 91
SAP ARIBA DATA CONNECTION ........................................................................................... 94
SAP HYBRIS DATA CONNECTION .......................................................................................... 96

TEAM SETTINGS .................................................................................................. 97

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 4

GENERAL SETTINGS ............................................................................................................. 97

SINGLE SIGN ON (SSO) ......................................................................................................... 98
ON PREMISE DATA CONNECTIONS .................................................................................... 100
LEAVE YOUR DATA IN PLACE CONFIGURATION ................................................................. 103

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 5



You can find the latest and always up to date documentation in our online platform:

The link can be accessed when you are logged in to your team.


SAP Process Mining by Celonis, Cloud Edition is powered by the Celonis Intelligent Business Cloud. The
Celonis Intelligent Business Cloud is the world’s first platform build to transform you company’s
business. Celonis is a catalyt for change bringing full transparency to all your processes by retrieving,
visualizing and analyzing real as-is business processes from transactional data. As well as providing
actionable insights and the solution to accelerate your business transformation within the
organization. All help documents in its latest version can be accessed within the Celonis Intelligent
Business Cloud.


The Celonis Intelligent Business Cloud is a multi-service application to provide a solution to accelerate
the business transformation within a company from start to end based and built around Process
Mining. Celonis Event Collection to support and build up the data pipeline from your source systems
into the Celonis Process Datamodel, the Process Analytics and Discovery to provide insights on your
business processes The Transformation Center to take action and improve your business processes.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 6


The Celonis Intelligent Business Cloud can be deployed in two deployment scenarios:

- Full Cloud
- Leave your data in place (LDP)

Architecture Overview – Full Cloud

In the Full Cloud Deployment scenario for the Intelligent Business Cloud all application services to
process and visualize data are hosted within the cloud core of the Intelligent Business cloud within the
Celonis AWS or Azure realm. Only the connection component to an on premise source system the
Celonis On Premise Connector is hosted at the customer side to establish a data connection and
execute data extractions for the Process Data Models.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 7

Architecture Overview – Leave your data in place

In the Leave your data in place deployment scenario for the Intelligent Business Cloud all data
processing services are hosted on premises within the customer infrastructure. The application
services to visualize data are hosted within the cloud core of the Intelligent Business cloud within the
Celonis AWS or Azure realm.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 8


Process Analytics provides the capabilities to create Process Analyses on your business processes and
explore and derive the problems and shortcomings within all the processes executed in your


1. The case coverage at the top left shows you how many cases of the total dataset are
currently selected

2. The selection bar shows you which single selections are currently active on the analysis.

3. The burger icon provides access to the analysis options.

4. The reset button allows you to reset your current session. This will remove all current
selections and resets the analysis to its original state.

5. Analyses are structured in single sections. Those sheets can be navigated at the bottom of
the view.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 9

Analysis options

1. See the project, folder or subfolder in which the currently opened analysis is located.

2. #Last published: This information shows you which user last published a new version of the
analysis and when this version was published.

3. Last dataload: Here you get shown when the last data load was executed.

4. Selection bookmarks

5. Help: Here you can open a help modal with access to the manual, service contacts, etc.

6. Stories

7. Export analysis (PDF): This option will export all sheets in the analysis in one document.

8. Activate LiveReload: This option will switch in a live refresh session. The analysis session will
be refreshed each 30s (can be changed in the URL) and update to the new data. New data
points are automatically shown in the charts and visualizations.

In contrast to the live refresh mode, in general the user session is kept until you explicitly reset your
selections with the reset selection button at the top right or reload the page.

The analysis is kept in the current state for each user to allow exploration of the interesting cases
without interrupting the discovery phase on the process data.

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On empty processes you are able to start the creation of a new analysis from the landing page by
clicking the button "New Analysis" or by choosing a recommended analysis from the Content Store.

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You will find the "New analysis" button in the upper right-hand corner In processes with existing

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 12


It is possible to edit a Celonis analysis while other users have view access to the original analysis. All
analyses have a draft version on which the user with edit rights can make changes. Those changes
are available for all viewers after publishing. The published version is overwritten after each publish

Only one user at a time can edit an analysis.


To navigate between the draft and the published version you can use the button at the top right.

1. Switch to the draft by clicking on edit.

2. Publish a draft by clicking on publish (Cannot be reverted!).
3. Revert to published version will remove all changes saved in the draft and reset to the
currently published version. (Cannot be reverted!)
4. Switch to published version will exit the draft and open the published version.
5. Reset selections will reset your current session.
6. Save as allows you to save the draft as a new published version.
7. Exit without publishing will bring you back to the management UI.

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1. Active selections are collected at the top of the analysis and shown in tabs. Those can be
removed with the cross at the very right and the quicksettings of each selection can be
opened with a click on the tab.

2. Selections can be created from each component. Click on the element you would like to

3. New selections on components are temporarily selected. They can be confirmed, canceled or
inverted with the on component buttons or the temporary selection in the selection bar.

4. Open the selection UI to create selections with the help of a designated selection view. The
selection UI has to be activated for viewers in the analysis settings.

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1. Attribute selection allows you to select based on single values from the tables in your data

2. Activity selection allows you to select cases based on the activities the flow through, start or
end with.

3. The process flow selection allows you to select cases based on their process flow.

4. With the throughput time selection you can select cases based on throughput times on single
process flows.

5. Rework selections allow you to select cases based on the occurrence of single activities.

6. The crop selection will crop the process view in your analyses.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 15


1. Search the data model tables.

2. Select the data model table and column you want to create a selection on.

3. Search the column's value.

4. Select and deselect the values in the list.

5. See the case coverage of your current selection.

6. Quickly change the selection type.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 16


1. Search the available activities.

2. Drag and drop from the list of activities to one of the seletion type's boxes (4).

3. Search the activities and add them directly on the selection boxes.

4. Drop the selected activities to the selection types fields.

5. Choose if the filter applies on all or any of the activities that you selected.

6. See the case coverage of your current selection.

7. Quickly change the selection type.

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1. Select from which activity the connection you want to filter on should start

2. Select the activity to which the cases should flow.

3. Choose if the activities should follow each other directly, at any time, not directly or never.

4. See the case coverage of your current selection.

5. Quickly change the selection type.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 18


1. To filter on throughput times you can select the starting activity for the process flows you
want to filter based on throughput time.

2. On the second input you can set the target activity where the process flows should flow to.

3. You can select on which range of throughput times you want to filter the cases on by putting
in a start value, an end value of the range and the time unit.

4. Alternatively you can select the time range on the provided histogram below the flow

5. For each of the two activities you can select if you want to respect the first or last occurence
of the activities for the throughput time.

6. See the case coverage of your current selection.

7. Quickly change the selection type.

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1. On the rework selection you can select cases based on the number of occurrences of single
activities. Therefore you can select in the first dropdown from the list of all available

2. The following inputs allow you to set the range of occurrences you want to select.

3. This range of occurrences can also be selected on the histogram below.

4. See the case coverage of your current selection.

5. Quickly change the selection type.

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1. The cropping selection will crop the current process view to everything that is visible
between two activities you can set in the two dropdowns available here.

2. The graph below will preview the resulting view.

3. See the case coverage of your current selection.

4. Quickly change the selection type.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 21

Components in Celonis Analyses allow you to visualize your process data.


You have to be in Edit Mode to add new components. To create a new component from all possible
options you can open the New Component Section with the:

1. Component+ button at the top right.

2. Or the 'Add component' button on empty sheets.
3. The new component section provides access to all analyses components for the Celonis

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To add a component to a Analysis Sheet you need to:

1. Click on one of the components in the New Component Section

2. then drag and drop it to the Canvas.
3. The component will be added to the sheet in its default setting and you can use the
Component Settings to define which data is shown to you.

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The Celonis Process components visualize your as is process in the Celonis Analyses.


The process explorer initially shows the Happy Path.

1. Add and remove single activities.

2. Add and remove edges.
3. Zoom in and out on the process graph.
4. Click on activities to select all cases flowing through, not flowing through, starting or ending
with the activity.
5. Click on an edge to select all cases with or without the edge.
6. Switch the KPI shown on the Process Explorer
7. Start the animation.
8. Hide and show single activities from the process.

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Happy Path

The Happy Path calculated by Celonis shows you the algorithmic path in your process which is taken
by most of your complete cases in the eventlog.

The Happy Paths shows you the most frequent starting activity and the most frequent ending activity
as well as all edges and other activities that are included in the variant connecting those two.


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The process animation can be started at the top left of the Process Explorer. You can:

1. Animate the cases grouped by day.

2. Animate the cases grouped by hour.
3. Animate each case individually (Limitted to max. 1000 at once. Filter down to activate on
large datasets).
4. The cases are shown in pink bubbles and move according to their throughput time.
5. The animation can be stopped and its speed defined.
6. The current position in the eventtime can be selected.
7. The animation can be stopped.

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The variant explorer will show all process variants within the eventlog. You can control which
variants are shown in the following way:

1. The histogram on the right shows the distribution of variants and you can select which of
those are shown by drag and drop.
2. Add and remove single variants or reset the explorer.
3. Change the sorting of the variants on the right side.
4. Filter on the currently visible variants.
5. Click on single activities to create a selection on cases flowing through, not flowing through,
starting with or ending with the activity.
6. Click on single edges to create a selection on cases with the connection or without the
7. Change the KPI shown on the explorer.
8. Hide and show KPIs on the graph.
9. Switch to a list representation of the variants.


A variant is an end-to-end trace through the process' activities. Each case follows exactly one variant.

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The throughput time search allows you to analyze the throughput times on your process'

1. The histogram shows the case distribution on the edge's throughput time. Click and drag to
select and drill down.
2. Click on the calculation method and change it between: Median, average, trimmed mean,
maximum and minimum.
3. Click on the unit to change between: days, hours, minutes and seconds.
4. Click on the activity names to select the start and end activity for the throughput time
5. Click on the selection icon and set a crop selection for the currently chosen activities.

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Data shown in charts and tables is always structured in tables in the background. The difference is,
how the dimensions are concatenated in the visualization. To understand which data points are
shown to you, keep in mind that configured dimensions and KPIs will be structured in the
background in the following way:

Dimension Dimension KPI

... KPI 1
1 2 2

A 01 ... 10k

B 01 ... 100

B 02 ... 3k

... ... ... ... ...

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The OLAP table will show all dimensions and KPIs configured in a table:

1. The dimension and KPI name are shown in the column headers. Click on the header to
change the table sorting or search in the dimension columns.
2. Click on a dimension and create a selection. Selected entries can be copied to the clipboard
by right click and the available action.
3. Confirm, cancel or invert the temporary selection.
4. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
5. Hide and show dimensions and KPIs.
6. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode)
7. Download the component.

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Column, line, area and marker charts all behave the same with the visual representation beeing the
only difference:

1. Dimensions are concatenated and shown on the dimension axis.

2. KPIs are by default all shown on the primary value axis.
3. Click on the chart and drag and drop to create a selection.
4. Confirm, cancel or invert the temporary selection.
5. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
6. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode)
7. Download the component.

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Pie and donut charts both show the concatenated dimensions as pieces and the size of each piece is
defined by the first KPI.

1. The currently visible dimensions are shown in the legend by default.

2. Click on a piece to create a selection.
3. Confirm, cancel or invert the temporary selection.
4. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
5. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
6. Download the component.

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The bubble chart shows exactly two KPIs over a selected dimension.

1. The dimension you configure will be shown on the horizontal axis.

2. The first KPI will be displayed on the vertical axis.
3. The bubbles are rendered on the chart. The size is defined by the second KPI. Klick on the
bubble to create a selection on the Dimension.
4. Confirm, cancel or invert the selection.
5. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode)
6. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
7. Download the component.

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The histogram takes a KPI as an input and shows the case distribution on it.

1. The buckets of the KPI are shown on the horizontal axis.

2. The number of occurrences is shown on the vertical axis.
3. The buckets can be selected by click or drag and drop. After Confirming the selection the
selected area will be split up again.
4. Confirm, cancel or invert the selection.
5. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
6. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
7. Download the component.

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The scatter plot will plot a point for each case or other item you aggregate on.

1. The KPI selected for the horizontal axis.

2. And the KPI selected for the vertical axis define the position of the elements.
3. Click on single points or drag and drop to create a selection.
4. You can define a grouping which is used to color the elements. You can click on the groups
and create a selection on them.
5. Confirm or cancelthe selection.
6. Open the component settings. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
7. Open the component filter. (Only available in the Edit Mode.)
8. Download the component.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 35

The PI Social screen displays an overview of the activities, performance and characteristics of the
users involved in the analysed process.


The selection of a user column is required to enable the PI Social application. A user column contains
the name or identification of the users who performed the activities logged in your Activity Table.
When you identify your user column (item 1), simply select it and click on done to proceed.

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The PI Social overview screen shows general statistics about the users involved in the analysed

1. Timeframe: allows the selection of a specific period of in time in which the analysis overview
will be displayed.

2. Active users: displays the average number of users that execute activities on a day.

3. Events per user: displays the average number of events a user is involved in per day.

4. Cases per user: displays the average number of cases a user is involved in per day.

5. Users per case: displays the average number of users involved per case.

6. Trend Chart - Development of active users per day over selected time frame : the trend chart
displays the cases per day over the time frame. By clicking on the 'Active users' (item 2),
'Events per user' (item 3), 'Cases per user' (item 4), or 'Users per case' (item 5) card, the chart
updates to display the history trend of the selected card.

7. Users: routes the application to the User screen (see 'Users' section below)

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If a user circle is selected (see 1)

The User screen allows you to visualise differences on your analysis users and select them for further

1. User chart: each circle on the user chart represents a user that executes an activity in the
analysed process. The size and tone of the circle are associated by default with the event
count of each user (the bigger and darker the bubble, the higher the count). By clicking on an
User Circle, you are able to see metrics or filter your analysis to this user (see 6 to 13).

2. Metrics toggle: alternates the metric used to calculate the User Circle size and colour
between event count ('Events') and average throughput time ('Throughput time').

3. User selector: dropdown selector for searching and selecting a user in order to open his user
profile (see 'User Profile' section).

4. User circle color scale: the scale explains the color gradient of the user circles. The lighter the
tones, the fewer events or per day or throughput time are associated to a activity.

5. Zoom: allows the user to zoom out (' - '), zoom in (' + ') or reset the zoom (hover the mouse
over the 'Zoom' keyword to visualise the 'Reset' button) of the User chart.

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6. Go to profile: opens the selected user's profile (see 'User Profile' section)

7. Ignore user: removes the cases involving the user from the analysis.

8. View cases in: filters the cases to the ones involving the selected user on other tabs of your

9. Events: daily average number of events with the selected user.

10. Activities: average number of different activities the user executes per day.

11. Throughput time: average time it takes to complete the end to end activities the user

12. Cases come from: displays the most common user whose activities precedes the ones of the
selected user and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

13. Cases go to: displays the most common user whose activities come after the ones of the
selected user and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens

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The User Profile screen show performance metrics and graphs of a selected user.

1. User selector: change current user whose profile is being visualised or cancel the selection.

2. Events: daily average number of events with the selected user.

3. Activities: average number of different activities the user executes per day.

4. Throughput time: average time it takes to complete the end to end activities the user

5. Last active: shows how long ago did the user perform his most recent activity.

6. Cases come from: displays the most common user whose activities precedes the ones of the
selected user and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

7. Cases go to: displays the most common user whose activities come after the ones of the
selected user and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens

8. Trend chart - User's most frequently performed activities over the selected time frame :
displays the development of the number of cases the user executed on his most performed
activities over a period of time.

9. Daily profile chart: the chart displays a histogram with the average event count on the user's
most performed activities according to the part of the day in which they occur.

10. Compare against: allows the selection of another user (to be added as a trend line) to be
used as a basis of comparison in the Daily profile chart.

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If an Activity Circle (see 1) is clicked

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The Activities screen shows the most frequent activities in the current case selection.

1. Activities chart: each circle on the activities chart represents a certain activity that occurs in
the analysed process. The size and tone of the circle are associated with the frequency of
events per day in which this activity occurs (the bigger and darker the bubble, the higher the
frequency). By clicking on an Activity Circle, you are able to see metrics or filter your analysis
to this activity (see 5 to 8).

2. Activity circle color scale: the scale explains the color gradient of the activity circles. The
lighter the tones, the fewer events per day are associated to an activity.

3. Zoom: allows the user to zoom out (' - '), zoom in (' + ') or reset the zoom (hover the mouse
over the 'Zoom' keyword to visualise the 'Reset' button) of the Activities chart.

4. Activity selector: dropdown selector for searching and selecting an activity in order to open
its activity profile (see 'Activity Profile' section).

5. Go to activity profile: opens the activity profile of the selected activity circle (see 'Activity
Profile' section).

6. View cases in: view the selected activity circle activity on other tabs of your analysis.

7. Event count: daily average number of events with the selected activity.

8. Number of users: displays the number of users who execute this activity per day.

9. Cases come from: contains the activity that most commonly precedes the selected
activity, and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

10. Cases go to: contains the activity that most commonly proceeds the selected activity, and the
relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

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© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 45

The Activity Profile screen shows metrics and graphs on a selected activity.

1. Activity selector: change current activity whose profile is being visualised or cancel the

2. Event count: daily average number of events with the selected activity.

3. Number of users: displays the number of users who execute this activity per day.

4. Cases come from: contains the activity that most commonly precedes the selected
activity, and the relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

5. Cases go to: contains the activity that most commonly proceeds the selected activity, and the
relative frequency (in percent) this happens.

6. History chart: the chart displays the trend for the average event count per day for this
activity through different months.

7. Users performing: opens up the user panel (see 'Users' section) filtering only the users that
perform the selected activity.

8. Daily distribution chart: displays a histogram with the average event count of the selected
activity according to the part of the day in which they occur.

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The conformance checker allows you to automatically check a reference process model against the
process discovered from your data.


© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 47

The first part of the conformance overview shows general statistics on your process conformance.

1. The percentage of conforming cases according to your reference model.

2. How many cases are conforming versus how many cases are not conforming.
3. The number of violations that were found.
4. The number of violations that are currently whitelisted.
5. On the chart the trend for the conforming cases over time is shown.
6. The effect of the violations on KPIs. By default throughput time and the number of steps are
shown here.
7. The single violations that were found on the process. The violations can be opened by
clicking on one violation panel. The violation can be added to the whitelist by clicking on the
link: 'Add to whitelist' and all cases with this violation can be selected and viewed in one of
the existing apps by clicking 'View in...'

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 48


The violation details show all informations available for the single deviation from your to-be process.

1. First general statistics are shown. In how many cases is the violation occuring in percentage
and in total number as well as how do those develop over time.
2. How are KPIs effected from the violations. The KPI value for cases with the violation versus
the KPI value for cases without the violation.
3. Which root causes can be found in the datamodel for exactly this violation. To show the root
cause the lift and the number of occurences are used. You can switch the sorting accordingly
on the top right. The PI configurations allow you to limit and directly choose the tables and
columns that will be scanned.
4. You can view the cases with the violation in another app or whitelist the violation with the
actions in the header.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 49


The whitelist section lists all violations you added to the whitelist from the violation feed.

If a violation is on the whitelist it will not be taken into consideration for the conformance ratios and
calculations. A violation on the whitelist can be analyzed in detail by clicking on the violation panel
and opening the violation detail. You can remove the violation from the whitelist with the
corresponding link on the panel.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 50


The process model follows the BPMN 2.0 syntax. Relevant for the conformance calculations are
activities, connections, exclusive- and parallel gateways as well as the start and end notes. All other
components like annotations are ignored.

1. The pannel provides access to the actions that can be done on the BPMN model
2. Clicking on a single element will highlight the actions that can be taken on the single element
in the graph. (e.g. change the type of a join or split)
3. The model can be uploaded, downloaded or deleted from the editor. Deletion will reset the
conformance checker.
4. To launch the conformance calculation click on 'Launch analysis'

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 51


KPIs added to the KPIs section will be shown in the Conformance Overview and the violation details.

1. You can set the name, the PQL statement, the unit and a description for the KPI.
2. To save the KPI you have to click on 'Add KPI'

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 52


A newly initialized conformance checker provides three options to define the target process:

1. You can mine the process model from your process data: A variant explorer is shown where
you can select which variants are considered as a target process.
2. You can upload an existin .bpmn file. The file has to follow the BPMN 2.0 standard.
3. You can create a custom target process with the BPMN editor.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 53

The general settings allow the user to change the title, manage permissions, and reset components
to default.

Manage general settings

1. Analysis title: The analysis title will be changed all over the application if changed here.

2. Excel and .CSV export: Enables users to download raw data from the sheets and components.
You can set a limit of maximum rows to limit the load that is put on your application server.

3. BPMN export: Activates the option to export the process graphs as BPMN 2.0 file.

4. Variant calculation: You can deactivate the variant calculation on process graphs. On
processes with a very high number of distinct activities you can gain significant performance
improvements by deactivating variants. Note that the smart graph layouts might be affected.
A page reload is required after changing this setting.

5. Selection UI for viewers: You can enable the viewers on the analysis to see the selection UI.

6. Reset component configurations: This action will reset all components within the analysis to
its default settings.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 54

Load Scripts are scripts that automatically run when the analysis is loaded. With them you are able to
assure, for example, that your analysis always begins with a certain filter applied or with a selector
option displayed.


1. Load Scripts can be managed in the analysis settings in the tab: Load Scripts.

2. Define the Load Script using PQL statements on the text box. If more than one script is
applied, they should be separated by a semicolon.

3. The add column section aids the input of Load Scripts. It allows the user to select a column
from the connected databases and returns a default script based on it.
The default script has a format: FILTER "TABLE_NAME"."COLUMN_NAME" <op> <value>

4. The documentation shows the possible values the <op> (operator) might assume in the Load
Script formula.

5. Here you can find examples of useful Load Scripts formulas. Remember to replace the table
names and columns according to the ones of the data tables connected to your current

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 55

Saved formulas are a useful tool to save PQL statements. The saved formulas may be also be used by
other analysts in the analysis.

Manage saved formulas

1. Access the saved formulas in the analysis settings.

2. To create new saved formulas add them with the button 'Create formula'.

3. Search the existing list of saved formulas.

4. To edit or view the saved formula click on the list entry.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 56

Create saved formulas

1. Set a name for the saved formula. This name will be shown in the data chooser, formula
editor and function library of the visual editor.

2. Create a description for the formula. This description is available for the analysts in the
function reference.

3. Add parameters to abstract parts of your formula and make them adjustable. More on
parameters follows in the next section.

4. Define the formula statement you want to save.

5. You an access the full formula editor for easier formula creation.

6. Cancel or save your actions. Only on save new saved formulas will be stored.

Formula statements

All PQL statements supported in the Celonis analyses can be stored in a saved formula.

The only exception are variables. Variables are not supported in saved formulas!

To apply variables within saved formulas, read the next section.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 57


Saved formulas can be used in all formula inputs in the analysis.


KPI("<Name of the saved formula>" [, '<Parameter Input>'])

Fast access to the saved formulas is provided with:

The data chooser

The library in the visual editor

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 58

The pql reference

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Parameters allow you to abstract a part of the saved formula's statement and the parameter will
provide a type specific input in the visual editor. The end user re-using the saved formula in a
component has to set the input for the parameter you defined either in code or in the provided input
block of the visual editor. Parameters are set on the saved formulas by putting the parameter's
placeholder, e.g. {p1} into the formula. The following parameter types are available:

Parameter type text

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: Input B will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

Applied on code editor: B will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Ratio of Users", 'B')

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 60

Parameter type integer

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: Input 100 will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

Applied on code editor: 100 will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Ratio of Users", 100)

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 61

Parameter type decimal

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: Input 1.0 will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

Applied on code editor: 1.0 will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Ratio of Users", 1.0)

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 62

Parameter type condition

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: Usertype equals B will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

Orignial state:

With input values:

Applied on code editor: "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES"."USER_TYPE" = 'B' will replace {p1} on the formula

KPI("Ratio of Users", "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES"."USER_TYPE" = 'B')

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 63

Parameter type column

Saved formula

(optionally a default value for the selected column can be set)

Applied on visual editor: The selected column via the available dropdown will replace {p1} on the
formula statement.

Initial state:

Selected columns:

Applied on code editor: "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES"."USER_TYPE" will replace {p1} on the formula


KPI("Ratio of Users", "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES"."USER_TYPE")

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 64

Parameter type activity name

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: The selected activity via the available dropdown will replace {p1} on the
formula statement.

Initial state:

Selected activity:

Applied on code editor: 'Change Price' will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Custom activity ratio", 'Change Price')

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 65

Parameter type table

Saved formula

(optionally a default value for the selected table can be set)

Applied on visual editor: The selected table via the available dropdown will replace {p1} on the
formula statement.

Initial state:

Selected table:

Applied on code editor: "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES" will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Custom Count Items", "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES")

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 66

Parameter type date and time

Saved formula

Applied on visual editor: The selected timestamp will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

Applied on code editor: 2017-12-6 8:56:45:00 will replace {p1} on the formula statement.

KPI("Datediff against eventlog", {d '2017-12-6 8:56:45:00'})

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 67

Combine parameters and variables to adjust formulas from the analyses frontend

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You can use a combination of dropdown buttons and the saved formulas to allow users with only
view rights to adjust what KPI they are shown in a chart or table. The following example will
showcase how you can set up the Rework Ratio to be dependent on the activities selected by the

1. Create a saved formula with a text parameter to replace the activity names in your case
when statement.

2. Input the saved formula's KPI statement with the variable name input to the parameters

3. Create a Dropdown that writes to the variable.

4. Now selecting multiple or a single value on the dropdown will change the calculated value

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 69

The Code Editor lets you design and edit your dimensions/KPIs based on a graphical column selection
and a PQL editor.


1. Tables: in this section on the left, you can choose a table from your data source.

2. Columns: after you have clicked on one entry of this table list, you are now able to see the
suggested KPIs/dimensions that the Celonis engine identified from it. Below the suggestions,
the columns of the tables are also available for selection to calculate KPIs/dimensions from

If you select a column, a third area 'Choose Function' might appear (depending on the data
type of your selected column). For example, if you would like to select Year of Credit
Applications as a Dimension, you might choose the EventTime column from the Cases table.
If you are choosing a KPI, a third column will appear after choosing a column. This is where
we actually set our KPI.

3. Editor: here the formula for your KPI/dimension is display with its PQL statements.

4. PQL reference: activate the toggle to add a dropdown that helps you add PQL statements.

5. Preview: this section displays the preview of the KPIs/dimensions you have created

6. Activity name: click to edit the activity name.

7. Formatting: change the dimension formatting options.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 70


Event Collection is the Intelligent Business Cloud Service to orchestrate, manage and set up your data
pipeline from the source systems in the cloud like Salesforce, or your on premise systems like SAP


The graphic below depicts the general structure of Celonis Data Integration.

1. The main structural element of Celonis DI is the data pool. Data pools cluster data
connections, data jobs and schedules, equipping you with everything you need to setup a
data integration workflow. It makes sense to have a data pool per process cluster (e.g. one
for your ERP processes, one for you ITSM processes etc.) and/or according to regions and
legal entities.
2. Data connections allow you to connect different source systems (e.g. SAP ERP, Salesforce)
from which to extract data and check their status. Creating a data connection also defines
the space on the database where the data is extracted to.
3. Data jobs combine extraction and transformation tasks and allow you to execute them in
sequence. There are two distinct types:
1. Data connection jobs: Jobs that are linked to data connection can extract and
transform data from that source.
2. Global jobs: Jobs without a data connection cannot extract data, but they can be
used to combine data from different systems into a common pool space.
4. Schedules allow you to specify when and in which frequency your jobs are executed

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 71


Despite from the main structural elements explained above there are two other components in a
data pool which can be used in multiple places which is why they are defined on a pool level:

• Data pool parameters: They are centrally defined values which can be reused in extractions
and transformations across different data jobs and templates.
• Task templates: They are centrally stored tasks which can be reused in different data jobs.
This is useful if you would like to connect multiple systems which are very similar (e.g.
multiple instances of SAP ERP).

Data connections are the structural elements below data pools and they are used to connect to
a multitude of source systems.

1. By clicking on "new data connection" you will be presented with a list of all available
connection types that are available. After you have chosen a type you will be presented with
the configuration form. The necessary information and other requirements are documented
for the respective connectors. Note: Data connection names have to be unique within a data
2. The table shows both the name of the data connection as well as the connection type.
3. By clicking either on the row of the data connection or on "edit" in the context menu the
configuration form will be opened where you can apply changes.
4. Duplicating a data connection duplicates all all the contained information of the
configuration form. Only the name is changed since it has to be unique.
5. You can test the connection to verify that the configuration is correct and that the system is
6. Deleting the data connections deletes not only the configuration, but also all contained jobs
and tasks as well as all the data within that data connection (both extracted and
transformed). If the data is still required, but the data connection should be removed you
need to copy the data first to the global pool schema in a global transformation.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 72



• Data Jobs are used to extract data from difference connected system and then transform
the data to prepare it for process mining.
• You will set up the Data Jobs after you set up your data connection (e.g. SAP or Salesforce
Connector) and can continue afterwards with setting up the Data Models.
• Data Jobs are usually set up by Data Scientists and do not need to be adapted afterwards by
Analysts or End-Users.


In order to create a new data job you need to click on "New Data Job" in the "Data Job" section. This
will open a modal where you specify a unique name among the data pool and the data connection it
should work with. There are two distinct types of data jobs:

• data connection jobs

• global jobs

Data connection jobs are bound to a specific data connection (which can be changed however),
whereas global jobs only transform existing data, e.g. unifying data from different data connections
into one or multiple joint tables. Global jobs cannot be transformed into data connection jobs or vice
versa. Since global jobs are not bound to a data connection they can only contain transformations
and no extractions.

Create a data connection job at first. Global jobs (those without a data connection) are only needed if
you would like to unify data from different systems.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 73


The following actions can be performed on a job by clicking on the context menu to the right of the
job name:

1. Rename: Changes the name of the job which has to be unique among the jobs in one data pool
(also across data connections)

2. Change Data Connection: Changes the data connection of a job. This is only available for data
connection jobs, not for global jobs. You need to make sure that the tables that the extractions
define and the columns used for filtering etc. are also available in the new data connection.

3. Duplicate: Copies the job along with all tasks and their parameters. The status and the logs are not

4. Execute Data Job: Opens the modal to configure the job execution, consult Data Job Execution for

5. Delete: Deletes the job and its tasks.

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The following actions can be performed on a task:

1. By dragging on the handle to the left of the task name you can change the order of the tasks which
affects the execution.

2. By clicking on the task between the drag handle and the content menu button, you open the task
to modify its contents.

The other actions are available in the context menu on the right:

3. Open: The same as (2).

4. Rename: Changes the name of the task.

5. Enable/Disable: If a task is disabled, it will be hidden in the execution modal and it will not be
executed by schedule. The status is shown next to the task name.

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6./7. Move Up/Move Down: Similar to 1) the task is moved up or down which changes the order in
the execution.

8. Duplicate: Copies the task and adds it right after the base task along with the content and all

9. Execute: Opens the execution modal with the respective task pre-selected and every other task

10. Execute from here: Opens the execution modal with the respective task and all the following
tasks pre-selected and every preceeding task deselected.

11. Convert to template: The task becomes a template which cannot be reverted. Please refer to the
Task Template section for details.

12. Delete: The task and als its contents is deleted.

Not shown and only for transformations: Publish/Unpublish

Data Job Executio

Triggering a job execution

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 76

You can execute a data job manually by using one of the four methods shown on the screenshots on
the left:

1. Click on "Execute Data Job" while in the job configuration.

2. Click on the content menu entry of a job "Execute Data Job".

3./4. Click on the content menu entry of a task "Execute" or "Execute from here", see section
"Actions on a task" for details

All three types of manual execution will open the execution modal which allows you to configure
what tasks of the job should be executed. Please note that the modal only contains tasks which are
enabled. In order to execute disabled tasks you need to enable them first.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 77

1. You can search table names by typing into the search field on the top right.

2./3. You can show and hide the list of tables in the extraction either by clicking on the ">" button to
the left of the name of the extraction or by clicking on the link on the right.

4. You can select and deselect single tables in an extraction. By default, all tables are selected if an
extraction is selected. Only if a table is selected, it will be extracted.

5. You can select and deselect transformations as well as (complete) extractions. This will exclude
them from the execution.

6./7. You can deselect (6) or select (7) all tasks and extraction tables. This is a short cut if you would
like to execute (almost) everything or only a very small number of tasks.

8. By activating the "Reload all data" switch you will execute a full load. Otherwise, a delta load is
performed (see Full Load and Delta Load below)

9. A click on the execute button starts the execution. This button is only enabled if at least one task is


All enabled tasks are executed sequentially starting with the extractions. Every task only starts if the
preceeding task finished successfully. The execution order within extractions or transformations
respectively can be changed by either dragging the handles to the left of the task name or by using
the move up/move down content menu entries.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 78


When you select to "reload all data" the tables in the existing database that have the same name as
the ones in the extraction will be deleted and the new data is written to the database. However, the
existing data is only deleted after the extraction was successful so you will not lose data unless the
extraction worked.


The purpose of delta loading is to reduce the amount of data needed to be transferred between the
source system and Celonis DI to enable more frequent reloads.


The prerequisite for delta loading is that the table structure has not changed (so the number of
columns, columns names and data types). If the structure of a table has changed - either because the
source system changed or because the extraction configuration specifies other columns to extract, a
full load is required once to update the table structure.

When you select not to "reload all data" (which is the default) the existing tables will be preserved
and updated with the newly extracted data. Therefore, there are two significant differences between
a full and a delta load: the filters used and the update mechanism.

You should almost always use delta loading, especially for large data volumes to reduce both the
impact on your data connection and the time for the execution. This also allows you to extract data
more frequently.

Filters used for extraction

The delta load uses a conjuction of the normal filter and the delta filter. Typically, the delta filter field
should contain a filter statement that only extracts the newest data which is either not in the
database yet or which has been updated since the last extraction. In order to facilitate specifying this
filter, you can use dynamic task parameters which query the existing database and generate the
maximum of a column (e.g. the last load date). This dynamic parameter can then be used to restrict
the data volume to only the newest data.

Example: Table1 in your system contains the column LAST_CHANGED_DATE which contains the date
on which the last change to the row occured. If you use a dynamic parameter "LastChangedDate" to
retrieve the maximum last change date from the existing data you will get the last change date of the
last extraction so most likely the extraction date itself. Then, you can use the following delta filter:

LAST_CHANGED_DATE >= <%= LastChangedDate %>

This filter will retrieve all rows which have been updated after the last extraction.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 79

Update mechanism

This is the process that it is followed to update the existing data:

1. Retrieve the primary key or keys from the extracted data. Which column is a primary key is
either taken from the source system or from the extraction configuration if available.
2. Delete all rows of the existing data table that have the same primary key(s) as the new data.
3. Insert all rows from the new data into the existing data table.


While a job is running you can view the current status in the log tab or in the execution history.
However, you can also modify its configurations without interfering with the current execution.
Moreover, you have the possibility to cancel it.

Cancelling a job execution

When a job is running you can cancel its execution by clicking on the "Cancel Execution" button. This
will attempt to terminate running processes of this job both in the application itself and in remote
systems. If a schedule attempts to execute a job which is already running the schedule will be
cancelled automatically.

Modifying a job during execution

You can access and change configurations of all the tasks of a job and data pool parameters.
However, this does only affect future executions of the job. Even if a task is not started yet, the
configurations are taken from the point in time when the whole job execution began.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 80


The logs display all executions of the data job together with information on the status and the
execution start time.

1. To access the logs of a data job you need to click on the "Logs" tab within any data job.
2. For every data job execution you see the starting date and time.
3. If a data job is executed by a schedule you will see the name of that schedule here. If a user
executed the data job manually, "Manual Execution" will be shown here.
4. The status of a data job can be one of the following:
1. Successful: All tasks within the job have been successfully executed.
2. Failed: At least one task has failed during the execution.
3. Cancelled: The execution has been cancelled before it could finish.
4. Running: The execution is currently running.
5. Queued: The execution is currently running, but it is on hold.
5. By clicking on any row/any data job execution you enter the detailed logs.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 81


1. The general data job log contains logging messages that are not connected to any task.
2. By clicking on any task you can display the steps of the task (in case of extractions this will be
the different tables) as well as the general task log which contains logging messages that are
not connected to a particular step.
3. The panel on the bottom displays the detailled logging messages. In case of errors, the
detailed error messages will be shown which allows you to assess where the problem is
located. Please contact Celonis Service Desk in case of an unresolvable issue.
4. In case there are multiple pages of logs, the pagination button in the top of the detailed logs
help you to navigate through the pages.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 82

You can add tables by clicking on the "add table" button on the top right. This will display all the
available tables that the data connection provides.

You can also search for specfic tables. The search is case-insensitive and you can use percentage
signs (%) as a wildcard, e.g. EK% matches all tables which start with EK.

Table configuration

When you have added a table, you can change multiple settings depending on the connector type.
These are the most common options:

• Column subset: Specify which columns should be extracted from the table in a comma-
separated list, e.g. COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3
• Pseudonymized columns: In the same manner as the column subsets you can specify if and
which columns should be pseudonymized during the extraction.
• Filter: Specify in SQL syntax what rows will be extracted, e.g. COLUMN1 > 5
• Delta Filter: Specify in SQL syntax what additional filters should be applied when the job is
executed a delta load. This filter statement is combined with the normal filter with the logical
AND operator
• Join: You can add one or multiple join partners to the table. Each join partner can either be
joined thorugh the primary keys of the tables or through a custom join path. In order for the
primary key join to work, the primary keys of the table to be jioned need to included in the
primary keys of the base table. You can also add a filter for each joined table.
• Primary keys columns: You can override the primary keys of the source system to be used
during delta loading

The table configuration needs to be saved for each table individually by clicking on the "Save" button
on the bottom right.


If a column is defined to be pseudonymized, it means that the value is replaced with a hashed value.
The difference to anonymization is that if values are the same in the source system, they will also be
replaced with the same hashed value if the database of Celonis DI. It is not possible to reconstruct
the original values.

Override the primary key columns

You can explicitly specify which columns should be used as primary key columns during a delta load.
This is only necessary if the source system does not provide this information on its own. This could be
the case if you extract views from a database, for example. Source systems like Salesforce, SAP or
Oracle EBS provide this information so it is not necessary to use this feature.

Please note that overriding the primary key columns does not change how data is stored in the
database. It is only used for delta loads and not saved.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 83

Schedules are used to automatically execute jobs on a regular basis. Currently, they only allow
sequential processing which means that all the jobs within one schedule are executed one after
another and if one job fails, the remaining jobs will be cancelled.

1. The name of the schedule. This will be also shown in the logs.
2. The "status" column gives you an overview of which schedules are enabled and will therefore
be executed and which are disabled.
3. The "scheduled jobs" column counts the number of jobs which are contained in this
4. The context menu entry "open" opens the configuration window for the specfic schedule. A
click on the row next to the context menu achieves the same.
5. In the rename dialog you can rename the schedule.
6. "View logs" is a shortcut to the execution history where you look at the logs of the specfic
7. After a confirmation dialog you can delete the schedule. This will not delete the contained
jobs, only the configuration of the schedule.
8. Clicking on the "new schedule" button you can create a new schedule.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 84

Configuring a schedule

1. The "view logs" button is a shortcut to the execution history.

2. After a confirmation you can enable the schedule. Make sure that both the scheduling plan
as well as the jobs are correctly set up before for enabling it.
3. You can decide whether all the jobs should be executed as full or as delta loads. See Data
Jobs for details.
4. There are multiple scheduling plans available:
1. Hourly: The schedule is executed every hour at 0, 15, 30 or 45 minutes after the full
2. Every few hours: Similar to hourly, but you can specify an interval in hours between
3. Daily: Specify a specfic time of the day on which the schedule is executed.
4. Weekly: Specify one or more weekdays and a time on which the schedule is
5. Monthly: The schedule is executed on a specific day of the month and a specific time.
6. Custom cron: Define a scheduling plan with a cron syntax (see below)
5. The configuration change according to the scheduling plan (see 4).
6. If you make any changes to the scheduling plan you need to save it before changing anythign
else (e.g. enabling the schedule or adding jobs).
7. By clicking on the "schedule data jobs" button you will receive a list view of the jobs which
allows you to add jobs to the schedule.
8. You can reorder the jobs in the schedule by dragging on the handles to the left of the
schedule name.
9. You can also reorder the jobs by using the up and down options in the context menu. There
you can also remove the job from the schedule. This does not delete the job - it only removes
it from the current schedule.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 85

Details on the cron syntax

The cron syntax allows you to precisely define a custom scheduling plan. The syntax is composed of
six elements. Each element is either a number or an asterics for "every"

1. second: 0-59 or *
2. minute: 0-59 or *
3. hour: 0-23 or *
4. day of the month: 1-31
5. month of the year: 1-12 or JAN-DEC
6. day of the week: 1-7 or SUN-SAT

Please note that the minimum interval is 1 minute.


Cron syntax Explanation

0 0 0 1 * * The schedule will be executed at midnight on the first day every month.

0 * * 1 * * The schedule will be executed every minute, but only on the first day of the month.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 86


Step 1: Install the Celonis RFC module in your SAP ECC system (responsible role: SAP Basis)

The minimum requirements of the extractor component in the SAP system are:
• Minimum Version: SAP ECC 6 EHP 4
• Development rights on the SAP system to install the modules (not required for the
execution of an extraction)
• 100 GB of free disk space on the SAP system server hard drive or a network drive at
the location used for installation step B for the temporary data folder
• The system user running the SAP system needs to have access (reading and writing)
rights to the temporary data folder
G-Zip available on the server of the SAP system (this is used to reduce the amount of disk space
required since files are compressed directly after extraction)

The minimum required disk space is only used for temporary storage of the data chunks which are
removed after a successful transfer. The size of the compressed chunks varies from table to table,
but their size is likely below 1 GB per chunk.

Information needed after installation
After the installation of the extractor component in the SAP system, the following information is
needed to continue with the setup:
• Username and password of the created user for the RFC connection
• Host name or IP of the SAP server system that is used for the RFC connection from the
extractor server
• System number
• Client
• Maximum number of parallel table extractions to be done by the extractor

A. Import the transport

1. Check the folder where transports are placed with the transaction AL11 and look under
DIR_TRANS; the default is /usr/sap/trans/ on Linux
2. Unzip the provided ZIP file and copy the cofile (K...) into DIR_TRANS/cofiles and the data file
(R...) into DIR_TRANS/data
3. Run the transaction STMS in your SAP system
4. Click on import overview (F5)
5. Double-click on the import queue of the target system
6. Click on Extras → Other Requests → Add
7. Specify the name of the transport which is IDEK... (where "..." should be replaced by the
number that is contained in the file names of the two transport files)
8. Click on import

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 87

B. Modify the target path for the data on the SAP system
1. Create a dedicated directory on your SAP server (or a network drive) and make sure that the
user running the SAP system has reading and writing access to it
2. Run the transaction FILE in your SAP system
3. Find the Logical Path Z_CELONIS_TARGET in the list
4. Edit the entry by clicking on the button to the left of the new entry and then double-click on
the folder "assignment logical and physical paths"
5. Set a path for UNIX and/or Windows (shown in the screenshot on the left); the path should
be the directory on the system or a network drive that you created in step 1

C. Modify the external command for the compression method
These steps only need to be done if your system does not use the default compression methods.
1. Run the transaction SM69
2. Modify External Commands for GZIP
3. Command Name: Z_CELO_GZIP
4. Operating System Command: gzip
5. Compare the final result with the screenshot below

D. Add a user for the RFC connection
Add a technical user for the RFC connection.
Afterwards follow these steps to apply the correct roles to the user:
1. Run the transaction PFCG
2. Go to Role → Upload
3. Select the provided role file (CELONIS_EXTRACTION.SAP - download here)
4. Apply the uploaded role CELONIS_EXTRACTION to the RFC user
If you wish to set up the user yourself, please make sure that the user has the following permissions
• Permission to write on the server hard disk under the path specified in step B
• Permission to execute all RFC modules contained in the transport imported in step A
• Read access to all tables that should be extracted and DD02L and DD03L for retrieving the
table and column names

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 88

Step 2: Install the on premise Extractor on your local server (responsible role: server and
infrastructure administrator)
Please refer to the documentation on how to set up an on premise connector:
On premise Data Connections

Step 3: Open required firewall ports in your network (responsible role: firewall and network

Connections for operation of the extractor
Source System Target System Port Protocol

SAP ECC system On premise extractor 8099 TCP


On premise extractor SAP ECC system 33XX (where xx is the system TCP
server number)

On premise extractor Celonis cloud 443 TCP

server endpoint

Cloud IP addresses depending on the realm

The respective realms use multiple IPs each so you need to enable all three of them in your firewall
configuration for the connection between the on premise extractor server and the cloud endpoint.

Cluster Used IPs




© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 89

Step 4: Create a data connection in a Data Pool

1. Create a new connection and choose the type SAP
2. Specify the connection details of your SAP system on the following page:
a. Name: The name that you would like this connection to have
b. Host: URL to the system
c. System number: a two-digit code, e.g. 00
d. Client: a three-digit code, e.g. 100
e. User: the user name that has the right to execute ABAP scripts
f. Password: the password of the user
g. Compression type: choose G-Zip here if available, otherwise uncompressed (not
3. Click on “Save".

If you receive an error here, check you connection details and verify that your user is not locked and the
SAP system is running. If the connection can be established, you will be redirected back to the connection
overview and you will see a notification that the connection has been established.

Connection Test

When you test a connection, the following steps are performed:

• Check whether all the function modules exist

• Write an empty file on the SAP server in the defined folder
• Compress the newly created file (if compression is enabled)
• Send the file to the extractor

Therefore the following aspects are tested:

• Existence and completeness of the RFC module

• Writing rights on the SAP server in the respective folder
• Reading rights on the SAP server in the respective folder
• Correctly configured compression method
• Open firewall ports to send RFC call to the SAP system
• Open firewall ports to send files from SAP to the extractor
• Open firewall ports to send files from the extractor to the cloud endpoint

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The database or JDBC connector allows you to connect to any supported SQL database via JDBC.

Step 1: Set up the database Extractor on premise in your network
Please refer to the documentation on how to set up an on premise connector:
On premise Data Connections

Step 2: Modify your network settings to allow the Extractor to communicate to the database and
the IBC

There are two scenarios:
A) You do not want to or cannot allow the IBC to access your database directly and you want to use
an on premise Extractor instead.

B) You want to allow the IBC to access your database directly.

Network settings for scenario A (access though an on premise Extractor)
Source System Target Port Protocol Description

On premise Source depends on the TCP JDBC connection from on

Extractor server system database, typical premise Extractor server to
(on- ports are 5432 the database. The port is the
premise) for Postgres and one that you use normally
30015 for HANA to connect to the database.
for example

On IBC 443 TCP HTTPS connection from on

premise Extractor premise Extractor server to
server Celonis cloud endpoint. The
IPs of the IBC depend on the
cloud cluster (which can be
seen in the URL) and they
can be found the section

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 91

Network settings for scenario B (direct access)

Source Target Port Protocol Description
System System

IBC Source depends on the TCP JDBC connection from the IBC to the
system database, typical database. The port is the one that
(on- ports are 5432 for you use normally to connect to the
premise) Postgres and database. The IPs of the IBC depend
30015 for HANA on the cloud cluster (which can be
for example seen in the URL) and they can be
found in the section below.

IBC IP addresses depending on the cluster

The respective cluster s use multiple IPs each so you need to enable all three of them in your firewall
configuration for the connection between the on premise Extractor server and the cloud endpoint.

Cluster IBC IPs as target (scenario A) IBC IPs as source (scenario B)




Step 3: Configure a user with sufficient permissions in your database

In order to extract from a database, you need to create or use an existing user which has read access
to all tables which should be extracted.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 92

Step 4: Creating the Data Connection in a Data Pool

Fill in your connection details of the database that you would like to connect to:

1. Name: The name that you would like the data connection to have
2. Type: The type of database (e.g. Postgres, Oracle, ...)
3. Server name: The database server name or IP of the database server
4. Port: The port to connect to the database server
5. Database name: The name of the database within the database server
6. Schema name: The schema to use. This is optional.
7. Additional properties: Additional properties like validateCertificate=false for a HANA database
8. User name: The username to connect to the database server (see step 3)
9. Password: The password of the user (see step 3)

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 93


Step 1: Create an Application in Ariba

The SAP documentation can be found here: LINK (Register an Application in SAP Ariba Developer

These are the necessary steps:
1. Login to the SAP Ariba developer portal: (for US) or (for EU)
2. Go to "Manage" and create a new application by clicking the "+" button (see screenshot on
the left)
3. Enter a name and description for your new application.
4. Submit your new application for approval.
5. After the application was approved, you will find the following information in the developer
portal which you need for Step 2: API key, client ID, client secret

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 94

Step 2: Only if your system is IP-blocked: Whitelist the IPs of the IBC
If your system is only reachable within a certain IP range, you need to whitelist the outbound IPs of the IBC,
otherwise data cannot be extracted. The IPs of the IBC are different depending on the cluster (eu-1 or us-

Cluster Used IPs




Step 3: Create a Data Connection in a Data Pool
Enter the name of the new SAP Ariba connection and then enter the following:
• Variant: There are several standard templates for objects with an Ariba system. Choosing the
variant allows you to switch between the templates. If you do not have a strong preference,
you should usually choose "SAP".
• Region: Please specify whether your Ariba system is based in Europe or the United States.
Depending on the region, different URLs have to be used for authentication.
• Realm: The name of your SAP Ariba Realm. The realm is usually contained in your SAP Ariba
system URL. It should contain a part "realm=mycompany". Here, "mycompany" would be the
• Client ID: Authentication credentials which you can retrieve from your application in the
developer portal (see Step 1).
• Client Secret: Authentication credentials which you can retrieve from your application in the
developer portal (see Step 1).
• API Key: Authentication credentials which you can retrieve from your application in the
developer portal (see Step 1).
• Number of threads: The maximum number of parallel extractions that the data connection

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 95


Step 1: Setting up the Connection

Parameters needed
The user name of the user connecting with the SAP Hybris system.
The password of the user connecting with the SAP Hybris system.
The realm of your SAP Hybris instance. The realm can be found by looking at the system URL.
In this URL: for example "my123456" would be the

Step 2: Data Extraction
Data Access
The Celonis connector performs read-only operations on your SAP Hybris data. No writing changes
(like updates, deletions) will be performed at any time during the extraction process.

Source System Impact
None of our customers have ever experienced performance issues through the SAP Hybris connector
in any way.

Transfer of the data from the SAP Hybris system to the target system is secured through HTTPS,
which allows for an encrypted exchange of information.

Depending on the amount of data in your SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer source system, the data
extraction can take several hours.

Time Filters. Any datetime column of a table can be used for applying time filters. Datetime columns
can be identified by looking at the following documentation:

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 96



Team privacy

The team privacy allows you to configure who can be invited to your team by the users:

Public teams:

No restriction on team invites.

Private teams:

Only team admins can invite new team members.

Public to domain:

Team invites are restricted to the specified domain.

Multiple domains:

You can define multiple domains to which invites are restricted by defining them in a separate

IP based restrictions

IP based restrictions will limit the access to your team to a specified IP range. The options show you:

Active configuration:

Which and if there is a restriction active.

Updated configuration

To change the IP restriction specify the IPs here and save the change.

Your current IP

To check if you can access the team after the saved change you can see your own current CIDR

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 97


SSO is a property of multiple related, yet independent software systems. It is the authentication part
of a federated identity system. It establishes the identity of the user and then shares this information
with each subsystem that requires the data.

→ The user logs in with a single ID and password to gain access to any of several related systems.

Login Options for Celonis IBC
Team admins can configure different ways how the users of their team can log in to their Celonis IBC
team. Either Celonis Login or Single Sign-On can be used. Single Sign-On (SSO) let's users access IBC
with credentials they use for other services and ressources as well.

Important note
Changing the current login method to a new one will cause the currently logged in team members to
be logged out.

Celonis Login
If you activate "Celonis Login" for your team, the login credentials of Celonis Intelligent Business
Cloud will be used for accessing your IBC Team

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
Federated authentication using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) enables you to send
authentication data between affiliated but unrelated web services. You can log in to Celonis
Intelligent Business Cloud from a client app using your familiar credentials.

You can find more information on how to set up in our online help:

OpenID Connect (OIDC)
OpenID Connect is an interoperable authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 family of

You can find more information on how to set up in our online help:

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 98

How does Single Sign-On work in combination with LDAP?

In order to easily administrate users, groups and permissions, it is highly recommended to set up an
LDAP sync in combination with a SSO configuration.

This is an overview of the complete setup of SSO (SAML) and LDAP for a given IBC Team:

Users and groups are synchronized to IBC user database via LDAP sync
1) LDAP-client.jar pulls from active directory users and groups that fit the search criteria
defined in the yml file
2) LDAP-client.jar pushes these users & groups to IBC

User log in via SAML (SSO)
3) The user tries to log in to the Customers IBC Team; if SAML has been configured for the
IBC team:
4) IBC responds by generating a SAML request & redirect request to IdP
5) The browser redirects the user to an SSO URL with Identity Provider (IdP); IdP parses the
SAML request
6) IdP authenticates the user (this could be via username and password or even a two-factor
authentication; if the user is already authenticated with IdP and has an active IdP session,
login with IdP will be skipped) and generates a SAML response.
7) IdP returns the SAML response to the browser. IdP triggers redirect to callback URL of IBC
Service provider and sends SAML response for verification.
8) Browser executes the redirect that has been initiated and passes SAML response to IBC
9) Service Provider verifies on user database that user is part of the team (based on email
10) If verification is successful, the user will be logged in to the customer's IBC team and
granted access to the resources for which he has the required permissions.

You can find more information on how to set up in our online help:

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 99


Set up the on premise extractor server


• Virtual machine or physical server

• CPU: Min. Intel Xeon processor with 4 Cores
• RAM: min. 16 GB
• Disk space: min. 100 GB, can be on a separate partition or network drive
• Location of the server needs to be in the same network as the source system(s) that should be

Operating system and software

• 64-bit Operating System

o Windows Server: supported 2008 R2 SP1 & later, recommended 2012 R2
o Ubuntu: recommended 16.04 LTS
• Java (JRE) 8 64-bit with Java Cryptography Extension (OpenJDK 8 is also supported)
• On Windows:
o Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64), available for download here:
o Java Hadoop Winutils (this is packaged with the software, but on some systems it
needed to be provided separately - if this is the case Celonis is going to provide the
necessary libraries)
• Administrative rights for setup

Set up the Connection in the IBC Team Settings


1. Go to team settings and then system/Uplink integrations

2. Create a new uplink with the type "Connector" (independent of which Connector type you
would like to connect)
3. Copy the keys and save them temporarily

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 100

Installing and configuring the on premise extractor

1. Download the extractor package (see the links under "Available Extractors")
2. Add the copied keys to config file application-local.yml (see example below)

Spacing in the configuration
Please make sure not to change anything regarding the white spaces in the configuration file
application-local.yml. The different elements need to be spaced exactly as in the original example.

Most settings can be left as is. You need to adapt the following:
1. The file name after "file:" indicates the name of the log file into which the extractor writes
2. The following options need to be configured
a. url: You need to adapt the team name - it should point to the team that the data
should be send to - https://{team}.{cluster}
b. clientId: The client ID of the uplink endpoint that you have already set-up
c. clientSecret: The client secret of the uplink endpoint that you have already set-up
3. the server/port setting is optional if the standard port is already in use

There are two ways to run the extractor:
a) in the command line

b) as a service

Steps to run the extractor in the command line

Start the jar file by opening the terminal/cmd, navigating to the respective folder and running it with
the following command:

java -jar connector_file_name.jar serve

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 101

Running multiple extractors

If you like to run multiple on premise extractors in the same folder, you need to rename the
application-default.yml files so that they are distinct. Then you need to start the respective extractor
with the following command:

java -Dspring.config.location=configuration_file_name.yml -jar extractor_file_name.jar serve

Optional: Running an on premise Extractor as a Windows service

The major benefit of running it as a service is that the Extractor can be automatically started when the
server is rebooted. The Extractor package contains four files that enable you to run the Extractor as a
Windows service:

• Celonis<ConnectionType>Extractor.xml: The configuration file of the service. Normally, you do

not need to make any changes to this file.
• install.bat: The batch file to install the services on the service.
• startup.bat: The batch file to start the service manually.
• shutdown.bat: The batch file to stop the service manually.

In order to perform an install, a startup or a shutdown, you need to run the batch file as an
administrator. To do that, simply right click on the respective file and then select "Run as

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 102


In the Leave your data in place deployment scenario for the Intelligent Business Cloud all data
processing services are hosted on premises within the customer infrastructure. The application
services to visualize data are hosted within the cloud core of the Intelligent Business cloud within the
Celonis AWS or Azure realm.

Step 1: Set up the analytics database server

You need to set up a database server that hosts the desired analytics database. The analytics database
contains the data to be analyzed.

Supported databases: HANA: 1.0 (SP112 and later); recommended: 2.0

Option A: Database managed by application

In this option Event Collection will create, manage and delete database schemas automatically, the
user simply needs to be specify names for different elements and everything is handled automatically.


A technical database user that can create and delete schemas and tables is needed.

This option makes sense if you have installed the database for the use with the Intelligent Business
Cloud and you plan to only use it for this purpose.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 103

Option B: Database managed manually

In this option Event Collection uses existing schemas. You need to take care of the schema creation
and deletion on the database level (e.g. through SQL Server Studio).


A technical database user that can read the schemas to be used and who has the right to create and
delete tables

This option makes sense if you already have a database in place, possibly with data already in it.

Step 2: Set up the application server

A server is required with the following attributes

• Minimum 4-core-CPU and 16 GB RAM; more recommended for larger data volumes
• The hard drive should offer at least 100 GB of free disk space, more needed if larger data
volumes are expected
• Operating system:
o Windows Server: supported 2008 R2 SP1, R2012, R2016, recommended 2012 R2
o Ubuntu: recommended 16.04 LTS
o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
• Java 8 64-bit JRE with Java Cryptography Extension installed (OpenJDK 8 is also supported)
• Admin rights on the server as we need to install services on the system
• Open ports for Event Collection and the Process Mining Engine
• On Windows:
o Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64), available for download here:

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 104

Step 3: Configure firewall settings

The following connection need to be enabled:

Source Target System Port Protocol Description


Application Celonis Cloud 2222 SSH SSH connection from the

server endpoint (SSH application server to the SSH server
server) hosted in the Intelligent Business

Application Celonis Cloud 443 TCP HTTPS connection from the

server endpoint application server to the other
(other applications hosted in the
applications) Intelligent Business Cloud.

Application Database port to TCP JDBC connection from the

server server access application server to the database
database server. The port depends on the
database used, e.g. 1433 for

Application Source port to TCP For SAP: RFC connection from

server system access data integration server to SAP
source system. The system number can
be retrieved from the SAP basis
team and the port is 33xx (where
xx is the system number).
For others: Depending on the
source system the port to access
it needs to be opened.

Source Application 8099 TCP HTTP(S) connection from source

system server system to the application server.
Currently, this is only used for SAP
source systems.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 105

IBC IP addresses depending on the cluster

The respective clusters use multiple IPs each so you need to enable all three of them in your firewall
configuration for the connection between the application server and the SSH server.




Step 4: Generate a SSH key value pair

In order to connect your on premise application with the IBC, you need to generate an SSH key. Please
save the private and the public key on the application server.

SSH key generation on Linux

Please use the following command to generate the key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

SSH key generation on Windows

For Windows we recommend PUTTYgen ( Please follow the steps below
to create the key pair.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 106

Step 5: Set up the application database on the application server

You need a Postgres database installed (version 9.6.x) that functions as an application database
containing the extraction and transformation configuration. The Postgres database server should
contain at least two databases: one for Event Collection and one for the Process Mining Engine. You
will need to note down the following for the respective configuration file in a later step:

• host, typically localhost

• port, typically 5432
• user
• password
• name of the Event Collection database (we recommend integration-database)
• name of the Process Mining Engine database (we recommend compute-database)

Step 6: Configure the application in IBC team settings

1. Activate Hybrid: Activate hybrid to use your local Event Collection.
2. SSH port: This is the port that will later be filled automatically in your local settings.
3. Hybrid secret: When you click on "Generate Hybrid Secret", you reset the authentication
token that the application uses. Afterwards you need to download the configuration file
again to retrieve the secret and then you need to fill in the new secret in your local
configuration file.
4. Hybrid configuration file: You need to download the configuration file that functions as a
template for all the necessary local configurations. Please see step 7 for details on how to fill
it out.
5. Hybrid URL: Please put http://hybrid-ssh-server as the hybrid URL.
6. Public Key: Please copy the complete content of your locally generated public key file in this
field (see step 4). The structure of the key is typically ssh-rsa <public-key-hash>
<user>@<machine> if you generate it on Linux, but it can also be different depending on how
it was generated.

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 107

7. Pool Provider: Set your locally used analytics database here so that process packages from
the App Store will have the correct format.
8. Save: Save your changes when you are done.

Step 7: Install the software on the application server

The software is packaged in a ZIP archive which you need to put into the desired folder and then
decompress it. You will then receive the following files and folder:

• components: contains the java executables

• conf: contains the configuration files
• logs: contains the logs
• temp: used for temporary data storage
• startup.bat / a script to start all the services
• shutdown.bat / a script to shutdown all the services

Additionally you have specific folders/files per operating system


CelonisDataIntegration*.exe and CelonisDataIntegration*.xml files which define how the services are
run as a windows service

install script: registers the software modules as windows services and starts the application


a run folder containing .pid files which include the process ID when the software is running

a script to check the status of the services

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 108

Adaption of the configuration file

Please move the configuration file application-local.yml that you have received in step 6 into the root
folder of your installation (on the same level as the startup script and the components folder for

Configuration for target databases

As mentioned in step 1 you can use Event Collection in two modes:

• Database managed by application (Option A)

• Database managed manually (Option B)

Depending on the mode, you need to replace the section starting with "integration" in one of the
following two ways.

Configurations for option A

Configurations for option B

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 109

or Linux only

You need to make sure that the line breaks in and are UNIX style (line feed
instead of carriage return/a combination of CR/LF). This can be done with an editor like Notepad++.

Moreover, you need to make and executable by executing the following
commands in the command line:

• Chmod +s

Step 8: Check that the installation is working

In order to check that everything is correctly configured and connected, you can go to

© 2018 Celonis SE HANDBOOK 110

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