Shortcut Key's 4 Netbeans

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Top 10 NetBeans IDE Keyboard Shortcuts I use the most

Initially for exploration of the features working with mouse may feel fancy but
as you continue using the tool for project development and want to concentrate m
ore on task in hand you start finding ways to do things faster. NetBeans IDE 6.1
provides many keyboard shortcuts if used judiciously they can save a lot of dev
elopers time.
I use certain shortcut keys more often than other keys. This is a list of the ke
yboard shortcuts for NetBeans IDE which I use in my day to day development tasks
1. CTRL+F12 Navigate to Member
When my class becomes big and there are many methods in the class navigating to
a specific method becomes easy with this dialog box.
As soon as I start typing the name of the desired method the dialog contents are
filtered for me to select from matching method names starting from what I have

2. SHIFT+ESC Toggle Editor Maximize / Minimize

I like working in the fully maximized editor window. SHIFT+ESC maximize the edit
or window for me and I can work with full concentration. When I need to see othe
r windows I can again press SHIFT+ESC and I get the normal layout of windows bac

3. CTRL+7 Activate Navigator Window

When I am in maximized editor mode and I need to navigate to some method, either
I choose the method 1 as described above or sometimes I use CTRL+7 to activate
the navigator window. The windows other than editor in NetBeans follow a specifi
c pattern, you can type characters and a quick search window appears which selec
ts the most appropriate item from the window according to what is typed in this
quick search window.

4. CTRL+/ Toggle Comment

For quick commenting of some lines I select those lines and press CTRL+/ to comm
ent all those selected lines. The same lines can be uncommented again by followi
ng the same process.

5. ALT+SHIFT+F Format Code

This key combination formats my code to the standard Java Code Formatting templa
6. CTRL+0 Activate the Editor
When I am in the Navigator window through the shortcut CTRL+7 and I want to navi
gate back to the editor i press CTRL+0. I do not need mouse to do this navigatio
n and save a lot of time in navigating between windows.
7. CTRL+# Activate different windows
These shortcuts are handy for navigating between the different windows. They bec
ome very important when I work in maximized editor mode.
CTRL+1 - Project Window
CTRL+2 - Files Window
CTRL+3 - Favorite Window
CTRL+4 - Output Window
CTRL+5 - Services window
CTRL+6 - Tasks Window
8. ALT+INSERT Generate Code
When I need to generate getter setters or constructors this key combination brin
gs the Code Generation menu

9. ALT+F7 Find Usages

Many a times I want to track all the occurrences of a particular method call. Wh
o is calling my method. This Find Usages dialog comes handy in such times.

10. CTRL+F4 Close Editor Window and CTRL+SHIFT+F4 Close All Editor Windows
I use these keys often to close my editor windows and save many mouse clicks.

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