Grade 7 Science Week 4-5-Chemistry

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Solutions, Suspensions, and Colloids
Solutions Colloids Suspensions
Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous
Particle size: 0.01-1 nm; Particle size: 1-1000 nm, Particle size: over 1000 nm, suspended;
atoms, ions, or molecules dispersed; large molecules or large particles or aggregates
Do not separate on Do not separate on standing Particles settle out
Cannot be separated by Cannot be separated by filtration Can be separated by filtration
Do not scatter light Scatter light (Tyndall effect) May either scatter light or be opaque
Properties of Solutions, Colloids, and Suspensions

Enrichment Activity Skills: interpreting tables, comparing, applying concepts The table
below summarizes the various properties of solutions, colloids, and suspensions. Study
the table. Then, answer the questions that follow.

1. Name two properties that make solutions different from colloids.

2. Name three properties that solutions and colloids have in common.

3. What property do colloids and suspensions have in common?

4. What is a mixture?

5. Contrast homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. [Contrast = How are they


6. Define solution, suspension, and colloid.

a. Solution-

b. Suspension-

c. Colloid-

7. Identify each type of mixture as homogeneous or heterogeneous. Explain why

you chose each type of classification.




8. How do the particle sizes compare in solutions, suspensions, and colloids?

9.15 Give 3 example of solution and identify the solute and solvent.

Solution concentration

The amount of solute in a given solution is called the concentration of a solution. The

proportion of solute and solvent in solutions are not even. Depending upon the
proportion of solute, a solution can be,

 Dilute solution
 Concentrated solution
 Saturated solution
The terms dilute solution and concentrated solutions are vague as they lack quantitative
preciseness. The main difference between the dilute solution and concentrated solution
is that dilute solution contains less solute and the concentrated solution contains more

Concentrated solution Dilute solution

A liquid with a high solute concentration is A liquid with a less solute concentration is called a
called a concentrated solution.  dilute solution. 

The solution becomes more concentrated as The dissolved salt from a well in the drinking water is
more solute is applied to a solution a dilute solution. 

There is a significant amount of water in a By adding more water, the concentration of a

concentrated solution. solution can be further decreased and diluted

There are several ways to express the amount of solute present in a solution.
The concentration of a solution is a measure of the amount of solute that has been
dissolved in a given amount of solvent or solution . A concentrated solution  is one
that has a relatively large amount of dissolved solute.  A dilute solution  is one that
has a relatively small amount of dissolved solute. However, these terms are relative,
and we need to be able to express concentration in a more exact, quantitative manner.
Still, concentrated and dilute are useful as terms to compare one solution to another
(see figure below). Also, be aware that the terms "concentrate" and "dilute" can be
used as verbs. If you were to heat a solution, causing the solvent to evaporate, you
would be concentrating it, because the ratio of solute to solvent would be increasing. If
you were to add more water to an aqueous solution, you would be diluting it because
the ratio of solute to solvent would be decreasing.
Figure 8.1.
18.1.1: Solutions of a red dye in water from the most dilute (on the left) to the most
concentrated (on the right).

CONTINUATION PAGE 66-67 For example Solving.

Direction: Answer “What to do Letter C, numbers 1-4)

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