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Group Name ______________________________ (Selected by the group)

1. How will you organize your business?

Buy a Franchise _____ OR
Be an independent operator _____
2. What will you sell?
Scoops of Ice Cream and Novelties ____ OR
Scoops of Ice Cream only ____
3. How much will you charge?
What price will you charge for a scoop of Ice Cream (these are large scoops!) $______
What price will you charge for a novelty (if you are selling them) $________
4. How much will you pay your store manager?
Monthly salary $____________ (whole dollars, between $2,000 and $9,000)
5. What is your location? (select one)
#1 Downtown ______
#2 South Baltimore ______
#3 North Baltimore ______
6. How much advertising will you purchase? (enter number of units)
Radio _________ weeks (between 0 and 4)
Daily Express Grand Opening _________ single ad (0 or 1)
Daily Express Regular Ads _________ days (between 0 and 30)
Index Ads _________ weeks (between 0 and 4)
Television (Prime Time) _________ weeks (between 0 and 4)
Television (Afternoon) _________ weeks (between 0 and 4)
Billboard _________ whole month (0 or 1)
Web page hosting _________ whole month (0 or 1)
7. How much money will you borrow?
Startup loan $____________ (whole dollars, maximum loan of $100,000)

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