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Sebastain sitting with his hand on his head. He then has a deep conversation with his conscience
that has manifested in front of him for the first time when he was in a really bad situation forced
to take a decision which was both detrimental to either his profession or his life.

Sebastian: Oh! What have I gotten myself into? Why is it difficult for me to sign the papers? I have
been here for too long and this should be easy.

Conscience: It is because of the morals and values that you have been brought up with that is
holding you back from signing.

Sebastian: Oh Okay! Who are you?

Conscience: Don’t you recognize me? I have been with you all along your journey I am your

Sebastian: Oh! this is a good timing, might as well have this conversation now. This is not right I need
to set things straight and uproot this thing entirely which is eating away our system.

Conscience: But wait, you have served one family of yours- which is your country and don’t you have
another family to serve?

Sebastian: I have taken an oath to serve my country- even if I have to put my life on the line. I
cannot leave now.

Conscience: You are but a tool being used by the governments who is expecting you to be a willing
scapegoat. GO ahead be a fool.

Sebastian: But I am here for a reason I am obliged to be that change that will end the darkness.

Conscience: If it had been for a single person to change the system, the country would have been a
better place and you wouldn’t be in this position forced to take a tough decision.

Sebastian gets a call from his wife

Wife: Hi honey, I just wanted to tell how happy we are to finally have you with us for Christmas next
week. See you then bye, Take care.

This clears things up for him he smiles at his conscience and that smiles back when his mentor
enters his room.

Mentor: Hey Sebastian are the papers signed and ready to be submitted?

Sebastian: Actually Sir, thank you for this wonderful opportunity, but the papers are not cleared but
my mind is, I am going home. Thank you, sir. Have a great Christmas.







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