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A Study on employee Stress Management on Sharekhan in


Q.1 Age (in year) : a) 18-25 b)26-35
c)36-45 d)45 Above

Q.2 Gender : a) Male b) Female

Q.3 Education qualification : a) UG b) PG

c) Diploma d) others

Q.4 Marital status : a)Married b) unmarried

Q.5 Monthly income (in RS) : a)Blow17000 b)17000- 21000

c)21000 - 25000 d)Above 25000

Q.6 Experience : a) 1-5 years b)6-10 years

c) 10-15 years c)15-20 years

d) Above 20 years

1. Do you feel stress at work?

a)always b)to some extent c) to great extent d) never
2. Whether stress affects your performance?
a)strongly agree b) agree c)disagree d) strongly disagree
3. Does stress affect negatively at work?
a)Always b) to great extent c)to some extent d)never
4. Opinion about working condition provided by organization?
a)highly satisfied b)satisfied c) highly dissatisfied d)dissatisfied
5. Do you think stress help in boosting your performance?
a)never b)almost c) sometimes d)always
6. Does ever stress become a reason for absent?
a)very often b) occasionally c) rarely d)never
7. Do you think the output is affected by stress?
a)Very much b)to an extent c)too much d) never
8. Whether the organization provide dead line at work?
a)very often b) occasionally c) rarely d)never
9. Do feel tensed when dead lines are given ?
a)very much b) sometimes c)not much d)never
10.Does stress causes any psychological impact on you?
a)very much b) sometimes c)not much d)never
11.Stress creates health problems”-what is your opinion?
a)strongly agree b) agree c)disagree d) strongly disagree
12. How far individual stress affects performance ?
a)never b)almost c) sometimes d)always
13.How far group stress affect work performance ?
a)Very much b)to an extent c)too much d) never
14. Your opinion on stress management programmed followed in your
a)highly satisfied b)satisfied c) highly dissatisfied d)dissatisfied
15.Do you think stress at work affects your personal life?
a)Very much b)to an extent c)too much d) never
16.What do you think strategies followed to cope up stress in your
organization? a)Very good b) good
c)average d)poor
17.Do you think stress is a reason for job hopping?
a)strongly agree b) agree c)disagree d) strongly disagree
18.Do you think stress management and training programmed are necessary in
an organization?
a)Always b)to some extent c)to great extent d) not required
19. If yes, according to you, which of the following do you think cause stress?
a)Work load b)work timings c)meeting targets d) ventilation
e)interpersonal relationship f)performance anxiety g) others___
20.Are you comfortable with the working environment in which you work?
a)Yes b)no
21.Does stress in the work place have an impact over your basic performance?
a)Yes b)no
22. Do you get frustrated due to excessive stress in your job?
a)Yes b)no
23. Does stress act you on a daily basis or it is encountered while meting
targets? a)Daily basis b) meeting
c)targets d)some times
24.Is all the stress generated having its origin in the work place or home place ?
a) work place yes no b) home place Yes no
25.How do you think stress in the work place, which is internal in nature can be
a)Flexible work hours b) distributed work load c) timely
targets d)periodic relaxation e)others___________
26.What measures do you suggest in controlling the stress causing factors?
A)Counseling b) job rotation c)leisure breaks d)informal
relationship e)sports activities f)recognizing good work
g)any other specify______
27.What are the recreational activities does your company provide to the
employees to reduce the work stress?
a)Recreational tours b) sports activities c) family tours
d) honoring the hard working people e) others specify_______
28.How often does your company provide recreational activities to reduce the
work stress of an employee?
a)Yearly once b) half-yearly c)quarterly

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