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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas


Hipona, Pontevedra, Capiz

Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery

At the end of the lesson, the learners should:
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding, preparing and
cooking appetizer.
B. Performance Standard The learners independently prepare and cook appetizer.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO1: Perform Mise en Place
(Write LC Code) 1.3 Classify appetizer accdng to ingredients
a. Materials Manila paper, pentil pen
b. Other Learning Resources
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity/Response Remarks
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Show the different kitchens tools used in Answers may vary
preparing appetizer and let the students
identify and give its function.
B. Establishing a purpose for the


The students are divided into two groups.

Each group will be given an envelope
that has jumbled pictures; they are going
to guess the mystery photo and post it on Indicator no. 4
the board. They are only given 1 minute Manages classroom
to do their task. The first one to finish structure to engage
will be declared as a winner and have a learners, individually or
prize at the end of the class. A picture of appetizer in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery
What picture have you formed? and hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning

Using a web diagram give the word or Stimulate

Serve before appetite
group of words that describe appetizer. meal


Alright, very good students.

Served light
In your science subject when you were in
grade 10 that plants and animals are Answers may vary Indicator no. 1
Applies knowledge
some of the food of human.
of content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas
Alright, very good.
So our topic this morning is all about

C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson
Before we proceed to our discussion let us Indicator no. 1
first unlock the following words using Applies knowledge
context clues which was introduced to you in of content within and
your JHS English class. across curriculum
teaching areas
Cocktails - juices

- small portions of highly

Hors d’ oeuvres seasoned food
- bread

Canapes - vegetables
Indicator no. 2
Uses a range of teaching
Crudites strategies that enhance
Answers may vary learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy

Comprehension Questions
1. How do you define appetizer?
2. What are the locally product we
serve as an appetizer

D. Discussing new concepts &

practicing new skills #1

Students are divided into 4 groups; Classification of appetizer
each of them will be given the
chance to give their opinion on the
classification of appetizer. And they
are going to classify the picture of
appetizer to its corresponding group.
They are only given 2 minutes to do
their task.

Wow! Very good, let us sees if you are


When we appetizer what comes into your


Excellent answer Answers may vary

Did you know that fish has two categories?

Appetizers have different classification.

(Show a picture)

Discussion of the lesson

E. Discussing new concepts &

practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
formative assessment)

Appetizer ko, Recipe ko

Indicator no. 3
Students are group according to their Applies a range of
favorite appetizer;. teaching strategies to
develop critical and
 How do you find the activity? creative thinking, as well
 How appetizer develop your as other higher-order
knowledge and skills in making a thinking skills.

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts & skills in daily living.

The teacher will present the Rules and

standards for group activity. The activity will
last for 7 minutes.
Rubrics were given to the students.
Category Scoring Criteria Points
Organization Information is 7%
presented in a
logical sequence
Content Presentation 10%
contains accurate
Technical terms 8%
are well defined
in language
appropriate for
the target
Presentation Good language 5%
skills and
pronunciation are
Total 30%

Standard Rules:
1. Cooperate with the group
2. Listen and follow the instructions
3. Respect the opinion of others.
4. Use inside voice
5. Be conscious of the allotted time.
Group 1 – make dance step/s that shows
existence of seafood.
Group 2 – compose a song that has - The students will participate Indicator no. 6
lyrics of the classification of appetizer in their respective groups Uses differentiated,
Group 3 – create a role play that shows and will present their output developmentally
existence of appetizer after the given time appropriate learning
Group 4 – show your skills in drawing of experiences to address
the classification of appetizer. learners’ gender, needs,
Group presentation will follow after 5 strengths, interests and
minutes. experiences.
Comprehension Questions:
1. How do you find the activity Answers vary
2. How appetizer help our daily living?

H. Making generalizations &

abstractions about the lesson.

Venn diagram
Using Venn diagram, discuss the
difference and similarities appetizers
Answers vary

I. Evaluating Learning
(Paper and Pencil Test)

Take Me In

Classification. Classify the following

ingredients listed below according to the
parts of canapés. Write each ingredient
in the box provided for.

J. Assignment
Make a portfolio of the different
classification of appetizer.

Prepared by:
Janice D. Atadero
Subject Teacher

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