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Copyright © 2020 by Kein Harvey P.


All rights reserved. This book or any

portion thereof may not be reproduced or
used in any manner whatsoever without
the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

For permissions contact:

Cover by: Kein Harvey P. Chito

Book Layout by:Kein Harvey P. Chito
Edited by: Anne Marie B. Cal

Sources and Images:,,,

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Investing involves substantial risk.
Neither the author nor any of his
respective affiliates make any guarantee
or promise as to the results that may be
obtained from using this e-book. No
reader should make any investment
decision without first consulting his or her
own personal financial advisor and
conducting his or her own research and
due diligence, including carefully
reviewing the prospectus and other
public filings of the issuer. To the
maximum extent permitted by law, the
author and his respective affiliates
disclaim any and all liability in the event
any information, commentary, analysis,
opinions, advice, and/or

recommendations in the e-book prove to
be inaccurate, incomplete, unreliable, or
result in any investment or other losses.

Version 2: Added GCash as an option to
COL funding.

Version 3: Added COL Hacks and Book

Review Link.

Version 4: Added additional resources

for Chapter 7.

Version 5: Added additional contents in

Chapter 2 about the initial investment
and Chapter 4 about mutual funds.

Version 6: Improved contents in Chapter


Version 7: Created a link to download

the Top 30 Philippine Companies in the
Stock Market 2021 Edition

Version 8: Improved contents in Chapter

Version 9: Created a link to download

the Guidebook Mo Pinoy sa Mutual

Version 10: Improved font size and book


Version 11: Created a List of other

stockbrokers in the Philippines. (Link)

Version 12: Added free videos on how to

buy and sell shares using COL
Financial. (Link)

Version 13: Improved contents

Table of Contents

Disclaimer & Updates ........................... 5

Table of Contents ................................. 9
Introduction ......................................... 11
Chapter 1 - You Can Still Invest Even If
There is a Pandemic ........................... 24
Chapter 2 - Why the Stock Market? .... 28
Chapter 3 - The Beauty of Stock Market
............................................................ 52
Chapter 4 - Create a Money System and
Open Your First Stock Market Account
.......................................................... 138
Chapter 5 - Your Bank and Your Stock
Market Account ................................. 203
Chapter 6 - Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) About Stock Market .............. 285

Chapter 7- Additional Sources .......... 287


April 23, 2020.

Ilang araw na tayong nakakulong sa
ating mga bahay dahil sa Enhanced
Community Quarantine. Kaunti na lang at
magiging long hair na rin ako. Mabilis pa
naman lumago ang buhok ko. Syempre,
pwede naman akong magpagupit sa mga
kasama ko dito sa bahay. Ang problema,
hindi din naman sila marunong. Ngunit
may mga paraan din naman para matuto
sila, at isa sa pinakamabilis na paraan na
maaari nilang gawin ay ang manood ng
online tutorial videos.

Friend, that’s precisely my point.
Handa ka bang matuto ng mga bagong
bagay at ideya tulad ng stock market
investing kahit ang buong mundo ay nasa
pandemic sa ngayon? Hopefully, you can
say to yourself that you have learned at
least one particular topic which you are
curious about, like the stock market.
Sa panahon ngayon, napakarami
nang methods at media para matutunan
mo ang isang bagay. The internet has
YouTube, webinars, online courses,
ebooks, etc. And this book will teach you
how to start with P1,000 in the stock
market. Many people thought that stock
market investing should cost them
millions. But that’s not always the case.
When the Philippine government
announced that there would be an
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
in Luzon last March 16, 2020, my stress
level went super high. I was worried
about the things that could happen to our
employees and their families since our
industry is one of the sectors that was
directly hit by the pandemic. Suddenly,
our business was temporarily closed.
During the first days of the ECQ, I found
myself anxious and full of fear. I was
overthinking about our employees,
business operations, financial losses,
and other aspects. I admit I was not ready
to face this unseen enemy. Being an
entrepreneur, I was paranoid, and I can’t
stop thinking, "What will happen to this
and that…"
There were a lot of “what if” scenarios
playing inside my head. For several days,
I distanced myself away from social
media because I felt that it shows more
negative news than positive ones. I even
knew some people who became actual
PUMs, PUIs, and Positive to COVID-19.
To help myself, I did several Neuro-
Linguistic Programming (NLP)
techniques on my own just to make my
anxieties and fears go away. Binuhos ko
lahat ng processing sa sarili ko. Thank
God, I know how to do it since I am an
NLP practitioner already. On top of that,
prayers helped me.
I am aware that I need to unstuck
myself. I need to force myself to be back
on track again. Syempre hindi instant
‘yon. I let all my fears and worries sink in
first. I realized that I felt more tired during

these dark moments, even if I was not
doing lots of things and stuck at home.
I listened to my body and respected
my phase.
So, I slowed down.
Get more sleep.
No cellphone.
No laptop.
Practically, shutdown mode.
Habang lumilipas ang mga araw,
unti-unti kong tinulungan ang aking sarili.
Bumabalik na ulit ‘yung intention ko to be
a learner. I also enrolled in several online
courses, which are my interests like
Entrepreneurship, Sacred Scripture,
Online Marketing, etc. I prayed for the
momentum and thankfully, God is giving
it already. And that is the reason why I
found myself ready to write another book.
This time, it is about stock market
investing, which I have been exposed to
for many years.
Kahit nasa pandemic tayo, I still have
the itch to share and inspire kahit
dumaan ako sa phases of worries and
anxieties. Since our business is
temporarily closed, I don’t have many
outlets to be busy and productive. That is
why I am seizing this lockdown to be
productive. And one way to do that is to
teach you how to open your first ever
stock market investment with P1,000
only. Yes, that is already possible.
Now, be ready to be a future part-
owner of the big businesses in the
country today.
Ano ulit? Future part-owner ba
kamo? Tama ba ito?
Yes, in the stock market, that is
possible. I will discuss more of this later.
I also intentionally wrote this ebook in
Taglish so that I can communicate with
more Pinoys.

Be Prepared

Isang problema na posible mong

makaharap once na sumabak ka sa stock
market investing without any preparation
ay ang pagkalugi. Yes, marami na ang
nalugi dito dahil hindi nila masyadong
napaghandaan ang roller coaster ride ng
market. On the other hand, those
persons who know exactly what to do, ay
kumita at patuloy na kumikita ng malaki.
This book is also to guide you on how to
manage yourself and your money in the
stock market.
Chapter 1 contains the battle cry that
you can still start investing in the stock
market using the internet. I believe that
this pandemic is “forcing” us to adapt to
the new normal. And one of the new
normals that I see now is the possibility of
opening your first stock market account
without leaving your home. And yes, you
can now start with P1000 only.
That my friend is the exact message
of this book.
Chapter 2 discusses my short
personal journey of why I started
investing in the stock market. Kung
nagawa ko, ikaw rin, kaya mo! I will also
share five things I have realized about the
stock market. I made it simple.
Chapter 3 is about the beauty of the
stock market. I am sharing here the
advantages of starting early in the stock
market. Huwag mo nang hintayin ang
next year. Bakit? Para ma-take
advantage mo na agad ang compound
interest (more on this later). I will discuss
my personal X and Y-axis of earnings
and savings. Sa paanong paraan ka nga
rin ba makakapag-ipon ng effective? This
chapter will surely help you.
Chapter 4 is about creating your
money system and the step-by-step
process in opening your first ever stock
market account. I suggest that you do not
skip immediately to this chapter. I believe
that one of the reasons why you are
reading this book is because you want to
open your first stock market account. But
without the proper psychology and habits
that I will be sharing in Chapters 1 to 3,
your stock market investing will not
flourish. Again, the methods here are all
done online, and there is no need for you
to go physically to a stock market
brokerage company.
Chapter 5 is more of the technical
side since I will be sharing here the steps
of transferring money from your bank to
your stock market account. These are
online methods. You just need your
smartphone or laptop/PC plus the
internet, of course.
Chapter 6 consists of the Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) about the stock
market. I answered the FAQs through a
Lastly, chapter 7 is about my
personal recommendations for additional
sources. I encourage you to study still
and research even more, once you’re
done reading this book.
Let’s move forward together.
Continue to read.

Chapter 1

You Can Still Invest Even If

There is a Pandemic

I understand that not all people can

put money in the stock market at this time
due to financial constraints. Hindi lahat
ng Pilipino ay may extra funds to start
their investing goal. Syempre, maaaring
‘yung iba ay “no work, no pay” sa ngayon.
‘Yung iba naman ay may trabaho pa rin
pero reduced ang income dahil reduced
din ang number of days sa trabaho. Ito ay
ilan lamang sa napakarami pang

sitwasyon na kinakaharap ng mga kapwa
nating Pilipino.
But money should not be the only
issue here. Hindi naman dapat pera ang
priority mo para makapagsimula ng
investment. Instead, your priority should
be your time. Kailangang matuto kang
humawak ng oras mo lalo na sa ngayon.
I assume mas marami kang oras ngayon
dahil wala kang masyadong
pinagkakaabalahan. Let’s maximize it
today and make a strong foundation. You
need to focus on your roots (time) first,
before fruits (money).
Fast forward tayo. Let’s assume na
mayroon nang nahanap na vaccine for
COVID-19, and we are already adapting
to the new normal. Sabihin nating stable
na ulit ang trabaho at source of income
mo. Saka ka pa lang ba mag-aaral ng
investing at pag-ha-handle ng financial
status mo kung back to normal na ulit ang
mga paggastos mo? Baka nga lalo pang
lumaki ang gastos mo this time. So why
not you leverage the lockdown to learn it
first? The money or budget for investing
follows sooner or later kapag may sahod
ka na ulit.
I hope you got this. Aral now. Invest
later. Ang mahalaga, makapag-open ka
na ng online stock market account.
Kapag hindi mo ito ginawa, sayang
naman ang lessons na dala ng book na
ito. Mahalaga ang application para mas
matuto ka. I will teach you my life hacks.
Super practical yet very powerful steps in
stock market investing.

I assume na kahit pwede na ulit
tayong lumabas ng bahay, mahirap pa rin
para sa atin ang magbyahe, ‘di ba? Dahil
hindi natin alam kung may Corona Virus
pa rin sa mga pupuntahan natin. That is
why online transactions are beneficial
kahit na post-COVID world na tayo. And
on the succeeding chapters, I will teach
you how to do these online transactions.
In the next chapter, I will be sharing
my personal journey and experiences in
stock market investing. I am thankful that
I have earned real-life experiences that I
can share with you. And I am excited to
give you this value.

Chapter 2

Why the Stock Market?

Let me tell you a story.

I first read the term “stock market”
when I was a first-year nursing college
student. I was reading Robert Kiyosaki’s
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” back then. That
book opened my mind about the real
difference between the rich and the poor.
In that book, Kiyosaki narrates that he
has two dads.
One dad is rich, and the other dad is
poor. Surprisingly, his biological dad was

the poor dad even if he’s a Ph.D. His
biological dad was poor because he
didn’t know anything about financial
literacy. In other words, hindi siya
marunong mag-ipon at mag-invest.
On the contrary, Kiyosaki’s rich dad
has no extravagant academic degree,
and yet, he was financially literate and
prosperous. He knows how money works
through businesses and investments. It
happens that Kiyosaki’s rich dad is the
biological father of his best friend.
I suggest you read his book, too!
When I finished reading the said
book, I started my treasure hunting. The
treasure was not the money but the
learning. And one of the things I hunted
was the stock market investing. I also
decided to take a shift from my college
course. So, from the Bachelor of Science
in Nursing, I decided to learn more about
business and took up a Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration. I
majored in Marketing Management.
I had this fire in my heart when I was
still a college guy to devour any
information and learnings about business
and investment. I asked my professors
how I can start investing in the stock
market. They gave me theories about it
but not exactly how I can do it
Then I figured out something. Some
of my professors do know about the stock
market by principle. But they lack the
experience in how to do it.
Was I frustrated? A little bit.

But I should not blame anyone about
this reality since technically speaking,
only few Filipinos are interested in stock
market investing. And there are even
fewer Filipinos who are doing it by
From that moment on, I’ve decided
that I need to learn it outside of my alma
The learning is outside the
Fast forward.
Naka-graduate ako ng college pero
may isang bagay akong hindi nagawa at
‘yun ay ang makapag-umpisa ng
investment sa stock market. After
college, I decided to work in our family
business. Bagito. Wala pang alam sa

operations pero may puso naman para
Then, I started to earn my own
money. It was not that big. And I don’t
want my salary to increase. Yes, that may
be weird for you. Sa halip, mas gusto
kong lumago ang investments ko pati na
rin ang business income namin. Pero
may problema, I still didn’t know how to
invest in the stock market.

Ngunit hindi parin natapos ang
treasure hunting ko. I was 21 years old
when I started reading books about
investing in the stock market. How I wish
I did it when I was even younger. I also
attended seminars. In other words, nag-
invest ako sa learning.
That was the time when I met Bro. Bo
Sanchez. Not yet personally but through
his books only. I started to read his
writings about the stock market. One
book was “My Maid Invests in the Stock
Market… And Why You Should, Too!”
and the other one was “The Turtle Always
Sa dalawang libro lang na ito, solved
na ako. Nasagot bigla ang napakaraming
tanong ko tungkol sa stock market
investing. While reading his books, ang
dami kong na-realize. Kabilang dito ang
limang bagay na ito:
1. Hindi pala kailangang malaki ang
starting money sa stock market. I
began with P5,000 during that time
because that was the lowest
requirement back then. Pero ngayon,
you can begin with P1,000 only. So
wala ng excuse, ‘di ba? In 30 days, a
thousand pesos is P33.33 per day.
Para ka lang bumili ng meryenda.
Marami rin ang nagtatanong kung
okay lang ba na more than P1,000
ang initial investment nila. The
answer is “yes”. It’s up to you kung
gusto mong magsimula with P2,000,
P5,000, P10,000 or even more.
Mayroon ding school of thought na
nagsasabi na kailangan mo ng
minimum of P8,000 para hindi ka lugi
sa taxes, fees and other charges.
Kung gusto mong gawin ito, pwede
ka munang maglagay ng P1,000 sa
stock market account mo tapos
dagdagan mo ito paunti-unti. Then
kapag may P8,000 ka na o higit pa sa
account mo, saka ka bumili ng
shares. Depende na ito sa iyong
diskarte. I both followed and not
followed this rule when I was still
starting. Honestly, hindi ko na na-
track kung okay ba ito o hindi before.
Dahil long-run din naman ang
approach ko, hindi na ako bothered
sa mga ganitong bagay noon. But it
still pays to maximize things out and
try to buy for a minimum of P8,000 as
much as possible. For example, may
mga tao na medyo mahirap para sa
kanila ang makapag-ipon agad ng
P8,000. So pwede naman na
magsimula muna sila sa P1,000 per
month at ilagay ito sa stock market
account nila. Then for 8 months,
meron na silang P8,000 na naka-
dedicate sa investment nila. This
practice still varies depending on the
individual. May kanya-kanya kasi
tayong financial position. May mga
tao na madaling makahugot ng
P8,000 or more. Meron din naman na
hindi ito madali para sa kanila.
2. Pwede ka na palang bumili ng stock
market shares online. Hindi mo na
kailangan ng human broker. As easy
as that, para ka lang nag-TikTok.
Because of the internet, hindi mo na
kailangan pang tumawag sa human
broker mo para lang makapag-place
ka ng order. Si human broker kasi
ang nag-ko-coordinate sa mga
parties concerned para makabili ka
ng mga gusto mong shares. May
mga human brokers pa rin up to now
but for me, mas convenient ang
online transactions. I can transfer
cash to my stock market wallet
account through mobile banking.
Then I buy and sell shares using the
online trading platform of my
brokerage company. I will
recommend a step-by-step method
to you later on how to do this.
Continue to read.
3. Kailangan pala na regular ang
paglalagay mo ng pera sa stock
market, this is not a requirement pero
napatunayan kong mas effective ito.
Kung buwan-buwan ang budget mo
sa electric and water bill, rent,
cellphone load, transportation, o
food, kailangang may buwanang
budget ka rin para sa stock market
investment mo. And one trick is to
increase your income and minimize
your expenses. Halimbawa, pwede
kang gumawa ng sideline business,
‘diba? Para may other source of
income ka. Pero hindi ibig sabihin
nito na kapag lumalaki na ang kita
mo, ay lumalaki din dapat ang gastos
mo. Ang mahirap kasi, sa paglaki ng
kita mo, may tendency na lumaki rin
ang gastos mo. Bakit? Dahil
maaaring ‘ang extra mong pera ay
ipambili mo ng bagong cellphone
kahit na may ginagamit ka pa.
Halimbawang may extra kang
P15,000 sa loob ng isang buwan,
gagamitin mo ba ito upang makabili
ka ng bagong cellphone o ilalagay
mo ang perang ito sa stock market
account mo? May mga kilala pa
akong tao na handang umutang para
makabili ng latest cellphone. Hindi
masamang mangarap ng new
cellphone pero sa tingin ko, kung
may ginagamit ka pa naman, ay
pwede pa iyon. Why not surprise
others hindi sa pamamagitan ng
bagong cellphone mo, kundi sa
pamamagitan ng pag-uumpisa ng
investment mo sa stock market? Mas

wais, ‘di ba? Bakit? Dahil dito, lalago
ang pera mo.
4. Nakakatakot ang mag-invest sa
stock market. Nararamdaman ko rin
ito lalo na ngayong nasa panahon
tayo ng pandemic. Pero hindi ba mas
nakakatakot kung papasok ka sa
isang bagay na hindi mo muna pinag-
aralan? That’s the reason why I wrote
this book, para magabayan ka sa
pag-uumpisa mo sa stock market
investment. Natakot din ako noon
pero dahil solid ang foundation ko,
nawala ang mga takot ko. Totoo na
ang stock market ay parang roller
coaster ride, may mga oras na
mataas (we call it “Bull Market” dahil
kapag sinuwag ka ng isang bull, ang
tendency mo ay lilipad ka papuntang
langit) pero may mga oras din na ito
ay mababa (this is Bear Market dahil
kapag kinalmot ka ng bear, ang
tendency mo ay hahalik ka naman sa
lupa). Pero historically speaking,
cycle lang din ang nangyayari sa
stock market. Gulong ng palad. Hindi
palaging nasa ibabaw ka. May
moments din na nasa ilalim ka. At ito
ang life hack ko: Kapag mababa ang
market, mas magandang bumili ng
stocks. Why? Dahil SALE ito. Bakit?
Dahil mababa ang presyo nito.
(Genius). I often hear this statement,
“Kapag may sale sa mall, ang
daming tao dahil masaya sila. Kapag
may sale sa stock market, walang tao
dahil takot sila.” Normal lang na may
pagtaas at pagbaba sa ng presyo sa
stock market. Para lang itong presyo
ng gas. Parte ito ng natural
tendencies. Parte din ito ng law of
supply and demand. As of this
writing, my stock portfolio is at 22%
loss. In other words, if I have P100 in
my account, P22 na ang ibinaba nito.
‘Yung dati kong P100, P78 na lang
ngayon. The same thing happens
kapag tumataas naman ang value ng
stocks mo. Let’s assume that your
portfolio is at 22% gain. If you have
P100, meron ka ng P22 na tubo. So,
you have P122 already. Inside my
years in stock market investing, I’ve
already experienced both high and
low market performances.
5. You need to be mentored. Find a
good mentor who can teach you
everything about the stock market
and this is how I find my relationship
with Bro. Bo Sanchez very helpful. I
met him in 2011 through his books,
but I only met him personally two
years after that. I learned about the
TrulyRichClub (TRC). Why and how?
Because I was exposed to his
philosophies and lessons. I signed
up to be a member. Nag start muna
ako sa pinakamababang
membership status, which is the
“Gold.” Naging tahanan ko ang TRC
sa pag-aaral ng stock market and
business. They are very generous in
giving content and studies about the
ins and outs of stock market
investing. Few years have passed,
and I upgraded my membership to
Platinum. And being a Platinum
member enables me to meet other
entrepreneurs and investors
personally. All of them are of high
caliber. My network has been
continuously growing. Dahil dito, mas
madalas kong makasama sina Bro.
Bo, and other TRC mentors. Every
quarter, we gather for closed-door
meetings for learning and growth.
And recently, due to the Enhanced
Community Quarantine, our meeting
was held online. During that meeting,
I was assured that the dips in the
stock market nowadays are normal,
and there is nothing to worry about.
In due time, the stock market will
climb up again. There will always be
a recovery. In this time of crisis, it is
best to invest because stock prices
are lower. Sa madaling salita: sale
Marami pang vehicles of investment
and the stock market is just one of them.
Merong real estate, mutual funds, bonds,
etc. Pero sa mga ito, sa stock market
talaga ako nagkaroon ng interest dahil sa
magandang performance, liquidity, and
easy entry nito.
Nakikinig ko na ito dati pa sa mga
inuman sa kanto. Joke. Kidding aside, I
find the stock market as the best place to
go with your money dahil pwede ka mag-
start small and earn big. Makakabili ka ba
naman ng buong lupa sa halagang
P1,000? I doubt. Pero in the stock
market, you can do that. Sa stock market
din, pwede kang pumasok at umalis
anytime. Sakali mang kailanganin mo
ang pera mo, you can withdraw anytime.
Stock market returns are also good. The
average value for the Philippines from
1988 to 2017 is 10.69%. In 2017 alone,
the value was 7.59%.
To give you a mental picture of my
stock market journey, I will narrate my
earnings from the time I started investing.
That was the same time when I also
started earning a small salary. Since I
know how to handle my hard-earned
money, pinagsikapan ko talagang
alagaan at palaguin ito.
Way back then, the average stock
market return in the Philippines was
around 23.49%. During that time, I was
able to maximize the high yield. Nagawa
ko ‘yun dahil nasa market na ako.
Nakakakot malugi pero mas nakakatakot
kung wala ka sa market.
Historically, the average return in
2013 was 25.34%. In 2014 up to 2017,
the average returns are 4.77%, 9.53%, -
1.89%, and 7.59% respectively. Wait,
may taon na negative ang earnings? The
answer is yes. Sabi ko nga, cycle ang
stock market investing. Gulong ng palad.
Minsan nasa itaas ka. Minsan nasa ibaba
naman. Pero sa pangyayaring ito,
napansin mo ba na ang nag-bounce back
agad ito a year after that? Tanda ko
noong 2016, dahil mababa ang presyo ng
mga shares, mas marami akong nabili.
Para akong nag buy one, take one.
In my journey in stock market
investing, I already earned an average of
11.47%. This is good for me already
because if I put my money in the bank, I
will just make it at around 1%. And almost
10.5% din ang mawawala sa akin.
Sayang pa nga dahil para sa akin, nag-
invest na sana ako nang mas maaga. I
could have learned and earned more. As
of this writing, nadagdagan na rin ng
almost 9100% (not a typo) ang maliit na
pera ko sa stock market account because
of my discipline. How? First, instead of
putting money into unnecessary
spending, I decided to put my money in
the stock market. For example, if I have
P10,000 extra, hindi ko ito ipambibili ng
kung anu-ano o ipapasok sa bank
savings account ko. Instead, ilalagay ko
ang P10,000 ko sa stock market account
ko to buy extra strong shares.

I hope I already encouraged you that
the best time to learn stock market
investing is today. Sayang naman if you
will just let this opportunity pass by.
In the next chapter, I will reveal how
the stock market works. Patikim pa lang
‘yung kanina. Marami ka pang

Chapter 3

The Beauty of Stock


This is a story of two women

(Elizabeth and Mary) who both know how
to invest in the stock market. Pareho
silang may #InvestmentGoals sa buhay
at pangarap talaga nilang mag-retire as
multimillionaires. Dati, hindi pa sila
parehong marunong pero dahil pursigido
sila, ginawa nila ang lahat para
makapagsimula ng kanilang investment.
Ilan sa mga ginawa nilang extra steps:

a. Extra tipid. Pareho silang nag cut-off
sa paborito nilang Frappuccino.
Binawasan nila ito dahil both of them
figured out that it cost them around
P2,000 to P2,500 monthly. Naisip
nila na ilagay na lang sa stock market
investments ang perang matitipid nila
from their Frappuccino cravings.
Kaya naman paminsan-minsan na
lang ang pagbili nila ng frap. Bukod
dito ay binawasan rin nila ang
excessive take-outs ng paborito
nilang fast food, pag-gala, OOTD1, at
iba pang unnecessary expenses
b. Extra income. Since isang senior
high school teacher si Elizabeth,
naisipan niyang mag-apply bilang
isang online tutor sa isang company.
Outfit Of The Day

She earns extra money sa tuwing
may mga Japanese, Korean, and
Chinese nationals na kumukuha sa
kanya para turuan sila kung paano
magsalita ng English. Ginagawa niya
ito every Saturday and Sunday.
Noong nakaraang summer and
Christmas vacations, ginawa niya rin
ito. Ang resulta: nagkaroon siya ng
extra income on top of her monthly
salary as a teacher. Masaya siya rito
dahil every learning event happens
online. Hindi na niya kailangan pang
lumabas ng bahay. Sa kabilang
banda, Si Mary ay nagfocus sa
agriculture bilang source ng kanyang
extra income. Mary was a bank teller
before she pushed her online store.
Yes, bukod sa agriculture, may
online store pa siya. Mas gusto
talaga ni Mary na magtinda-tinda ng
kung anu-ano kesa maging
empleyado. Malaki rin ang kinikita ni
Mary sa kanyang online store
especially now that she diversified
her products to personal hygiene and
PPEs like face mask, face shields at
iba pa. Since Mary is a child of a
farmer, nagpatulong siya sa mga
magulang niya kung papaano
makapag-umpisa ng vertical farming
sa kanilang bakuran. She has been
doing it for 8 months already and her
harvest is giving her steady extra
income. The result? Her extra
income became her extra money for
the stock market. Hindi niya ito

ginagastos sa mga mga bagay na
hindi naman niya kailangan.
c. Extra aral. Parehong nag-aral ng
stock market investing sina Elizabeth
at Mary. Nag-umpisa sila sa
pagbabasa ng mga libro. To be
honest, naghihiraman sila ng mga
libro para mas makatipid sila. They
both enjoyed watching free videos
online. Nag-cancel na rin sila sa
kanilang online TV and movie
monthly subscription fees para mas
maka-focus sila sa pag-aaral ng
stock market. They also invested in
themselves by attending stock
market seminars in both physical and
online events. Elizabeth and Mary
were both happy doing these
learning together dahil
nasusuportahan nila ang isa’t-isa.
They were both amazed when they
visited the Philippine Stock
Exchange to have a feel of what it is
like being an investor and a trader.
They found out that it is crucial to
have an accountability partner in
doing their #FinancialGoals.
Ito ang naging formula nina Elizabeth
and Mary to start their journey to financial
independence. Ayaw kasi ni Elizabeth na
matulad sa older brother niya na naubos
ang lahat ng kinita dahil sa sobrang yosi
at pag-inom ng alak. Si Mary naman ay
nais maging katulad ng isang kilalang
businesswoman na very successful and
at the same time, hindi nakakalimot na
tumulong sa mga mahihirap. Magkaiba
ng motivation sina Elizabeth at Mary sa
kagustuhang maging multimillionaires.
Ang isa sa kanila ay humuhugot ng
dedication sa failures ng iba. Ang isa
naman ay very inspired sa success ng
iba. Mahalaga ito sa kanila dahil both of
them know that they need dedication and
inspiration to achieve their goals in life.
After five years of being together as
stock market buddies, naghiwalay sila ng
landas. Nagtayo na kasi si Elizabeth ng
sarili niyang online tutor company. She
partnered with her other friends in the
industry. Si Mary naman, pinagpatuloy
ang kanyang online store at agriculture
business. She also became a vegetable
dealer in their province. Lalo pang
lumago ang dating extra efforts lang niya
both in online selling and agriculture.

Dahil sa paghihiwalay nilang dalawa,
nag-iba na rin ang kanilang stock market
Elizabeth started her stock market
journey when she was 35 years old. She
is ten years older than Mary. Ang
maganda dito kay Elizabeth, very
disciplined siya sa pera niya kahit may
sarili na siyang company. Because of
this, she was able to invest P250,000 per
year for 30 years in a row. All of this
happened until she reached the age of
Si Mary naman, she started younger
at 25 years old in the stock market. But
she suddenly stopped investing when
she reached 34 years old. Sa loob ng ten
years na ito ay very disciplined din siya
sa kanyang investment strategy. She
was very successful in putting up the
same amount of P250,000 every year.
Hindi na siya muling nagdagdag ng extra
money sa stock market after 10 years
dahil inilagay na niya ang kanyang pera
sa kanyang business at sa iba pa niyang
gastusin. Nakabili na rin siya ng sarili
niyang farm at vacation house.
Pinabayaan na niya ang kanyang pera sa
loob ng stock market until she reached 65
So loob ng mahabang taon nina
Elizabeth at Mary sa mundo ng stock
market, naging malaki ang kanilang
kinita. Pareho nilang hindi binawasan
ang kanilang pera sa stock market. They
just withdrew their money when both of
them reached their 65th birthday.

Elizabeth had 30 years in the stock
market while Mary had 40 years.
Elizabeth’s total money invested in the
stock market was P7.5 million, while
Mary was P2.5 million only dahil tumigil
na siya at her 10th year.
Sino kaya sa dalawa ang mas
mataas ang kinita?
Si Elizabeth kaya na mas late
nakapag-invest ngunit tuloy-tuloy ang
pagdadagdag ng pera sa stock market
for 30 years?
O si Mary who started one decade
earlier than Elizabeth pero tumigil din sa
pagdadagdag ng pera sa stock market
after ten years?
Here is the profile of these two ladies:

Elizabeth Mary
Present age 65 years old 65 years old
Starting age
in the stock 35 years old 25 years old
number of
years in
30 years 40 years
Number of
active years
30 years 10 years
in the stock
P250,000 P250,000
P7.5 million P2.5 million
Total money
(P250,000 x (P250,000 x
30 years) 10 years)
Average 8% 8%
annual compounded compounded
interest annually annually
Total money
earned in P33.3 million P45.2 million
age 65

To answer the above-mentioned
question, Mary’s money grew bigger than
Elizabeth. Kung mapapansin ninyo, mas
marami ang inilagay na pera ni Elizabeth
kaysa kay Mary pero bakit mas marami
pa rin ang pera ni Mary? At may
difference pa na almost P12 million?
Parehas lang din naman sila na kumita
ng 8% compounded annual interest rate.
Bukod pa roon, ten years lang naglagay
ng pera si Mary sa stock market at 30
years naman si Elizabeth. Hindi kaya
scam ang nangyari kay Elizabeth?
Obviously not.
Kahit mas marami pa ang invested
money ni Elizabeth, natalo pa rin siya ni
Mary because of one thing.
Mas nauna kasi si Mary kaysa kay
Elizabeth sa investing.
Mary started when she was 25 years
old. And Elizabeth was already 35 years
Kaya kahit kumayod na ng 30 years
ang pera ni Elizabeth, wala pa rin itong
laban sa 10 years lang ni Mary.
Ano kayang age ni Elizabeth para
makakuha din siya ng P45.2 million like
Mary? According to my computation,
makukuha pa niya ito between her 68th
and 69th birthday.
By that time, mayroon ng P61.5
million si Mary. Syempre, mas lumaki pa
lalo ang pera ni Mary.
On their 70th birthday, assuming na
dito pa lang sa age na ito sila titigil sa
stock market investing, Mary would earn
P66.4 million already while Elizabeth had
P50.5 million only.
Daig pa rin ng maaga ang masipag.
Again, ang malaking difference nila
ay time.
Maaaring mas lamang sa money
invested si Elizabeth, pero mas lamang
parin sa oras si Mary. Ito ang power ng
compound interest. Dahil gumalaw
agad ang pera ni Mary sa stock market
(10 years earlier than Elizabeth), lumago
kaagad ito. Albert Einstein said,
“Compound interest is the 8th wonder of
the world. He who understands it, earns
it; he who doesn’t, pays it.” Imagine this:
Kahit natutulog ka, your money is
working for you!
Now, mas lalaki pa sana ang kikitain
ni Mary kung tuloy-tuloy siyang nag-
invest sa stock market at hindi tumigil
after 10 years. Magkano kaya sana ang
kinita niya kung sakaling naglagay pa rin
siya ng P250,000 per year hanggang
marating niya ang edad na 65?
With the same 8% compounded
interest rate per year, she could have
earned P75.8 million! That’s P30 million
more kung hindi siya tumigil at her 10 th
So, another lesson:
Bukod sa “the earlier, the better”,
“consistency is also important.”
Di ka lang dapat maagap mag-
umpisa, kailangang tuloy-tuloy rin ang
pagdadagdag mo para mas ma-
maximize mo ang market.
Tuloy-tuloy lang sa pagdadagdag sa
investment mo.
Personally, this is my strategy. Inside
my years in the stock market, I regularly
add money to my account. I call this
method, “top-up.” So what is top-up?
Once upon a time, sobrang dami
kong time sa online games. And during
my youth, kailangan kong maglagay ng
load sa account ko para lang malaro ko
ang mga ito at “top-up” ang common term
dito. Hindi tulad ngayon na may mga
Free to Play nang mga online games
both in PC and mobile.
It is just like your cellphone load,
hindi ka makakagamit ng service ng
provider mo kung zero ang balance mo.
Same with stock market, hindi ka
pwedeng bumili ng shares kung wala
kang cash. So papaano ka magkakaroon
ng cash? It is either you minimize your
spending or increase your earnings.

Teka lang, tumigil nga pala ang top-
up ko sa stock market noong nasa loob
na ako ng seminaryo. Yes, hindi man
halata sa mukha ko pero nangarap akong
maging pari. Lumabas din ako after 17
months. Narealize ko kasi na hindi talaga
ako para doon. Anyway, segue lang ito
para ma-promote ko ang aking second
book: “Confessions of an Ex-Seminarian:
101 Life Lessons I Learned Inside the
Syempre noong nasa seminary pa
ako, hindi ako nakapagdagdag sa stock
market account ko since wala naman na
akong trabaho noon, therefore, wala
akong extra money. May allowance ako
pero mostly galing sa family ko and other
benefactors. Ayaw ko namang gamitin

ang pera nila para sa sariling investment
ko, ‘diba?
But during that time, I have proven
that my money still grew kahit
intentionally ay tinigil kong mag-add ng
budget for my stock market investing.
Lumago pa rin ang pera ko kahit naka-
park lang ito. Dito ko natutunan na mas
nakakatakot na mawala ka sa market
kesa sa malugi ka sa market. Dahil kapag
wala kang any account sa stock market
kahit online lang, you are incurring
opportunity cost. Hindi pera ang
nawawala sa iyo kundi oportunidad. Ang
pera kahit malugi ka, pwede mo pa ring
kitain in the future. Pero ang opportunity,
at time na hindi mo nakuha, wala na ‘yun
forever (#walangforever).

Enough with the hugot, kaya naman,
may challenge to you after finishing this
book is to open your first stock market
account now. I will give you the steps on
how to do it. Gawin mo na. Do not expect
na kikita ka sa stock market kung wala ka
namang account at hindi ka pa
nagsisimula. Para ka lang ring ‘yung
kaibigan kong naghihintay tumama sa
lotto pero hindi naman tumataya.
Crazy, isn’t it?
Let me go back again to the
compound interest, which is defined by
the addition of interest to the principal
sum of a loan or deposit. In other words,
interest on interest.
Sa pag-ibig, ang compound interest
ay parang ‘yung feelings mo sa
minamahal mo na lalo mo pang
minamahal habang tumatagal ang
panahon. Pabigat ng pabigat ‘yung pag-
ibig mo sa kanya.
Ang swerte mo kapag nahanap mo
na siya.
Kung wala pa, dasal ka lang kasi
baka nahulog na siya sa iba.
Enough with the hugot again. I hope
I made it clear why there is beauty in
stock market. For me, it is the magic of
the compound interest. In my several
years as an investor, I proved that this is
really working. I still have 40 years more
in the stock market before I sell my
shares and withdraw it and enjoy my
I started my stock market journey
after college. And I somewhat regretted
it. I should have started earlier.
My Personal Journey in
Stock Market with
Honestly, I cannot imagine my stock
market journey without the guidance of
TrulyRichClub, a group of mostly
entrepreneurs and investors who believe
that the “Ultimate Purpose of Wealth Is to
Love Others.2
Imagine that this group is my
immediate learning team when it comes
to investing. Since we have Edward Lee3
in the group who acts as one of our
mentors, we are not worried that we will
experience depression, failures, and

Value Proposition from Wealth Strategies (The Newsletter of the
Chairman and Founder of COL Financial Group, Inc.

doubts in our stock market journey.
Edward is a true mentor. He is always
willing to share his knowledge and
expertise, and he often assures us that
even amid pandemic and other economic
crisis, stock market will always bounce
back. The market is on sale and it is the
best time to seize this opportunity.
Last December 2018, my story was
published in the Issue Number 241 of
Wealth Strategies, the newsletter of the
TrulyRichClub (TRC).

Ex-Seminarian Kein Chito’s
TRC Story
by Sha Nacino

Fresh from college in 2011, Kein

Chito joined the TrulyRichClub as a Gold
member because he wanted to learn how
to invest in the stock market.
"I just followed the monthly top-ups to
my account and bought stocks
recommended by TRC. It was fun and
hassle-free. Fun because I see my
portfolio going up and down every now
and then. But I am not worried when it’s
turning red since I know that it is time to
do shopping.”

He did this for four years. Then on
May 24, 2015, Kein entered the
"When I was in the seminary, I
stopped my monthly investment since I
had no more earnings. I could only add to
my investment when I had some extra
allowance. I didn't monitor my account on
a regular basis during that time since I
was more focused on my seminary
formation. I had no time to read the
On October 15, 2016, after spending
almost one and a half years inside, Kein
left the seminary after a thorough
“When I went out, I checked my
account again and got surprised that it
still grew even if I was not adding
regularly to it. Since then, I proved that
that the Strategic Averaging Method
(SAM) works even if I had more than a
year of detaching myself from stock
market investing.”
In 2017, he upgraded to Platinum
because he wanted to take his learning
and contacts to the next level.
As a Platinum member, Kein gets to
attend the monthly "Evening with the
Dean” and the quarterly Mastermind
Wealth Circle meetings with Bro. Bo
Sanchez and his mentors.
"These events continuously open
doors of opportunities for me, which
never happened before when I was still a
Gold Member. It is an answer to my
prayer to always meet wonderful people
who will bless me and make me grow.”
When asked how TRC changed his
life, he replied, "TRC really did change
my life because I am able to help others
who also want to invest in the stock
market. TRC is also teaching me to seek
the equilibrium of finance and spirituality.
It's like looking for the sweet spot of my
money and my soul.”

My Findings
That is my story, and it is a living
proof that the stock market with proper
guidance, techniques, strategies, and
mindset is a winning place.
For one and a half years, I stopped
investing, yet my account is still there
floating around. I did not withdraw it to
spend it. I just parked my money. You

know what is amazing here? My money
grew passively. It still grew even when I
was inside the seminary praying, eating,
studying, playing, socializing, eating. Oh,
did I say eating twice?
I will discuss more about the
TrulyRichClub in one of the succeeding
Continue to read.

Where Are You Now?
I wrote this book during the COVID-
19 Pandemic at naisip ko na kapag
natapos na ang krisis na ito, pwede pa
ring maranasan ng maraming Pilipino
ang pagkakaroon ng ‘di sapat na pera o
budget. Sabi nga nga matatanda, “Mainit
ang palad mo kapag may pera kang
hawak.” Hindi naman problema dito kung
magkano ang hawak mong pera. Ang
problema ay kung papaano mo
hinahawakan ang pera mo.
Ilang 13th, 14th, 15th month pay na ba
ang dumaan sa mga palad mo? Let me
ask you directly, saan mo ginastos ang
extra money mo? Naglaan ka man lang
ba para sa savings at investments mo? I
hope your answer is yes.

Alam kong masaya ka dahil may
extra money ka. Kahit ako, sa tuwing
nalalaman ko na kumita ako ng dividends
(I will discuss more of this later) sa stock
market shares ko, masaya ako dahil I
have extra money to buy more shares.
Sa totoo lang, kapag ang isang tao
ay alipin ng kanyang pera, maghihirap at
maghihirap siya kahit walang pandemic
dahil para sa kanya, sa pera lang umiikot
ang mundo niya. The more you are a
slave of your own money, the more you
become greedy to earn more. Money is
just a magnifier. Ang isang taong likas na
mabuti, kapag kumita ang pera niya, lalo
siyang magiging mabuti. Taliwas naman
ito sa isang taong greedy sa pera.
“For the love of money is the root of
all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10). In that bible
passage, the moment you fell in love with
money is the same moment that you will
act in evil ways. Hindi masama ang pera.
Kung masama ang pera na sinasahod
mo, tumigil ka na sa pagtatrabaho. Kung
masama ang pera na ginagamit ng
gobyerno para makatulong sa mga
nangangailangan, tumigil na rin sila sa
pagtulong sa iba. Dahil kung literal na
masama ang pera, masama na ang lahat
ng nakikinabang at gumagamit nito. Ang
problema at puno’t dulo ng kasamaan ay
kapag “minahal” mo na ang pera at dito
na lang umiikot ang buhay mo.
During this pandemic, nabalitaan
naman siguro ng lahat kung paano
naging mapagbigay ang mga
mayayaman sa bansa natin. For
example, in mid-March 2020, SM Group
and Ayala Corp. donated money to fight
coronavirus. Marami pang kwento ng
pagtulong ang mayroon sa panahon
ngayon at ang karamihan sa mga ito ay
hindi na natin alam.
Let me go back again to the present
situation while I am writing this.
Sa tingin ko, sa panahon ngayon and
for the sake of simplicity, may dalawang
axis pagdating sa pamemera:
1. Earnings
2. Savings
When I say earnings, may dalawang
uri ng tao dito:
a. Positive. ‘Yung mga tao na patuloy
pa ring kumikita kahit nasa
pandemic. For example, sila ‘yung
mga workers sa mga essential
industries during the crisis like food,
hospitals, telecommunications,
deliveries, etc. Sabihin na nating
reduced workhours o work from
home ang isang manggagawa, pero
ang point dito may kinikita pa rin siya.

b. Negative. ‘Yung mga taong walang

kinikita dahil sarado ang pinagta-
trabahuhang negosyo. Kasama dito
‘yung mga nasa non-essentials
industries like cinemas, spas, salons,
etc. Sila rin ‘yung mga direktang
apektado sa pagsasara ng malls
dahil kailangang-kailangan sa mga
panahon ngayon ang social
Now, the second concept is savings.
Ito naman ‘yung grupo ng mga tao na
kung meron ba silang ipon o wala.
a. Positive. ‘Yung mga taong may
naipong pera sa bangko o baul. Sila
‘yung mga tao na magaling magtipid
at mag-ipon. Noong mga panahong
wala pang crisis, may naitabi sila
kaya naman sa panahon ngayon,
afford pa rin nilang mag-donate kahit
papaano. Sabi nga sa kasabihan,
“’Pag may isinuksok, may
madudukot.” ‘Yung isa naman,
“Kapag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

b. Negative. ‘Yung mga taong

nabigong makapag-ipon intentionally
and unintentionally. Marami sa mga
kababayan natin ang walang-wala
dahil wala silang naitabi noong mga
panahong wala pa ang krisis.
Karamihan sa kanila, sapat lang ang
kinikita sa loob ng isang araw o kaya
naman ay kulang pa. Ang resulta ay
wala silang madukot sa panahong
gaya nito.
Base rin sa tips sa ibang financial
books na nabasa ko, “Hindi basehan
kung magkano ang kinikita mo, ang
basehan ay kung magkano ang naiipon
mo.” Totoo ito, may mga killala akong
malalaki ang sahod pero hanggang sa
ngayon, walang savings at investments.
Wala ring emergency fund in case bigla
silang nangailangan ng panggastos.
On the other hand, may mga kilala rin
ako na super tipid na, super kunat pa!
Kahit hindi ganoon kalaki ang sinasahod
nila, may naiipon sila. Kaya naman kahit
matagal ang community quarantine, may
nabubunot pa rin silang budget.
Syempre, darating sa punto na mauubos
ang naipon mo kaya naman mahalaga rin
ang pagpapalago ng pera mo. Hindi ka
lang dapat merong ipon. Kailangan may
investment ka rin.
Sa axis ng earnings at savings, may
apat pang grupo ng mga tao:
1. No earnings, no savings.
2. With earnings, no savings
3. No earnings, with savings
4. With earnings, with savings

Yes ❌ No
Walang kita
May kita at
pero may

Yes ipon
May kita
❌ Walang kita
pero walang
No at ipon

Quadrant 1
Walang Kita at Ipon
This is the group of people who are
experiencing direct blow during this
crisis. They do not have both earnings
and savings, thus making them very
vulnerable. They are unfortunate that
they cannot go to work or cannot do work
at all due to the possibility of contagion.
Aside from the fact that their source of
income has stopped, they do not have
savings either. Imagine that, wala ka ng
trabaho, wala ka pang ipon. Tapos
marami ka pang pangangailangan.
Kasama rin dito ‘yung mga taong wala
talagang trabaho kahit noong wala pang
pandemic. Domino effect: Since wala

siyang source of income, wala ring
paraan para makaipon siya.
During my reflection periods, I could
say that sometimes, we cannot directly
blame them for being vulnerable since
some of them are victims of some
physical, mental, and economic
misfortunes. But there is also a point that
most of them are at fault since they
allowed these things to happen. Most of
them, I believe, can still do the labor but
chose not to work.
Dahil din sa isang kahig, isang tuka
sila, wala ng natira sa kanila sa
panahong sarado ang kabuhayan ng
karamihan. Minsan, nasasabi ko rin na
kung marunong lang sana silang
humawak ng pera, hindi ganoon kahirap
ang sitwasyon nila. Pwede rin naman
silang maghanap ng extra na
pagkakakitaan. Mayroon lang din
talagang mga tao na ayaw mag-isip o
magbanat ng buto.
But I do not think na dito dapat
matapos ang buhay nila. Recently, I read
an article on the internet that there was a
tricycle driver from Quezon City, who
opened a barbecue stall using his P2,000
cash aid. His average income is P1,200.
Imagine that it is 60% in return! Kung
iisipin natin, ano ang mararating ng
kakarampot na puhunan na ito pero
pinatunayan ng kababayan natin na ito
kung gaano kahalaga ang “Dream big,
start small.” Hindi lang siya basta
tumanggap ng isda. Marunong siyang

Masaya din ako na ilan sa mga
empleyado namin na naapektuhan ng
pandemic ang nagsimulang magpundar
ng maliliit na negosyo tulad ng pagtitinda
ng mga prutas, gulay, isda, at iba pa.
Ginamit nilang puhunan ang mga
subsidies na nakuha nila sa gobyerno.

Quadrant 2
May Kita Pero Walang
Before the pandemic, may mga
earnings ang mga tao sa quadrant na ito.
Maaari pa nga na malalaki ang mga
sahod nila and exceeds the minimum
wage on their areas. Ang problema lang,
hindi sila nakapag-ipon ng sapat (o wala

pang naipon) dahil mas tumaas ang
nagastos na pera kaysa sa naipon nila.
It is a recommendation to create an
emergency fund, which is equivalent to
six to 12 months of your monthly
expenses. Since we are at the stage of a
pandemic, it is only logical to spend on
the things that you need for survival.
Hindi naman na reasonable kung may
budget ka pa rin para bumili ng new pairs
of shoes or clothes kasi in the first place,
very minimal naman ang mga lakad mo.
Lalabas ka lang ng bahay to buy your
essentials. Tanda ko noong lumabas ako
ng bahay para bumili ng mga kailangan
namin, hindi na ako nagsuot ng sapatos.
Tsinelas na pambahay lang, solved na.
Going back to the emergency fund,
ito ‘yung isa sa mga kailangang gawing
priority ng bawat pamilya lalo na kung
lahat sila ay may kinikita. Mahirap ang
gumawa ng emergency fund dahil may
mga pagkakataon na kulang pa ang pera
na pumapasok sa atin. Pero the formula
should not stop there. Kung sa tingin mo
ay kinukulang ka, kailangan mong mas
magbawas pa ng gastusin o mag-umpisa
ng other source of income. Kung may
trabaho ka at mataas naman ang
sinasahod mo, wala akong nakikitang
dahilan para hindi ka makapag-ipon. I
challenge you to reflect. Baka naman
nasosobrahan ka sa pagbili ng mga
bagay na hindi mo naman talaga
kailangan. One of the great lessons I
learned during this lockdown is that I can
survive if I prioritize my basic needs.
Hindi mo kinakailangang bilhin lahat.
If you are in this quadrant, it is time to
revolutionize yourself. Kahit maliit ang
sinasahod mo, kung marunong kang
magpalago at magtabi ng pera mo, pilit at
pilit kang may makukuha.
We discussed V.U.C.A. in one of our
Master in Entrepreneurship classes at
the Asian Institute of Management. This
stands for volatility, uncertainty,
complexity, ambiguity. True enough, this
pandemic proved that difficult situations
and conditions could hit us anytime. And
only those who thrive are the ones who
are prepared.
Going back, if your monthly salary is
P15,000, hindi naman siguro masakit sa
bulsa if you will save P500 per month. If
you think that P500 is too big, start with
P300 first. Then increase your savings a
little bit and challenge yourself. If it is not
possible, then think of some ways to earn
more. Do side-line businesses. This is my
principle: kung hindi mo magawa ang
makapag-ipon, ang makapag-invest pa
So, before you start investing in the
stock market, you need to save first.
Delikado kung uutangin mo ang pang-
invest mo. Paano na lang kung
nangailangan ka bigla at mababa pa ang
stock market? Mababa na ang makukuha
mo, may mga pinagkakautangan ka pa.
Mahalaga rin syempre na may safe
cushion ka. Matuto kang paghati-hatiin
ang kinikita mo base sa mga
pangangailangan mo.
Let me inspire you again. I know of a
person who is a minimum wage worker,
and yet, he can still manage to save a
part of his earnings. And now that we are
all in lockdown, he is not worried.

Quadrant 3
Walang Kita Pero May
Amazing ang mga tao na nasa
quadrant na ito dahil kahit nasa global
pandemic tayo, nagawa pa rin nila ang
maka-ipon. Sila ‘yung mga taong directly
na nawalan ng trabaho dahil sa
Enhanced Community Quarantine or
‘yung mga nasa No Work, No Pay
scheme na kumpanya. Marami sa mga
manggawang Pilipino ang kabilang dito

pero kakaunti lang sa kanila ang may

Paano ko ito nasabi? Dahil sa

panahon ngayon, and daming umaasa sa
mga ayudang ibinibigay ng gobyerno. Sa
madaling salita, kulang o wala talaga
silang naipon noong mga panahong
kumikita pa sila. Pwede nilang sabihin na
maliit ang kanilang sinasahod kaya hindi
sila makaipon. Ngunit hindi maaaring
wala na lamang tayong gagawin. May
mga pagkakataon na kailangan rin natin
i-challenge ang ating sarili.

That is why I wrote this book; so that

those people who are really in need of
financial education will have access to
equal opportunities and information.
Balikan ko ulit, kung kinukulang ka, may

dalawang bagay kang kailangang gawin.
First is to cut off your expenses. Second
is to create additional sources of income.

Let us now focus on the learning in

this specific quadrant. Ang idea na ito ay
para sa mga taong masuwerteng
nakapag-ipon galing sa kanilang kinikita.
Masuwerte nga ba sila dahil kasama na
sa guhit ng mga palad nila ang
magkaroon ng ipon o talagang pinili nila
ito? Syempre, pinili nila ito kahit na hindi
ito madaling gawin. Hindi ito dala ng kung
ano mang bituin sa kalangitan. Walang
kinalaman ang mga planeta sa mga
naipon nila.

Dahil nga sa nakapag-ipon sila,

mayroon silang mahuhugot sa panahon
ng krisis na ito. Tanda ko ang isang sikat

na kwento noong bata pa ako. Ito ay ang
kwento nina Tipaklong at Langgam. Ito
ay isang perfect story tungkol sa
kahalagahan ng pag-iipon.

Sa mga hindi pa nakakaalam ng


Sa isang malayong lupain sa

ikalimang talampas na may tatlong ilog at
isang bundok ay may nakatirang isang
tipaklong at langgam. Syempre mag
tropa silang dalawa pero magkaiba sila
ng lifestyle.

Si tipaklong yung tipo ng insekto na

hindi marunong mag-impok ng mga
pagkain. Sa panahon ng summer, enjoy
na enjoy lang siya sa paglalangoy sa ilog
at patalun-talon sa mga dahon ng
kawayan at malalaking damo. Dahil nga

nabubuhay sa YOLO (You only live once)
philosophy si tipaklong, wala siyang
pakialam kung ano ang mangyayari sa
hinaharap. Ang mahalaga lang sa kanya
ay kung ano ang nangyayari sa ngayon.

Sa isang maliit na butas naman sa

ilalim ng lupa nakatira ang kaibigan ni
tipaklong na si langgam. Masipag si
langgam pero hindi rin naman niya
nakakalimutan ang mag-enjoy.
Paminsan-minsan ay sumasama siya
kay tipaklong sa tabing-ilog hindi para
maglangoy kundi para mag sun-bathing
lamang. Syempre, mamamatay si
langgam kapag naglangoy siya sa ilog.
Malulunod kasi ang napakaliit na
kaibigan ni tipaklong.

Sa tuwing babalik na sa kanilang
mga bahay ang magkaibigang insekto,
napapansin ni tipaklong na laging
nagbubuhat si langgam ng kung
anumang pagkain na pupwede niyang
maiuwi sa kanyang bahay tulad ng tuna,
salmon at ang pinaka the best sa lahat,
ang lobster.

Natatawa si tipaklong sa tuwing

ginagawa ito ni langgam dahil
nahihirapan lang daw magbuhat si
langgam. Wala pa naman itong
malalaking muscles.

Isang araw sa buwan ng Mayo,

tinanong ni tipaklong si langgam ng

“Langgam, bakit naman sa tuwing

umuuwi tayo galing sa tabing-ilog ay lagi

kang nagbubuhat ng kung anu-ano?
Tulad na lang kahapon, nagbuhat ka pa
ng puso ng saging. Ano ba kasi ‘yang
ginagawa mo? Nahihirapan ka lang

“Ganito kasi ‘yan kaibigan. Papalapit

na kasi ang tag-ulan kaya’t nag-iipon na
ulit ako ng aking makakain sakali mang
bumuhos ang malalaking patak ng ulan.
Hindi na ako makakalabas ng bahay ko
para kumuha ng pagkain dahil isang
patak lang ng tubig-ulan sa akin, deads
agad ako. Kaya ikaw, mag-impok ka na
rin ng makakain mo”, sabi ni langgam.

“Hindi ko feel. Tsaka pwede pa rin

naman akong lumabas ng bahay kahit
umuulan. Ang sarap kayang maligo sa
ulan”, sabi ni tipaklong kay langgam.

“Okay. Ikaw ang bahala pero basta
iba pa rin sa pakiramdam kapag mayroon
kang naiipon. May peace of mind ka dahil
hindi naman sa lahat ng pagkakataon ay
mayroon ka ring makukuhang pagkain sa
labas. Ang sa akin lang, maganda na sa
lahat ng pagkakataon ay palagi kang
handa. Hindi natin alam ang maaaring
mangyari sa hinaharap katulad ng mga
kalamidad na posibleng maganap. Basta
pinaalalahanan kita ha. Pag-isipan mo
ulit itong mga ipinaliwanag ko sa iyo”,
sabi ni langgam.

“Ako ang bahala. Sisiw lang ‘yan.

Don’t cha worry, friend!” Tugon ni

Lumipas ang isang buwan at si

langgam ay nakapag-imbak ng pagkain

na tatagal sa loob ng siyam na buwan.
Taun-taon na niya itong ginagawa at
hindi siya problemado kung dumating
man ang mahabang buwan ng tag-ulan.
Samantalang si tipaklong ay hindi pa rin

At dumating na nga ang kalamidad.

Nagkaroon ng malakas na bagyo at ang
lahat ng pwedeng pagkunan ng pagkain
sa labas ay nasira na. Napaiyak na
lamang si tipaklong sa pangyayaring ito.
Wala kasi siyang makuhaan ng pagkain
nang tumama ang kalamidad. Nagsisisi
siya dahil kung nakinig lamang siya kay
langgam ay hindi sana siya magugutom
ng ganito.

Naalala ni langgam ang kaibigan

niyang si tipaklong at kinumusta ito

pagkatapos ng mahaba at malakas na
bagyo. Nakita niya si tipaklong na payat
na payat dahil sa ilang araw na itong hindi
nakakakain o nakaiinom man lamang ng
tubig. Nagulat siya at napaawa na
lamang sa kaibigan niya. Dahil sa
kabaitan ni langgam, binigyan niya ng
tulong si tipaklong at hinatian ito ng
pagkain. Malaya itong nagawa ni
langgam dahil mayroon siyang sapat na
pagkain sa kanyang tahanan.

Masayang tinanggap ni tipaklong

ang tulong ni langgam ngunit hindi niya
rin maiwasan ang mahiya.

Dahil sa pangyayaring ito, natutunan

ni tipaklong ang kahalagahan ng pag-
iimpok ng pagkain.

Pagkalipas ng ilang buwan, naging
business partners sina tipaklong at
langgam. Nagtayo sila ng sari-sari store.
Nagsimula silang magbenta ng mga
pagkain na hindi natatagpuan sa
kanilang lugar.

The End.

Mga bata, nagustuhan ba ninyo ang

kwento natin sa araw na ito? Ano ang
natutunan ninyo sa kwentong ito? Huwag
kalimutang i-kwento rin ito sa iba upang
makatulong ka.

May isa pang mahalagang concept

sa Quadrant 3 (Walang Kita Pero May
Ipon), hindi rin ito sapat kung wala kang
kinikita dahil mauubos din ang perang
naipon mo. Importanteng may
continuous source of income ka, at the

same time, may naiipon ka pa rin. Ito ang
mahalagang aral na natutunan nina
tipaklong at langgam, kaya naman,
naghanap sila ng pamamaraan upang
magkaroon sila ng pakakakitaan, at ito ay
ang pagtatayo ng sari-sari store.

Kaya’t kailangan mong gumawa ng

paraan para mapapunta ka sa Quadrant
4 – May Kita at Ipon.

Quadrant 4
May Kita at Ipon
Let me tell you my personal story.

My parents used to tell me that

saving should be a part of my habit.
Nangyari ang mga paalalang ito habang
lumalaki ako. Sinanay kaming
magkakapatid ng aming mga magulang
na hindi nangangailangan ng pera. Dahil
nga mga bata pa kami, hindi naman
namin kailangan na humawak ng pera.

Tanda ko pa noon, kapag may gusto

akong bilhin sa tindahan tulad ng
paborito kong hopia, saka lang ako
makakahawak ng pera. Pero dahil
napansin na siguro ng nanay ko na lagi
akong humihingi ng pera noon para
makabili ng hopia, bumili na siya ng mas
maraming hopia para hindi ko na ulit
kailangan pang humingi at humawak ng
pera. Natanong ko siya kung bakit hindi
ako pwedeng humawak ng pera,
madalas niya lang sabihin na madumi
raw ito.

Noong nag-aaral na ako ng
elementary, hindi pa rin nila ako
binibigyan ng baong pera. Mayroon lang
akong baon na meryenda o kaya naman
ay kumukuha na lang ako sa school
canteen namin ng mga gusto kong
kainin. Hindi kami ang may-ari ng
canteen kaya nagagawa ko ito noon. Ito
ay dahil ‘yun ang bilin ng aking nanay
para hindi ko na kailangang magdala ng
pera sa school at siya na ang bahalang
magbayad nito sa tuwing sinusundo niya
ako sa hapon. Mayroon na pala silang
ganitong protocol ng tindera noon sa
school canteen namin. Nang napag-
usapan namin ang tungkol dito noong
tumanda na ako, sinabi niya na ginawa
niya ito para hindi ako masanay na laging
may pera sa bulsa dahil baka ito pa ang
maging dahilan ng pagiging magastos

Noong Grade 4 o Grade 5 na ako,

saka lang ako binigyan ng nanay ko ng
pera para maging allowance ko sa
school. Binibigay niya ito sa akin araw-
araw. Tanda ko pa noon, P30 lang ang
dala-dala ko. Sapat lang iyon para sa
pagkain at pamasahe. Isang araw,
sinadya kong hindi kumain ng sapat para
may maipon akong pera. Bakit? Dahil
may gusto akong bilhing laruan sa isang
tindahan na malapit sa school namin.
Nang nalaman ito ng nanay ko, syempre
nasermonan niya ako at sinabi sa akin na
ang budget na binigay niya sa akin ay
para lamang sa pagkain at pamasahe.
Doon ko natutunan na kailangan pala na

mag-stick lang ako sa kung ano ang
kailangan kong bilhin at huwag bumili ng
mga bagay-bagay na hindi naman
kasama sa budget.

Pero paminsan-minsan binibigyan

ako ng sobrang pera ng nanay ko kahit
palima-limang piso. At ang limang piso
na ‘yun, ay automatic na napupunta sa
ipon ko. Bakit ko ginawa iyon? Hindi para
mabili ko ang mga gusto ko kundi para
may ipon ako kung sakali mang
kailangananin kong bumili ng bagong
ballpen, papel at iba pang gamit sa

Syempre may mga araw rin na hindi

ako nagiging tapat sa naiipon ko. May
mga kaunting pagkakataon na natukso
din akong bumili ng cotton candy, kikiam,

maliliit na laruan na kung tawagin namin
ay tau-tauhan at iba pa. Dahil dito,
nababawasan din ang ipon ko. Doon ko
rin napagtanto na kung hindi pala ako
gumastos ng sobra-sobra, ay marami pa
rin sana akong ipon. Sa mga karanasang
ito ko paunti-unting natutunan ang
kahalagahan ng pag-iipon. Tanda ko pa
noon, nakakaipon ako ng P800 sa loob
ng isang school year na galing lamang sa
mga sukli sa pamasahe, pagkain, school
supplies at iba pa. Tapos itong naiipon ko
ay ginagamit kong pandagdag sa budget
ko for school supplies para sa susunod
na school year. Sa makabuluhang bagay
pa rin nauuwi ang ipon ko.

Kinalakihan ko na ang pag-iipon

kaya naman naging madali na lang para

sa akin ang hindi gumastos sa mga
bagay na wala namang kabuluhan.
Noong sumasahod na ako, nag-ipon din
ako para may pandagdag ako sa budget
ko upang maipublish ang una kong libro,
ang “The 9 Secrets of Sticky Families”.
Ang masaya pa dito, kumikita pa ako ng
extra galing sa sales ng libro ko. Inilaan
ko ang sariling pera ko sa paraang lalago
pa ito.

Sa ngayon, gumagastos ako ng extra

para naman magkaroon ako ng reward
sa sarili ko. Pero once in a blue moon
lang kung gawin ko ito at kadalasan ay
naghahanap o naghihintay muna ako ng
discount bago ako bumili. ‘Yung gamit
kong mobile phone ngayon, naghintay pa
ako ng mahigit sa isang taon bago ko ito

bilhin. Hinintay ko munang bumaba ang
presyo nito dahil may ilalabas na bagong
model. Hindi ako mahilig sa latest. Gusto
ko lang ‘yung functional. Nanghihinayang
kasi ako sa masasayang na pera kung
hindi ko ito gagawin. Dahil sa ngayon,
lahat ng sobra at ipon ko, hindi ko
ipinang-bibili ng kung anu-ano lang,
bagkus inilalagay ko ito sa stock market
fund ko.

Paano ba mag-ipon ng
Sakali mang hindi mo nakasanayang
mag-ipon, hindi pa huli ang lahat para
umpisahan mo ito. Mahirap lang ito sa
umpisa dahil hindi mo naging habit ang

pag-iipon. May ilan akong kakilala, ilang
taon ng nagtatrabaho pero hanggang
ngayon, wala pa ring naiipon. Hindi mo
naman masasabing kulang ang
sinasahod nila. Kulang lang sila sa
willpower para makapag-ipon at
masunod ang tamang pagba-budget.

Marami kasi sa atin, kapag nakuha

na ang sweldo nila, ay ginagastos ito
agad. Kadalasan, dahil gastos agad ang
nasa isip, wala ng natitira para maging
ipon man lang nila. May budget sa
bagong damit ngayon, pero walang
budget para sa kinabukasan nila.

Ito kasi ang formula na sinusunod


Salary – Expenses = Savings or


Ito ang kinalakihan ng marami sa
atin. Naka-program na kasi sa isipan
natin simula pa noong mga bata pa tayo
ang ganito:

“Kapag may sweldo na ako, bibilhin

ko na ‘yung dream toys ko.” At marami
pang kaparehong scenario. In effect,
‘yung pinaghirapang sahod, nagagastos
kaagad ng hindi namamalayang
kailangan din ang mag-ipon at mag-

So paano ang tamang gawin? Dapat


Salary – Savings or Investments =


Ito ang kailangan mong gawin bilang

isa sa mga baby steps mo sa stock
market investing. Unang una, hindi ka
makakapag-invest kung wala kang extra
money. At saan ka kukuha ng extra
money mo? Sa savings mo.

Ang unang kailangan mong gawin ay

sanayin ang sarili mo na sa tuwing
makakatanggap ka ng sahod, maglaan
ka na kaagad ng pera para sa savings o
investments mo. Tapos ang matitira, ‘yun
lang ang pagkasyahin mo. Sa ganitong
paraan, mababawasan ang mga
pagkakataon na gumagastos ka sa mga
bagay na hindi mo naman talaga
kailangan at magkakaroon ka na ngayon
ng budget para makapag-simula ng
savings and investments mo.

Ano ang savings? Plainly ito ‘yung

ipon mo. Bakit kailangan mong mag-
ipon? Para mayroon kang huhuguting

pera kung sakali mang mangailangan ka.
Sa akin, ito na rin ‘yung Emergency Fund
ko. Bago ako nag-umpisa sa stock
market investing, bumuo muna ako ng
Emergency Fund. Usually ito ang pondo
mo kung sakali mang mawalan ka ng kita
sa loob ng 6 hanggang 12 buwan. So,
kung may basic na gastusin ka na P8,000
sa loob ng isang buwan, kinakailangan
mong makaipon ng P48,000 hanggang
P96,000 at gawin ito bilang emergency
fund. This is logical lalo na sa panahon
ng pandemic dahil kung sakali man na
tumagal ng todo ang krisis, makakatulog
ka pa rin kahit paano sa gabi dahil may
naipon ka. O kaya naman, sakali na may
emergency ka na kailangan mong
tustusan, may mapagkukunan ka rin
Depende pa rin sa diskarte mo,
pwede rin naman na habang binubuo mo
ang emergency fund mo ay nagsisimula
ka ring mag-invest sa stock market.
Pwedeng 80% ang ipasok mo sa
emergency fund mo and 20% naman
para sa stock market investments mo.
Pwede rin namang tig-50%. It’s up to you.

But the standard advice is to create

your emergency fund first before you go
on stock market investing.

Ano naman ang investments? Ito

‘yung proseso ng pagpapalago mo ng
pera mo. Ito ang sekreto: hindi ka lang
dapat marunong mag-ipon,
kinakailangan na marunong ka rin
magpalago ng naipon mong pera.

Nagawa ko na ito dati at patuloy kong
ginagawa hanggang sa ngayon. ‘Yung
perang naiipon ko galing sa dibdibang
hindi pag-gastos sa kung anu-anong
bagay, ay inilalagay ko sa investments at
isa sa mga ito ay ang stock market

Iba’t iba tayo ng pamamaraan sa

paghawak ng pera natin pero tanda ko
noon, hindi talaga ako gumastos sa mga
international travels hangga’t hindi ako
nakakaipon para ma-publish ko ‘yung
unang libro ko at kumita sa pamamagitan
ng book royalty. Focus muna ako sa book
royalty bago ang international travels.
Bakit? Dahil malinaw na malinaw sa isip
ko na hindi ako magkakaroon ng book
royalty kung mas uunahin ko pa ang

mag-travel. Mabibigyan ako ng book
royalty ko ng travel. Pero hindi ako
mabibigyan ng travel ko ng book royalty.

Pangarap ko kasi na mag-solo

international travel sa paborito kong
bansa gamit ang kinita ko sa book
royalties at salamat sa Diyos dahil
nagawa ko na ito. Mas masarap sa
pakiramdam dahil alam kong may
pinaghirapan muna ako.

If you are curious about book royalty,

this is the passive income that authors
can earn whenever someone buys their
book. This is usually derived as a
percentage of sales. So, if you want to
write your own book, this could be a
potential source of additional income for

Hindi rin ako fan ng pangungutang
kung ito naman ay hindi makakatulong
upang mapalago ang isang kabuhayan o
pinagkakakitaan. May proper cash cycle
din ako na sinusunod. Kung alam ko na
ako ay naglabas ng malaking pera para
sa personal investments ko, automatic na
nagbabawas ako ng mga gastusin ko
dahil ayaw kong mauwi sa paglubog sa
mga utang. Syempre, magbabayad pa
ako ng interest kung may personal na
utang pa ko. No way!

At sa puntong lumago na ang pera ko

dahil sa investments ko (gaya ng
pagsusulat ng libro, at iba pa), saka pa
lang ako maglalabas ng pera para naman
ma-enjoy ko ang pinaghirapan ko.

May mga pagkakataon din naman na
kailangan mong gamitin ang utang para
lalong lumago ang pera mo. Ito ay
tinatawag na good debt. For example,
uutang ka ng P50,000 para pangdagdag
mong capital sa iyong negosyo. Dahil
nga mayroon kang negosyo, may
possibility na ito ay kumita. Ang portion
ng pera na nanggaling sa kinita mo ang
magsisilbing pangbayad mo sa inutang
mong P50,000 (plus interest).

Sa puntong ito na tuloy-tuloy ang

pasok ng kita mo, syempre mababayaran
mo rin ang inutang mong pera. Ito ay
isang scenario lamang. Iba pa ang
mangyayari kung sakali man na hindi
kumita ang negosyo dahil sa iba’t-ibang

Dahil ito ay libro tungkol sa stock
market, advisable kaya na umutang ka
ng malaking pera at ilagay mo ang
LAHAT ng ito sa iyong stock market

Ang sagot:

It is a big ❌ NO! ❌

Dahil nga very unpredictable ang

mga nangyayari sa stock market,
masyadong risky kung uutang ka pa para
lang makapagsimula sa stock market.
Huwag mo ring ilalagay ang emergency
fund mo dito.

Generally speaking, hindi ito

advisable lalo na at bago ka pa lang
makakaranas sa roller coaster ride ng
stock market investing. So saan dapat
manggaling ang pera mo? Sa perang
paunti-unti mong naiipon. Maglagay ka
lang ng pera sa stock market sa halaga
na comfortable ka. Ito rin ‘yung pera na
hindi mo kailangan for short or medium

Halimbawa, may negosyo ka at ang

gastos mo sa pasahod ng iyong mga
empleyado sa loob ng isang buwan ay
nagkakahalagang P100,000. Naisip mo
na gusto mo pa itong palaguin kaya
naman inilagay mo lahat ng budget mo
sa pasahod sa personal stock market
investment mo.

Then the scary thing happened,

biglang bumaba ang presyo ng stocks
mo dahil maraming nagbenta nito.
Naapektuhan ang presyo ng shares mo
at ang dating P100,000 mo, P60,000 na

lang ngayon. Tapos nagpatawag ka ng
emergency meeting at sinabi mo na sa
mga empleyado mo na, “Pasensya na
kayo, ‘yung sanang sasahurin ninyo
ngayong buwan ay nabawasan na.
Inilagay ko kasi sa stock market lahat ng
budget ng company sa salaries and
wages. Pwede bang bawasan ko ng 40%
ang sahod niyo ngayong buwan? Babawi
na lang ako next time pero hindi ko pa
alam kung kailan ‘yun.”

And boom! Deads na.

So, it is wise advice to put in the stock

market the money that you are
comfortable or willing to let go for the long
term. Since parang gulong ng palad ang
market (minsan nasa ibabaw, minsan
nasa ilalim), maraming pwedeng

mangyari. Paano kung biglang
nangailangan ka at ang lahat ng
emergency fund mo ay inilagay mo sa
stock market? Tapos nagkataon pa na
down ang market. Mababawi mo ba
kaagad na loses mo? Syempre hindi.

And boom! Deads na.

Para mabigyan ka pa ng idea kung

anu-ano ang mga pwede mong gawin
para lumago ang pera mo, basahin mo
ang isang article na ito na galing sa

Which Asset Class is Right
For You?
Written by Kim Kiyosaki

Original post date: May 09, 2013

You have many choices on your path

to financial freedom.

Last week, I talked about for your

own financial freedom. It’s a personal
decision, and you have many choices
when it comes to assets (or those
investments that put money in your
pocket). Each asset class has pros and
cons and requires different levels of time,
effort and education.

That’s why most people invest in

paper assets, or the stock market. These
are the easiest assets to get in and out of.
And even though your financial planner
or advisor may tell you that your
retirement funds or 401K investments are
diversified, they really aren’t. Why? To be
truly diversified means to diversify, and
that means to invest in more than just one

What are the top four, asset classes?

There are numerous ways to invest

and build wealth. And once you increase
your financial education, you’ll have a
better understanding of the best
investments for you. But to help you get
started, here are some of the most
popular asset-classes.

Paper Assets

As I mentioned above, these are

assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds,
and retirement accounts where you can
invest in stock options, stock futures and
foreign exchange. Paper assets also
include real estate investment trusts, or
REITs, and exchange-traded funds
(ETFs). Whether you are investing for
capital gains or for cash flow via stock
dividends, there are many, paper assets
to choose from.


Commodities include metals (gold,

silver, copper, etc.) food (grains, corn,
coffee, and sugar) and raw materials (oil,
gas, cotton, etc.). Commodities are
generally a capital gains, or loss,
investment, and you can buy future
contracts of any commodity through the
future exchanges. If you are a new

investor, start small and build your
financial education. For example,
purchase a silver coin and then watch its
value increase or decrease in your daily
news. Your financial IQ will go up.


This is an asset that people are

becoming more aware of with television
shows like “The Apprentice,” “Shark
Tank,” and others. You can invest in your
own business or someone else’s private
business or company. The whole point is
to generate a return back to you, the
business and your investors and/or
lender. Just be sure to do your due
diligence and analyze the project, the
partners, the financing, and the business

and management team before making a
business investment.

Real Estate

I saved my favorite asset class for

last – I invest primarily in real estate
because it fits my formula for financial
freedom. Real estate investments either
provide cash-flow from rental properties
or capital gains from buying and selling
(flipping) a property.

With real estate, you use leverage, or

the ability to use other people’s money
(OPM) to purchase the asset. As I talk
about in “It’s Rising Time!”, “A property
that is highly leveraged means there is a
lot of debt on the property compared to
the equity, or current market value minus
the debt. The higher the debt on the

property, the lower the cash flow. The
lower the debt, the higher the cash flow.”

What Assets Will Give You Financial


When it comes to choosing

investments for your financial freedom,
it’s a personal choice that depends on
your specific goals in life. And while it
might be overwhelming at first, start
small. As I say in the Triple-A Triangle™,
Aspire, Acquire and Apply. Set your
goals, research and increase your
financial education and then take action.
Many women (including me) have
changed their life for the better by
investing in assets, and you can too.

What one step are you going to take
today on your journey to financial

You Can Still Invest Even If

There is a Pandemic

Marami kang pamimilian na asset

classes. Sa definition ni Robert Kiyosaki,
sinasabi niya na ang isang asset ay
nagbibigay ng pera papasok sa iyong
bulsa. Liability naman kung ito ay
palabas ng bulsa mo.

Ang librong ito ay isa lamang sa mga

assets na sumasagot sa mundo ng stock
market investing na isang parte lamang
ng paper assets. Marami ka pang
pagpipilian. Ang patuloy ko na advice ay
matutunan mo ang diversification. Ito ang
process ng paglalagay ng investment sa
iba’t ibang klase ng asset classes. Bakit?
Para kapag ang isa ay nagkaproblema,
mayroon ka pang ibang mapagkukunan.

Isa ito sa common na ginagawa ng

mga mayayaman.

They invest in paper assets,

commodities, businesses, and real

And the different incomes from these

assets are their gateways to buy their
dream cars, dream house, dream
vacations, and any other dreams of their

They build their assets first before

they spend too much.

Don’t buy luxuries unless you have
the assets first that can purchase those

Chapter 4

Create a Money System

and Open Your First Stock
Market Account

To enjoy your stock market journey,

you need preparedness – not just
financially but also mentally. I believe that
the stock market is an arena of both
thinking and feeling. It is more of
psychology and managing one’s
emotions. The money that you put in the
market is just there. But it is your thinking
or feeling that makes your money stay in

the market or not. I prepared so much
before I entered the stock market. I
prepared 90% of my psychology and only
10% financially. I started small with only

Right now, you can start with only

P1,000 as your initial investment. The
guys in the financial markets are doing
their very best to make the stock market
entry easier. That is why some brokers
reduced the initial investment. In effect,
more and more people will have lesser
financial obligations in starting their first
stock market investment. But there is still
a problem. Only a few people know how
the stock market works. So far, in the
Philippines, we only have 1% of the
population in the stock market.

My 90% of psychology consists of
training my thinking and feeling that the
money I will be putting in the stock market
will either perform well or not. I prepared
myself that I should not panic if ever I saw
my portfolio turning red. True enough,
during my first months in the stock
market, I realized that I am not earning
anything. The market was bleeding when
I entered. But then again, I know that it is
just part of the process, and what I did
during these challenging times was just
to make additional investments to my
initial fund of P5,000.

After several months of constant top-

ups, my P5,000 grew to P50,000. It was
a slow process way back then since I only
put 20% to 25% of my monthly salary in

the stock market. Then one day, I woke
up amazed because I already saw my
portfolio at 80x, 90x, 100x, and more. I
was happy because, at a young age, I
was able to befriend the stock market and
made a ride on the compounding power
of the stock market.

I will share my patterns in my years

of stock market investing. Take note that
this is only my personal preferences that
suit my objectives, goals, strategies, and

You decide, set, and follow your own.

Do you want to trade? (Timing the

market, buying low, and selling high,
transacting for short or medium terms)

Do you want to invest? (Buying

excellent and reliable companies at any
price, regularly adding, transacting for
long term)

Or do you want to do a mix of trading

and investing?

Again, it depends on you.

I Add Money to My Stock

Investment Regularly
I do it monthly, and I automatically
allot a percentage of my monthly income
to my stock market account. It is a lot
more convenient right now. With just a
few taps on my smartphone using some
apps, I can quickly transfer money from
my bank account to my stock market

Unlike before, when I was just
starting and apps are not yet that
accessible, I usually find myself falling in
line in the bank on a weekend just to
deposit my additional investment. Since I
also use an online stock market
brokerage company, I only use my laptop
to do my stock market transactions.

What Exactly is the Stock

To simplify the complicated world of
the stock market, I will just provide the
essential information:

The stock market is like an auction

where investors buy, sell, or hold shares
of stocks. Once you already own a share,
you are automatically called a
shareholder. A shareholder can profit or
loss on his investment, depending on the
performance of the company. This is
caused by many internal and external

If the company performs well, the

investor earns as well. On the flip side, if
the company is at a loss, the investor
experiences losses. A company issues
shares so it can finance many of its
business activities. For example, you
have bought P50,000 worth of shares
from XYZ Corporation. That said,
P50,000 will be their additional fund, let’s
say for hiring more workers, buying more
equipment and other business activities.
Now, you become a partner or a part-

owner of XYZ Corporation once you
already bought their shares.

I remember when I first bought a few

shares from SMPH (SM Prime Holdings),
I have these “bragging” moments to
myself that I already own a piece of their
malls. So, if you want to be a shareholder
of any of the big businesses in the
country today, you just need to buy their
shares which are offered to the public.

A share has either an upward (price

is going up) or downward (price is going
down) movement. Some investors add
the sideways (no change) movement.
The price goes up whenever there are
lots of buyers. On the other side, the price
goes down whenever there are lots of

That is the reason why, during a
crisis, many stock prices are going down
because lots of shareholders are selling
their shares. This outperforms the
buyers. They immediately sell so that
they will not incur any additional losses.
The opposite happens once the economy
is performing well. Many people are into
buying more shares because their target
is to earn more. They are grabbing the
opportunity. The result: stock prices are

Also, this book is to guide those

people who are committed to investing in
the stock market for the long-term. If you
want to do trading, then this book has no
data about it.

Again, there are three strategies in
the stock market.

First is investing.

Second is trading.

Third is a mix of investing and


Investing is the method of buying

blue chips (more on this later) and adding
or holding and selling them in many,
many years. This is long-term.

Trading is the way of buying penny

stocks and selling it immediately after
realizing a profit. It is for a short term only
since the trader sells the shares after
one, two, three days or one, two, three
weeks, or one, two, three months. It is up
to the timeframe of the trader.

The third approach is a mixture of
investing and trading. I follow this type,
but I do more investing (90%) than
trading (10% only).

Statistically, there are more winners

in the stock market investing than stock
market trading. Warren Buffett, one of the
famous icons in the world of investment
with a 2020 net worth of US $ 69.8 billion,
is a firm believer in stock market
investing. He became famous for buying
good companies at cheap prices rather
than buying cheap companies at good

Stock Market Hours
The usual trading hours in PSE
(Philippine Stock Exchange) is between
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM to 3:30
PM. But during the COVID-19 pandemic,
PSE reduced its trading hours from 9:30
AM to 1:00 PM only. The PSE is open
from Monday to Friday and closed during
holidays. You cannot transact a live order
when the market is closed. But if you
want to transact during closed hours, you
need to use the Off-Hours Order.

A Recommendation: Buy
the Blue Chips
In the stock market world, a blue-chip
is a stock in a corporation with a national
reputation for quality, reliability, and the
ability to operate profitably both in good
times and bad times. This is the secret
why I can still sleep at night because, in
the first place, I know that I only buy those
companies with the best performance.
Blue chips are like the Tiger Woods in
golf, the Manny Pacquiao in boxing, or
the Kobe Bryant in basketball. I often tell
my friends that blue chips are
powerhouse corporations. These
companies are still performing great even
if the economy is down. Also, they will
never scam you.
Play this scenario in your mind: Can
you imagine that Jaime Augusto Zobel de
Ayala, the Chairman and CEO of Ayala
Corporation will knock on your door and
scam you? That is a big no!

In general, these blue-chip stocks

have a long history of paying dividends;
have stable profit over many years; have
extremely reliable and positive income
statements and balance sheets; are
significantly larger than most
corporations as measured by market
capitalization; are commonly included in
market indices as the PSE (Philippine
Stock Exchange) index; and are market
leaders of household names.4


So, what are blue chips in the
Philippine Stock Market? Here is a list

Symbol Name Sector

AC Ayala Corporation
Aboitiz Equity Holding
Ventures, Inc. Firms
Alliance Global Holding
Group, Inc. Firms
ALI Ayala Land, Inc. Property
Aboitiz Power
AP Industrial
BDO BDO Unibank, Inc. Financial
BLOOM Resorts Services
Bank of the
BPI Financial
Philippine Islands
DMCI Holdings, Holding
Inc. Firms
First Gen
FGEN Industrial
Globe Telecom,
GLO Serives
GT Capital Holding
Holdings, Inc. Firms

ICT Container Terminal Services
Services, Inc.
Jollibee Foods
JFC Industrial
JG Summit Holding
Holdings, Inc. Firms
LTG LT Group, Inc.
Metropolitan Bank
MBT and Trust Financials
MEG Property
Manila Electric
MER Industrial
Metro Pacific
MPI Investments
Puregold Price
PGOLD Services
Club, Inc.
Robinson Land
RLC Property
Robinsons Retail
RRHI Services
Holdings, Inc.
Semirara Mining
Mining and
SCC and Power
Security Bank
SECB Financials

SM Investments Holding
Corporation Firms
San Miguel Holding
Corporation Firms
SM Prime
SMPH Property
Holdings, Inc.
TEL PLDT, Inc. Services
Universal Robina
URC Industrial

Since my best intention is to give you

more value, I have written another e-book
about the “Top 30 Philippine Companies
in the Stock Market.” I hope you received
your free copy already. Please check
your email if you have not seen it yet. Or
please click this link.

Not all Philippine companies issue

stocks to the public. A company that does
this is called the public company,
publicly-traded company, publicly held
company, publicly listed company. Once

a company is listed publicly, all of its
financial papers are seen by everybody
unlike a company which remains private.

Did you see the “Symbol” of the

companies from the table above? For
example, AC means Ayala Corporation.
What is it? Let us say you want to buy
shares from Ayala Corporation online;
you do not need to type the full company
name as it is. You just need to type “AC,”
and you will automatically land on the
page for Ayala Corporation. It saves your
precious time as well.

As of January 1, 2020, there are

about 271 listed companies in the
country. For the complete list of stock
symbols, you may go to


Since my primary strategy in the

stock market is investing. I just buy one
of these blue chips if it is recommended
as “Buy Below Price” by TrulyRichClub
(more of this later).

My target is to do it for the next 35 to

40 years. Now, imagine the compounding
power in my money if I continuously buy
AC until my retirement. That is just an

How Do You Earn in the

Stock Market?
There are three ways of earning in
the stock market:
1. Stock Price Appreciation. The price
of your stock goes up. For example,
you have bought a stock that is
priced at P50 per share. Then after
some time, the price climbed up to
P100 per share. Therefore, you will
earn once you sell your share at this
price. In the stock market, you will not
realize your earnings unless you sell
your shares. If you do not sell it at the
price of P100, then your stock will just
be floating around over there, and the
price will still move either upward or
2. Cash Dividend. This is a piece of
ownership that a shareholder gets
when the company distributes profit.
A company that performs well usually
issues dividends. For example, last
April 30, 2020, I received an email
from one of my stock market
companies that I am entitled to cash
dividends amounting to P1.50 per
share. For example: If I have 500,000
shares from XYZ Corporation and
priced at P1.50 per share, then I will
get P750,000 as a form of passive
income. Take note that cash
dividends are also subject to a 10%
withholding tax.
3. Stock Dividend. This is almost the
same as the cash dividend. Here, the
company issues the share of stocks
to its shareholders instead of cash. I
remember that one of my stock
market companies also gave me
some additional shares instead of
Updating Myself Using
TrulyRichClub (TRC)
Membership Anytime,
As of this writing, I am on my 1,213th
day in TrulyRichClub (TRC) as Platinum.
That is almost three years and four
months. But I started as a Gold member
first around 2011. Some of my friends
often think that TRC is a stock market
company. No, TRC is not a publicly listed
company as of today. Who knows, TRC
might be listed in the future.

So, what is TrulyRichClub? It is a

membership club founded by Bo
Sanchez (a Bestselling Author,

International Speaker, and Catholic Lay
Preacher) with a straightforward mission,
which is to teach good people how to
become truly rich. The club is not only
teaching me how to acquire financial
wealth but also how to be wealthy in all
areas of life, such as relationships, mind,
spirit, and others.

So why am I telling you about this? It

is because the club has been blessing
me in so many ways and you might want
to check it using this link:

This is my testimonial for TRC, and

you can read it on its website:

“I already earn passive income in my

20's and I also teach other people how to

do this. The Stocks Update and Wealth
Strategies are my guides to achieve my
financial goals. These are blessings!
Thank you very much TrulyRichClub for
the inspiration and practical wisdom!”

One of the biggest blessings I

regularly receive in TRC is the “Stocks

This stock update is my blueprint on

how I invest. I receive a brief stock update
or report, which tells me what companies
to invest and how they are presently
doing. I am updated on how the market is
performing even during this time of
pandemic because of this report. It
prevented me from selling my stocks
because of panic. In these challenging
times, the said report guides me to buy

great companies, especially when the
prices are very low.

The Stocks Update is a monthly

report that gives me guidance and
inspiration. This also tells the receiver if it
is time to buy, sell, or hold stocks. What I
like the most about the Stocks Update is
that it is very simple that even a third-
grader would understand.

Do you still remember the “Buy

Below Price” (BBP) that you have
previously read? It is a very convenient
indicator that TRC is using.

Let me explain using this example.

The Buy Below Price
Let say there is a publicly listed
company named Kein Chito, Inc. with a
stock symbol of “KEIN” which contains
this information:

Stock Explanation
The present price
of the stock as of
P 15.00 today (for example:
January 10, 2020)
is P15.00
Sell the stock when
P20.00 its price becomes
KEIN The indicator at
what price it is ideal
to buy the stock.
Buy Since the current
Below P10.00 price is at P15 per
Price share (which is
above the P10 Buy
Below Price), then
during this time,

the stock is still
expensive to buy.
Stop buying.

So, when is the ideal time to buy the

KEIN stock with a Buy Below Price of
P10.00? It is when the price of the stock
is lower than P10 per share. Since the
current price as of January 10, 2020, is at
P15 per share, it is still expensive.

Let say that after a week (January 17,

2020), a change in current price already
happened, and this is the latest data:

Stock Explanation
The new price of
the stock as of
P8.00 today (for example:
January 17, 2020)
is P8.00
Sell the stock when
P20.00 its price becomes

The indicator at
what price it is ideal
to buy the stock.
Since the current
price is at P8 per
Buy share (which is
Below P10.00 below the P10 Buy
Price Below Price), then
during this time, the
stock is still cheap
to buy.

So, with this latest change in price,

you can conclude that the stock KEIN is
much cheaper. This is the ideal time to
buy the said share. And when is the
perfect time to sell the share? When it hit
the P20 target price.

Let us assume that you have allotted

a budget of P8,000 to buy KEIN shares.
So, at the current price of P8 per share,
you can buy a total of 1,000 shares.
(Formula: P8,000 / P8 per share =

Now, you transacted online and

bought your very own 1,000 shares of
KEIN at P8 per share. You took note that
the Target Price of KEIN is at P20.00.

The analysts projected that Kein

Chito, Inc. would become aggressive in
the next years due to favorable economic
conditions, impressive products, and
international partnerships.

In just two years, the price of KEIN

becomes P18 per share (from P8 per
share). You still did not sell since the
recommended target price is at P20 per
share. Then after another six months, the
price of KEIN becomes P20.50 per share.
You are delighted because it even

surpassed the Target Price of P20 per
share. Now, you know that it is the ideal
time to sell the shares.

In 2.5 years, your KEIN shares

valued at P8 became P20.50 per share.
Since you have 1,000 shares, your total
account equity value, as of today, is

(Formula: 1,000 shares x P20.50 per

share = P20,500)

You decided to sell the shares and

earned a total profit of P12,500. Kaching!

(Formula: P20,500 present value

minus P8,000 initial investment =

There are also taxes and other fees

whenever you buy or sell shares.

Friend, that is just one example of
how the Stock Updates of TRC is
continuously helping me, as well as the
other members.

Also, TRC made another

recommendation because of the changes
in the market due to the pandemic. And
this is a very rare recommendation since
I became a member. Because of this, I
sold my shares from two different
companies. I did not withdraw the
proceeds of the sale and spent it. I just
switched them to buy new shares on the
other three companies in my portfolio. It
is just like selling my old smartphone to
buy a new one, which is pandemic-proof.

Again, check out to find out
more about TrulyRichClub’s offerings.

A Recommended Money
Opening your first-ever stock market
account is easy. In this digital world,
opening a bank account, transferring
money from your bank to your stock
market account, and even buying and
selling shares can all be done online. Due
to the pandemic that forces us to live in
the new normal with social distancing, I
believe that transactions via the internet
will increase. With the internet on our
side, your stock market journey will be

more comfortable compared to the norms
of the past.

If opening your first ever stock market

account is just smooth, maintaining it is
hard. Why? Because without continuous
sources of cash and discipline, your
investment will not grow that much.

Imagine this:

You opened your stock market

account and invested P3,000. You
bought several shares, and you never
took the effort to save money anymore.
For the next 20 years, you never add
even a single centavo to your stock
market investment. Now, can you
maximize the stock market with this bad
habit? The answer is no.

Let us say that I asked you this
question, “Why is it that you did not
bother to add money in the stock

You might answer me with, “Sorry, I

don’t have enough savings per month. I
spent too much. I have tons of credit card
debts. I got promoted, and my salary
increased, but my expenses shot up too.”

If you just let your P3,000 park in the

stock market, it will only amount around
P14,000 after 20 years with an
assumption of an 8% annual interest rate.
That is just around P700 per year or P58
per month. If you are happy with that,
then it is okay. But we all know that you
can still do better than that, right?

Now, if you want to be successful in
your stock market investing, you need to
take charge of your finances. Make sure
that you will allow a portion of your
monthly salary to your investment. You
need to be consistent.

If you have already decided that you

will add P1,000 per month, then stick to
that habit already. As time progresses,
you can challenge yourself to increase
your budget for your stock market

Again, it is easy to start, but it is hard

to maintain it. In other words, baka
maging ningas-kugon ka lang. Do not be.

So, what is my recommended money

system for you?

Just follow these percentages which
I learned in TRC:

● 10% for tithing,

● 20% for savings and
● 70% for your daily expenses.

Let us say you have a monthly salary

of P20,000. You can use the formula
above to distribute your money. You can
use different envelopes to implement it

● P2,000 for tithing,

● P4,000 for savings and
● P14,000 for your daily expenses.

As time passes by, you can tweak the

percentages. You can lessen your daily
expenses to P13,000 and transfer P500
for tithing and another P500 for savings
and investments. It is up to you.

I believe that tithing should be a part

of our budget. We need to give back to
God using a love offering. God does not
need our money, but we need to do it for
us. It is a practice that whatever amount
we earn; we need to give it back to God
because He is the reason why we are
receiving financial blessings. When I
started tithing many years ago, God
blessed me more in my finances. It is true
that the more you give, the more you

Now, if 10% for tithing is too much for

you, that is not a problem. You can start
with only 1% or 2% of your monthly
salary. I believe that God never looks at

the amount that you are giving back. He
is after your generosity. Now, as you
progress with earning more and spending
less, you can increase your budget for
your tithes.

As you continue in your financial

journey and independence, do not forget
that it is essential for you to track your
expenses. Write your earnings and your
expenses. You can use a smartphone
app for this. I have been doing this for
many years already, and when I review
my costs, I always spot some areas that
I can still improve on. For example, I will
reduce my take-out expenses (food) next
month by 10% and put that extra 10% in
my stock market account.

There is a saying: “Measure what
matters.” Once you can see the outcome
of the better version of your finances,
then stock market investing will be just a
piece of cake for you.

How to Open Your First

Ever Stock Market
What I will teach you is my way of
investing in the stock market. I am using
certain websites and smartphone apps to
do this. You can still challenge and
improve my current methods.

As promised, I will teach you how to

open your first-ever stock market account

with P1,000 only. I will provide a step-by-
step process on how to do this.

Take note that I wrote this manual in

May 2020.

There may be some changes as

months and years pass by.

There might be added new features

in the websites and smartphone apps.

And the actual layout may change as


I will be sharing here some PC and

mobile screenshots for you to follow each
step better.

It is a cheat sheet for you!

Are you ready?

Let us begin the drill.

First, you need to open an account
with an Online Stock Market Brokerage
Company. You can use other companies
that offer the same service. In my case, I
have an account with COL Financial
Group, Inc.

For the sake of simplifying some

terms in this book, let me just call their
company “COL.”

I have been a satisfied client of COL

for many years already. I highly
recommend them since they deliver
richer lives to every Filipino. COL is the
online platform where I started, and I
never left nor changed. They have an
Easy Investment Program (EIP), Investor
Education Seminars, and Free 7-Day

Trial. They also help you invest in mutual
funds. To know more about the mutual
funds, I recommend you read the
information in this link before you
continue reading.

It pays that you know this additional

Access here the Guidebook Mo Pinoy sa
Mutual Funds.

Thanks to the guys behind this

website. They are making stock market
investing so easy. I do not have any direct
affiliation with COL. I just recommend
them as a satisfied client.
(Should you wish to explore more stockbrokers, I have
some information written in the latter part of this e-book.)

Screenshot 1. Website of COL ( | Property of COL
Financial Group, Inc.

Just like any other membership site,

you need to register first to have full
access to their platform. To begin your
registration, you can click the Open an
Account that you can see at the lower
right portion of the page.

Screenshot 2. Click the Open an Account

Or you can also use this:

In the Open an Account webpage,

you can see the Account-Opening
Process. My first advice to you is to
prepare your requirements. You need the

● One (1) valid government-issued ID.

Choose any of the following:
o Philippine Passport
o LTO Driver’s License
o PhilHealth ID
o Postal ID
o Voter’s ID
o Professional Regulation
Commission ID
o Senior Citizen ID
● Tax Identification Number (TIN)
o In this setting, TIN is one of the
requirements for locally
employed, self-employed, and
foreign citizens. If you do not
have TIN yet, apply to your local
RDO (Revenue District Office)
having jurisdiction over the place
of your residence. You need to
accomplish the BIR Form 1904.

Screenshot 3. Partial BIR Form No. 1904 (Application for Registration, BIR)

There are other needed
requirements (if applicable):

● One valid passport for non-resident

foreign applicants,
● One valid passport and Alien
Certification of Registration (ACR) or
Work Permit from the Department of
Labor and Employment (DOLE) for
resident foreign applicants.

Once your requirements were all

completed and prepared, you can start
your registration. To date, there are two
options to submit your application. First is
via Online Express, and the second one
is the traditional way of printing, filling,
and sending application forms.

Since this book is teaching you how
to do things online, I will guide you on
how COL is doing the online express.

Screenshot 4. Online Express Sign Up

You can also go here directly for the

online sign up:

Read the instructions carefully on the

website first before starting. For this
specific registration, you need to prepare
a blank sheet of paper for signature

capture, bank details, and birth certificate
(for minors). Of course, you still need
your valid IDs.

Just like any other formal agreement,

you need to formalize and confirm the
opening of your Online Securities Trading
Account by clicking the Agree button of
the said trading agreement. I highly
encourage you to read and understand
everything first before you proceed to the
next step.

After this, COL will start to get your

personal information. Just type your
details and tick the “I’m not a robot”

Click or tap NEXT.

Screenshot 5. Identification page of COL

Use your primary email address and

mobile number. After you finish this
module, the system will send an email to
you to verify your account. Now, check
your email and click or tap the Verification
message sent by

Screenshot 6. Verification Email from COL

Once you completed this process,

you will be redirected to a new webpage.
It looks like this:

Screenshot 7. Verification of your mobile number. Enter the OTP.

Enter the OTP or One-Time Pin that

is sent to your mobile number. This is the
reason why you need to use your active
email address and mobile number. You

would not be able to receive the email
verification and mobile verification if you
provided inactive details.

Then choose VERIFY.

The process will take a few seconds.

It should look like this after the

system successfully verified your mobile:

Screenshot 8. Successfully verified mobile number.

Then click or tap NEXT.

Screenshot 9. Selecting your account

In this module, you are going to

select the type of your account. There are
three options:

1. Individual – this is for one account

holder only. If you are above 18
years old, single, or want to invest
as a solo person, then this option is
for you. Among the three options,
this is where I belong.

2. Joint – this is an account shared by
two individuals. This is the ideal
account for the married couple.
3. ITF – an investment account
opened by the parent intended for
his/her child below 18 years old.

Note: If you accidentally close your

browser during the process, you can
continue with your application by clicking
the link COL has provided in the
verification email. The system will email
you once again when your mobile is
successfully verified. It looks like this:

Screenshot 10. Verified account

You have two options whether you
want to continue your application or
cancel it. Obviously, you just need to
continue your application. Again, if your
online registration has expired or you
accidentally closed your browser, you
can go to your email and see the
message with subject “Verified”.

Moving forward.

Let us assume that you chose the

Individual account only; the procedure
will look like this:

Screenshot 11. Individual Account Holder Only

Click or tap Next.

Just fill out the next pages with your

basic information such as your name,
civil status, gender, birth date, country of
birth, country of citizenship, country of
residence, contact numbers/email,
present address, permanent address,
employment details, and other additional

Your financial/investment profile will

also be asked, such as your assets, net
worth, annual income, and source/s of
funds. Just select your answer based on
the given ranges and choices.

As part of knowing your risk profile,

you will also be asked upon your
registration about specific questions.
These are your investment objective,
investment experience/knowledge, time
table of your invested funds, and
percentage of your savings that you are
willing to invest. This is part of the
process so that the company can offer
you a list of suitable funds that match
your risk appetite.

After this, you will now provide your

withdrawal information. You can select:
1.) Credit to Bank Account, and 2.) Check

If you choose the Credit to Bank
Account option, make sure that your
registered account name(s) match your
bank account name(s). As I write this
manual, there are more than 35 partner
banks to choose from. If your bank is not
in COL’s list of partner banks,
withdrawals can only be made by check
pick-up at their office in Philippine Stock
Exchange Center, Pasig City.

Once you have provided your

withdrawal information, that is the time
when the system needs to see your face
to ensure that you are not a fairytale
character. Fictional characters such as
Spiderman or Darna are not allowed to
be stock market investors. Since you are

not Spiderman or Darna, you are

Just follow the specific steps that the

website will ask you such as taking a
photo of the following: 1.) Your ID (Front
portion) and Signatures, 2.) The back
portion of your ID, and 3.) Your selfie,
together with your ID.

Now, you will be asked to submit your

application. You can still review your
details. Otherwise, click or tap Submit.
Once you click the button, you can no
longer edit your application.

After this, you will land on a webpage

saying that you have accomplished your
COL Account Opening Form. They will
now review your application for
completeness, and once approved, you

will receive your 8-digit COL reference
number and funding instructions to your
registered email.

Screenshot 12. Application Submitted

So, what’s next after this?

You just need to wait for the email of

COL, stating that you can now activate
your account and begin investing. You
can fund it online or by over-the-counter

bills payment through their partner banks
with at least P1,000.

Now, that’s the lowest initial

investment that I know in the industry
today. Not bad.

Since I am teaching you how to do

stock market investing without leaving
your home, I will highly encourage you to
use the power of your laptop and
smartphone with good internet
connectivity (of course!)

The next procedures will now guide

you on how you can fund your COL
account that has zero-peso balance in it.

Just like any other online accounts,

you just need these two things for your

1. Username
2. Password

Now, in the case of COL, your

username is composed of an 8-digit
number following this format: 0000-0000.
COL automatically provides your
username or account number. Again, you
just need to wait for the email once the
company has verified your registration. It
will not take that long.

If you are an OFW, you can still

register online. The only difference is how
you can fund your COL account. For
overseas remittance, kindly check the
following links from COL:

• BDO Kabayan Bills Bayad:

• iRemit Remittance:
• BDO Overseas Remittance:

Now, for your password, COL will

give it to you via another email after your
initial funding. You can change the
password later. For your reference,
check the next screenshot.

Screenshot 13. Email Containing COL Username

So how do you proceed with the

initial funding?

As of this writing, there are three

options to fund your account. I highly
recommend the first option since this is
done through different online facilities.
And with the threat of COVID-19, it is a
wise move not to go to several public
places and to expose yourself to the

The second option is by over-the-
counter deposit.

Then, the third option is compatible

with OFWs. Yes, you can invest in the
Philippine Stock Exchange anywhere
around the globe. I have already provided
useful links on the previous page.

For the specific instructions for

options 2 and 3, please refer to the same
email of COL, which contains your
username with the subject: Welcome to
COL Financial.

Right now, I will be teaching you how

to fund your first-ever stock market
account using different online banking

Chapter 5

Your Bank and Your Stock

Market Account

To refresh you once again, your COL

account at this point has no fund yet.
Without the fund, you can't buy your first
set of stock market shares. You need the
money first, and the initial fund in COL is
P1,000. Again, that’s the lowest I’ve seen
so far in the industry.

So where will the money come from?

Ideally, the money will come from

your bank account, and major banks in
the country today has direct access to the
internet or mobile banking. With that, you
will use your bank’s online account for
your first funding to be successful.

As of this writing, COL’s partner

banks for online bills payment are the

Banco de Oro (

Bank of the Philippine Islands


Metrobank (

Chinabank (


Robinsons Bank

UnionBank (

If you are not yet enrolled in online
banking, you need to do it first. What I
discussed so far is how to open your
stock market account with COL. Online
banking is another separate idea.

So, you need these two online

accounts before you can invest in the
stock market using the internet:

1. Stock Market Account (that’s COL)

2. Online Bank Account (depends on
your bank)

Again, if you did not yet enrol your

bank account to mobile banking, you
need to do it first.

Now, I will guide you through the

process of enrolling your bank account
online. You cannot do this enrolment if
you have not yet opened a bank account
with any of the partner banks of COL. If
you don’t have a bank account, I strongly
advise that you open one.

I know a particular bank that you can

use to open a bank account without going
to their physical branch. I will reveal this
bank later. You just need to use their
mobile app.

Should you need further assistance,

please call your bank’s hotline.

Let’s start.

How to Transfer Money
from Your Bank Account to
Your Stock Market Account

To start your online enrolment, you

can do it by using the bank’s website or
via an app. I am using an Android mobile
phone. If you don’t have the app yet,
please download it either via Google or
Apple. Just focus your eyes on the circle
in each screenshot for enrolment

Banco de Oro

Screenshot 14. BDO Mobile App. Tap Enroll Now. | Property of BDO

Click or tap the “Enroll Now,” and you

will be directed to a new landing page
where you can start your online

Or use this link:

Just follow the procedures.

Bank of the Philippine Islands

Screenshot 15. BPI Mobile App. Tap Register Now | Property of BPI

Or use this link:


Screenshot 16. Metrobank Mobile App. Tap Sign Up | Property of Metrobank

Or use this link:


Screenshot 17. Chinabank Mobile App. Tap Sign Up | Property of China Bank

Or use this link:

Asia United Bank

Screenshot 18. AUB Mobile App. Tap Enroll Now | Property of AUB

Or use this link:

Robinsons Bank

Screenshot 19. Robinsons Bank Mobile App. Tap Enroll | Property of Robinsons

Or use this link:


Union Bank

Screenshot 20. Union Bank Mobile App. Tap Open an Account | Property of
Union Bank

Or use this link:

My Take-Away
From the list of COL’s partner banks,
I love to use Union Bank since they do
not require any maintaining balance. You
can also use the Union Bank mobile app
if you want to open a bank account
without personally going to their physical

Remember the bank that I mentioned

that you could open an account without
going to their physical branch? That is
Union Bank.

As I write this, I successfully opened

another bank account with Union Bank
during the Enhanced Community
Quarantine without depositing any initial

So far, this is the only bank I know
that offers no initial deposit.

Union Bank Mobile App
Tutorial (Transferring
Money from Your Bank to
Your Stock Market

For my Union Bank Mobile app

tutorial, you may refer to this step-by-step

1. Open the Union Bank Mobile App.

2. In the Dashboard of the app, tap Pay
Bills on the lower portion of your

Screenshot 21. Dashboard of Union Bank Mobile App

3. Tap Select Biller on the upper

portion of your screen.

Screenshot 22. Pay Bills

4. On the Biller List, search COL
Financial. You can also use the
search bar.

Screenshot 23. Biller List > COL Financial

5. Supply all the necessary details such
as your COL Account Name (Your
Registered Name with COL), and
your COL Account Number (Your 8-
digit COL Username which was
emailed to you). Tap Next.

Screenshot 24. Biller Information

Enter the amount that you want to
deposit. The initial fund you need is
P1,000. You may also transfer a higher
amount. Tap Next.

Screenshot 25. Payment Details

6. Review your details. If you are okay
with it, click Pay, otherwise tap the X

Screenshot 26. Review and Pay

7. Congratulations! Your payment is
successful. You just need to wait for
your transferred amount to be
credited to your COL Account. By this
time, you will also receive your COL
password via email. The transferred
amount serves as your buying power
in the stock market.

Screenshot 27. Payment Successful

You can now buy your first set of

shares once the amount has been
transferred from Union Bank to COL.


I do not have any direct affiliation with

Union Bank. I do not earn with this
recommendation. I just recommend the
company because you do not need to
deposit an initial amount to open a bank
account. During the Enhanced
Community Quarantine, it is also a big
help to open a bank account without the
need to go to a physical bank.

Also, the app interface and layout

may change anytime, depending on the
version. I cannot assure you that what
you see in my screenshots is permanent.

BDO Mobile App Tutorial
(Transferring Money from
Your Bank to Your Stock
Market Account)
For my BDO Mobile app tutorial, you
may refer to this step-by-step procedure:

1. Open the BDO Mobile App.

2. In the Dashboard of the app, tap
More on the lower right portion of
your screen. You need to enroll COL

Screenshot 28. Dashboard of BDO Mobile App

3. Tap Enrollment Services. Using

this option, you can now enroll COL
as your biller.

Screenshot 29. Different Options Under More

4. Tap Enroll Company/Biller.

Screenshot 30. Enrollment Services

5. Tap Company/Biller.

Screenshot 31. Company/Biller

6. Locate or search COL Financial
Group, Inc.

Screenshot 32. List of Companies/Billers

7. After selecting COL Financial Group,
Inc., you may check the Payment
Channels for more options such as
ATM, etc. Now, provide your
Subscriber Number (8-digit COL
Account Number), Subscriber Name
(Your Registered Name at COL), and
Preferred Nickname. Tap Continue.

Screenshot 33. Enrolling COL Financial Group, Inc.

8. Tap Continue. COL is now one of
your registered billers.

Screenshot 34. Enrolling COL Financial Group, Inc.

9. Tap Pay Bills, which you can see at
the bottom of your screen.
10. Tap Pay From and choose your
11. Tap Pay this Company/Biller. Tap

Screenshot 35. Bills Payment

12. Choose COL Financial Group, Inc.,
under the Enrolled Billers.

Screenshot 36. Company/Biller

13. Enter the Amount. Keep in mind that
your initial fund is at least P1,000. But
you can transfer any amount higher
than P1,000.
14. Add Remarks if you want.
15. Then tap Continue.

Screenshot 37. Bills Payment

Double-check your details. Tap Confirm
if you have entered all the details
correctly. After this, you just need to wait
for the amount to be credited to your COL
account. You will receive an email from
COL once it is successfully transferred.
Then, COL will give you your password.

Screenshot 38. Confirmation


I do not have any direct affiliation with

BDO. I do not earn with this
recommendation. I shared this because

BDO is my primary bank account ever
since I started my stock market journey.

Also, the app interface and layout

may change anytime, depending on the
version. I cannot assure you that what
you see in the screenshots is permanent.

For other partnered banks such as

BPI, Metrobank, Chinabank, AUB, and
Robinsons Bank, the same principle
applies. You need to transfer money to
your 8-digit COL Account Number
through bills payment facility.

Once the online money transfer is

successful, you can now buy your first
stocks using your account. Again, COL
will email you for your password. You
need to change this once you
successfully logged in.


What If You Don’t Have a

Bank Account Yet?
July 1, 2020.

I received an email from COL that

they partnered with GCash to fund the
account of their clients. With this new
available partner, you may now use
GCash to fund your COL account.

So if you don’t have a bank account

yet, you may use GCash to fund your
initial investment. However, there is a
convenience fee. Please note that
GCash is not available for COL fund

Therefore, you may defer creating a

bank account (for now) to fund your initial
investment since GCash is already
available. But I do recommend that you
still open your bank account one of these
days if you don’t have it yet.

Just take care of your health if you’re

going out!

Your COL Username and

Screenshot 39. Email from COL containing your initial password.

A Glance to COL Financial
Group, Inc. Online Platform
Once your initial funding is
successful, you can now log in to your
own COL Financial account. This is how
the home page looks like.

I took a screenshot using my account

on May 13, 2020, 12:17 PM. I hid some
confidential details. Take note that there
are small charges and taxes whenever
you buy or sell shares in the stock

Screenshot 40. COL Financial Home Page

How to Buy Your First

Shares Using COL
Financial, Inc.?
Now that you already have your
username and password, you can
already log-in to COL.

Are you excited to buy your first

I can still remember the feeling after I
bought my first set of shares, amounting
to P5,000. I was so happy because I felt
that I am one step closer to my dream of
being financially independent. I started
young, and for the past years in the stock
market, I have seen how my money
multiplied because of a bull market. But I
have also seen how my money went
tremendously down because of some
crashes (bear market). During these
bearish moments, I am happier because
I know that stocks are on sale and are
priced cheaper. It is like you got to know
that your favorite food is priced at 65% off
and with extra-large drinks! What a treat!

I usually add more money during
bear markets because I know that
eventually, stocks will climb up again.

Here is a quick review of PSE trading


The usual trading hours in PSE

(Philippine Stock Exchange) is between
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM to 3:30
PM. But during the COVID-19 pandemic,
PSE reduced its trading hours from 9:30
AM to 1:00 PM only. The PSE is open
from Monday to Friday and closed during
holidays. You cannot place an order
when the market is closed. Instead, you
need to use the Off-Hours Order menu.

Now, I will guide you in buying your

first shares. Make sure that the market is
open first to avoid the Off-Hours Order

which is a little bit complicated for

1. Go to Enter
your 8-digit User ID and Password
that were all emailed to you. Click or
tap Log In.

Screenshot 41. COL Financial Inc website

2. You will now be redirected to your
home page. There are still lots of
menus here that you can explore. For
the sake of this tutorial, I will limit this
to teaching you how to buy your first
stock. You can navigate the other
items on the home page at your

Screenshot 42. COL Financial Home Page

3. Locate the tabs and hover to Trade.
Click Enter Order to place your first

Screenshot 43. COL tabs

4. You will see the Enter Order form.
As you can see, there are two options
here: 1.) BUY, and 2.) SELL. Select
BUY. On the Board selection, go for
MAIN. Lastly, select DAY for the
Term. The other options, such as the
ODDLOT5, GTC6, and ATC,7 can be
used as well.

Screenshot 44. Buy transaction

Odd Lot is an order amount for a stock that is less than the normal unit
(minimum order quantity) in the Board Lot.
Good 'til Canceled (GTC) is used to refer to an order to buy or sell a stock at a
set price that remains in effect until the investor cancels the order or the trade is
At the Close Order is an order to buy or sell a stock at the closing price.

5. For example, you want to buy shares
from 2GO Group, Inc8. (Stock Code:
2GO). Now, enter the following
details: 1.) Stock Code, 2.) Number
of Shares, 3.) Price.
● Stock Code – this is the symbol
of a public company. For the
complete list of stock symbols,
you may go to
nyDirectory/ Enter the
stock code and click Quote or
press Enter.
● Number of Shares – you need to
follow a minimum requirement
for a successful buy. To know the
minimum number of shares that

I went for 2GO for this illustration since this is the first company on the list in the
Stock Exchange.

you can buy, please refer to the
Board Lot that can be seen at
the stock’s details. (Please see
the next screenshot). For 2GO,
the Board Lot or minimum stock
purchase of shares is 100. This
also indicates that you can buy at
the increments of 100. For
companies with a Board Lot of
1,000, your minimum stock
purchase is 1,000 and with
increments of 1,000 also, and so
● Price – for 2GO, the present
buying price of the stock is at
P10. It is indicated at the upper
right portion of the Ask table.
(Refer to the same screenshot).
If you want to buy it at P10 per
share, then just enter the present
price. If not, then put another
amount and wait for the “present
price” to match your “preferred
amount” for the transaction to be
successful. The 100 shares for
2GO at P10.00 per share
amounts to P1,000 only. But as
you observe in the screenshot,
the net price amounts to
P1,022.55 instead. This price is
higher due to the taxes and other
fees, which in this example is

Screenshot 45. Buy transaction

6. Review your order. Just enter your
password and click or tap Place Buy
Order to proceed. Congratulations!
You have bought your first shares.

Screenshot 46. Preview order (Buy)

How to Sell Your Shares
Using COL Financial, Inc.?
In case you want to sell shares. Just
follow the steps:

1. Just like in Buy, locate the tabs and

hover to Trade. Click Enter Order to
place your first order.

Screenshot 47. COL tabs

2. You will see again the Enter Order
form. As you can see, there are two
options here: 1.) BUY, and 2.) SELL.
Select SELL. On the Board selection,
go for MAIN. Lastly, select DAY for
the Term.

Screenshot 48. Sell transaction

3. For example, you want to sell your

shares from 2GO Group, Inc9. (Stock
Code: 2GO). Now, enter the following

Again, I went for 2GO for this illustration since this is the first company on the
list in the Stock Exchange.

details: 1.) Stock Code, 2.) Number
of Shares, 3.) Price.
● Stock Code – Enter the stock
code and click Quote or press
● Number of Shares – you also
need to follow the Board Lot
increment for a successful sell.
You cannot sell shares of stocks
more than of what you currently
● Price – for 2GO, the present
selling price of the stock is at
P9.91. It is indicated at the upper
left portion of the Bid table.
(Refer to the screenshot). If you
want to sell it at P9.91 per share,
then just enter the present price.
If not, then put another amount
and wait for the “present price” to
match your “preferred amount”
for the transaction to be
successful. Taxes and other fees
are also charged.

Screenshot 49. Sell transaction

4. Review your order. Just enter your

password and click or tap Place Sell
Order to proceed. Congratulations!
You have sold your shares.

Screenshot 50. Preview order (Buy)

For your additional reference, you

can check the COL’s Beginners Guide:
How to Buy Stocks and How to Auto-
Invest by using this link:

COL Financial has three tips for you

based on the Beginner’s Guide:

1. Invest in quality companies. Choose
companies in growing industries that
have good earnings and are well-
2. Invest regularly. Make investing a
habit and you will surely build wealth.
For example, if you invest P3,000
every month, you’d be a millionaire in
15 years (assuming 8% average
yearly growth)
3. Invest in the long-term. Focus on
your investing purpose so that short-
term market ups and downs won’t
derail you.

Should you also want additional

guidance on how you start buying,
selling, and viewing your portfolio, please

go to this specific COL Financial Youtube

There are other helpful videos on

their channel. You can browse and watch
them using this link:

If you want to read additional

researches, notes, updates, reports,
fundamentals, technical, investment
guide, and other indicators, there are
useful links in your COL homepage or

A Quick Review
I shared with you my way of how I do
my stock market investing, and hopefully,
you have learned so much from it. Now,
we will have a quick review of the
essential steps of opening your first stock
market account. Please take note that
this is my way and preference for doing
things. If you do not like my style, it is
okay. You are very free to do things on
your own. This is just my
recommendation. It is still up to you.

But if you find this effective, then I

would like to say thank you for trusting
me. However, you can still improve my
process and come up with your own
modified and better version.

The essential steps are:

1. Find a way to start saving. You

cannot invest if you do not have extra
money. Do not run to the bank and
ask for money for your stock market
investment. That is a hazardous
move. What you can do is to lessen
your expenses and/or earn more by
selling something or offering your
service expertise so you can have
extra money. Follow my
recommended formula for this. You
can start putting 20% of your monthly
income or salary. But if the amount is
quite massive for you, you can lower
it and start to an amount where you
are comfortable. If you can still
increase your monthly investment

budget, then that is better. Start and
regularly maintain your investing
2. Be inspired and surround yourself
with great people. We all need
inspiration and motivation, right? I
have been able to achieve this
because of the influence of the
TrulyRichClub. The club has been
blessing me in so many ways, and I
have shared enough already on how
it had helped me with my financial
goals. I learned the stock market
investing here. And it is also
continuously updating me with the
latest news and trends in the stock
market world, not just only here in the
Philippines but of the whole world as
well. If you want to receive the same
level of blessings and inspiration, just
go to
3. Have a credible and robust
brokerage company, just like COL
( My
experience in this company is
excellent. They are also listed on the
Philippine Stock Exchange, which
means that you can buy and sell their
shares as well. They have lots of
content that you can read or watch
anytime, anywhere. As a beginner in
the world of the stock market, you
must be appropriately guided. They
offer different seminars too. COL has
this Easy Investment Program
(EIP)10, which can surely help you
The COL EIP is an easy and simple way to start investing in the stock market.
For as low as Php 1,000, you can start building your personal wealth while
minimizing your risk and maximizing your returns through the time-tested strategy
of peso-cost-averaging.

build your wealth. One last thing I
love about them: they give a list of
companies and different
recommendations such as the right
time to buy, sell, or hold your shares.
For example, as I write this, one of
their recommendations during this
pandemic is to buy from resilient
sectors such as the consumer, telco,
and power.
4. From the list of the recommended
companies, just pick at around five to
seven blue-chip stocks. Again, they
are powerhouse companies such as
Ayala Corporation. Buying too many
companies has its repercussions as
well. Once upon a time, I had 17


companies in my portfolio, and I
realized that I am not maximizing the
return since my money was primarily
scattered. In building a long-term
portfolio, I learned that less is more.
5. Market crashes are just regular. This
is the same as the typical telenovela.
There is a part of the story that
inevitable downfalls are happening.
During these crashes, you do not
need to be fearful. Instead, you
should buy more because stock
prices are discounted. Once the
crash is over, your money will be
more significant. Historically, the
stock market crash happens every
five years. If you are building your
wealth on a long-term basis, then

stock market crashes are blessing in
6. Here is a reminder from Jojo Apollo,
my Neurolinguistic Programming
(NLP) mentor. He wrote in one of
TRC’s newsletter, “What you can
possibly earn if you begin to invest
P5,000 every month for Year 1, then
add to your investment by 10% or
P5,500 per month on Year 2, then
add another 10% per year, and so
on. By Year 5, your portfolio will be
worth P553,169, a significant amount
of money compared to what you may
be saving now. Can you invest
P5,000 every month? If you eat out
and spend P1,000, and also go for
coffee, you can see how easily you

can save P5,000 by cutting out one
eat-out and coffee a week.”
7. Do not put all your money in the stock
market. Why? Because you still have
other essential expenses to sustain
your day to day life. Put an amount of
money that you are only willing and
comfortable to invest. Then as you
become confident with stock market,
try to increase your budget for it. You
may start with P1,000 and have a feel
of it. See how your money will work
on that comfortable amount. If you
want to start at a higher amount, then
it is your choice. Keep in mind about
the volatile nature of the stock
market. The price keeps on

8. Let me remind you about our
disclaimer which I wrote at the first
part of this e-book: Investing involves
substantial risk. Neither the author
nor any of his respective affiliates
make any guarantee or promise as to
the results that may be obtained from
using this e-book. No reader should
make any investment decision
without first consulting his or her own
personal financial advisor and
conducting his or her own research
and due diligence, including carefully
reviewing the prospectus and other
public filings of the issuer. To the
maximum extent permitted by law,
the author and his respective
affiliates disclaim any and all liability
in the event any information,
commentary, analysis, opinions,
advice, and/or recommendations in
the e-book prove to be inaccurate,
incomplete, unreliable, or result in
any investment or other losses.

A COL Hack
If you still don’t know what to buy at
this particular time, I have a tip for you.
As you go along in your journey in the
stock market, you will be more familiar
with the different tabs of COL. I suggest
that you maximize what’s inside the COL
platform. You can click on the various
tabs to read researches and other
relevant studies. But for this particular
hack, I will share with you one of my
favorites, which is called the “Investment

You can access the “Investment

Guide” by clicking on Research >
Fundamentals > Investment Guide. Click
the View Full Report (Adobe Format) if
you want to read using PDF.
Look at this screenshot:

Screenshot 51. Investment Guide

As you can see, COL shows the

essential fundamentals of this report. If
you take a look at the COL Rating
column, you will read there whether a
company has the recommendation for
BUY, SELL, HOLD, or N/A. Shown here
is the price, COL FV (Future Value), Buy
Below, and other vital metrics.
So, if you want to quickly locate
which are the recommended companies

to buy shares or to sell shares, just
access this free research from COL.
There are lots of other relevant
information inside this platform. All you
need to do is to invest some of your time
to read them.

Other Active Trading

Participants or Stock
Market Brokers in the

January 14, 2021.

I received a comment from one of my
readers that COL is currently unable to
accommodate new registrations. Why?
Because there are many people who are
registering nowadays. However, this
might still change, and your application

will be processed as days and weeks
pass by. For me, this is a good sign since
there are more and more Filipinos who
are becoming interested in the stock
market. This also calls that you need to
act as early as possible!
For now, you have these options:
1. Pursue registration with COL.
2. Look for another broker. (Click this link
for a list from the PSE website)
Since it is my principle that I only
preach what I practice, I cannot
recommend which broker is suited for
you as another option. I do not have
experience with other brokers, and I
cannot attest their performances. I
sincerely apologize for this limitation.
However, you can always research.

But to offer you simplicity, these are
the other four stockbrokers that are also
performing well and beginner-friendly
according to my research:
• First Metro Sec Pro
• BDO Securities (BDO Nomura)
• BPI Trade
• Philstocks
Hope this helps!

Chapter 6

Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) About
Stock Market

In this chapter, I will try to answer

some questions from my friends who
posted a comment when I crowdsourced
in my social media account. I admit that
some of the questions are quite tricky to
answer since changes in the market
happen each trading day.

The moment you read this, the

market might be performing bullish

(performing high) or bearish (performing
low). As my stock market mentors always
say, “No one knows what will happen in
the market.” I agree with this since
fortune telling is not a wise strategy in any
business or investment.

Sure, we can “predict” looking on

some historical data, analytics, trends,
and other related factors. Still, no one
knows what will happen exactly in the

You can watch me answering the

FAQs via video by checking this website:

Chapter 7

Additional Sources

Do not stop learning. After you have

finished this e-book, I encourage you to
learn more about personal finance and
the stock market. Here are some

1. Check my Free Training Videos for

2. Learning Tuesday with Josh
Mahinay. This is an online learning
segment by my good friend, Josh. He
invited me to discuss the stock
market for four consecutive
Tuesdays. Watch our replay
episodes here:

3. Use the Retirement Calculator. Let

say you are 25 years old with only
P1,000 starting cash with monthly
top-ups of P5,000 for 45 years. With
a 10% average stock market interest,
you will earn P47.5 million. How did I
figure that out quickly? I used the
retirement calculator.

4. Pesos and Sense. A company that
aims to promote financial literacy by
empowering Filipinos by providing
practical knowledge on personal
finance and investments. It aims to
guide Filipinos in making
independent and wise choices in
handling their money.11 Watch their
videos on YouTube.
5. COL Financial Group, Inc. is the
leading online stockbroker in the
Philippines. It was established in
1999 with the aim of becoming every
Filipino investor's most trusted
wealth-building partner. It provides
value-driven products and services,

innovative solutions, and expertise to
help investors achieve their financial
goals.12 Watch their videos on
6. The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.
It is a self-regulatory organization
that provides and ensures a fair,
efficient, transparent, and orderly
market for the buying and selling of
securities.13 Watch their videos on

7. Marvin Germo is an author and stock

market trader and investor. He has a

Youtube Channel that you can
check. What do I love about Marvin?
He has updated videos every single
day! So, if you don’t want to miss
what’s happening in the Stock
Market, you can check his personal

8. Visit the TrulyRichClub website. I

encourage you to sign up and be
mentored by the country’s experts in
the field of business and investing.
And let us each other in one of the
future events of the club.
Affiliate Disclosure: I am affiliate of
TrulyRichClub. I earn through small

commission when generous people
like you sign up using this link today.
If you don’t feel like being generous,
here’s the non-affiliate link.

Happy investing,

Kein Chito

About the Author

KEIN CHITO has the “K” to inspire

and help you.

He is an author, speaker,
entrepreneur, NLP practitioner, and stock
market investor who is passionate in
helping and inspiring others particularly
about spirituality, leadership, and
business. At present, Kein is the General
Manager of their family business. He
does business consulting to various
enterprises as well.

His first two books, The 9 Secrets of

Sticky Families (2014) and Confessions
of an Ex-Seminarian (2018) are both
finalists of the Cardinal Sin Catholic Book

He is a graduate of Master in
Entrepreneurship at the Asian Institute of
Management, Makati City, Philippines, a
globally recognized business school as
having the world’s highest standards.
Kein is often invited to speak in
companies, schools, and parishes.

He lives in Atimonan, Quezon

Province. And hey, he’s a sushi
aficionado, too!

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