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STATE OF CALIFORNIA While Roth case presumed obscenity to be “utterly

37 L. Ed. 2d 419 without redeeming social importance,” Memoirs case on
Obscenity the other hand requires that to prove obscenity, it must be
utterly without redeeming social value”, which is a burden
FACTS: virtually impossible to discharge under criminal standards
of proof.
Marvin Miller was charged and convicted under Section 311
of California Penal Code— punishing a misdemeanor, by The Court now abandons the Memoirs test of obscenity and
knowingly distributing obscene matter. He sent through lays down the basic guidelines where the trier of facts must
mail in an envelope addressed to a restaurant in Newport be:
Beach California five unsolicited advertising brochures of (1) whether ‘the average person, applying
adult materials, which were opened by the restaurant contemporary community standards'
manager and his mother who had not requested for such. would find that the work, taken as a
The brochures primarily consists of pictures and drawings whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
very explicitly depicting men and women in groups of two (2) whether the work depicts or describes, in
or more engaging in a variety of sexual activities, with a patently offensive way, sexual conduct
genitals often prominently displayed. specifically defined by the applicable
state law; and
(3) whether the work, taken as a whole,
ISSUES: lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
1) Whether obscenity is within the area of scientific value.
constitutionally protected speech or press (NO)
2) Whether or not the State may regulate obscene At a minimum, prurient, patently offensive depiction or
materials without infringing on the First description of sexual conduct must have serious literary,
Amendment (YES) artistic, political, or scientific value to merit First
3) Whether or not obscenity is to be determined by Amendment protection. For example, medical books for the
applying “contemporary community standards” education of physicians and related personnel necessarily
and not “national standards.” (YES) use graphic illustrations and descriptions of human
anatomy. no one will be subject to prosecution for the sale
HELD: or exposure of obscene materials unless these materials
1. It has been well observed that such utterances are no depict or describe patently offensive "hard core" sexual
essential part of any exposition of ideas and are of such conduct specifically defined by the regulating state law, as
slight social value as to step to truth that any benefit may written or construed.
be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social
interest in order and morality.
3. The Court said in Roth that obscenity is to be defined by
2. The State can regulate obscene material without reference to ‘community standards,’ it meant community
infringing on the first Amendment as long as it is subject to standards—not a national standard. People in different
certain standards identifying obscene material. States vary in their tastes and attitudes, and this diversity is
not to be strangled by the absolutism of imposed
The rights guaranteed in the First and Fourteenth uniformity.
Amendment are not absolute. The Court has recognized
that the State has a legitimate interest in prohibiting the The primary concern with requiring a jury to apply the
dissemination or exhibition of obscene material when the standard of ‘the average person, applying contemporary
mode of dissemination carries with it a significant danger of community standards' is to be certain that, so far as
offending the sensibilities of unwilling recipients or of material is not aimed at a deviant group, it will be judged by
exposure to juvenile. Such conduct constitutes “a misuse of its impact on an average person, rather than a particularly
the great guarantees of free speech and free press.” This susceptible or sensitive person—or indeed a totally
regulation of conduct, particularly of freedom of insensitive one.
expression, must be justified by an important or
substantial governmental interest. It is contended by the dissent that such regulation amounts
to repression and equates to the suppression of free and
The test of obscenity under Roth stipulates the following robust exchange of ideas. This is a clear misuse of the great
requirements in order to consider material obscene: guarantees of free speech and free press. There is no
(1) the dominant theme of the material taken as a evidence, empirical or historical, that the stern 19th
whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex; century American censorship of public distribution and
(2) the material is patently offensive because it display of material relating to sex in any way limited or
affronts contemporary community standards affected expression of serious literary, artistic, political, or
relating to the description or representation of scientific ideas.
sexual matters; and
(3) the material is utterly without redeeming
social value.

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