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Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of perovskite KMgF3:Eu


Article  in  Journal of Materials Research · November 2011

DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2011.320


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Heilongjiang University


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DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201402088

Growth of Fe3O4 Nanorod Arrays on Graphene Sheets for

Application in Electromagnetic Absorption Fields
Huanming Zhang,[a] Chunling Zhu,*[a] Yujin Chen,*[b] and Hong Gao[c]

A facial strategy is developed to fabricate a three-dimensional ture if it is added in only 20 wt % of the paraffin matrix, as the
(3D) Fe3O4 nanorod array/graphene architecture, in which thickness of the absorber is in the range from 2.38 to 5.00 mm.
Fe3O4 nanorods with a length and diameter of about 600 and The analysis of the electromagnetic (EM) absorption mecha-
100 nm, respectively, are grown on both surfaces of the gra- nism reveals that the excellent EM absorption properties are
phene sheets. The measured electromagnetic parameters show related to the special 3D architecture, and therefore, the con-
that the 3D architecture exhibits excellent electromagnetic struction of graphene-based 3D heteronanostructures is effec-
wave-absorption properties, that is, more than 99 % of electro- tive in obtaining lightweight EM absorbers with strong absorp-
magnetic wave energy can be attenuated by the 3D architec- tion properties.

1. Introduction

Electromgnetic (EM) wave absorbing materials have attracted Recently, graphene (G) and G-based heteronanostructures
much attention due to expanded EM interference problems to showed excellent EM absorption properties.[6–9] Among them,
electronic and communication devices and due to harm to bio- G/Fe3O4 heteronanostructures have attracted much attention.
logical systems. Currently, EM absorbing materials with strong Wang et al. fabricated G/Fe3O4 nanohybrids with a minimum
absorption properties and lightweight characteristics are reflection loss of 40.36 dB at a thickness of 5.0 mm.[7a] Guan
highly desired. Traditional absorbers such as ferrite has strong et al. assembled nanoparticles on graphene, and they showed
absorption characteristics, but the large amount that was re- enhanced EM wave loss.[7b] Hu et al. were the first to grow
quired to be added to the insulating matrix and its thickness Fe3O4 nanoparticles on graphene, and they obtained 3D G/
have limited its practical application. Therefore, many nano- Fe3O4 structures by a freeze-drying process. The minimum re-
structures have recently been investigated for EM absorption flection loss of the 3D structures reached about 27 dB.[7c] Li
application.[1–3] et al. reported a single polyol method to fabricate G/Fe3O4 hy-
Fe3O4 is an important magnetic material, and it has attractive brids with a minimum reflection loss of 30.1 dB at 1.48 mm
physical properties such as strong spin polarization at room matching thickness and 17.2 GHz matching frequency.[7e] These
temperature and half-metallic character. Its magnetic proper- above works demonstrated that G/Fe3O4 nanocomposites are
ties can be tuned by size, shape, and dimension, and therefore, very promising for applications in EM absorbing materials.
Fe3O4 has wide applications in many areas.[4] Recently, Fe3O4 However, most of the above nanocomposites are based on
and its nanocomposites have been reported for the attenua- two-dimensional (2D) graphene sheets with anchored or ad-
tion of EM waves.[5] However, the amount of these materials sorbed zero-dimensional (0D) Fe3O4 nanoparticles. It is believed
added to the insulating matrix was usually larger than 40 wt %, that designing and constructing 3D graphene-based heterona-
which needs to be further decreased. nostructures will be very interesting to improve their EM ab-
sorption properties further.[9] The experimental fabrication of
such 3D architectures including a 3D polyaniline nanorod
[a] H. Zhang, Prof. Dr. C. Zhu array/graphene architecture and a 3D carbon nanotube/gra-
College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering phene sandwich has been successfully achieved.[9, 10] However,
Harbin Engineering University the growth of magnetic nanorod arrays on the surfaces of gra-
Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150001 (China)
phene sheets is a challenge.
In this paper, we designed a 3D graphene architecture, that
[b] Prof. Dr. Y. Chen
College of Science, Harbin Engineering University is, Fe3O4 nanorod arrays on the surfaces of graphene sheets by
Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150001 (China) a simple hydrothermal process and a subsequent heating
E-mail: treatment. The reflection loss reached 61.5 dB for the 3D
[c] Prof. Dr. H. Gao Fe3O4 nanorod array/G (Fe3O4 NRA/G) architecture with a thick-
Key Laboratory for Photonic and Electric Bandgap Materials
ness of 2.74 mm. More importantly, the amount of the 3D ar-
Ministry of Education, Harbin Normal University
Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150025 (China) chitecture added to the paraffin matrix was only 20 wt %. Thus,
Supporting Information for this article is available on the WWW under the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture is very promising for poten- tial application in the field of EM absorption.

 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2014, 15, 2261 – 2266 2261

2. Results and Discussion

Figure S1a (Supporting Information) shows the X-ray diffraction
(XRD) pattern of the b-FeOOH NRA/G architecture. All the dif-
fraction peaks in the pattern can be indexed to orthorhombic
b-FeOOH, which indicates that that the product consists of b-
FeOOH. Top-view scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images
(Figure 1 a and the inset) show that the average length and di-

Figure 2. SEM images of the products obtained at different reaction times (t)
Figure 1. Structural characterization of the b-FeOOH NRA/G architecture:
and temperatures (T): a) t = 30 min, T = 100 8C, scale bar: 100 nm; b) t = 2 h,
a) Top-view SEM image, b) cross-section SEM image, c) TEM image, and
T = 100 8C, scale bar: 200 nm; c) t = 6 h, T = 100 8C, scale bar: 250 nm;
(d) HRTEM image (inset shows the SAED pattern).
d) t = 10 h, T = 100 8C, scale bar: 400 nm; and e) t = 12 h, T = 80 8C, scale bar:
400 nm. f) SEM image of the product without graphene, scale bar: 200 nm.

ameter of most of the b-FeOOH nanorods with square tips are

about 600 and 100 nm, respectively. The cross-section SEM further prolonged, the density and size of the b-FeOOH nano-
image and low-resolution transmission electron microscopy rods on the surfaces of the graphene sheets also increased,
(TEM) image (Figure 1 b, c) clearly show that the b-FeOOH but the shape of the tips did not change any longer (Figure 2 d
nanorods are grown on both side surfaces of the graphene and 1 a). In addition, the reaction temperature also had an im-
sheets with an inclined angle, which results in the formation of portant effect on the growth of the b-FeOOH nanorods on the
an interesting 3D hierarchical architecture. Lattice fringes in surfaces of the graphene sheets. For example, relatively sparse
the high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) image (Figure 1 d) and the b-FeOOH nanorods with spindle-like tips were anchored on
diffraction spots presented in the selected-area electron dif- the graphene sheets at a reaction temperature of 80 8C, but
fraction (SAED) pattern suggest that the nanorods are of a crys- a red precipitate formed in the solution if the reaction temper-
tal nature. ature was increased to 120 8C (not shown), which suggests
To understand the formation process of the b-FeOOH NRA/G that overgrowth of the nanorods occurred. The above results
architecture, additional experiments were performed. Sparse b- demonstrate that the reaction time and temperature play im-
FeOOH nanorods with spindle-like tips were grown on the sur- portant roles in the formation of the 3D b-FeOOH nanorod
faces of the graphene sheets at the initial reaction stage array/G architecture. Notably, agglomerated b-FeOOH nano-
(30 min.), as shown in Figure 2 a. The diameter and length of rods were obtained without graphene sheets in the reaction
these nanorods was about 50 and 200 nm, respectively. With system, as shown in Figure 2 f.
an increase in the reaction time to 2 h, the density and size of The 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture could be obtained after
the b-FeOOH nanorods significantly increased (Figure 2 b), but the b-FeOOH NRA/G architecture was thermally treated in H2/
the shape of the tips was similar to that obtained at a reaction Ar flow at 280 8C for 3 h. Figure S1 b shows the XRD pattern of
time of 30 min. As the reaction time was prolonged to 6 h, the the product. All the diffraction peaks marked with Miller indi-
tips of the b-FeOOH nanorods changed to a square shape (Fig- ces in the pattern can be indexed to the cubic Fe3O4 phase
ure 2 c) and the diameter and length of the nanorods increased (JCPDS no. 19-0629). No diffraction peaks from b-FeOOH were
to about 90 and 500 nm, respectively. If the reaction time was detected in the product. However, because the patterns of g-

 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2014, 15, 2261 – 2266 2262

Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 are very similar, XRD analysis could not be graphene sheets, as shown in Figure S3. This indicates that
used to determine if g-Fe2O3 was present in the product. X-ray there is a strong bond between graphene and the Fe3O4 nano-
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was therefore used to deter- rods.
mine the difference in the oxidation state of iron. Figure S2 The field dependence of the magnetization for the 3D Fe3O4
shows the Fe 2p core-level XPS spectrum of the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture was measured by using a vibrating sample
nanorod array/G architecture. There are two main peaks locat- magnetometer (VSM) at room temperature, as shown in Fig-
ed at 711 and 725 eV that correspond to Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2, ure S4. Significant hysteresis loops in the M–H curve indicate
respectively. Shakeup satellite peaks as fingerprints of the elec- the ferromagnetic behavior of the 3D architecture (M = mag-
tronic structures of the iron oxides such as hematite or maghe- netization, H = field strength). The saturation magnetization
mite were not identified.[11] This result implies that b-FeOOH (Ms), coercivity (Hc), and retentivity (Mr) were 66.5 emu g1,
was totally transformed into Fe3O4 after thermal treatment. 284.0 Oe, and 21.5 emu g1, respectively. The value of Ms is
The morphology and structure of the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G archi- smaller than the corresponding bulk value (92 emu g1), which
tecture were further investigated by SEM and TEM measure- is attributed to the presence of nonmagnetic graphene in the
ments. The SEM and TEM images (Figure 3 a–c) show that the 3D architecture and the spin disorder on the surface in the
The 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture possesses a special struc-
ture and ferromagnetic properties, and this suggests that it
may have good EM absorption properties.[13, 14] The EM absorp-
tion properties were investigated in terms of the relative com-
plex permittivity (er = e’je’’) and the relative complex permea-
bility (mr = m’jm’’), where e’ and e’’ are real part and imaginary
part of the relative complex permittivity, respectively; m’ and
m’’ are real part and imaginary part of the relative complex per-
meability, respectively. The reflection loss (RL) values were cal-
culated by Equations (1) and (2) at a given frequency and
thickness layer according to the transmit line theory:[15]
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Zin ¼ Z0 mr =er tanh½jð2pfd=cÞ mr er ð1Þ

RL ½dB ¼ 20 logjðZin  Z0 Þ=ðZin þ Z 0 Þj ð2Þ

in which Z0 is the impedance of free space, Zin is the input im-

pedance of the absorber, c is the velocity of the EM wave in
free space, f is the frequency of the EM wave, and d is the
thickness of the absorber. The calculated values of RL for the

Figure 3. Structural characterization of the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture:

a) Top-view SEM image (inset shows a magnified SEM image), b) cross-sec-
tion SEM image, c) TEM image, and d) HRTEM image (inset shows the corre-
sponding SAED pattern).

3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture maintained a morphology that

was similar to that of the 3D b-FeOOH nanorod array/G archi-
tecture; however, a few nanorods lay flat on the surfaces of
the graphene sheets after the thermal treatment. The average
diameter and average length of the Fe3O4 nanorods were close
to those of the b-FeOOH nanorods, as shown in Figure 3 b, c.
Clear lattice fringes are observed in the HRTEM image (Fig-
ure 3 d), which indicates that the Fe3O4 nanorods are of a crystal
nature. The interplanar spacings marked by white lines are
0.488 and 0.298 nm, which correspond to the (111) and (220)
planes of cubic Fe3O4, respectively. The marked diffraction
spots in the SAED pattern (Figure 3 d, inset) correspond to the
(111), (311), and (422) crystalline planes of cubic Fe3O4, and this
reveals the single-crystal nature of the Fe3O4 nanorods. In addi-
tion, even after a long time of strong ultrasonication (30 min.), Figure 4. a) The reflection losses of the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture and
the Fe3O4 nanorods were still anchored on the surface of the b) top-view of a).

 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2014, 15, 2261 – 2266 2263

3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture are shown in Figure 4 and Although both the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture and the
Table S1. All of the minimum RL values were less than 20 dB Fe3O4 nanorods have very close m’ values in the frequency
for the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture with thicknesses and fre- range from 2 to 18 GHz, the m’’ values of the former are much
quencies in the range from 2.36 to 5 mm and from 4.4 to higher than those of the latter in the low frequency range (2–
10.8 GHz, respectively. The absorption bandwidth with a reflec- 8 GHz), as shown in Figure S7. According to this trend,
tion loss less than 20 dB was up to 6.4 GHz. Importantly, the a strong peak for the sample is expected in the low-frequency
minimum RL values were 62, 55, and 53 dB at thicknesses regime (< 2 GHz), which is ascribed to the natural resonance.[19]
of 2.74, 3.16, and 3.66 mm, respectively. Because more than This leads to magnetic tangent loss values (tandm = m’’/m’) that
99 % of the EM wave energy can be attenuated by the absorb- are higher for the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture than for the
er if its RL value is less than 20 dB, the Fe3O4 NRA/G architec- Fe3O4 nanorods in the low frequency range (Figure S9), and
ture exhibits excellent EM absorption properties. However, all therefore, the improved magnetic loss also contributes to the
of the RL values for the pure Fe3O4 nanorods and the graphene enhanced EM absorption performance of the 3D architecture.
were larger than 5 (Figure S5) and 11 dB,[8] respectively. In The enhanced EM absorption properties of the 3D architec-
addition, compared to other Fe3O4 nanostructures, the 3D ture induced by the improved dielectric and magnetic losses is
NRA/G architecture also has better EM absorption properties.[16] related to their special structures, as demonstrated previous-
Moreover, the amount of the 3D architecture added to the ly.[8, 13] On the one hand, the magnetic nanorod arrays grown
wax matrix was only 20 wt %, which is much less than that on both sides of the graphene sheets can decrease the resist-
added for other magnetic nanomaterials. Thus, the 3D Fe3O4 ance of the absorbers. The decreased resistance will lead to an
NRA/G architecture can be used as a lightweight EM absorbing increase in the dielectric loss in terms of Equation (3):
material with excellent EM absorption properties.
To understand the possible microwave absorption mecha- e00 / s=2pe0 f ð3Þ
nism, the relative complex permittivity and permeability of the
3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture and Fe3O4 nanorods were investi- in which s and e0 are the conductivity and the dielectric con-
gated in the frequency range from 2 to 18 GHz, as shown in stant of the absorber at free space, respectively. In this case,
Figures S6 and S7. The real parts of the permittivity for both the Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture can consume a greater amount
the Fe3O4 nanorods and the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture of heat energy that is produced as the absorber is irradiated
show a slight variation at low frequencies ranging from 2 to by the EM wave. On the other hand, as described previously,
10 GHz, but decrease slightly around 12 GHz and remarkably the graphene sheets exhibited weak EM absorption properties
around 15 GHz. The imaginary parts of the permittivity have due to the skin effect, that is, most of incident EM waves are
a weak peak at around 12 GHz and a sharp peak at around reflected by graphene.[6d] As shown in Scheme 1 a, the reflec-
15 GHz for both the Fe3O4 nanorods and the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G tance wave was absorbed by the Fe3O4 nanorod arrays again.
architecture. Because Fe3O4 has a larger electric conductivity If the graphene sheets were absent, the second absorption
than paraffin, upon mixing together the trapped space charge would not occur, as shown in Scheme 1 c. The second absorp-
in the Fe3O4 grain oscillates in the applied alternating-current tion relates to the density of the Fe3O4 nanorod arrays grown
(AC) electric field like a dipole.[17] Such a space charge and clas- on the graphene sheets. Low density will lead to a decrease in
sical orientation polarization results in a dielectric loss peak at the EM absorption properties of the 3D architecture, as shown
around 12 GHz.[17] Another dielectric loss peak around 15 GHz in Scheme 1 b. To verify this, we prepared a 3D architecture
is sharper than the former one, which is likely caused by reso- containing a low density of the Fe3O4 nanorod arrays by the
nance rather than relaxation.[18] The induced interfacial dipoles same process as that shown in the Experimental Section
between Fe3O4 and paraffin similar to the Stern layer in the except the amount of FeCl3·6 H2O added was reduced to 1.0 g.
electrical double layer model contribute to the resonance. De- The SEM image shows that the 3D architecture contains
spite the fact that both the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture and a lower density of Fe3O4 nanorod arrays (Figure S10). Fig-
the Fe3O4 nanorods have a similar variation trend in the per- ure S10 and the inset show that the average length and diam-
mittivity, the dielectric tangent
loss (tande = e’’/e’) values of the
3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture are
in the 0.24–0.34 range, which is
much higher than that of the
pure Fe3O4 nanorods (0.01–0.14,
see Figure S8). Thus, the im-
proved dielectric loss induced by
dipolar polarization, interfacial
polarization, and associated res-
onance phenomena is attributed
Scheme 1. Schematic diagram of the structural effect on the EM absorption of the absorbers: a) 3D architecture
to the enhanced EM absorption
containing a high density of Fe3O4 nanorods, b) 3D architecture containing a relatively low density of Fe3O4 nano-
performance of the 3D architec- rods, and c) the Fe3O4 nanorods without graphene. For simplicity, the reflectance wave between the free space
ture. and the magnetic materials and the transmission wave through graphene are not shown in the scheme.

 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2014, 15, 2261 – 2266 2264

eter of the Fe3O4 nanorods are about 600 and 100 nm, respec- lined stainless steel autoclave with a capacity of 50 mL. The auto-
tively. This product exhibits EM absorption properties that are clave was sealed, maintained at 100 8C for 12 h, and cooled to
inferior to those of the 3D architecture with a high density of room temperature naturally. The precipitate was washed with dis-
tilled water and absolute ethanol several times and then dried in
Fe3O4 nanorod arrays. However, because the second absorp-
vacuum at 40 8C for 12 h. The 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture was ob-
tion still exists (Scheme 1 b), it has better EM absorption prop-
tained by heating the b-FeOOH NRA/G architecture at 280 8C for
erties than the graphene sheets and the pure Fe3O4 nanorods, 3 h under Ar/H2 flow. For comparison, the b-FeOOH nanorods
as shown in Figure S11. Due to the similar sizes of the nano- were also prepared without graphene sheets in the reaction
rods in the two samples, we think that the density of the system under the same conditions as those used for the synthesis
Fe3O4 nanorod arrays on the graphene sheets plays the main of the b-FeOOH NRA/G architecture. The pure Fe3O4 nanorods
role in the EM absorption properties. In addition, the gra- were synthesized after thermal treatment of the b-FeOOH nano-
phene/Fe3O4 nanorod interfaces are advantageous to the im- rods under the same thermal treatment conditions mentioned
above. The morphology and size of the synthesized samples were
provement of the EM absorption properties due to the existing
characterized by using SEM (JEOL-JSM-6700F) and TEM (JEOL
interfacial polarization. These factors mentioned above reveal
2010). The crystal structure of the sample was determined by XRD
that the excellent EM absorption properties of the 3D Fe3O4 D/max 2550 V, CuKa radiation. XPS measurements were performed
NRA/G architecture are a result of these special structural char- by using a spectrometer with MgKa radiation (ESCALAB 250, Ther-
acteristics. mofisher Co.). The EM parameters of the samples (Fe3O4 nanorods,
Notably, a geometrical effect was recently proposed to inter- Fe3O4 NRA/G architecture) were measured with an ANRITSU
pret the EM absorption properties of the absorbers. The geo- 37269D vector network analyzer. The measured samples were pre-
metrical effect occurs as the incident and reflected waves in pared by uniformly mixing 20 wt % of the sample with a paraffin
matrix. The mixture was then pressed into toroidal shaped samples
the absorbers are out of phase by 1808. It is strongly depen-
(fout = 7.00 mm; fin = 3.04 mm).
dent on the thickness (t) of the absorbers [Eq. (4)],[20]

t ¼ nlm =4ðn ¼ 1; 3; 5; :::Þ ð4Þ

in which lm = c/[fm(jmrjjerj) ] and j mr j and j er j are the moduli
of mr and er, respectively. According to the data of RL, the We thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China
values of fm, mr, and er, n can be obtained, as shown in Table S1. (Grant No. 51272050) and the Open Project Program of the Key
All the calculated n values were not or close to odd numbers, Laboratory for Photonic and Electric Band Gap Materials, Ministry
and therefore, the geometric effect does not contribute to the of Education, Harbin Normal University, China, for the financial
excellent EM absorption properties of the 3D Fe3O4 NRA/G ar- support of this research.
Keywords: electromagnetic wave absorption · graphene · iron
oxide · magnetic properties · nanostructures
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 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2014, 15, 2261 – 2266 2266

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