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Real Time Fire Detection

System using CNN

A. P. Siri, 2B. Sumanth,3Dr. J V R Ravindra, 4Dr. R. Sumalatha
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Vardhaman College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kacharam-501218, Hyderabad, India
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*Corresponding Author

Abstract— The necessity for more efficient procedures in fire detection inspection in forests and buildings
is the driving force behind this project. In this research, we offer a system that detects disaster and fire 
automatically. In addition, CNN uses an Arduino-based smart image sensor device. An SMS is sent to the
Fire and Disaster Management Agency when a fire is detected. We suggest a smart Arduino fire detection
sensor simulation that explores the smart sensor inference technique using CNN in order to increase fire
detection probability.
The fire is first recognized by the fire sensor, and when the fire is discovered, the camera takes a photo.
The fire is then detected using trained CNN, and we can send an SMS to a fire station using the GSM
module by taking a picture. Because of its ability to do feature extraction and classification in the same
architecture, Convolution Neural Networks have become popular deep learning approaches. Using several
fire indicators such as flames, smoke, and heat, the system is designed to enable early detection of fire in
residential, commercial, and industrial situations. First, we use color information from video frame input to
extract fire candidate regions, and then we use trained CNN to detect fire.

Keywords— Camera, Computer, fire sensor.

With fast economic expansion, the scale and complexity of structures has grown, posing significant fire-
fighting issues. To limit fire losses, early fire detection and alarm with high sensitivity and accuracy are
required. Forest fires are one of the most dangerous natural disasters, wreaking havoc on the environment,
local communities, economy, and cultural heritage. Furthermore, climate change has increased the incidence
of droughts, heat waves, and dry spells, resulting in a significant rise in fire risk throughout Europe and the
world. As a result, the duration and intensity of the fire season, the area at danger, and the likelihood of
major fires all rise. Human error or a system failure are the most common causes of such disasters, which
result in significant loss of human life and other damage. Each year, fire accidents in Europe damage 10 000
km2 of vegetation zones; in North America and Russia, the damage is estimated to be over 100 000 km2. In
June 2013, fires in Arizona, USA, killed 19 firemen and destroyed 100 homes. Similarly, in August 2013, a
forest fire in California destroyed 1042 km2 of land, resulting in a $127.35 million loss. Fire accidents alone
harmed 494 000 individuals in 2015, resulting in a $3.1 billion damage, according to an annual disaster
report  It is critical to identify flames in order to avoid such disasters we need to have a smart cameras are
using CNN technology to detect fires in their early phases. As people's level of life rises, they focus on
home and warehouse safety, and the need for gas leakage and fire in the room protection grows. 

Furthermore, climate change has increased the frequency of droughts, heat waves, and dry spells, resulting
in a significant increase in fire potential throughout Europe and the world.
As a result, the length and severity of the fire season, the area at risk, and the likelihood of catastrophic fires
all rise. As a result, computer-based early fire warning systems have gotten a lot of attention in the previous
ten years
However, false alarm rates are frequently significant owing to natural items that have similar qualities to
flame, substantial fluctuations in flame appearance, and environmental changes such as clouds, sun, and
light reflections that make fire detection more difficult. As a result, modeling and detection of the chaotic
and complex character of the fire phenomena is a problem in fire detection from digital photos. Smoke
sensors were once employed to detect fires, however they frequently caused false alarms when someone
smoked in the chamber.
Deep learning has made a lot of progress; neural networks can now learn data at several levels of
abstraction and extract characteristics from it automatically   A convolutional neural network (CNN) was
utilised to overcome the constraints of a sensor-based system, inspired by the achievements of deep learning
in the areas of computer vision and image processing. CNN was used to analyze video feeds from a
surveillance camera and send out an alarm if a fire was detected. A camera  unit was added into the system's
design to account for fire detection in large regions, making it easier to interpret photos of flames over large
portions of the installed units. In terms of functionality, most sensor-based systems are restricted. The closer
they are to the flames they tend to detect, the better the detection outcomes; As a result, detecting fires
across large regions using only sensed fire signs like flame, smoke, and heat can be difficult.
Real-time web-based and mobile-based alarm notification systems with image processing  for fires using
Despite the fact that fire detection algorithms based on CNNs have a higher detection accuracy in
complicated scenes than classical algorithms, there are still certain issues. First, existing machine learning
systems treated visual fire detection primarily as a classification job, ignoring the region suggestion step.
The algorithms assign a single class to the entire picture. Smoke and flame barely covered a tiny portion of
the image in the early stages of the fire. Use of the complete picture feature without area proposals will
reduce detection accuracy and delay fire detection and alarm activation if the feature of smoke and flame is
not visible.
To boost the algorithm's capacity to identify early, proposal areas should be identified prior to picture

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