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BSI BSs27S3! ax3222 62 MM VO24uE9 0073732 1 mw BS 2751 & 3222 : 1982 oc o7.708.32-19022 (© British Standards Institution. No part ‘of this publication may be photocopied ‘or otherwise reproduced without the proc permission inverting of BSL Specification for Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber compounds Spécification pour les composts de caoutchouc d’acrylonitrile-butadidne Spezifikation fir Acrylonitril-Butadien-Kautschukstoffe British Standards Institution BsI BS 2751 & 9222 : 1982 Contents Foreword ‘Cooperating organizations Speciicnion 1. Scope 2. References 3. Designation 4. Compesiton & Test saps 1 Physical pronertie an chanical compcxtion of the rulconiced eateial, 7, Freedom from erect and storage Inside front cover Back cover Foreword ‘This British Standard, which has boen prepared under the Part A¥3, uslog ethyl sleohol/ (60, esoling medium “Adhesion to and corrosion af metals: 168 hat 70°C. ‘and the vulcanizates shall Surfaces or thow any sign of liquid exudation. Diseoloration of the metal surfaces shall not be here shall be no corrosion or pitting of the metaia adhare tothe metat Part AZ, method A, using [copper and eartion stool Eleotric strerath, kW per 2.6 mm, min, Surlaca resistivity, 2, min, Volume resistivity, 2 «m, rin, considered cause for rejection F Part G4 lex ro' Part ci Fevers a re een Sictedanermart nea batons nent hia may provide» ‘requirements of tir tender BST BSx27SL: ax3222 62 MH L24L9 0073737 0 mm BS 2751 & 3222 : 1082 Appendix A ‘Guidance for manufacturers and purchasers ‘The physical properties detailed in table 2 apply primarily ‘0 the special press cured sample sheet repreventing each rubber mic, Proposals for reduotd thating ean be rubmitted to the ‘aitomar/eontrester, but should not be adopted until ‘written agreement ts obtained. In the case of Government contracts or subcontracts, the reduced testing procedure of DEF STAN 93-31" ‘Require rants for tne quality assurance of fully eompouriéd Uunwicanized rubber’ Is relevent to Ministry of Detence quality assurance, {tis possibte that some text requirements given in table 2 ‘may nat apply to all rubber itams due 10 the effects of the particular mode of manufacture of the item and the ostible use of noe-standard tests pects and their prepara- ‘on. In theve cases, acceptance levis for the resus ot {ined in these tests should be agreed betwen the pur- chaser and the supaliee at the time of ordaring, *DEF STAN 93.31 1 senate rom he Minty of Orience, Directorate of Stendaration, Fink Avémut How, High Hoon, London WEY BHE. BSI BS=275)1 axgz22 62 MM Lb24bb9 00739738 2 mm AMD 4728 ‘Amendment No; 1 Published and effective fram 29 March 1985. to BS 2781 & 3222: 1982 ‘Specification for acrylonitrile butadiene rubber compounds ve general purpose acer Hurass range 40 IRHD to 80 IRHO- ‘end subetiare the following: [Six peneral purpose 83.7751, scrylonieii tutacions | grades ardnes range |40 IRHD to 80 IRHO* |= Com noc ‘Table 1. Compound designation ‘After tha entry “BA. 80" inaert the following naw entry “BA 30" in the “Designation” eatumn and the corresponding entry "903" In the ‘Marcin after wdesnzation” column. amo e728 Clause 4. Composition Mes 0 {In the second sentence af paragraph 2 dalete ‘(not exceeding 10% by mass of the scrvlonitrile butadiene rubber)’ and sutitute ‘nat axceeding 10 pb. amo 4728 Clause 6.2 Rubber items ‘meh 1008 Deieto tho first sentence and subatitute "Rubber teers shall be made from batches of compound complying with the requirements of 8.1 and shall ato be teited, where possible, for compliance ‘withthe requirements given In table 2" Table 2. Requirements for physical properties of two-thickners test sheets After the olumn headed "DA BY inert few clus headed "BA 80'containing the followicg entries: sguinet ‘Marea, IRD! wy teunst Teralie strength, MPa, min.” 25 ‘against “Elongation at break, "erin." "TOO! ‘sainst ‘Compression set, 24h at 70°C, “25 Smut ‘oninat "Volume change, 27 hat 40"%C, 0° Sms! 35. soainst‘Resictance to low temperature, ‘Temperature, "Cat whlch righty “5° ‘modulus do0s aot exceed 70 MPs" 3-0-1 ate rows, BSI BS*e7Sh? &x3222 62 MH Ub24bL5 0073739 4 mm e ‘Standards publications referred to es 1188" us 1105" (Bs 2762" Bs 3227" Bs 3558" BS 3674 Bs 3734° Bs 4181 13s 6923, Bs e014" Methods of testing vulosnized rubber Pert A1 Determination af deraity Pert AZ Determination of tenuile stresestrein properties Pert AB Determination of compression set after constant strain Pert A12 Oetermination of the stitfneis af valcanised rubbers at lovr temperatures (Gebman test) Pert ATG The restance of wuleanized rubbery to Nuide Part A26 Devermination of harcness Pert AI? Asseasmnt of adhesion to-and corrosion of metals Parts B1 to 5 Preparation af material and extraction methods Parts B11 and B12 Rubber (polymer) determinations Part B14. Determination of carton black Part C1 Datermination of surtach reslativity of inaulating noft vulcanized rubber ond ebonite Part €2 Determination of volume resistivity of insulating toft vuleanized rubber and ebonita Part G4 Datermination of electric strength of inaulating soft wateantzed rubber ancl ebonite ‘Specification for natural ruber compounds (high quality) ‘Specification for natural ruber compounds (high quality) for extrusion Specifieation for chloroprene rubiber compounds ‘Specification for buty! rubber compounds (including halobutyi compounds) Glomsry of terms usec In the rubise industey Recommandations for the worege of vuleanized rubber Specification for dimensional tolersncet of atid moulded and extruded rubber products Mathed for Kdemtification of rubbers Methods for chemical analysis of rubber Part 1 Determination of ash Part 2 EDTA tlirknetric method for determination of zine content of rubber products. ‘Specification tar étivvlene propylene rubber compounds ‘Referred to in the foreword only, BSI BS275)i exaee2 62 mm This Beth Standard having te presi under the direction of (he fates Standards Comenitie, busted under oe ‘Sotmaity of tie Board of st ane come inte effect oa Siu t092, ‘Orivin Sunderes teanstion, 1882 185 267% ft pblabed dune 1988 1853222 frat pulsed Pebrumry 1000 Ft eeiion as BS 2679 8 WS3222 (combines) February 1976 ‘Second revakon ws OS 2671 B88 1222 leone May 1982 105 0 690 12506 x eins Standirde tation. eccrporetd by Moya! Chart, OS te wndepercien ntionel bay forthe areseron of Brith ‘Stemginds ft the UK seme othe Intrational Orposaton or Stiederdlzntion aed UR spertar of the Bin Masons ‘Cemmitiee ofthe interna! Electrotechnical Corin. bn s0140n tothe preparation and promigation of mance, BS otlry peritet tence ncaa the prawn a nformatlon ‘rrouph Ue MSI Libary wd Sten ine Ovibve, Techie! Hap to Experi: and ether ries. ce can be otal from the ‘EnguirySeetion, B31, Milton Keynes MIS GLE, tlpmone ‘8908 721106, lex B2O77P, ‘Sooytight. Urer of Britah Strdards ae rrinded that conyriht ‘nt na B31 pudBeaons. No pert of thm publication many Bs egret any fen without th prot parma in writing oF [G51 Tan oes net recide the free, in the eure of ‘Cooperating organizations The Pdsber Starcars Corsets, unr oe dection this ‘ren kmndrd wet prepared, coma of regrecentnios oem the Srish Amocition of Synthetic Rutber Manufectarer "pean Rasher Manutctuter’ Amociaion| (epsrtmant of bndutryChemealt sd Tetesb Inehutlon of Production Engineer ‘Maleyla FberPredanr Famareh Astsieion Medial Stare Prarats sociation Amendments issued since publication ‘Amd. No, 262469 0073740 0 mm BS 2751 & 3222 : 1982 melange narded, of maenary catate mich a pmb and ‘tre type o pede desgratians Ceeyirs havi be sedan tr ‘be Pubtcntions Manage, 8, Lister Wooc, Mito= Key es IWR BLE, The rue few obama tenuis 0908 720022 ‘se or tele 82877 Contact: eth Staneard oes ot purport 20 Include a tee neceary rorions et acantact. Uae of BHA eandere are repre ov tn correct aot catnn Fevisn of teh Stands, Bet Stance ae rec, en ‘necamary, by the ie lar of enendments oof revel citi Ieiv important tht war of Brita Seared should ascerte tat (hey or in posanin of tha ataatamenamant or eeions. ‘Auvomatic updating wre. BS provides an econcerc, nial etatomtie andar upcaig crc called PLUS. Ovi a ‘nts from OS Eogiry Section # sion evens, eeuhone (oe 221166, be S77 \eteemation on BS! poblicaiona win a BY Crttopoe. smpaiemened each moa th by BS! Nea which lab fe ‘tcraing members ofS and giver Gets of rw pebcators, Fever, areca nd thareen stander. Ary Berson mi ‘nen making we of Orin Standard, encounters es inaccuracy 8 ‘Sebigty, le reqantect 0 moily BSI witout dey in orcas Cat “Tha fooming I reteranan ata tothe work tis andar Commits refrence PLUCIS. Ora for coramiet BT/EOEDO OC "istry of Datence Pasit od Pulsbr retine Petit and Plstcs Reach Asodation of Great Britain Society of Motor Manufacturers an Traders Limited ‘The epesiztions rar with av atari oth ace it ee \Sineceyreoresetud otha Tock! Comite ent usted we ‘Yo preperation 9 fon Mrmah Saree British Standards Institution « 2 Park Street London W1LA 285 - Telephone 01-628 9000 - Telex 266933 705-9021 UCR '2éce B 1GiZ SE 8

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