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Phrase: Combination of words having no subject and predicate.

(ii) in the class

In ii, we have a combination of a preposition, article and noun. This combination has no subject
and predicate, hence, it is a phrase.

There are eight different kinds of phrases:

1. Noun Phrase: A phrase in which a noun is a key or main word i.e a word that can not be
omitted. In A rich boy from Spain, we can not omit boy; it is a noun phrase.

2. Adjective Phrase: A phrase having an adjective as a keyword. For example, in She is

very sharp in solving Physics numericals, very sharp in solving Physics numericals is an
adjective phrase as it carries sharp as a keyword; we can not omit it; we can omit all
other words. She is sharp.

3. Adverb Phrase: Adverb Phrase is a phrase in which an adverb can not be omitted: This
car runs incredibly fast. Fast can not be omitted: This car runs fast.

4. Prepositional Phrase: A preposition along with its complement is a prepositional phrase.

The class is a complement of in because it completes it. A preposition is always followed
by a noun or noun equivalent. In the class is a prepositional phrase. A prepositional
phrase can perform three functions:

A: Adjective: The book on the table is mine. On the table modifies the book, so it is
. functioning as an adjective.

B: Adverb: He is weak in Chemistry, in chemistry modifies weak. Therefore, its . .

……………...function is that of an adverb.

C: Subject of a sentence: In June is when we are free. What is when we are free: In .
…. June
5. Verb Phrase: Verbs along with its helping verbs give us a combination that has no
subject and predicate, and verb is the keyword in it. Have been walking is a verb phrase
in I have been walking since morning, for instance.

6. Infinitive Phrase: If an infinitive whether To, progressive or perfective has other linguistic
material with it, we get infinitive phrases. For example, To help the poor in To help the
poor is my aim is To Infinitive Phrase. In To have qualified the test was a joy, To have
qualified the test is a perfective infinitive phrase.

7. Participle Phrase: Participle is a word that has three features: Adjective function, verb
force and ING/ED form in contrast to gerund where we have Noun function, verb force
and ING form.

Walking is good for health.

Walking is a gerund because it has noun function, verb force and ING form.

Walking shoes

Walking is present participle as it has adjective function, verb force and ING form.

Walked distance

Walked is past participle since it has ED (past participle form) form, verb force and
adjective function. Receiving their tickets, the students entered the theater. Receiving
their tickets modifies the students. The students perform an action; present participle is,
therefore, used. Discouraged by the teacher, the students have no interest in studies.
Discouraged by the teacher modifies the students, and the students received the action.

8. Gerund Phrase: A phrase having a gerund as a word that can not be omitted is a gerund
phrase. Smoking cigarettes in Smoking cigarettes is injurious is a gerund phrase; it has a
gerund that can not be omitted; other material can be omitted. Smoking is injurious.

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