Learning Packet #3: Practical Research 1 Research 92

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Prepared by: Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Week 1: February 15, 2021 – February 19, 2021

Name: ____________________________________ Strand and Section: _____________

Adviser: __________________________________ Date Submitted: ________________

AY 2020 – 2021

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Identifying the Inquiry
3 and Stating the Problem
Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
a. the range of research topics in
b. the value of research in the area of interest
c. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed
Performance Standards:
The learner is able to:
a. formulate clearly statement of research problem
Learning Competencies: The learners…
1.1 designs a research project related to daily life
1.2 writes a research title
1.3 provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
1.4 states research question


Classify the following items in the correct boxes indicated below. Use the given research title
and the number of items indicated in each box as a guide. Exclude items which do not belong to
any of the boxes or are not related to the research title.

Research Title: Investigating the Factors that Influence Softdrink Consumption of High School
Stduents in Indang, Cavite

• Community health officers

• Department of Education
• To determine how softdrink consumption is influenced by the knowledge of its effects
• Examining the food preferences and eating habits of teenagers in Indang, Cavite
• To determine how the family influences softdrink consumption
• Heart disease as the leading cause of death among Filipinos
• High incidence of sugar-related health problems among teenagers
• How softdrinks are manufactured
• Top softdrinks brand in the Philippines
• Increasing incidents of juvenile delinquency
• Increasing softdrink consumption among teenagers
• Law enforcers
• To determine how the media influences softdrink consumption
• School administrators and teacehrs

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

• Senators
• Softdrink consumption as a public health issue
• To determine how religious practices influence softdrink consumption
• Students

Reasons for Doing the Study:

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Specific Research Objectives:

4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________

Primary Beneficiaries of the Study:

7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________


Remember research is about pushing forward to boundaries of human knowledge. If you
don’t know where these boundaries are you cannot decide on an appropriate topic. There is one
place where you can find out about the current limitations in our knowledge, that is where the
boundaries are, and that is in research papers.

Research papers finish with conclusions that describe what has been learnt from the
research but also they often describe what problems still need to be solved. These problems are
the boundaries - things we still need to learn.

Thus research papers show us areas of uncertainly - they show us what would make a
good topic for further research and for our research papers.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• identify the criteria in selecting a research topic
• distinguish a relevant and manageable topic
• determine the components of writing the background of the study and establishing
research gap.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

• create an outline to establish research gap

• state the research questions
• use a clear thesis statement
• align specific research questions with the thesis statement
• understand the role of a central phenomenon in qualitative research.
• align the specific research objectives or questions to the purpose statement/ central



The research topic is an area of interest that you will explore in your study. The following
are the considerations you should make when selecting a research topic.

a. RELEVANCE – a relevant topic addresses the needs of the target audience of the research
b. INTEREST – an interesting topic should be appealing both to your readers and to you as a
c. MANAGEABILITY – a manageable topic can be explored within your abilities and a certain
time limit. Furthermore, this topic is neither too broad or too narrow.
d. AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES – this refers to the accessibility of financial resources,
references, and human resources required for the completion of the research.

Aside from the given criteria, there are other things that you should consider in selecting your
research topic. For example, avoid overly recent topics because there might not be enough
references about them. Avoid also, highly technical and specialized topics. These topics may be
harder for you to investigate; reserve these for experts and experienced researchers. Lastly,
Refrain from choosing highly sensitive or controversial topics as they may be considered
distasteful by certain group of readers.

Once you have chosen your research topic, craft it in a way that it becomes neither too broad
or too specific. A topic should be broad enough to let you utilize a number of relevant materials,
that will make your paper comprehensive. However, it should also be narrow enough to have
focus and to address time constraints.

One indication that your topic is too broad is if you can generate an almost unlimited number
of specific research questions. On the other hand, your topic is too narrow if you cannot generate
a sufficient number of specific research questions, or if the resulting questions are already too
specific that they no longer need researching anymore.

If you do not know what specific research topic, idea, question, or issue you want to research,
first go through the following steps:
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

STEP 1: Identify a broad field or subject area of interest to you.

• Ask yourself, ‘What is it that really interests me as a student?’ It is a good idea to think about
the field in which you would like to work in. This will help you to find an interesting topic, and
one which may be of use to you in the future.
• For example, if you are a HUMSS student, inclined to work in the area of youth welfare,
refugees or domestic violence after graduation, you might take toresearch in one of these
areas. Or if you are an ABM student you might be interested in researching consumer
behaviour.Or, as a STEM student interested in public health, intending to work with patients
who have HIV/AIDS, you might like to conduct research on a subject area relating to HIV/AIDS.
As far as the research journey goes, these are the broad research areas. It is imperative
thatyou identify one of interest to you before undertaking your research journey.

STEP 2: Dissect the broad area into sub-areas.

• At the onset, you will realise that all the broad areas mentioned above – youth
welfare,refugees, domestic violence, consumer behaviour and HIV/AIDS – have many aspects.
• Similarly, you can select any subject area from other fields such as community health or
consumer research and go throughthis dissection process. In preparing this list of sub-areas
you should also consult others who have some knowledge of the area and the literature in
your subject area. Once you have developed an exhaustive list of the subareas from various
sources, youproceed to the next stage where you select what will become the basis of your
• See illustration below as an example of dissecting broad areas into sub-areas:

Source: Kumar, R. (2011). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: a step-by-step guide for beginners. SAGE
Publications Ltd.: City Road London

STEP 3: Select what is of most interest to you.

• It is neither advisable nor feasible to study all subareas. Out of this list, select issues or sub-
areas about which you are passionate. This is because your interest should be the most
important determinant for selection,even though there are other considerations.
• One way to decide what interests you most is to start with the process of elimination. Go
through your listand delete all those subareas in which you are not very interested. You will

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

find that towards the end of this process, it willbecome very difficult for you to delete
anything further. You need to continue until you are left with something that
ismanageable considering the time available to you, your level of expertise and other
resources needed to undertake the study.Once you are confident that you have selected an
issue you are passionate about and can manage, you are ready to go to the next step.

STEP 4: Raise research questions.

• At this step ask yourself, ‘What is it that I want to find out about in this sub-area?’ Make a list
of whatever questions come to your mind relating to your chosen sub-area and if you think
there are too many to be manageable,go through the process of elimination, as you did in
Step 3.

STEP 5: Formulate objectives.

• Both your main objectives and your sub-objectives now need to be formulated, which grow
out of your research questions. The main difference between objectives and research
questions is the way in which they are written.
• Research questions are obviously that – questions. Objectives transform these questions into
behavioural aims by using action-oriented words such as ‘to find out’, ‘to determine’, ‘to
ascertain’ and ‘to examine’. Some researchers prefer to reverse theprocess; that is, they start
from objectives and formulate research questions from them. Some researchers are satisfied
only with research questions, and do not formulate objectives at all. If you prefer to have only
research questions or only objectives,this is fine, but keep in mind the requirements of
your institution for research proposal

STEP 6: Assess your objectives.

• Now examine your objectives to ascertain the feasibility of achieving them through your
researchendeavour. Consider them in the light of the time, resources (financial and human)
and technical expertise at your disposal.

STEP 7: Double-check.
• Go back and give final consideration to whether or not you are sufficiently interested in the
study, and haveadequate resources to undertake it. Ask yourself, ‘Am I really enthusiastic
about this study?’ and ‘Do I really have enough resources to undertake it?’. Answer these
questions thoughtfully and realistically. If your answer to one of them is ‘no’, reassess
your objectives.

Before writing any paper, you need to show the relevance of your study. You need to
establish the reason why your study should be conducted, and the context in which your study is
situated. This can be done through presenting the background of the study. This section describes
the current state of your field of study and the issues that compelled you to undertake your

Here are the five (5) components of the background of the study:

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

1. Description of the current state of the field.

• State that the general area where your study belongs currently remains a significant area of
research, and continues to be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and leaders in the field.
STUDY: Facebook-based e-portfolios in writing classrooms
Point out that this is a highly significant area of research in the field of information and
communication technology (ICT) and education.

2. Statement of the problem (description of the issues that will be addressed by the study)
• The research problem refers to the particular issue which you will address in your study as
well as the specific area of concern of the research. It states what is to be investigated,
identifies the variables in your study, and discusses their relationships.
• Sample potential research problem: More and more students spend majority of their time
on social media applications particularly Facebook for leisure.
• Sample potential research problem: The hesitation to consult with a doctor despite
experiencing chronic health problems. More and more patients are self-medicating and
relying on an albularyo instead of going to clinics and hospitals
• Here are some steps that you can follow in identifying your research problem.
Note: These steps can also be used in narrowing down your topic.

a. IDENTIFY YOUR AREA OF INTEREST: This may be science and technology, engineering,
education, arts and humanities, sports, business, politics, or the environment.

b. CONDUCT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH: Conducting preliminary research provides you initial

information about your research topic. Determine the kind of sources you will use.
i. PRIMARY SOURCES: Direct and first-hand evidence about a phenomenon. These
include legal documents, audio or video recordings, interview transcripts, and
survey results.

ii. SECONDARY SOURCES: Interpret, describe, evaluate, or summarize data from

primary sources. Sources include online sources since some of them might not be
reliable. The following online sources are considered reliable:
Websites that end in .edu(educational institutions), .mil(military organizations),
and .gov(government websites), and Google Scholar

iii. OTHER SOURCES: You may also consult with experts, use your personal
experiences, read previous research and related literature, and survey present
social issues.

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

c. CREATE A CONCEPT MAP: concept mapping is a technique where visuals and graphics are
used for generating ideas.
• Doing this will help you create a
visual representation of the ideas
related to your general research
• It will then help you determine the
specific area you will focus on.
• Example:

After identifying your research problem, you

now have to state it and establish its place in
your study. This is the function of the
statement of the problem or the problem

The problem statement formally points out the issue that your study wants to address. A good
problem statement does not only identify the problem in the study but also answers the question
‘Why is the problem worthy of being investigated?’. The statement of the problem includes the
following components:
• clear explanation of the problem and its causes
• evidence that supports the existence of the identified problem
• definition of concepts relevant to the problem

• Qualitative research primarily employs inductive reasoning so the research problem is
reformulated several times after you have begun data collection.
• To maintain flexibility, openness and freedom to include new ideas or exclude any aspect
that you initially included but later considered to be irrelevant, at the initial stage the
qualitative researcher only identify the main thrust of the study and some specific aspects
which the researcher want to find out about

3. Description of the current practices and conventions

• Explain the current practices used by the researchers, practitioners, or authorities in your
field, specifically in relation to your study.
• Example Study: “Facebook-based e-portfolios in writing classrooms”
• You may cite the following as current practices in the use of ICT in classes:
o The use of social networking services (SNS) for general and educational purposes
o The use of Facebook for educational purposes
o The use of traditional types of writing portfolios

4. Research Gap
• The research gap refers to an issue or area in your field of study that has yet to be addressed
or explored extensively.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

• In discussing the research gap, include the following:

▪ state that the current practices and conventions in your field of study have not addressed
other areas related to the issue or topic you are researching on.
▪ You may also state that these practices have failed to provide conclusive findings
regarding your topic.
▪ Explain the need to address this issue or gap you have identified.
Make sure that the research gap you identified is relevant at present. Otherwise, you cannot
provide a convincing justification for your research.

• Using the example study: “Facebook-based e-portfolios in writing classrooms”, you can say
that there are a very limited number of studies on the use of this social networking site in
English classes. You can also say that there are few studies on the use of Facebook for creating

5. Your current study

• Show how your study fills the research gap you have identified.
• For instance, you may say that your study offers a new methodology, approach, or solution
to the issue. Your study may also propose a new theory.
When writing this section, define the terms or concepts that are mentioned for the first time.
You may define concepts informally or formally. When defining concepts informally, you
provide the definition in parentheses. When you define concepts formally, you provide the
definition in a separate sentence.

Another point to remember is to refrain from using “neglected” or “failed” when establishing
the research gap. Instead, you may use the following phrase:
“While the study of Author X explores the area of ______, the current study focuses on

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING! Before you proceed on the next topic…

Answer “Let’s Practice #1” of your module. Indicate your answers on the
attached Worksheet.

Answer “Let’s Practice #3” of your module. Indicate your answers on the
STATING THE attached
The general research question is the question form of the focused topic of your study.
You may have more than one version of the general research question. However, not all of them
can be used for research purposes.
For example, the researcher’s chosen focused topic is “impact of heavy traffic”. The
researcher can transform it into the following question forms:
1. Who are affected by heavy traffic in Metro Manila?
2. Which aspect of life is most affected by heavy traffic in Metro Manila?
3. What are the effects of heavy traffic in Metro Manila?

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

4. How does heavy traffic impact senior high school students in Metro Manila?

Which among the four (4) questions cannot be used as the researcher’s general
research questions?

As you can see, questions 1 and 2 cannot be used as general research questions because
they do not even require research to be answered. While question 3 is a viable candidate, it only
requires you to enumerate answers and does not require in-depth investigation. Of the four
questions, only question 4 is the most viable general research question because it allows the
researcher to create sub-questions that can be answered exhaustively.

How Do You Formulate A Good Research Question?

Choose a general topic of interest, and conduct preliminary research on this topic in
current periodicals and journals to see what research has already been done. This will help
determine what kinds of questions the topic generates.

Once you have conducted preliminary research, consider: Who is the audience? Is it an
academic essay, or will it be read by a more general public? Once you have conducted preliminary
research, start asking open-ended “How?” “What?” and Why?” questions. Then evaluate possible
responses to those questions.


For instance, you want to focus on social networking sites. After reading current
research, you want to examine to what degree social networking sites are harmful.
What possible question can you generate?
Possible Question: Why are social networking sites harmful?

Evaluate the given possible question above. Is the question clear? How can we
improve this research question?

An evaluation of this question reveals that the question is unclear: it does not specify
which social networking sites or state what harm is being caused. Moreover, this question takes
as a given that this “harm” exists. A clearer question would be the following:

Revised Question: How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on such social
networking sites as Facebook and Twitter?

This version not only specifies the sites (Facebook and Twitter), but also the type of harm
(privacy issues) and who is harmed (online users).


The thesis statement is a one-sentence answer to the general research question. It is the
central idea of your research and serves as a road map for your paper.

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

The following is an example of a general research question and the thesis statement that
can be derived from it:

General Research Question:

How does heavy traffic impact senior high school students in Metro Manila?

Thesis Statement:
Heavy traffic impacts senior high school students in Metro Manila psychologically,
financially, and academically.

Your thesis statement is appropriate for research if your reader’s first response to it is
“how?” or “why?” If your readers give these responses, it means that your thesis statement allows
for an in-depth exploration of the topic and details you wish to investigate.

A thesis statement contains one subject and two or more details. These details may be
explicitly stated in the sentence or they can be implied.

The following are examples of thesis statements that use explicit and implicit details,

Heavy traffic impacts the senior high school students psychologically, financially, and

Heavy traffic impacts the senior high school students in several ways.

The subject in both thesis statements is “heavy traffic”. While the first example details
the specific impact of heavy traffic, the second example only uses a phrase that suggests the
existence of heavy traffic. This is why explicitly stated details are favored more when writing a
thesis statement. They can serve as a guide in writing specific research questions.


After drafting your tehsis statement, it is now time to to write your specific research
questions. To create specific research questions, come up with a question for each detail of your
thesis statement. See example below:

THESIS STATEMENT: “Heavy traffic impacts senior high school students in Metro Manila
psychologically, financially, and academically.”


1. How does heavy traffic impacts senior high school students in Metro Manila
2. How does heavy traffic impacts senior high school students in Metro Manila financially?
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

3. How does heavy traffic impacts senior high school students in Metro Manila academically?



Common way to word specific research Process involved in a phenomena
• WHAT HAPPENED? Understanding implications
Describe a phenomena.

Meanwhile, related to the specific research questions are the research objectives. These state
the intentions of the study and are written in the declarative form.

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING! Before you proceed on the next topic…

Answer “Let’s Practice #2 Test I” of your module. Indicate your answers on
the attached Worksheet.

Answer “Let’s Practice #3” of your module. Indicate your answers on the
attached Worksheet.
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: From Problem Statement to Research Questions
Unlike quantitative research, qualitative is more open ended. This means, it is descriptive
(answers the question “What happened?”), interpretive (answers the question “What was the
meaning to people of what happened?”), and process oriented (answers the question “What
happened over time?”). A comparison between quantitative research and qualitative research in
terms of their method of inquiry is illustrated below:


The Purpose Statement

It provides the major objective or intent, or “road map” to the study.
Elements of the Purpose Statement
a. A single sentence
b. A statement such as, “The purpose of this study . . . ”
c. A statement identifying the type of qualitative design
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

d. Qualitative words (e.g., “explore,” “understand,” “discover”)

▪ NARRATIVE STUDIES: “Understand experiences…”
▪ GROUNDED THEORY: “Generate…”
▪ ALL DESIGNS: “Discover…”
e. The central phenomenon
f. The participants - an individual (narrative/case study); several individuals (grounded theory:
40 – 60, phenomenology: up to 10); group (ethnography)
g. The site/ program/ activity/ place ( only if it is a case study)

Sample Purpose Statement

“The purpose of this _____________________ (narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory,
ethnographic, case) study is (was, will be) to ________________ (understand, describe, develop,
discover) the ________________ (central phenomenon) for ___________ (participants) at
___________ (the site). At this stage in the research, the ______________ (central phenomenon)
will be generally defined as __________ (a general definition of the central concept)”.

Sample Purpose Statement (According to Qualitative Approach/Design)

The author describes and analyzes the processes of eliciting the life history of a man with mental
retardation. (Angrosino, 1994, p.14)

The present study was designed to explore the beliefs, attitudes, and needs that current and
expectant adolescent fathers and young men who are fathers of children born to adolescent
mothers have regarding their role as father. (Lemay, Cashman, Elfenbein, & Felice, 2010, p. 222

The purpose of this study was to understand the process a person experiences in creating a
leadership identity. (Komives, Owen, Longerbeam, Mainela, & Osteen, 2005, p.594)

This examines how the work and the talk of stadium employees reinforce certain meanings of
baseball in society, and it reveals how the work and the talk create and maintain ballpark culture.
(Trujillo, 1992, p. 351)

The purpose of this study was to describe the ways in which three urban elementary schools, in
partnership with a local, publicly funded multi-purpose university, used a similar array of material
and human resources to improve their integration of technology. (Staples, Pugach, & Himes, 2005,
p. 287)


Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Here are the guidelines in formulating qualitative research questions:

1. Ask only a few general questions [no Yes/No questions] to permit participants to share
information with you.
2. Ask questions that are neutral exploratory language that does not convey conclusions you
3. Design and write 2 question types: Central Questions and Sub-Questions
4. Questions often change between the Concept Paper and Proposal Stage - this is a “living”


The CENTRAL QUESTION restates the purpose of the study in more
specific terms and typically start with “how” or “what” to explore a
central phenomenon. It is the overarching question you explore in the
research study. These questions are open-ended and evolving.

Central Question Guidelines

1. Begin with “How” or “What”. Avoid “Why”[this is a quantitative
term that implies cause and effect]
2. List the central phenomenon you plan to explore
3. Identify the participants and research site

Qualitative Central Question Script:

(participants) at/in ______________
(the central phenomenon) of/for______________
What is ________________________ (research site) ?

Qualitative Central Question Examples:

▪ What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction of hourly workers at Staples?
▪ What is the process of the curriculum committee in making decisions about courses?
▪ How does a President’s leadership style impact employee engagement at Saint Leo’s
▪ How will establishing a community advisory committee impact giving by senior citizens in
Orlando, Florida?
▪ How will computer-assisted instruction (CAI) impact the reading achievement of at-risk third
grade students at six elementary schools in Las Vegas, Nevada?

SAMPLE CENTRAL QUESTIONS (According to Qualitative Approach/Design)

What are the conflicting stories of ethnic identity that Ai Mei experienced in her school, with her
peers, and with her family?
What meaning do 41 men and 17 women with a diagnosis of AIDS ascribe to their illness?

What behavioural process theory explains the integration of physical activity into the lifestyle of
15 African American Women?
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

What are the core values of the straight edge movement, and how do the members construct and
understand their subjective experiences of being a part of subculture?

What was the campus response to the gunman incident at the Midwestern University?


There are three types of subquestions:
1. Issue subquestions: Narrow the focus of the central question
into specific issues.
2. Procedural subquestions: Indicate the steps to be used in
analyzing the data in a qualitative study.
3. Interview questions are asked during your interview and are
based on your subquestions and central question.

Sub-QuestionGuidelines (Same as for the Central Question but are

more specific)

Qualitative Sub-Question Script:

(participants-optional) at/in
(the central phenomenon) of/for___________________
What is ________________________
(research site-optional)

Qualitative Central Question Examples

Central Question: What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction of hourly workers
at Staples?
Procedural Sub-Questions:
▪ Who are the store managers? ▪ How does their interaction differ
▪ What are their qualifications? between full-and part-time employees?
▪ How do they interact with hourly ▪ How does their interaction differ
employees? between day and evening employees?
Issue Sub-Questions:
▪ When do hourly workers become aware of being dissatisfied?
▪ What is the difficulty that managers have in determining hourly worker satisfaction?


1. State a small number of subquestions to further refine the central question.
2. Consider the sub-questions as a means of subdividing the central question into several parts.
3. Write the subquestions to bein with “how” or “what” words in a similar manner as the central
4. Keep the subquestions open-ended like the central question.
5. Use the sub-questions to form the core questions asked during the data collection, such as in
the interviews or in the observations.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

▪ Notice that the sub-questions will now help you formulate the questions you would ask on a
survey or instructured interviews, because these are the procedures and issues that you will
need clarified to answer the central question.
▪ Your Purpose Statement and Research Questions are as closely bound together.
▪ Only when you get a good purpose statement or statements can you then formulate the set
of research questions that must be answered to achieve the purpose of your study.
▪ How many Research Questions should you have in your list? There should be 3-5 questions.
▪ The more questions there are the more the difficult the study.
▪ Kern’s Rule: If you have more than 5 or 6 questions, narrow the purpose further.


What does it mean (to practitioners) to be a profesional teacher?
What do professional teachers do?
What don’t professional teachers do?
What does a person do who exemplifies the term teacher professionalism?
How or when did you first become aware of being professional?

What is the theory that explains the change process in the revision of general education curricula
on three college campuses?
How does the chief academic officer participate in the process on each campus?

What was the campus response to the gunman incident at the Midwestern University?
How did the administration respond? How did the students who were not in the
How did the counselors respond? room with the gunman respond?

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING! Before you proceed on the next topic…

Answer “Let’s Practice #2 Test II and III” of your module. Indicate your
answers on the attached Worksheet.

Answer “Let’s Practice #3” of your module. Indicate your answers on the
attached Worksheet.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Reflect on what you have learned from this lesson by answering the following questions
in at least 3 sentences. Indicate your answers on the worksheet provided.

1. What were your misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up this lesson?
2. What skills and knowledge have you learned in the lesson?
3. How has this lesson help you in designing a research project related to everyday life?



I. Read and understand the sample paragraph discussing the background of the study.
Determine which sentences represent the five components of establishing the
background of the study. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.

The looming economic crisis in the Philippine has been a major concern of small,
medium, and large companies. Since small and medium enterprises (SMEs) cover a
great portion of our economy, they are confronting pressure in helping the Philippine
economy recover from its current condition. The impact of SMEs on the Philippine
economy has been widely investigated; however, results obtained from various studies
are contradictory and inconclusive. Moreover, most of these studies were quantitative.
Thus, this study sought to address the gap by examining the impact of SMEs on
Philippine economy using qualitative approach.

1. Current state of the field:


2. Statement of the problem:


3. Description of current practices and conventions used in addressing the issue:

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

4. Research gap

5. Your current study


I. Put a check mark before the thesis statements that are appropriate for research.
Revise the thesis statement if it is not properly written (transform thesis
statements with implicit details by adding explicit details). Write your revision on
the space provided below the number. Write your answers on the worksheet

______ 1. The sleeping habits of digital natives differ from one another.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 2. Cebu is a great tourist destination.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 3. Social networking sites should be banned in school.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 4. Playing online games increases health risks among children.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 5. The academic performance of student-athletes is influenced by social, financial, and
______ personal factors.
____d ________________________________________________________________________

II. Using the given thesis statement, be able to formulate a general research question
and related specific questions. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.

Thesis Statement: Unemployment has several impacts on individuals

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

General Research Question: ________________________________________________

Specific Research Questions: ________________________________________________

III. Read and understand the given Research Problem. Be able to use the research
problem to formulate the purpose of the study (purpose statement), Central
Questions, and Sub-Questions. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.

The Research Problem

Live online sessions may be delivered in virtual classrooms from Adobe Connect, Elluminate,
GoToMeeting, Wimba, GoogleMeet, Zoom or other software programs. Regardless of the
software used, student attendance at live online sessions, especially optional ones, can be
unpredictable at best. It is a common complaint among the online faculty at a university in
the south that many, oftentimes most, of their students do not attend the live online
sessions. This study will explore the problem of low student attendance at non-mandatory
virtual classroom meetings in online college courses.

Purpose of the Study (Purpose Statement):


Central Question:


Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Subject: Practical Research 1 (RESEARCH 92)

Instructor: Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Name of Student: __________________________ Class/Yr. Section: ____________
Contact No.:_______________________________ Date of Submission:___________


Reasons for Doing the Study:

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Specific Research Objectives:

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Primary Beneficiaries of the Study:

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Reflect on what you have learned from this lesson by answering the following questions in at
least 3 sentences. Indicate your answers on the worksheet provided.
1. What were your misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up this lesson?
2. What skills and knowledge have you learned in the lesson?
3. How has this lesson help you in designing a research project related to everyday life?

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Write your answer here to “LET’S REFLECT questions on the space below:


I. Read and understand the sample paragraph discussing the background of the study.
Determine which sentences represent the five components of establishing the
background of the study.

1. Current state of the field:


2. Statement of the problem:


3. Description of current practices and conventions used in addressing the issue:

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

4. Research gap

5. Your current study


I. Put a check mark before the thesis statements that are appropriate for research. Revise
the thesis statement if it is not properly written (transform thesis statements with implicit
details by adding explicit details). Write your revision on the space provided below the

______ 1. The sleeping habits of digital natives differ from one another.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 2. Cebu is a great tourist destination.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 3. Social networking sites should be banned in school.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 4. Playing online games increases health risks among children.
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ 5. The academic performance of student-athletes is influenced by social, financial, and
______ personal factors.
____d ________________________________________________________________________

II. Using the given thesis statement, be able to formulate a general research question and
related specific questions. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.

Thesis Statement: Unemployment has several impacts on individuals

General Research Question:

Specific Research Questions:

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

III. Read and understand the given Research Problem. Be able to use the research
problem to formulate the purpose of the study (purpose statement), Central
Questions, and Sub-Questions. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.

The Research Problem

Live online sessions may be delivered in virtual classrooms from Adobe Connect, Elluminate,
GoToMeeting, Wimba, GoogleMeet, Zoom or other software programs. Regardless of the
software used, student attendance at live online sessions, especially optional ones, can be
unpredictable at best. It is a common complaint among the online faculty at a university in
the south that many, oftentimes most, of their students do not attend the live online
sessions. This study will explore the problem of low student attendance at non-mandatory
virtual classroom meetings in online college courses.

Purpose of the Study (Purpose Statement):

Central Question:


Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Subject: Practical Research 1 (RESEARCH 92)

Instructor: Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
WRITING WORKSHOP #1: Selecting a Research Topic

Name of Student: __________________________ Class/Yr. Section: ____________

Contact No.:_______________________________ Date of Submission:___________

Workshop - A. From the given list, encircle/highlight one general topic that interests you.
Peace and
Energy Foreign Affairs Public Infrastructure
Environment and Labor and
Agriculture Health
Natural Resources Employment
Education Science and
Finance Law and Justice
Business and Transportation and Politics and
Economy Communication Governances

Workshop - B. Conduct preliminary research on your chosen general topic. You may use 5 or more
combined library and online resources (preferably qualitative researches conducted on
your chosen general topic).
1. List the title and author of your references as well as the dates they were published.
2. Write down or take note of the abstract of the online resources (qualitative researches) you
have found.
3. Use a separate sheet of paper (preferably short-sized bond paper) for your answers.
4. Your answers can be hand-written or type-written and printed.
5. See example table below as basis of how you will organize your answers. You may add more
rows on the table if you have more than 5 sources.

Item Title of Qualitative Research,

Abstract of the Research
Author, and Date Published

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Workshop - C. Base on the preliminary research you have conducted, identify at least 5 specific issues
under your chosen general research topic.

1. Prepare a concept map for your focused topic, up to the cluster levels to show the
relationship among your general topic and
identified specific issues.
2. You can refer to the sample concept maps at the
right as basis.
3. From your concept map, select your focused
research topic and formulate a general research
question as well as the related specific questions.
4. Use a separate sheet for your output. Your
answers can be hand-written or type-written and
5. See attached rubric, on how your work will be
6. Use the guide below in organizing your answers:

Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Subject: Practical Research 1 (RESEARCH 92)

Instructor: Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
WRITING WORKSHOP #1: Selecting a Research Topic

Name of Student: __________________________ Class/Yr. Section: ____________

Contact No.:_______________________________ Date of Submission:___________







Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

Relevance and Interest The topic addresses the needs of the
target audience of the research
10 pts
paper and appealing both to the
readers and the researcher.
Manageability The topic can be explored within
your abilities and a certain time limit.
10 pts
The topic is neither broad nor
Appropriateness and The visual representation generated
Relevance to the ideas related to the general topic
Concept Map and helped the group in determining 15 points
the specific area of interest to focus
Alignment of Focused Focused topic, general research
Topic, General Research question, and specific research
15 points
Questions, and Specific questions shows connection.
Research Questions
TOTAL SCORE 50 points


Barrot, J. S. (2018). Practical Research 1 For Senior High School. C & E Publishing Inc.:
Quezon City, Philippines

Kendal, S. (2015). How to Write a Research Paper. Simon Kendal & bookboon.com ISBN

Kumar, R. (2011). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: a step-by-step guide for beginners. SAGE

Publications Ltd.: 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP

Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. A Division of Guilford

Publications, Inc.: 370 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10001

NOTE: When submitting your Learning Packets, return only the following:
1. The Cover Page of your Learning Packet (with necessary information filled
2. Worksheet with answers
3. Performance Task Instruction Sheet (with your name)
4. Separate Sheet of Paper (with your name and section) for your answers to
Practical Research 1 Performance Task No. 1 Workshop A, B, and C
Learning Packet #3
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT

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